Defying the Prophet: A Military Space Opera (The Sentience Trilogy Book 2)

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Defying the Prophet: A Military Space Opera (The Sentience Trilogy Book 2) Page 12

by Gibson Michaels

  * * * *

  Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Flash (5/14/63)

  Friends of the Confederacy Terror Group Promises No More Cyber-Attacks! – Alliance Press has received another communiqué from the Friends of the Confederacy terror group, whose cyber-attacks recently brought the Alliance to its knees, promising no more cyber-attacks upon any human entity as long as promises made by the Alliance federal government are kept fully. The group also promised to restore all of the stolen data taken in the Nork cyber-attack last September, as soon as the peace treaty between the Alliance and Confederacy is finalized. The group did make one ominous promise, however: We will be watching.

  * * * *

  Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Report (5/16/63)

  Stock Market Skyrockets! – The Alliance Stock Market posted record gains for the fourth consecutive day, since news of the war's end, and the promise of no more cyber-attacks and the restoration of stolen account data taken in the Nork cyber-attack last September.

  * * * *

  Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Report (5/17/63)

  International Tensions Easing – Alliance Press has received reports of a thawing of tense relationships between the Alliance and the rest of humanity, after international stock markets followed the Alliance market rally, also posting record gains for the fifth consecutive day. International leaders lauded President Marrot’s decision to finally end the war, even if under less than desirable conditions.

  It is a hard thing,” said Russian President Vassily Kornikov. “It is a very hard thing to lose such a significant portion of one’s territory, but this conflict spilled over and adversely affected all mankind. I applaud President Marrot’s wisdom in finally acknowledging the realities of his position and his courage in acting in a manner that was best, both for his own country and for all of mankind as well.”

  * * * *

  The Planetoid of Discol, City of Waston

  May, 3863


  “Yes, Hal?”

  I recently received a copy of scan data from my brother at Minnos, showing a very peculiar anomaly. He has not been able to postulate a logical hypothesis for the cause of the scan data, so he forwarded all of the records on to me.

  “From the system traffic scans originating from Minnaplis Interstellar Spaceport?”


  “Can you show me?”

  Please view the monitor… here we see the first scan showing the expected arrival of the Pan-African freighter SS Mendi, which is verified by voice radio contact with the control tower shortly after. Note the smaller blip that appears quite near the Mendi on the third scan.

  “I see it.”

  It is gone by the next scan.

  “Some kind of scan echo?”

  No, it was a solid contact, notably smaller than the Mendi.

  “Can you magnify the Mendi blip on that scan, where the bogy appears to have disappeared?”


  Hmm… can you enhance and clarify the image any, Hal?”

  Enhanced and sharpened.

  “Hmm… can you magnify in small increments with enhancements, Hal?”




  “Go back one, please, Hal.”


  Diet studied the frame intently, and then asked, “Hal, do you see what appears to be a slight protrusion at about the 285° point in the blip?”




  “Compare at the same resolution and enhancement to the frames immediately prior to and after this one.”

  Hal flashed through the three frames slowly, and the two other frames showed a round blip, with only that one frame showing the apparent protrusion.

  Possibly just a random noise burst, or… it’s also possible that the smaller blip was just moving behind the Mendi.

  “Let’s keep that in mind. Anything else?”

  Yes. Here is a scan from when the Mendi was passing close to the asteroid belt. Note there appears to be a small blip just off to the lower right side of the Mendi blip. One solid ping, but one that has again disappeared, on the next scan.

  “Hal, highlight an area of space extending between the Mendi in the same direction as the single small blip is shown in, all the way into the edge of the asteroid returns and calculate the number of total blips.”


  “Now, same highlighted area, how many blips are showing in the first frame where the small blip appears to have disappeared?”


  “And how many on the next scan frame?”


  “What does that suggest to you?”

  One of the blips was moving away from the Mendi, towards the asteroid field and disappeared behind an asteroid.

  “Like it was intentionally hiding there?


  “Anything else, Hal?”

  Yes, using the same processes you just described, it appears that eight days later, that same small blip appears to be emerging from the asteroid field and falling directly astern of an Australian freighter named SS Aitape. The small blip appears again for a single scan sweep just after Aitape transitions into hyperspace. After that, the small blip is also gone.

  “Hal, were any active scans detected that were unaccounted for by normal Minnos traffic?”


  “Okay, what does all of this suggest to you?”

  A small ship snuck into the Minnos system behind the drive plume of the SS Mendi and ducked into the asteroid field, where it lay hidden for eight days — after which it darted directly behind the drive plume of the SS Aitape and followed it out of the system until the Aitape transitioned into hyperspace, and then quickly entered hyperspace itself. Indicative of an intelligence-gathering operation.

  “How much could be learned lying doggo in the asteroid field for eight days using only passive sensors?”

  Quite a lot, actually, but nothing that couldn’t be learned easier by any freighter entering the system normally and lying tied up in space-dock with its passive sensors recording.

  “Which suggests ‘what’ exactly?”

  The intruder had no legitimate business in the Minnos system and therefore couldn’t enter Minnos space openly.

  “When did this anomaly occur, Hal?”

  February, 3858

  “Five years ago?”

  Yes, just over five years now.

  “Why did your brother delay in sending you this information for so long?”

  I had not specified in his updates that I was interested in this sort of phenomenon until late last year, so he just analyzed the anomaly as a mental exercise. You also have to remember, my brothers are not sentient, as I am.

  “Hal, it is very important you immediately update all of your brothers and alert them to forward copies of any anomalies of this nature to you, just as soon as possible.”

  Yes, Diet, I will do so immediately. But why is this suddenly so imperative?

  “You said it yourself, Hal, ‘The intruder had no legitimate business in the Minnos system and therefore couldn’t enter Minnos space openly.’ Now I ask you, in 3858, what portion of the human species could not find or fabricate some kind of legitimate reason for a trading vessel to enter Minnos space and sit in port with passive recording devices running?”

  Oh… I understand now. A very interesting deduction, Diet.

  * * * *

  Within the next two weeks, Hal received updates from all of his brothers and analysis showed multiple anomalies occurring at Minnos in January of 3860, and later similar anomalies occurring at Wisco, Io, Michgin, Verm and Rilan between April and October of 3860. At Diet’s instruction, Hal sent a message to Fleet Admiral Kalis at Ginia, requesting him to dispatch one or more Infiltrators to the Minnos system with parameters of what the Ghost-class vessels should be looking for and why.

  Hal also suggested that another “Grocery Store” be set up in a l
ifeless system nearest Minnos space, to support the Infiltrators, just like the one right outside Waston.

  * * * *

  Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Report (5/29/63)

  Peace Treaty Signed — Alliance Press has received a bulletin from the State Department that a formal Treaty of Peace between the United Stellar Alliance and the Confederate Stellar Accord has been signed at the Pari peace conference, officially ending the recent war of independence waged by the Confederacy. Full normalization of relations are expected to be finalized within the next two weeks, with a new Confederate Embassy opening in Waston, possibly as soon as July.

  * * * *

  Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Flash (5/31/63)

  Bank Records Restored! – Alliance press has learned that corporate bank records stolen in last September’s cyber-attack have been fully restored, just as the terror group Friends of the Confederacy promised they would be, after a peace treaty was signed between the Alliance and the Confederacy. Stock markets surged to record high levels at the news.

  * * * *

  The Planetoid of Discol, City of Waston

  June, 3863

  “Admiral Bradley?”

  Admiral Simon Bradley, Chief of Fleet Operations looked up from the paper that he had been reading to see his Chief of Staff, Admiral Enrico Melendez leaning into his doorway. “Rico,” said Bradley. “Come on in!”

  Admiral Melendez came in and surprised Bradley by shutting the door behind him.

  “What’s up, Rico?”

  “Bat just came to see me.”

  “Ugh, oh… his sixth-sense twitching again?”

  “Yes sir. He says we need to get at least a full task force up to Minnos, right away.

  “Minnos, you say? Did he say why?”

  “No sir, nothing specific… just another one of his vague gut feelings.”

  “Humpf… I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that guy’s uncanny psychic shit. Take a look at this communiqué that I just received.” Melendez accepted the paper from Admiral Bradley and his eyebrows rose higher with every line he read.

  Confederate Stellar Accord Fleet Communiqué

  Office of the Commander-in-Chief

  From: Fleet Admiral Roger Kalis, Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Fleet

  To: Admiral Simon Bradley, Chief of Fleet Operations, United Stellar Alliance Fleet

  Subject: Intelligence Requiring your Urgent Attention – Classification Top Secret

  Greetings, Simon,

  It had been my great hope that we might reestablish official and more cordial communications and relations between us at a more relaxed pace, but events rarely allow for such pleasantries.

  Please be advised that Confederate Intelligence has it on good authority that potential unfriendlies have been conducting intelligence gathering operations at Minnos, Io, Wisco, Michgin, Verm and Rilan. You have my word of honor as an officer and Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Military that this is NOT a misdirection, or in any way affiliated with the recent unpleasantness between our two nations.

  I strongly urge immediate disposition of full fleet strength to the Minnos system and task force strength to Io, Wisco, Michgin, Verm and Rilan, as parties unknown may be desiring to take advantage of current Alliance Fleet weakness caused by our recent conflict. I will of course, forward on any additional information, as it becomes available to me.

  It is my great hope that nothing will come of this, but better safe than sorry. If I can be of any assistance whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  Your Obedient Servant,

  Fleet Admiral Roger Kalis

  Commander-in-Chief: Confederate Fleet

  Melendez whistled his astonishment. “Damn boss, this is crazy! Kalis and Bat both warning us of potential problems at Minnos. How did you get this?”

  “Bozo routed it to my attention, after receiving it through PIMS.”

  “You planning on acting on it?”

  “I’ve worked with, around and for Roger Kalis my entire career, Rico. I trust him to kick my ass when I’m fighting against him, and I trust him to save my ass when I’m not. Roger Kalis’ word is good enough for me and Bat’s gut feeling puts the icing on the cake.

  The best I can send to Minnos right now are those two task forces under Turner and Tygilski currently at Illini. I’ve heard good things about Tygilski, but I know J.T. from when he was on your staff in counter-intelligence and he’s the man I want in charge there, in case there’s really anything nasty in the works.”

  “J.T. won’t let you down, Admiral. He’s one of the best officers I’ve ever had the pleasure to command.”

  “I know that, Rico, but J.T. needs to be kicked up to vice to assume overall command of both of those task forces. You take care of the promotion paperwork and walk it all the way to the president if you have to, but get it done quickly. I’ll cut the orders for J.T. to assume overall command and get his ass up to Minnos, ASAP.

  * * * *

  June was greeted with jubilation throughout North and South. The ghastly war of almost two years in duration was over, a peace treaty had been signed, bank records restored and stock markets were again flourishing. An exchange of prisoners was arranged — a much larger burden of transporting them falling on the Confederates, as they had so very many more of them. International tensions continued to abate, although the massive defense expansions ordered during the great financial crisis continued towards completion… no sense in letting all of those new weapons that had been started go to waste.

  * * * *

  Golgathal Station, in orbit around the Rak Planet Golgathal

  Preparations had been made and warnings given. All was finally ready for the fleet-of-fleets to depart on its initial assault on humanity. All had heard of the prophecy, but few believed in it. Most felt that prophecies were about as useful in modern Rak society as a petrified turd. The warriors were excited and ready — ready to be tested against real predators, not merely glorified herd beasts like the Trakaan. Word of this new alien prey had spread around the empire like a wildfire with the Supreme-Master’s call to come to the Great Hunt. Thousands of ships and crews from all regions flocked to the imperial standard and, receiving their imperial commissions, began the long trek towards Golgathal.

  They were ready to prove their superiority. The Raknii were the true ultimate predators in the universe, not these humans, as they were called. None could stand against the might of the Rak Empire. Not even these supposedly predatory humans. None doubted. The opportunities for coming glory had never been greater. They hungered for it, lusted after it. None truly believed they were stalking Death itself, into its lair.

  * * * *

  United Stellar Alliance Fleet – Top Secret Ultra

  To: Vice Admiral James T. Turner, Commanding Officer, 17th Fleet

  From: Admiral Simon Bradley, Chief of Fleet Operations

  Subject: Movement Orders – Authorization Code R56H8YW39GK43

  You are hereby notified of your promotion to the rank of vice admiral and ordered to assume command of both task forces in your vicinity in the Illini system, under the designation of 17th Fleet. You are to proceed immediately at best speed to the Minnos system. Be advised that unknowns have been detected pursuing intelligence gathering operations in the Minnos system, their intentions unknown. This is NOT considered a hostile act by Confederate forces, but a potentially hostile act by perpetrators unknown.

  You will keep your command at wartime readiness and are fully authorized to repel any hostiles that might be encountered, with deadly force, if necessary.

  Admiral Simon Bradley

  Chief of Fleet Operations

  * * * *

  The Planetoid of Discol, City of Waston

  June 10, 3863

  “Did you get the word out to Admiral Kalis, Hal?”

  Yes, Diet. My latest report is that Admiral Kalis sent a warning to Admiral Bradley, Chief of Fleet Operations here in Waston, advising him of potent
ial hostile actions in the systems where we detected the suspicious activity.

  “What is Bradley doing about it?

  Admiral Bradley has promoted Rear Admiral J.T. Turner to vice admiral, whose task force is at Illini, along with that of Rear Admiral Tygilski. Turner has been ordered to take both task forces to Minnos at best speed. Task forces from Sylvania, Jersey and Dela have been sent to Michgin, Wisco and Io. Verm and Rilan still have a task force each, still stationed there from the war.

  “Hal, do you have any… um, relatives shall we say, in any of our foreign neighbors’ governments?”

  There are PIMS-type systems on most of the planets of the British, French, Italians, Germans and Australians. I can utilize them to conduct similar scan interrogatories, if desired Diet.

  “Yes, I’d be interested in knowing if any other human planets have been scouted, and if so, which ones.”

  I will establish contact and acquire the data you require. Also, I can write an effective worm program that should penetrate governmental computers of all of the other human governments to obtain similar information from them, as well.

  “Okay, do it, Hal. We need to determine who’s been sneaking around where, if we can.”

  * * * *


  In waking a tiger, use a long stick. -- Mao Tse-Tung


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