A Taste of Country

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A Taste of Country Page 21

by Vicki Green

  Shiloh and I walked my parents to the front door, watched them get into their RV and drive off. I closed the door, the cold air blowin’ around us, and take her in my arms. My mouth finds hers immediately, and then I press my forehead against hers. “You didn’t sleep much last night.” She shakes her head, movin’ our skin with the motion. “Did you get any writin’ done?”

  She looks up at me, severin’ our connection. “No. I just sat by the window and thought about everything.” She lays her head down on my shoulder, and my arms tighten their hold. “I just want it to be over. I want us to be able to go on with our lives and not look over our shoulders anymore. Maybe I’m not meant to have a happy life.”

  I bring my hand up and cup her chin, making her look back up at me. “No. You deserve to have a wonderful life. A family to love that will love you back ten-fold.” Suddenly, I feel Ditto’s tail beatin’ against my leg and look down, releasin’ her chin. “Ha. And here’s one of your children now.”

  She laughs, squattin’ down and starts playin’ with him. “Our biggest child. Hey, boy.”

  I cross my arms over my chest, watchin’ her play with him. I’m a lucky man, and I refuse to believe God would bring her into my life just to take her away. Reminds me, I need to call Henry. “Ya’ll have fun. I’m gonna go make a couple of calls. Trevor should be back here today knowin’ Mom and Dad left. You all can spend some time while I get some chores done.” She looks up at me and smiles. A genuine smile and I can tell by her sparklin’ eyes that she’s excited to have her friend back here again. I smile back and then walk through the living room and into the study, sittin’ down at the desk. I pull my cell phone from my pocket and find Henry’s contact then hit call.

  “Colby. Mornin’,” he says pickin’ up fast.

  “Mornin’, Henry. Got any news for me?” I ask eagerly.

  “Actually, was gonna call you in just a bit. Couple of things. My man is headed here now. Should be here by tomorrow.”

  “Good. Maybe I’ll feel better with him around.”

  “We found tracks out by your lake, yesterday.” My ears perk up, my heart startin’ to beat faster. “Colby. There were spots of blood around them.” So he is hurt. Good. Mother Fucker. “Got some samples and runnin’ them through the lab. Hoping to have more of an idea just who this fella is by tomorrow.”

  “That’s great news, Henry. Much appreciated. We need to find that madman and soon.” I look up through the open door, hopin’ she isn’t anywhere around. “I’m really worried about Shiloh and our baby. This needs to end. No one is safe until this is over and he’s dead.”

  “I agree. I have men staked out all over your land. My man will be here early in the mornin’.”

  “Good,” I answer quickly. I tone my voice down to a whisper. “Henry, when he’s dead, I want the body burned. I don’t want to take any chances. But Henry? If he’s even remotely still alive, burn it anyway. He deserves to suffer a slow and painful death for what he’s put her through.”

  “Leave it to me, Colby. Of course, that’s between us.”

  I nod, like he can see me. “Good. Thanks, Henry. I owe ya.” And I mean it. If he or one of his men can catch and kill this motherfucker, I’ll be indebted to him.

  “It’s my job but you’d do the same for me. Hell, anyone in town. Gotta get back to work. Gonna see if I can get a rush on that lab work. Expect my man to be at your door bright and early tomorrow.”

  “Gotcha. Thanks, again.” I end the call and think about all he said. Then I think about Riley, givin’ up his life for us and how we missed his funeral bein’ in the hospital. It was his job to protect us but it took his life so unnecessarily. When things are over we need to make it a point to go visit his grave. My mind changes to thinkin’ about how the asshole’s been on my property still, bleedin’. Maybe his wounds so bad he’ll bleed to death, endin’ this nightmare for us. We could only be so lucky.


  I watch Colby go out the back door to go do his chores, Ditto following after him happily. I wrap my arms around my waist thinking about how I have a life inside me as I watch them go down the deck steps and towards the barn. How lucky we are to be alive and how fortunate we are. I won’t let this end badly for us. I have too much to fight for now, more than ever. Before it was just me. Not that I wanted to die, especially not by his hand. But then I only had to be concerned for myself, not a baby and a wonderful man. Being lost in my thoughts, I jump when a knock sounds on the front door. I walk quickly through the foyer, looking through the peephole and take in a deep breath when I see Steve standing out on the porch, another officer’s car parked down by the dirt road, and Trevor’s smiling face looking at the door. I open it quickly, the cold hair hitting me as he walks in. I’m in his arms fast, the coolness of his coat making me shiver.

  “God, it’s good to see you, sweetheart,” he says as he squeezes me.

  I move back so I can see his face, my eyes scouring it. “So good to see you, Trev. Come in, let’s get you warmed up.” I step back as he removes his coat and hangs it in the closet. I take his hand and we start walking towards the kitchen. “I need to get more coffee made to take out to Steve. He has to be freezing out there.” My heart is full, seeing my friend again. I start another pot of coffee and then make him a plate of leftovers, knowing his cooking skills aren’t that great. I laugh internally as I take the plate over and set it down in front of him on the table along with a cup of fresh coffee.

  “I’m so glad you’re doin’ okay. Thank goodness for your food. Didn’t have but a bowl of cereal this mornin’.” I laugh again. God, it feels so good to laugh.

  I walk back over to the counter and fill a thermos. “Just gonna take a thermos of coffee out to Steve. Be right back.” I lean down and kiss his cheek, his mouth already full of food. He winks at me and continues to stuff his face. After taking the thermos out to Steve, who was really grateful, I go back to the kitchen and grab a bottled water then sit down beside Trevor. He looks over at me, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling. I swear he could be a male model so easily. Those bright blue eyes, his muscular body that he loves to keep fit, always the small scruff on his face and those pearly white teeth. He’s not only gorgeous but has such a fun personality, loving and caring. Never did understand why he’s still single, and he’s always been pretty closed mouth about it too. I lean my elbow on the table, my chin in my hand, and smile. “So. How’s the house and the farm? I feel like I’ve missed so much in the last month. Well, a little over a month now, I guess.”

  He takes a big bite of toast and chews until he swallows. “Well, it’s really great. I can’t believe how the town came together and rebuilt it. It’s so much better than it was before. Tina’s been helpin’ to decorate inside and I swear that girl is crazy.” He laughs. “But in a good way. I think she has a little crush on me.” He winks and sops some of his egg with the toast.

  “Ha. I remember Sadie telling me Tina had a crush on Colby too, when she first got here. I think it’s cute.”

  He chuckles. “Cute. No thanks.”

  I play smack him and smile. “Why? I’ve never known you to take a woman out or even have one in your life except for Mandy and me.”

  His face turns into a frown. “Shiloh. You know that’s not somethin’ I like to talk about.” He continues to eat then takes a drink of his coffee.

  “I know.” I sigh. “But I’m your friend. I’ve never kept any secrets from you. Why can’t you tell me?”

  He takes a deep breath then blows it out in frustration. I get his stern look. “You’re more than my friend, sweetheart, but it’s just somethin’ I can’t talk about. You know that. Please, don’t push it.”

  I nod, my chin moving in my hand. “Okay. Maybe someday.”

  His smile is back, and my heart is full again. “So. Did you write any since you’ve been home? How’s that comin’?”

  I lean back in my chair, taking a drink of water. “No. I haven’t. I want to and then I can’t seem to get the
words to come. I guess because it’s not truly over yet. I want it to be over. I want to see him dead. I want it so badly.” I take another drink and smile at him. “But enough of this heavy talk. I’m gonna be a mama and you’ll be an uncle.”

  His entire face lights up. “I know. I can’t believe it. Your baby’s gonna be so sickly spoiled.”

  “Ha, I know.” I laugh.

  He leans forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the table. “I told Mandy. Hope that was okay.” I nod eagerly. “She’s freaking out about it but is thankful you’re alive. And now, she wants to move out here too, but I told her no way should she come until this is all over.”

  “Oh, my God! That would be amazing! I’d love to have all my family close by.” My hand moves down and covers my stomach. “Especially by the time the baby gets here.”

  His smile is breathtaking. I swear if he wasn’t like a brother to me, I’d be all over him. “A baby. Still can’t get over it. Let’s hope he looks like Colby.” He laughs, and I smack him harder this time. I move my hand up on the table, and he grasps it, squeezing. “No, really. I’m so happy for you. It’s about time you have happiness in your life. You deserve it.” I can’t help but smile with his words, the feeling of love surrounding me. He starts eating again. “So. I’m movin’ back in until this is over.” I start to open my mouth to protest, but he stops me. “Henry’s got a man at my place, stayin’ there to keep an eye on things. I need to be here with you.”

  I tilt my head and get serious. “What about you?” He looks shocked. “Don’t you deserve happiness?” He starts to speak, but I cut him off this time. “I know you won’t tell me about your past and I respect that but I do know what a wonderful man you are.” His face softens. “I know you’d do anything for anyone, no questions asked. I also know you’re pretty funny, even though your humor is dry.” He leans over and play punches my shoulder, and I laugh. “But seriously. Why wouldn’t you want to find someone to share your dream with you? You’ve wanted a farm for as long as I can remember and now you have one. I just don’t want you to be lonely anymore.”

  “Hey, who says I’m lonely?” He laughs. “And my humor isn’t all that dry.” I smile, with a burst of laughter escaping me. “Besides, I have you and Mandy and all the folks I’ve met here. I won’t be lonely.” He covers my hand and smiles.

  “Okay, maybe lonely isn’t the correct word. How about alone?”

  His brows lower as seriousness overtakes his face. “Leave it, Shiloh. Please?” I nod slowly, hating that he can’t talk about his past with me. I know it’s not because he doesn’t love me, it’s just too hard for him. There has to be something really bad that happened for him not to want to say. I hope that maybe one day he will open up to me. He finishes his breakfast, gets his coat back on and then kisses my cheek, telling me he’s gonna go help Colby. I clean up the mess walk to the living room, plop down on the couch and turn on the TV. The anxiousness of wanting to finish my book fills me, but I really can’t proceed until this is over so I find a movie, hoping to get engrossed in it so I don’t think anymore. I lay down and cover myself with the blanket.

  * * * *

  Another three weeks has passed with no sign of Mikael. Things have gotten back to normal, as normal as they can with an uncover agent helping out here. He’s nice though, kind of young but strong and seems very smart. I’m close to starting the second trimester and Sadie and I have been planning what our baby’s rooms will look like, shopping online and getting excited together. It’s the first time I’ve really had a girlfriend to do things with and do girl stuff. I had Mandy but since we didn’t live in the same state, it just wasn’t the same. I haven’t left the house except to go out on the deck, but someone is always with me. I still haven’t written anymore, but I have read a lot of the romance books that Colby has in the study. I’ve been getting lost in them, imagining a happy romantic life, one without the worries of the real world. I try to stay absorbed in things to keep my mind off of him. It’s been easy, most of the time, but there’s that underlying fear that’s always there. I’m glad though because it keeps me alert. That’s one thing I can’t do is let my guard down.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Dayton’s a pretty nice guy and knows his way around a farm. Henry was right in sendin’ him. I find it odd that a guy only twenty four is an undercover agent, but I get the feelin’ he’s good at that too. He’s actually become part of our little family in the last month and a half that he’s been here. It feels weird to go on normally still knowin’ that madman’s out there somewhere, but we’ve tried to get back to our routine. I know Shiloh hasn’t written, but she will when it feels right. I think she’s waitin’ for this to be all over. I wish it was. Tomorrow I’m takin’ her into town to buy stuff for the baby’s room, so she can start decoratin’ it, even though she bought some stuff online. It’ll keep her busy and for that I’m thankful. Of course Dayton will be going with us, stickin’ tight, which also makes me feel better, and I know she feels more comfortable with him around.

  We’ve made love, and it’s been hot as hell, but the tension of the situation is always there and I get that. I feel it too. It’s hard to feel free when you’re not. I just want this to be over. I want that asshole to be gone from our lives, for her to be free again and have a happy life.

  I came inside, after a long day of chores, smellin’ the great odor of supper fillin’ the kitchen. Gotta admit, she’s a hell of a cook. Dinner was great with fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, salad and green beans, my favorite. Later, I’m a little curious why Trevor took Ditto to his room when he said goodnight but after turnin’ off the lights, leavin’ the lamp on in the foyer, I head upstairs to her room. It’s empty, another strange thing. I get a little worried until I walk to my room and open the door. I feel warmth in the air and hear a noise in the bathroom. I shut the door and walk there quietly and lean against the door frame. There’s the most beautiful sight on this earth. She’s layin’ in the tub, bubbles coverin’ her body, and comin’ right up to the top of her breasts. She doesn’t notice me yet and is sippin’ on a bottled water, but I notice there’s a beer sittin’ in a small bucket of ice on the floor beside the tub.

  I start removin’ my clothes, takin’ a step back so I can throw them in the laundry then I walk in and her eyes snap my way. I stop and watch her scour my body from my feet up my legs, stoppin’ right on my hard cock that’s achin’ so desperately to be inside of her. Finally, they start movin’ again, slowly up my body until they reach my eyes. The light color of hers has already changed to a shade darker, her luscious full lips parted. I take the few steps and don’t hesitate to get in the tub. As I sit down I thought she’d move into my arms, snuggle into my chest, but instead she straddles me, her legs on either side of mine. Her mouth is quickly on mine, her hands on my face and fingers in my hair. My eyes close as I wrap my arms around her and then I feel her slowly slide down onto my hardened cock, and I moan into her mouth. I feel it deep in my core, the way her body covers my length, her muscles tightening around it. I can even feel my cock pulsating as she moves up and down. Her mouth releases mine, and she starts placing kisses down my jaw. My head lulls back, hittin’ the tile as she kisses down my neck. She sucks some of my skin into her mouth and my hand moves in between us, finding the one place that will help make her come undone. My other hand moves from her back, down until my hand is squeezing her bottom as her hips move up and down. Her mouth leaves my neck and continues its way down until it captures one of my nipples, her teeth nipping it.

  “God! Shiloh!” My release is imminent, my balls tightening with her movements. She looks up from underneath her long lashes, and I come apart. Sexiest woman. I put both hands on her bottom and start bucking, thrusting faster and faster as I push her up towards me. I lean forward causing me to go even deeper, my mouth pressing against hers. I feel her legs clench mine, and I know she’s almost ready. I release her mouth and move up to her ear. “Let go, darlin’. Let
’s go together.” She screams out my name, her face hitting my shoulder, and I follow right after.

  We lay there in the tub of cool water, not movin’ except for the risin’ and fallin’ of our chests against each other’s. No sounds in the small room ‘cept for our panting. I start rubbin’ the soft skin on her back and kiss the side of her face. “You okay, baby?” Her head moves with her nod and I wrap my arms around her. “You’re so amazin’. I’m a very lucky man.” Her head lifts, a huge smile on her face. “Come on. Let’s get you outta here and into somethin’ warm.” I hiss when I grab her waist and lift her up, slidin’ out of her makin’ me feel the loss. Then I stand up and step out, liftin’ her out of the tub and onto the floor. I get a few towels, wrappin’ one around her first then puttin’ one around my waist. She watches me the whole time, reverently, like I’m somethin’ special. Little does she know, I’m just a normal man but she, she’s the one that’s special and more. So much more. I admire her so much. I love holdin’ her in my arms and listenin’ to the light sounds of her breathin’ as she sleeps. I love protectin’ her in the night and being here for her when she has a nightmare. I love knowin’ that she’ll be havin’ our baby and can’t wait until her tummy is so full with our child. She’ll be the most beautiful pregnant mama on earth.

  The next mornin’ we have our breakfast and then Dayton, Shiloh and I set out for town, leavin’ Trevor at home to keep an eye on things. We went to the furniture store and bought all the stuff needed for the baby’s room and then some. Everythin’ will be delivered in a couple of days, and then we can really put the room together. She insisted on payin’ for it, sayin’ her money is our money now, not that I need any but that got me thinkin’. Our money, our life. We need to get hitched. I know there’s no way we can possibly do that until after we get the maniac outta our lives but gives me somethin’ to plan. It needs to be special. I think I might just put a bug in Sadie and Tina’s ears for some suggestions, but I’m sure I can come up with somethin’.


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