The Boys Next Door: An MFM Menage Romance

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The Boys Next Door: An MFM Menage Romance Page 18

by Miranda Silver

  “Ten minutes to do whatever me and Brendan say.” That reckless grin was back on his face.

  “Hey,” Diana protested. “That wasn’t part of the—“

  But muscled arms wrapped around her now. Palms ran up and down her back, catching on the clinging material of her dress. Her head swam.

  Ian was touching her in public, in a way no one would ever mistake for big-brotherly, and the openness of it sent shudders down her body. People were in motion all around them, jostling. A large hand cupped her ass, squeezing the roundness and pulling her closer.

  “Ian—“ she gasped.

  But at the same time, she was waking up to his rhythm, without even thinking about it. Moving with him. Responding to the music. Pulling him closer, exploring his broad back through that black shirt, digging her fingers into solid muscle when a slap on her ass made her jump. And his hands all over her back, fondling and pinching everywhere they went, were tame compared to some of the grinding couples and groups on the dance floor. Heat spread through her body.

  Over his shoulder, she saw a shape that looked like Brendan up at the bar, chatting with all the bartenders. Then he was back, three drinks in hand and his dimples showing. Diana tried to point to the black X on her hand — there was no point in talking over the music — but he just grinned and offered her the biggest glass.

  It had to be the sweetest, fruitiest drink imaginable. Orange slices, maraschino cherries, bubbles — you almost couldn’t tell it had alcohol, but she guessed it had plenty. Hard to believe that Brendan had convinced the bartenders it was for him, but she had a feeling Brendan could convince anyone of anything.

  She gulped the cold liquid, ice meeting her lips and carbonation stinging her tongue. Out of the corner of her eye, each twin knocked back a shot, their heads tipping back with identical movements.

  “Slow down, Di.” Brendan rubbed her arm as she swallowed another mouthful. “Just take your time. We’ve got all night.”

  But she didn’t want to take her time. She drained the glass, pulled the cherry off its stem with her teeth, and let the sweet burn flood her mouth. Then she reached out both hands to the twins.

  The floor was sticky with cheap beer, the air smelled like pot, the room was a primal swamp of heat and people. Her hips were actually swiveling to the beat of the music. The fat horns, dirty guitars and thunking drums sent waves of urgency through her body.

  And right out in the open, without knowing when it happened, she was sandwiched between muscled males. Brendan must have taken the three glasses away, but she hadn’t even noticed. The twins were dancing — no, grinding on her. Jesus, they were so close to her, both of them, and they weren’t making any secret about it.

  A solid chest anchored her back. Warm hands closed over her waist. Brendan said something in her ear from behind, or maybe he was singing along with the music — she really couldn’t tell, because her full breasts kept nuzzling Ian’s chest, her nipples rubbing inescapably against his firm pecs through that black muscle tee. More hands squeezed the flare of her hips, pinching her flesh possessively.

  And oh God, both of them were rubbing their crotches on her soft curves, the obvious bulges arousing her so she could hardly breathe.

  “You guys—“ she panted. “We’re in public.”

  “You agreed, baby.” Ian bit her earlobe, and she jerked with excitement against the hard bodies closing her in. “Ten minutes to do things our way.”

  Her face was flaming, her whole body was on fire, and the twins — no, the three of them were putting on a total show, and now she was getting as into it as they were. No one noticed anyway, right? No one else cared. The room was dark, the air was thick with sweat and perfume and body odor, and everyone was in motion.

  “You’ve worked so hard, haven’t you, Di?” Brendan’s voice caressed her ear. Her neck was damp with sweat. When she wriggled against him, excitement sparking her skin, he pulled her even closer, his thick erection pressing firmly above the curve of her ass. She moaned softly. “Just have fun tonight. We’re right here. It’s your time to blow off some steam.”

  Steam was right. The room already felt ten degrees hotter than when she’d walked in with the twins. Swampy beats pulsed through the floor. The dance floor crackled with the energy of a hundred bodies.

  She was aware of sudden emptiness behind her, saw Brendan up at the bar again, felt Ian pull her tightly against him. God, it was so hot to rub up against him like this in the middle of a jumping room, feel the masses of people jostling them, breathe with him. But she could barely move, and now she wanted to move.

  “I need some space,” she shouted in Ian’s ear.

  He looked startled. “To do what?”

  “To dance.”

  She wasn’t worried now, she wasn’t scared, she didn’t give a shit what other people thought. She’d left her box. She didn’t have to be Diana Cooper, her face buried in a book, valedictorian of her senior class. That wasn’t bad, she was damn proud of her hard work, but her gyrating hips, her bouncing breasts, her thrusting pelvis — yes, she was thrusting against Ian’s groin, hard, her whole body aware of the firm bulge in his jeans, and he was grunting in pleased surprise and thrusting right back — those belonged to the girl who starred in her fantasies: hot, confident, strutting, all about pleasure.

  “Look at you, baby.” As overheated as she was, Ian’s little smile sent a shiver through her body. “I knew you could do this.”

  Her hand closed around another glass, dripping with condensation. Brendan was back, brushing her damp hair off her neck, saying something above her head to Ian that she couldn’t make out as she sucked down the cold drink in her hand. The twins were on their second round too — no. Their third. Those were two shots they’d each knocked back just now.

  No way should she try to keep up with them. Either one could drink her under the table in three seconds. But she’d always wanted to keep up with the twins, hadn’t she? Ten minutes were definitely up, but she had no intention of leaving now.

  The room spun around her and stopped on Ian’s crooked grin. He cupped her head and pulled her close.

  “Want to have even more fun?”

  “Is that possible?” she shouted.

  Ian’s hand disappeared into his pocket, then reappeared. Two neat halves of a red circle sat in his palm.

  “What is that?” Diana’s heart thumped in her chest. This wasn’t ice cream, or anything close. It wasn’t spiders in the bed. It wasn’t even pot in Marissa’s backyard. Her whole body vibrated, the bass shaking her bones.

  “Find out with me.” Ian tossed one half into his mouth.

  Brendan squeezed her bare shoulders. “Want to try?” His low voice tickled her other ear. “I’m not doing any tonight. I’ll keep an eye on you.”

  And Ian was murmuring, “It won’t mess you up, baby.” His hand on her back was as reassuring as his brother’s. “It’s nothing hard, Diana. Just like what you smoked on Wednesday, except this’ll get you more up and last longer. I guarantee it’s good.”

  What the hell. The past two weeks had gotten crazier and crazier. Why stop now? Why let Ian go somewhere without her?

  “You won’t let anything happen?” She had to shout in Brendan’s ear over the throbbing beats.

  Brendan might look all grown up, but his sudden wide grin brought back a vivid picture of him as a kid. “Nothing you don’t want to happen.”

  Turning back to Ian, Diana tilted her head, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. When the half circle landed on her tongue, sweet like gummy candy, her sweaty skin prickled. She couldn’t resist giving Ian’s fingers a little lick.

  Then her lips opened again, in surprise this time, when Ian’s hot mouth closed over hers.

  Oh…yeah. Oh yeah. He was kissing her in the middle of the club, nipping her lower lip in front of hundreds of people, gripping her waist, and while she moaned into the determined tongue probing her mouth, shock zinged straight to her pussy when Brendan’s lips closed on he
r neck, sucking on the tender skin.

  Her face was scarlet, but who could see that under the red lights? She couldn’t stop laughing between kisses, excitement rushing from head to toe. They were in public, everyone would know about the three of them, and hadn’t she wanted that?

  Her thighs clenched around her dripping pussy, aching with need. But now Ian’s eyes were closed, his body against hers, his hands on her waist. Brendan pressed against her ass, rubbing her hips.

  Music flowed around them, vibrating her body between the twins, the smell of sweat all around. The room was fuzzing out, the corners softening, everything warmer and more intense, color and light and sound overlapping into a wash of heat.

  Warm skin pressed against Diana’s arm from the side. Soft skin. Floral perfume filled her nose, wafting over the earthy smells of the room. A girl — no, two girls were dancing with them, right in their space, up close.

  Diana hadn’t noticed them approach, hadn’t seen where they’d come from, but there they were, gyrating around her and the twins with the kind of assurance Diana longed for. One of them flipped back glossy brown hair and flashed a dazzling smile at Brendan — of course — but apparently at her, too. The other girl, red curls brushing her shoulders, wriggled behind Ian, whose eyes were still closed.

  Diana could only guess how often this happened to Brendan and Ian when they went out. Girls swarming over them, beautiful girls doing all the work while the twins just reeled them in.

  Green eyes met hers. The girl behind Ian swiveled closer. Her silky halter top left her flat belly bare. Diana was vaguely aware that she was staring at the girl’s sleek arms, lithe hips, and the soft swell of breasts tenting her halter top.

  When their gaze locked, Diana tried to give her the evil eye. Not that she had experience intimidating other girls, and clearly it didn’t work, because the girl just smiled big at her and — oh God — starting rubbing her half-naked body against Diana’s hip.

  Jesus, firm breasts brushed her arm, a voice was laughing in her ear, and before she could react, her skin rippling to the music, the girl twisted away, grabbing her friend’s hand and whispering to her while gesturing to Diana sandwiched between the twins.

  Whispers. Pointing. Diana remembered those all too well. But now, pleasure pricked her body in response to the attention — God, the obvious admiration in those girls’ eyes.

  Ian was right. That year away had been a long damn time ago. And did she even give a fuck about being safe anymore? Everything was expanding, especially her head, and every squeeze of the twins’ hands on her soft curves felt a million times more intense.

  Brendan leaned toward the girl with a friendly smile, putting his hand on her back below her red curls, his other hand secure on Diana’s waist. Diana couldn’t make out a word they were saying, but some kind of conversation was going on, with the other girl chiming in. Trust Brendan to make friends with everybody. Probably talking about the weather.

  “Do you think they’re cute?” Brendan’s breath was warm against her ear, taking her by surprise. One hand strayed to her stomach, giving the slight curve an intimate squeeze. Peering over her shoulder, Diana caught his mischievous smile. Both girls were watching them, a few feet away.

  “They’re gorgeous,” she said honestly. The type of girls who belonged with the twins, the type she’d always seen them with: willowy, toned, and tanned, wearing their confidence like they’d been born with it. The type of girls, grown up now, who’d giggled about her during that year away.

  “They want us, sweetness.”

  Diana blinked, stunned. “You mean they want you guys.”

  “No,” Brendan whispered. “They want the three of us. Especially you.”

  But she knew that already, didn’t she? She’d known from the minute that girl had rubbed up against her.

  “Ever wanted to kiss a girl, Di?”

  “Brendan…I—“ she stammered, completely disoriented again by the lights and buzzing beats. Her skin was scorching, her nipples ached from rubbing against Ian’s hard chest, and if Brendan unbuttoned her dress and let it fall to the floor right now, she wouldn’t even stop him. Ian’s eyes were still closed, his hands squeezing her waist and pulling her even closer.

  Brendan just smiled at her. “Have you?”

  Diana stared at the girls dancing nearby, afraid to look and wanting to. God, they were beautiful. When the redhead caught her looking, she blew her a kiss. Quickly, Diana turned back to Brendan.

  “I…yeah. I’ve thought about it,” she whispered, flushing. “I’ve thought about a lot of things.”

  Brendan pulled her close, holding her back securely against his muscular chest. “I bet you have, sweetness,” he murmured in her ear. “Why don’t you find out?”

  Oh God, this was beyond crazy. “I don’t want to watch you with other girls,” she managed. “Either of you.”

  Brendan’s soft chuckle tightened her whole body. “Not like that, Di. They want to watch you. With us. And they want to be with you.”

  “Look, I’ve never…”

  “I’m right here, Diana.” She trembled when he pressed her lips against her neck. Her lacy panties were beyond wet. In a second, she’d be grabbing Brendan’s hand and pushing it between her soaked thighs in the middle of the club, stripping off Ian’s muscle tee so she could taste his skin… “Ian’s right here. We’ll both look out for you. You’re so beautiful, sweetness.” Fingers ran through her damp hair. “Everyone can see that. Whatever happened to you before, Di, I promise, you don’t need to be scared. You’re totally safe. Aren’t you curious? Aren’t you wondering how it’ll feel to have so many people into you?”

  Oh God, Brendan was stroking up and down her sides now, brushing the full curves of her breasts, making her jerk with sudden excitement against Ian’s body.

  She felt all the eyes on her from graduation, the applause, the bodies surrounding her and the twins in the hot room right now. Being the center of attention, letting go so completely, not hiding from stares and whispers… Being the dirty girl Ian had guessed at, pushing beyond her own craziest fantasies, acting like a total slut amidst people who thought that was a good thing…

  “Kind of,” she managed.

  “Good.” Brendan gave her a squeeze.

  “But I don’t see you beckoning any guys over here.”

  He nipped her earlobe. “That’s ‘cause we don’t want to share you that way. Would you want that?”

  “No-o-o,” she breathed. Ian was pressing harder against her, his eyes still closed. Pushing her more firmly into his brother. “I just want you and Ian. But the girls—“

  “I think you’d like them, sweetness. I think you’d feel incredible. I told them we want to give you something special tonight.”


  “You’re so ready for this. You need to face the world, Di. You’ve come such a long way already.”

  Her whole body buzzed with need. The temptation was too much to take. Brendan whispering in her ear, his warm tongue teasing her earlobe; Ian lost in his own world, her soft curves anchored against his hard body…

  “Your friend told me you just graduated,” said a throaty voice. Wide green eyes met hers. Full lips waited inches away. “Congratulations.”

  Diana’s breath caught. Her hands squeezed Ian’s broad shoulders. Ian blinked a few times like he was waking up.

  He did a once-over of the girls pressing in on them, his gaze flicking over Diana’s head to his brother, and a slow smile spread across his face. Then Ian was only looking at her, his expression all challenge.

  “Bet you won’t,” he rasped to Diana.

  Her stomach dropped through the floor. The whole room was turning. Oh, she was in so far over her head now, but no way was she going to stop.

  “Bet I will,” she retorted.

  And before she could think twice, she leaned toward the redhead. Their lips met.

  Out of the corner of her vision, Ian's eyes opened wide. His hands tightened
on her waist.

  “Fucking hell, Diana,” she heard him mutter in her ear. “Didn't think you would.”

  And Brendan was whispering, “So hot, baby. Keep going.”

  Her crotch clenched at their words, oozing warm cream into her panties. Sweet Jesus, some gorgeous girl she didn't know was twining her arms around her, touching her, rubbing up on her, licking her lips, exploring her mouth, silky and sensuous, those soft needy kisses feeling completely different from either Brendan or Ian, or, oh God, Alex Noriega on the grass three days ago, holy fuck, what was happening? And why didn't she want it to stop?

  The pure shock and lust on Ian’s face made it all worthwhile. Brendan’s cock, pressing firmly into the curve of her ass, sent aching need between her legs. But those warm lips were working their own power over her body.

  This was insane, this wasn't happening, Diana thought, as a moist tongue flicked hers. Hands explored her waist and hips. Hot bodies wedged her in on all sides, and she was eagerly kissing a total stranger, a girl, running her hands up a smooth, slim bare back under thick curls and moaning softly when her palms met soft skin.

  Sound pinged through the haze and noise of the club: whistles. Wolf whistles. Cat calls. Cheers. All radiating out from them. Fuck, she really was the center of attention now, and it was...incredible. It was the best, the fucking best. Waves of heat and cold rushed over her body, and she pulled the girl in for another hot kiss, sucking eagerly on her full lower lip.

  “Whoa there. Take it easy, Di.” Brendan's soft chuckle brushed her ear. Ian was staring at her, his mouth half-open, his eyes sparking like he wanted to eat her alive. “Let's take this somewhere private.”

  Firm hands wrapped around hers, but she was the one pulling them out of the club. Above her, the twins were conferring, their heads together, then talking with the girls.

  “Told you she'd go for it,” a low voice said. Brendan, to Ian.


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