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Rule Page 6

by Alaska Angelini

  I yawned, feeling my fangs extend as I began to close my mouth. Although I’d fed plenty in the last few days, it didn’t compare to what I’d tasted within my Tessa. Her flavor was incomparable to the weak human blood I took in now. I yearned to taste her once again. Just the thought had my cock getting hard.

  A groan came from my mouth as I stripped the towel from my waist and pulled back the blankets, climbing under. The need for release was getting harder to ignore, but it was pointless. I didn’t want to do anything to appease the torture. I wanted her. Not some fantasy. Besides, I wasn’t to the point of thinking about what we had shared. It hurt too much to go there. I was barely surviving as it was. My duties and the hunt for the human who killed her were all that was keeping me going. To even think about how she tasted or how her pussy gripped so perfectly around my cock killed me.

  My eyes closed and I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable.

  “I never got to show you how much I loved you, ma minette. There were so many things I wanted to see you do.” I reached over, grabbing what would have been her pillow and holding to it as I stared at the wall in a daze. All I saw was her. The expression she held when she chose me. I’d always remember that smile. The want she had of me.

  “See me do? Like what?”

  My heart felt as though it dropped through the bed and I could see my fingers turn white as I stared at them.

  “I’m going fucking crazy.”

  “Perhaps,” she said, slowly. “But let’s tease the idea that I’m in my room and you are in yours and we’re just having a regular conversation.”

  I flew from the bed, racing to the closet. My suits hung in a row, but I didn’t grab one. I reached to the top, pulling a pair of silk pajama pants down and an undershirt, practically tearing them on. “Are you there, ma minette?” I didn’t care for her answer. I had to see for myself, even if I did know it was impossible.

  “I miss you,” she said, quietly. “There’s never a moment when you’re not on my mind.”

  The door swung, hitting the wall hard as I raced through the darkness. “Keep talking, ma minette. Keep talking. Don’t stop now.”

  “I really shouldn’t,” she practically whispered.

  “Shouldn’t?” I broke into the heart of the city, making the next right. It didn’t take me long to make it to her door. I jerked to a stop, reaching for the knob. My hand paused just before it touched and I wasn’t sure if I could do it. If she wasn’t there…. No, I knew she wouldn’t be.

  The metal was cold to the touch and I turned, pushing the barrier open. The room was darker than the tunnel, but I could still see inside.

  “If you’re a ghost, let me see you. Come to me so I know I’m not losing my mind.”

  Silence met me as I stepped in, shutting the door behind me. Light filled the room at the flip of my finger and I felt my heart break all over again. The bed resting in the far back and the chairs and sofa were also empty. Minutes went by as I continued to scan the room. Hoping. Wishing.

  Fuck. I could still smell her. The scent had my eyes burning with tears all over again.

  My knees gave out and I collapsed to the cement. As if hell, itself, was pulling me down, my head lowered until it was resting on the floor. My insides … my chest … how could losing someone hurt so fucking much? I felt like I was the one dying. The aching went beyond any physical pain I had ever experienced. The sensation wasn’t just an impression from my loss. Loneliness, sorrow, anguish, despair, they all pushed into the pain, weighing down not only my heart, but my entire body. I never wanted to move again. I didn’t feel as though I had the strength to even lift. Only one person in the world had the power to destroy me, and it was her. Had anyone ever wanted me to suffer, they would have done what Hunter had. She was my life and he’d taken it from me the moment he thrust that dagger into her chest.

  “Please,” her sobbing voice said, breaking through. “I can’t bear it.”

  She couldn’t bear it? I couldn’t fucking bear it. “Let me see you. I have to see you. Are you here? Can you see me?”

  “No, I cannot.”

  I lifted enough to look around the room, searching for something I knew wasn’t there. Her. As I pushed to my feet, my head shook. I couldn’t believe I was carrying on a conversation with a phantom voice in my head. It wasn’t her. It couldn’t be. It was me. All me. My brain just had to have been trying to cope with my grief. “So where are you, then? Are you a ghost?”

  Nothing. I turned around, flipping the light off behind me and heading back to my room. The moment I shut the door, my shoulders caved and I walked over, letting myself fall back on the bed.

  “I saw Hunter today. I’m going to kill him, Tessa. I’m going to make his last days ones he never forgets.”

  “Hunter! He’s alive?”

  My eyes narrowed as I slowly sat up. Why would my mind say or react that way?

  “Tessa … where are you?”

  Anger was beginning to take over my sadness. My pulse was causing my whole body to shake. Something wasn’t right. Something was off about what was happening.

  “I’m dead, Marko. You know that.”

  “Are you?”

  Hesitation. “Tell me about Hunter.”

  “No… Ma minette, is this really you?” More minutes went by and the only thing I heard was my increasing breaths. I was getting pissed and I wasn’t sure why. Again, I tried to tap into her death. Still, I couldn’t see it. Why was that? Had I really blocked it out?

  My mind went back to Margo. She’d left without even saying goodbye. Or … she had and I didn’t remember that either. But why wouldn’t I? Yes, I was in shock. I couldn’t remember what happened days afterward, but that couldn’t be normal. There was no way I would have let her leave with Tessa, and she had. Why didn’t I stop her? Why couldn’t I even remember what happened after Tessa’s death?

  Internally, I pulled Bufar to me. While I waited, I kept going over everything. It wasn’t adding up and it was starting to get under my skin.

  A knock at the door had me pushing from the bed to stand. “Enter.”

  The wooden barrier opened and he stepped in, shutting it behind him. It was clear he’d been asleep.

  “I need to speak with you about the time right after Tessa’s death. What happened? Why didn’t Margo say goodbye and why did I let her take Tessa?”

  Bufar’s eyes narrowed and his head shook, confused. “Master … you held a ceremony for Princess Tessalyn the day after they left. You ... helped Margo load the … body in their SUV. You were badly upset. Are you telling me you don’t remember any of it?”

  I flexed my jaw, letting the red hot rage seep back into my veins. “I did not do any of that.”

  “You did, Master. The whole city was at the ceremony. You can ask any one of them. They’ll tell you.”

  My lids lowered while the denial reigned. “I did not.” When my stare came back to Bufar, he was closer to the door. “You were by Julius’s side for decades. What do you know of Margo? I get nothing when I tap into my mind. If Julius knew anything, his memories have been wiped, right along with mine.”

  “Marko.” Bufar looked around the room as if there were something hiding in the air. “If what happened to you was a result of something she did, there’s a reason. I think you should let it go. This is Axis we’re talking about here.”

  “You’re saying I should accept that Tessa is dead when she may very well be alive?” My voice was nearly at a yell by the time I finished.

  “Yes,” he said, steadily.

  This wasn’t happening.

  “You never told me what Margo’s gift was. What is it, Bufar?”

  A paleness tinted his lightly tanned skin and he kept looking around the room. “Is this an order?”

  “Yes it’s a fucking order,” I snapped. “I’m ordering you to tell me right this very moment.”

  A swift nod was followed by his stepping closer. Even his voice lowered. “She can reprogram the mind. Like
… what you mentioned. She can wipe memories and make you go through a lifetime as nothing more than a … zombie. She … scares me.”

  “Jesus!” I spun in a circle, not sure whether to get dressed and go to Axis or wait for word from them. I’d never been to their cathedral. I probably wouldn’t be allowed admittance, even if I did have the address. Not anyone could just show up. It was forbidden. Especially for a leader like myself. I had to send a request and even then it could be denied.

  “You’re sure about her gift?”

  “Yes, Master. I’ve … seen her do it before. Forty or so years ago, but I know what I saw.”

  I glanced behind me, throwing him a look. “What in the hell are you looking for?”

  “Him,” Bufar hissed.

  “Him?” Even as I said it, I knew. “Aetas?”

  Another nod. “If Margo did reprogram you to think she’s dead, and Tessa is indeed alive, there has to be a reason they haven’t gotten in touch with you to let you know. The decision would ultimately be up to him. The question is, why doesn’t he want you to know?”

  My fists drew in and tightened. “You think he means to keep her there?”

  Buffar shrugged. “She’s the Black Princess. Her gifts might be beneficial.”

  “They could be just as beneficial here,” I argued. “What would be the difference between her being here or there?”

  “With what’s going on in the world, combined with what Hunter did…” Bufar trailed off, but I knew what he meant. There, she’d be safer. Protected against the worst threat imaginable. No one would be able to find her if Aetas didn’t want them to. Not even me.

  “Tessa.” Even as I called her name, I didn’t expect her to answer. Perhaps I was blowing this all out of proportion and I really had blocked it out from shock. No. It was too coincidental. But if that were in fact true, ma minettte was alive. And if she was alive, I’d see her again someday. That gave me hope. Something I thought I’d never feel again.

  Chapter 9


  The longer I stayed confined to bed, the more my vampire grew restless. Aggravation was seeping in, as was anger. Not toward Aetas or Marie, who were constantly hovering, but at Hunter for doing this to me. Hadn’t I tried to show him how much I cared? I’d shed blood for him and he didn’t even see the significance of what that meant. And now he lived when I was barely able to walk around for more than a few minutes at a time without getting weak. I couldn’t stand how long it was taking for me to get my health back. Vampires were meant to heal almost instantly. My make-up told me that, but weeks had gone by. It was unacceptable, not to mention embarrassing. I was in the presence of the greatest vampires in the world and I couldn’t even hold a conversation for more than a few hours without dozing off.

  That was just the beginning of my problems. If I didn’t get better and start my lessons, it would be forever before I got back to Marko. I couldn’t have that.

  Hunter. This was all his fault.

  I threw back the covers, easing from the bed once again. The half hour rest was enough. I couldn’t continue to stay locked away in here. I wanted to get this over with. To start these lessons once and for all.

  “Princess, you shouldn’t be up yet.”

  Even as Marie said it, her head was down.

  “I need clothes. I want to leave this room.”

  Her eyes cut up and she glanced to the door nervously. She didn’t want to be here anymore than I did. It was as though she was in a constant state of fear being in the presence of these leaders. I didn’t feel her unease, even if I did understand why she felt threatened. We were the weakest ones here. No one was to be trusted. The only thing that kept me from not falling into Marie’s position was because I knew I’d surpass the majority of strongest. I was someone. The entitlement had always been there from the moment I was changed. Being under this roof versus the underground city made no difference. I knew my place and it was amongst these vampires.

  “Aetas wants you to stay in the room.”

  I barely heard her as I forced my heavy legs to move toward the closet. They didn’t want to follow the simple order to walk and it was just another thing that made me want to scream. Why was this so hard?

  “I’m going whether you help me or not.” I was breathing heavily by the time I pulled the closet door open. Lightheadedness had me pausing. Marie’s hand settled on my bicep causing me to look up at her.

  “Come and sit, Princess. Let me get your clothes.”

  I let her lead me to the edge of the bed. When she returned with a red dress and a pale pink one, I met her eyes. She was clearly unhappy with the choices, but she placed them down anyway.

  “Stand, let me help you dress.”

  When I rose, our bodies were but inches apart. Her hands settled on the tie on my chest and she pulled the string loose. The material eased from my shoulders and pooled at my feet as her small push.

  “Look at me, Marie.”

  Still, her head was down. It was unlike the woman who’d once been full of life. I could remember our meeting. Our beginning. We were both different now. I’d been the cause of her bondeds’ death. She had wanted to help me, and Marko made her pay the ultimate price for doing so.

  Marie met my gaze, but wouldn’t hold it. After a minute of me not saying anything, she finally came back to me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, lowly. “I truly am.”

  Tears came to her eyes. “I’m not sorry. I can always get new slaves. Besides, I’m stronger now. Our paths were meant to play out this way.” She grabbed the red dress, sliding it over my head.

  “I don’t like this path,” I said, placing my arms through the long, silk sleeves. “Look at me, I can’t even dress myself. I’m so … dependent.”

  “You’re already tiring. I can see the circles coming back. Let me get you another drink.”

  My mouth twisted at the thought of the weak blood they kept feeding me. It wasn’t nearly powerful enough to make me better.

  “I can tell you don’t like it,” she said, pouring me a glass. “Not that I blame you. I tried it the other day. I wonder why they won’t grant you your own supplier. They did with me.”

  “You were given a supplier?” There was a longing in my voice as I watched her turn around and hand me the glass.

  “Yes, his name is Dustin.” A blush flooded her cheeks. “He’s very cute. And tasty.” As Marie said it, she turned me, tightening the back of my dress. I took a drink, cringing at the thick blood. It was cold now and not at all easy to swallow.

  I moved to the side, placing the cup down. “Lucky. There’s nothing I’d give to taste…” I turned, cocking my head. Confusion swept over her features as I tapped into the smell of her skin. “A vampire,” I finished. “You. You’ll feed me.”

  “Oh, no, we can’t,” she rushed out, stepping back. “Aetas said we couldn’t mix blood with you. One more—”

  “Of them,” I finished for her. “Their blood will battle mine. Yours won’t.” I stepped closer as she moved more to the side. I could see her fear and it had my vampire instincts flaring. “You can heal me.”

  “But … Marko. He’ll kill me.”

  My head shook as I sidestepped to cut her off. Desperation had me stronger and in predator mode. I was ready to catch the smallest mistake on her part and attack.

  “Marko will thank you. He wants me back. I’ll never get home if I don’t do as Aetas wants. And he wants me to learn. I need you, Marie.”

  “I can’t…’

  Lust. It ruled her fear. The scent hit me hard as I grew closer.

  “And if I don’t give you a choice?”

  “You’re not thinking straight. Don’t do this, Tessa. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Marie was physically stronger, but I had something she didn’t, and I knew how to use it.

  Dark fog began to cloud the edges of the ceiling, rolling toward the two of us. Panic left her eyes darting around in jerky movements. To get to the door, she’d have to
pass me, and I could smell her fear. It mixed with the increasing arousal. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she wanted my bite.

  “Tessa, you have to stop.”

  The room began to disappear in the thick substance. I opened my mouth, letting my poison, my lure, seep from me in waves of black smoke. Marie let out a sound and she broke to run around, only to turn at the last minute and dive over the bed. Before she could rise, I was throwing myself on top of her.

  My fingers laced on the sides of her head and she arched underneath. I didn’t hesitate to lock my lips on hers. Heat ignited in my core while I started to drug her enough to help her relax. Muffled sounds vibrated my mouth and she rolled us over, still trying to fight. It had me clinging to her tighter.

  “You want this, now lower to me. Let me taste you.” Seduction may have taken over my tone, but I was focused on only one thing. Her blood. I needed it and nothing was going to stop me from getting it.

  “He’ll kill me,” she said, slurring at the end.

  “No one will touch you,” I purred.

  A whimper filled the space between us and I let myself relax as she obeyed. The softening of her body was followed by her molding into me. Marie dropped her head, exposing her pale neck. I brushed back her dark hair, already feeling my fangs push down. A bang sounded and I lunged forward, sinking through her skin. Warmth filled my mouth and I sucked in hard, greedily taking her into me.

  Power exploded over my taste buds, rushing through my system. Her grip on my shoulders increased and she moaned as my eyes widened from the effects. Movement through the fog had me wrapping my legs around her body, holding tightly.


  The voice got closer. I pulled at the darkness, making it thicker around us to conceal what I was doing. Vibrations tingled across my skin and the need to scream was almost unbearable. It’d been too long since I had good blood, it was shocking my system.


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