A Taste of Country

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A Taste of Country Page 2

by Vicki Green


  God. Please tell me you’re okay? You took off and didn’t say a word. I know why but I have to know you’re okay. Please let me know. I’m really worried.

  Damn. I should have at least told Mandy that I was leaving even though I couldn’t tell her where. I hit reply.


  I’m sorry, sweetie! I’m fine. I know you’ll understand that I can’t tell you where I am. Not yet anyway. Hope everything is good. I’ll be in touch. I promise.

  There. At least she’ll know I’m not dead. Now I feel bad. I take a sip of my tea, set the cup back down, and then I open up my word document, bite my lower lip, and begin typing.

  I drag myself across the wooden floor, finding it hard to get any traction. I can feel the blood leaving me from the knife wound on my side. Turning my head, I see the trail I’m leaving so I push myself harder. Finally, I make it out of the room and into the entryway. I look up at the ceiling, moving my hand to my mouth, biting down hard into my skin to help contain my scream. Hanging from the chandelier by his neck is my precious Bandit. His eyes are closed, his pink tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth, legs swinging from his lifeless body. I turn my head, startled when I hear a noise behind me somewhere in the darkness. I look up one last time at my baby and my body strengthens in determination and anger. I push myself up, grabbing ahold of the door frame, the pain almost making my legs buckle once I stand. Bent over, I grab my side, the thick liquid seeps through my fingers as I limp towards the front door. I must make it out. More than ever now. It’s always been my life I feared I would lose but not Bandit. Not my sweet boy. Now even more I must live or his death will be in vain.

  My hand shakes as I turn the doorknob. I keep turning my head looking back and making sure he’s not there. Finally, I get out, walking as fast as my weak legs can carry me to the garage. I raise my bloody hand to the keypad, punching in the code. He’ll hear the door raise, but I’m hopeful I can get into the car before he gets here. I stand there impatiently, waiting for the door to raise. I dare not hesitate so I duck underneath as it’s halfway up, walk to the SUV and open the door. Thank God I always leave the keys in the ignition. I turn the key, bringing the car to life. Another loud noise that he will surely hear. I hit the automatic locks, just in case.

  Turning my head, I back out then turn sharply and drive away, looking in the rearview mirror each second. I gasp when I see a dark figure emerge from the front door. It’s him! My eyes move quickly to the front window, my foot pressing down on the gas pedal even harder. He’ll come after me. I know he will. He won’t stop at anything to get me. I must find a safe place. Somewhere no one will know me. The country! I’ve always wanted to go to the country. No one will think to look for me there. Right now, I need to get far away, buy all new things and start over. First thing I’ll do is go to the bank, then after I get far enough away, I’ll ditch the car and buy a new one. It will be like a new life only the old one will still be there in my memories. Pain stabs my side and I look down. Blood coats my shirt. I look up at my hand on the steering wheel, covered in blood. Where can I go? I can’t get anyone I know involved. He’ll try to get information from them. They aren’t safe. No one is safe.

  My hand leaves the keyboard and presses against my side. I can feel the invisible pain that was once there. Visions of Bandit fill my mind. I rub my hands over my face, feeling the wetness of my tears. I press save on the document then turn off my computer, not being able to type anymore. My eyes can’t focus, and my heart hurts. I lay my laptop down by my feet, picking up my tea, and look out the window into the darkness. Flashes of that night swarm my head. The feeling of nauseousness flares in my stomach. “He’s not here. You’re safe,” I murmur over and over. Will I ever really be safe? Will I ever be able to forget the horrific memories that plague me all the time? I don’t think I ever will, and I know I’ll never truly be safe until he’s gone from this earth.

  I drink the rest of my tea, helping to relieve my stomach. I stand up and stretch, feeling the scar on my side pull with my movements. After picking up my small suitcase, I walk into the bathroom, blinded by the light when I flip the switch, and set it on the counter. Should I unpack everything? Will I be staying that long or will I need to run again? I decide to take out the few essentials, brush my teeth and hair, then turn off the light and walk to the bed. After pulling down the soft covers, I climb in and pull them up around me. I turn on my right side, a habit I picked up after my surgery, but my eyes don’t close. As always I’m afraid of what I’ll find if I manage to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Two


  I walk inside, my hands freezin’. Damn, I forgot to take my gloves. I need to get more help here fast. This is too much for one person. I notice the tea kettle sittin’ on the stove, the box of raspberry tea bags sittin’ on the counter. Glad she felt she could get what she wanted. I walk to my office, turnin’ off lights as I go. Sittin’ down in the worn leather desk chair, I turn on my computer waitin’ for it to come alive. I go into my emails, scannin’ through them and there are no answers to my ad. Feelin’ defeated, I turn it off, then grab my book from the end table next to my recliner and turn off the light as I head upstairs. I set it down, brush my teeth, get my sleep pants on, and then get into bed, turnin’ on the lamp on my nightstand. I look at the cover of the book: Deadly Love by Delia Shire. I’ve been really enjoyin’ her Deadly Sins series, even though I’m not that into romances. But somethin’ about her writin’, her words, gives me hope that there’s that one special woman for me, one that I can spend the rest of my life with. This author’s stories have really moved me, makin’ me think that maybe romance isn’t dead, that it isn’t all make believe. Wishful thinkin’. I open my bookmarked place and start to read.

  It’s not for the light of the moon that I see him lying there. His eyes beaconing me. I allow my eyes to roam down his body, his broad chest, smooth skin, following over his perk nipples, and down his tight abs. The sheet is low on his waist, exposing his “V” and I follow the trail until my vision is blocked. My eyes snap to his. Desire burns bright in them, my heart beating hard, fast, until I feel it against my skin. Do I dare? Should I follow my instinct and run or do I give into my desire, my heart that beats for only him? He stretches his hand out to me, calling me to him. If I give in, I’ll be no better than the rest. I’ll fall into his trap forever. Can my heart withstand it?

  Shit! She shouldn’t. Should she? I keep readin’ getting lost in her words but the image I had of Destiny changes to Shiloh and myself as Mikael.

  No words are needed, only the silence and our heavy breathing. I walk to the bed, my eyes following his hand as he pushes down the sheet, revealing his thickened hard length. I lick my lips, my eyes snapping to his. A sexy grin appears on his gorgeous face, and I know I’m done for.

  Shit! Now I need a cold shower. I should know better than to read this but I can’t seem to put it down, I couldn’t stop myself from orderin’ the second one after I started this. I’ve always been more of a classic reader but this series is so good. No wonder they are best sellers. I place my bookmark between the pages, close the book, and stare at the cover. The girl’s face reminds me of Shiloh, and the man’s face is faded in the background, blurred to the extent of no recognition. I place the book down on the nightstand, movin’ down until I’m lyin’ flat. I stare up at the ceilin’ wonderin’ if I’ll be able to sleep or if I need to take that cold shower instead. Closin’ my eyes, I hope for sleep to take me.

  My eyes flutter with the sound of the alarm clock. When they open they see the darkness still enveloping the room. When I turn my head, the light of the beamin’ number on the alarm makes my eyes squint as I hit the button turnin’ it off. That’s the only bad thing about ownin’ a farm. Gettin’ up so early the sun hasn’t even thought about risin’ yet. I’ve always been a mornin’ person so it doesn’t bother me too bad. I take a nice long shower, shave my face, and brush my teeth. I run my fingers th
rough my hair, making it stick up a bit in the front. Shruggin’ my shoulders, I get dressed in my long johns then another flannel shirt and jeans, sittin’ down on the bed while I put on my boots. My eyes shift over to the nightstand, lookin’ at the book I want to keep readin’ so badly. Well, maybe I can get to it earlier tonight.

  I walk downstairs, the lights already on in the foyer. I hear rustlin’ in the kitchen as I approach, stoppin’ in the doorway. Shiloh’s already up and looks like she’s mostly done makin’ breakfast. “Mornin’.” She jumps when I speak. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to spook ya.”

  She gives me her smile, and my heart beats a little faster. “No. You didn’t. Don’t be silly.” She picks up a plate spoonin’ some food on it from the skillet then sets it down and does the same with the other plate. “Go sit down. Breakfast is almost ready.” I nod, walkin’ to the table. I find a cup filled with coffee as I sit, takin’ a huge drink and closin’ my eyes at the taste.

  “What did you put in this coffee? It’s delicious.” She brings our plates over and my eyes widen with the food. “Dang. Are you like a gourmet cook or somethin’?” I take a bite of the scrambled eggs, tastin’ different spices and some hot sauce. I think I might have moaned a little. “This is fantastic.”

  She giggles. “I just like to experiment a little when I cook and I put a little nutmeg and chocolate syrup in the coffee is all.” She shrugs like this isn’t the best thing ever.

  “Well, it’s amazing! You could open a restaurant. This reminds me of somethin’ I read in a book.” My eyebrows lower as I try to remember then they widen. “Oh, yes! Have you read The Deadly Sins series by Delia Shire?” Her skin pales as she looks into my eyes and hers are full of terror. “What did I say? Are you okay?” Her shaky hand moves to her side, coverin’ it as she winces like she’s in pain. I become alarmed. “Do I need to call a doctor? You look really ill.”

  Her eyes snap to mine, softening a little. “Oh, no. I’m fine. Really. I think I’m just a little overtired from the trip yesterday. I might need to lay down for a bit today.” She picks up her fork and begins to eat. Why do I feel like there’s more to that than what she’s sayin’? I feel like I hit a nerve or somethin’. But over a book? And why that particular series? What is she hidin’? I try not to stare as she eats, the natural color of her skin returnin’ eventually.

  “Why don’t I clean up the breakfast dishes and you lay down? I don’t mind,” I offer.

  She nods and we continue to eat in silence. I feel bad that I said somethin’ that must have really bothered her so badly. So much that she seemed terrified. This just makes me even more curious about her.


  I left the room, letting him clean up since he offered. I feel horrible since I was hired to clean. My head begins to pound, another migraine on its way. I’ll clean the rest of the house later. When I reach my bathroom, I dig in my small case for my pain pills, taking out two and popping them in my mouth. I twist off the cap of the bottled water I brought with me, taking a few huge gulps. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I notice the bags under my eyes. It’s no wonder with all the stress. I grab my laptop out of my suitcase and sit down at the bay window. This has quickly become my favorite spot in the house. After powering it on, I decide to do what I thought about on the drive here. I create a new Gmail account so I can talk to Mandy without worrying as much about being found. After I create it, I quickly type up an email.

  [email protected] - Mandy, it’s me, Shiloh.

  I receive a reply immediately.

  [email protected] - OMG! Finally!

  I quickly respond.

  [email protected] - Setting up IM now.

  I set up a new account on IM, adding her email and then pull up a window. She accepts quickly and is already typing. My temples pound as I wait, feeling bad again that I’ve worried her so badly.

  Egirl: Ok, so spill what’s going on. You’ve had me sick with worry. I know you had to wait until you were safe but that didn’t stop me from going crazy.

  DS: Hope you have a lot of time.

  Egirl: U know I always have all the time in the world for you.

  DS: My side was cut with a knife when he tried to kill me. I lost a ton of blood. I had to have twenty five stitches, and it left a huge raised scar. I’m not so sure that doctor in that small town was licensed but it’s done now.

  Egirl: OMG, girl! I’m so sorry!

  DS: Thx. I ended up trading in my car for a new one. Stopped by a store and got all new luggage, new laptop, new everything. Basically started over.

  Egirl: Good thinking.

  DS: I almost passed out a couple of times. I should have found a hotel somewhere and rested but I was afraid he could be following or had spies out or something. He’s done it before.

  Egirl: I know, sweetie. I’m so proud of you. I wouldn’t have had enough guts to do what you did. Are you ok now? I mean physically?

  DS:  Yes and you would if you were scared enough. Yes, except for these damn migraines. I have my meds though.

  Egirl: Maybe. Where are you now? Do you think you’re safe? I can get Trevor to come.

  DS: I’m not sure. Maybe. I’m in the country, answered an online ad for a housekeeper. Oh, Mandy. This place is beyond beautiful and the guy that owns it is too.

  Egirl: Oh, really? Hmmm. Are we smitten? 

  DS: I think I am but. Well, this morning he mentioned my series. I was so shocked that I felt sick to my stomach. Mandy. People still don’t know that’s me, right? Please tell me I’m right.

  Egirl: Relax. You’ll get one of your migraines.

  Oh, she has no idea.

  Egirl: No one knows. If he never found out, no one can. Remember that. I’m gonna talk to Trevor, see what he thinks. Meanwhile, tell me about this guy? Beautiful, ‘eh?

  DS: Ha. You always have a one track mind. Yes, really more like movie star gorgeous. Dreamy blue eyes, light but not like mine. Muscular? Oh, my lord! He has this smile that could light up a Christmas tree. Mandy, he could definitely be the star in one of my books. Just sayin’.

  Egirl: Ohhhhh! You need to try to find a way to get a picture and send it to me. I must see this hunk.

  I laugh out loud. She always has a way to cheer me up.

  Egirl: Well, I promised myself when I heard from you I wouldn’t talk business but…. You’re still at the top of the New York Times, Amazon, USA Today, B&N, Kobo and iTunes charts. Spielberg still insists you let him make the movies. I’m having a really hard time keeping him at bay.

  DS: That’s great. You know I can’t do anything that will make myself known yet. Not until this is all over.

  Egirl: I know, sweetie. Just keeping you updated. I wish some really fortunate accident would happen to that horrible creature. He needs to burn in hell.

  DS: Ha, can’t say I don’t agree. Ok, my friend. I’m gonna go lay down for a bit. I promise I will keep in contact under this email address much more frequently. You can always shoot me a message if you need me.

  Egirl: Well, you know I love you, girl. I’m here whenever you need me. I’ll let you know what Trevor says. You know he’s a good ole country boy who I’m sure would love to come to your aid. He keeps telling me he needs a change and wants to get back to his roots.

  DS: I know. Tell him it’s beautiful here and he’d be right at home. I’m thinking this might be a really good idea.

  Egirl: On it! Love you!

  DS: Love you 2!

  God, I miss her! She may be my editor, but she’s also my best friend. She’s always been there for me, helped me when I needed it, and keeps me sane at times. When I first told her I wanted to be an author anonymously she kind of freaked, saying she didn’t think I should. “So you’re not going to go to signings, even though your writing is utterly fantastic? How will you get to the top without people knowing who you are? I know you have your page and your readers love talking to you but that’s different.” My page. I should get on there and explain why I haven’t been around. Not that I can
tell them the truth. I laugh out loud. The truth. Like I’m being truthful anyway. Suddenly, I feel a bit remorseful.

  And Trevor. He’s been like a big brother to me. Although if we weren’t like that I’d totally be all over him. He’s got the sexiest smile, full lips that beg to be kissed, dreamy blue eyes, and a laugh that would fill your heart. Maybe it’s what I need to feel more secure. Colby did say he was looking for more help around here. Should I tell Colby what’s going on? That I’m really the author of the books he’s reading? And I ran for my life? No. I don’t know him well enough yet. How do I know I can trust him? I don’t. No way can I take that chance. Not with my life at stake.

  All this thinking is dredging up horrible flashbacks and making my head hurt worse. I power off my laptop, setting it on the pillowed cushion, and walk over to the bed. Maybe I’ll just lay down for a little while. I climb under the covers, place my hands under my head, and close my eyes.

  “Shiloh! Shiloh. It’s okay. It’s just a dream.” My eyes fly open, my body shaking with his gentle push on my arm. I look up at him and see the concern on his face. He tries to smile but not very successfully. “You were having a dream.”

  I smile, with confusion, sit up and push myself back against the headboard. I watch him move back, sitting on the edge of the mattress. “Thank you. I guess I was. I’m sorry if I disturbed you.”


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