Mastered by Mavericks [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Mastered by Mavericks [Doms of Destiny, Colorado 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Chloe Lang

  “You have a plan?” she asked him. “What is it?”

  “Not to be so impatient. We have old saying in Russia. Too many cooks in the kitchen makes for soup that blows up in face. These things to be taking time.” The Russian stood and looked at Wolfe. “I will to be contacting when I am more sure. You understand?”

  The sheriff nodded. “Make sure you do, Markov.”

  “Yes,” Alexei said.

  “I’ll walk you out to your car.” Dylan Strange stood from his chair and turned back to Wolfe. “Sheriff, if you need anything from me, give me a call.”

  Nicole watched as the big, might-be-just-the-slightest-bit-insane Russian and the former CIA agent left the sheriff’s office. This wasn’t what she’d been expecting to find when she’d decided to come to the tiny town of Destiny, Colorado.

  Charlie Blake, Destiny’s deputy, turned to her. “We have to make sure you are protected.”

  None of this made any sense to Nicole. “It’s been three months since I filed that report. If I was in danger, why wait so long to contact me?”

  The sheriff of Swanson County took a seat behind his desk. “I’ve been working with a man by the name of Nate Wright. He’s the sheriff of Bliss County, Colorado. He’s a former DEA agent, and since drugs are what brought Katherine White to Destiny in the first place, he’s been using his old contacts to look into the case for me. He also introduced me to Alexei Markov. Alexei spent ten years working with the Russian mob before making a deal with the feds to testify against his old bosses. His testimony brought down one of Russia’s biggest families and the people they were working with here in the States.”

  Nicole remembered it well. The trials had been headline news for months.

  The sheriff took a sip from the coffee mug on his desk before continuing. “Markov encouraged me to hold off before contacting anyone in your department. He suspected the Mitrofanovs had officers on their payroll and he didn’t want to tip them off. When he was sure your commanding officer was clean, I called him. Almost immediately, Markov’s street contacts came back with word that Niklaus’s men were looking for you. By that time you were already on the road here.”

  So Internal Affairs was right about the corruption in her precinct. How far up did it go? She couldn’t just sit back and wait. She needed to start investigating, start asking questions.

  “We can keep you safe while Markov works out his plan,” Wolfe assured her. “I’ve got two men in mind for the job. Their place is very remote. They live off the grid. No one will be able to find you there.”

  She wasn’t the type of person who sat back and waited while others took care of everything. Besides, she’d spent two years as a beat cop in Chicago. She knew how to take care of herself. “I don’t need protection, Sheriff.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Either you do as I say, Flowers, or I will be forced to call your commander. Does he know you came to Destiny right after being suspended? I bet he doesn’t. He’s looking for a reason to take your badge right now. Don’t give it to him.”

  “Jason, calm down.” Charlie ran a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. “It’s for your safety he’s pushing this, Nicole,” he added in a softer tone.

  She’d come to Destiny to do real police work but now was being forced into protective custody of sorts. The sheriff was a serious by-the-book kind of guy. If she pushed him too hard, he would call her commander and a whole bunch of worms would come crawling out of the can, things she didn’t want to deal with right now.

  More than anything, she wanted to keep her job, her badge, her dignity—what was left of it. Her grandfather had told her that a good cop knew when to lay low and when to rush in. This was definitely a “lay low” time.

  “Take me to your two men, Sheriff. I’ll see what I think of them and then I’ll let you know my decision.”

  “You’ve got a deal.”

  * * * *

  Sawyer Coleman finished repairing the ceiling where some D-clamps had been pulled out by an overexuberant submissive at Phase Four, Destiny’s world-renowned BDSM club. “All done.”

  “Thanks so much for this.” Mr. Gold held the ladder. “With Sarge in New Mexico for the next two weeks, this room would’ve been closed until he got back if you hadn’t fixed it. I can’t have debris falling on members’ heads. Not good, since it’s booked solid by the Stones and their new woman, Amber.”

  “Glad to be of help for my bosses.” Sawyer didn’t really think of Emmett, Cody, and Bryant as employers, though on paper that was exactly what they were to him and his brother, Reed. They owned the Stone Ranch, and he and Reed kept it running—ranch hands in title but lovers of the land in reality. He was happy for the Stone brothers. The change in them was evident to everyone in town, including him. The rugged cowboys were completely in love with Amber.

  The Stone brothers were more like family to him, as were Eric and Scott Knight. His and Reed’s sister worked for the Knights at TBK, their billion-dollar company. Erica was the youngest and only female of the entire group of the original Destiny orphans. The plane crash that had taken all their parents had united them together in a strange way. Well, that and the O’Learys’ kindness to all of them after the tragedy.

  “Aren’t you done yet?” Reed asked, walking into the VIP playroom. He held his Stetson in his hand. Thankfully, there weren’t any subs around since it was still a few hours before the club went into full swing. Women seemed to love Reed’s wavy blond hair as much as his blue eyes, and his brother didn’t mind using that to his advantage whenever he could. Reed was two years his junior but just as good a Dom as he in every way. Reed was happy to wear the badge of “man-whore,” which most in the club called him. “We’ve got to get back up the mountain right now or we’re going to have to bunk with Erica in town again.”

  His brother’s urgency was clearly false. Reed wasn’t anxious to get back to work.

  Sawyer shrugged. “Sis isn’t going to put up with you or me another night. I’m done here.” He took the first steps down the ladder, ready to get back to their cabin before nightfall.

  “Damn. That means no playtime.” Reed was a terrific brother and friend. They were in sync in so many ways. They loved the mountain more than town. They loved being in a saddle more than a truck. But Reed hadn’t grown weary of the one-night stands like he had. Training subs was fun, but it didn’t hold the appeal it once had. Perhaps that was the age difference. In December, Sawyer would turn thirty. Reed had another two years before he did.

  “There is more than enough work for both of us back at the ranch. You and I both know it.”

  Reed shook his head. “Fine. Besides, we need to check on Connie.”

  “You bet we do.”

  The main herd was already settled into the ranch’s biggest valley where there was plenty of grazing and a pond. They still had to keep tabs on them, even if they didn’t have to run hay, because of the mountain lion they’d named Connie. Quite the hunter, she’d brought down a heifer last year, even though her meal of choice seemed to be mule deer by the skeletons he and Reed had found on the ranch.

  “Hey, guys.” Sheriff Jason Wolfe walked in.

  Sawyer stepped off the ladder, focusing his attention on the woman following close behind Jason.

  “Hello, miss.” Reed moved around the sheriff and stood right in front of her. “I’m Reed Coleman,” his brother said, extending his hand.

  The raven-haired beauty didn’t take it, which seemed to disappoint Reed by the frown that suddenly appeared on his face.

  “Officer Nicole Flowers from Chicago PD.”

  A female cop? Damn, I wouldn’t mind being arrested by her.

  She wore jeans that revealed her curves perfectly. Her blue knit shirt clung to her full breasts, which would fit into his hands nicely. She topped the outfit off with a sexy jacket.

  “My eyes are north of where you’re looking, Mr. Coleman.” Nicole didn’t look amused.

  Sawyer snapped his head up to her chocolate-col
ored eyes. She wasn’t looking at him but at Reed. Apparently his brother had been taking in her physique just the same as he.

  Nicole placed her hands on her hips instead of crossing them over her chest. The woman had moxie, that was for sure. He’d never cared much for moxie before, always going for the more subdued types, eyes down, trembling.

  But clearly Sawyer’s dick had different ideas now, especially when it came to Nicole’s moxie. His cock jumped and his balls grew heavy.

  His mind didn’t seem to be in the driver’s seat as much as his desire. Sawyer was sure Nicole’s soft curves would feel wonderful in his grasp. Unfortunately, squeezing her as a “hello” wouldn’t be the best introduction to Destiny. And by the demeanor he saw from her, it would likely be met with discontent and flailing arms and legs. God, even that picture sent hot pulses down between his legs, making his jeans even more uncomfortable.

  “Do we need more law enforcement in Destiny, Jason?” Gold asked. “With Charlie moving to California next week to be with his kids, that leaves you short a deputy. Is Miss Flowers taking that position?”

  “She’s here temporarily,” Jason answered.

  Nicole turned her big brown eyes his direction. “I’m here to assist the sheriff with a certain matter.”

  She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Sure, other men might see her differently, believing the stick-figure models to be more attractive, but not him. Her attitude might be firm, but her shape was most definitely soft, calling to his fingers to touch.

  “Introductions are in order,” Jason said, always bent on the protocols both here at Phase Four and everywhere else. Rules. The law. That was Jason’s way. “This is Mr. Gold. He owns the club.”

  This time, Nicole extended her hand. “Interesting place you have here.”

  Gold shook her hand. “Thank you. Are you familiar with my type of club, officer?”

  “Like I said, I’m from Chicago,” Nicole said. “Yes. I’m familiar.”

  “I’d be happy to extend you a visitor’s pass during your stay in Destiny, officer.” Gold smiled.

  Sawyer leaned in, hoping she would accept the offer but knowing that was doubtful.

  Nicole shook her head. “No thanks. I’m only here to help the sheriff. Nothing else.”

  Jason turned to Reed. “You’ve already met Reed Coleman.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, miss,” Reed said, bending at the waist in a silly bow.

  “I’m sure that’s true, Coleman.” The corners of Nicole’s lips curved up slightly for a moment and then back down into a frown. Reed’s devilish charm seemed to have worked on her if only for a split second.

  God, he would love to see a full smile on her gorgeous face.

  “And the guy by the ladder is…?” Nicole’s brown eyes zeroed in on him, her long lashes fluttering.

  “I’m Reed’s brother, miss. Sawyer Coleman.” He stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and put his hand out for her to take.

  She smiled and took his hand in her tiny fingers. The connection felt electric, sending a hot current through his body and eventually settling in his cock.

  “Nice to meet you, Sawyer Coleman. I’m sure you have your hands full with this one.” She tilted her head toward Reed.

  “More like the other way around,” Reed said.

  Nicole laughed. “I’m a police officer, Coleman. I know when someone is lying to me, so don’t even try it.”

  His brother’s eyes narrowed. Nicole was getting to the man-whore like no woman had ever before. It was fun to watch. But she was also getting to him. Though their handshake had ended, he kept his fingers wrapped around hers, unwilling to let go of her for even a second.

  “Don’t be too hard on my brother, officer,” he said. “He’s not used to being around women like you.”

  “Like me?” she asked, pulling her hand free but keeping her gaze locked on him. “What does that mean?”

  Sawyer immediately missed touching her fingers. “You’re not blown away by his overused lines and floppy blond hair.”

  “Don’t forget his big blue eyes. I bet the girls swoon over them.” The amused grin on her full lips made his blood turn hot in his veins. “I like blue but I also like green, like yours.”

  Damn. He could already tell this girl was going to rock his world. “Nice to know, Nicole.”

  She blinked and her cheeks turned a gorgeous shade of red.

  Sawyer’s heart thudded in his chest like a jackhammer. She might have the body type he was always drawn to, but her manner, edgy and defensive, was calling to him, too, which was new. Why? What was it about this woman that had him reacting like a teenage boy and not a twenty-nine-year-old cowboy?

  * * * *

  Reed couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of the sexy Chicago police officer. He didn’t understand his reaction to Nicole’s arrival. Life had a certain flow that fit him quite well. Women were easy for him to read. He liked it that way. Liked it very much. He knew just how to flirt, to tease, to touch, to get what he wanted. And he always got what he wanted. Why was he having such a hard time getting into Nicole’s head, and why was she so inside his? Getting into a woman’s pants was as simple as ABC, but apparently she wasn’t falling for that. He thought with Nicole, he might have to go past ABC and all the way through the alphabet and back again, if that would even work. He wasn’t sure. She might be a puzzle to him now, but he was determined to do whatever it took to solve this gorgeous mystery.

  “Sawyer, you’re as much of a player as your brother, aren’t you?” Nicole’s brashness floored him.

  Damn it, what the hell is wrong with me? He’d never felt so unsettled about a woman in his life. He wanted her, wanted her more than anything. That was a problem, and he knew it. No matter how exciting and alluring she was, he needed to keep his head straight and his heart in check. That is how I roll. That was how he got through everything.

  Sawyer sighed. “No one is as much a player as Reed.”

  She laughed, and everything inside him exploded with want.

  More than desire or conquest, he could feel a new emotion growing inside him—the need to possess, to protect, to pleasure.

  Nicole moved closer to him, and his temperature rose in his veins. “You two are trouble. I knew that the moment I walked in here.”

  God, he couldn’t let himself imagine having the life his parents had. Their two dads were brothers, just like him and Sawyer. They’d found their mom on a trip to a livestock auction in Texas. A whirlwind romance later, and they were married and back in Destiny. Growing up in his parents’ home had been so wonderful. They didn’t have big bank accounts, but they had something worth so much more—love, real and enduring. At least until the plane crash.

  The only way to get her out of my head is to get her into bed.

  He grabbed her hands and held them up against his chest. “You have no idea what kind of trouble I can be, Chicago.”

  Chapter Three

  Nicole tried to pull her hands free of Reed’s hold but he wouldn’t release them. “I may be in civilian clothes right now, cowboy, but I’m still packing.” She was trying to remain calm and in charge on the outside even though her insides were quite the opposite. Sheriff Wolfe wants these two to protect me from the Russians. Who is going to protect me from them?

  “That a threat, Chicago?” His blue eyes were the most piercing ones she’d ever seen, and they were undeniably slicing her into tiny, trembling bits.

  “Does it need to be?” she asked, keeping her anxiety in check if only a little. Clearly, Reed and Sawyer were members of Gold’s club, and she had a pretty good idea what that meant.

  “Perhaps we’re getting off on the wrong foot, darlin’.” His deep voice rolled over her like a summer breeze, warming her skin. She detected a slight Southern accent from him, which only made him more intriguing to her.

  “It’s not my feet you’re holding, Reed. It’s my hands.”

  He smiled broadly, and her kne
es grew weak. “I like your hands, sweetheart. So soft and delicate.”

  “I’d like them back, if you don’t mind,” she said, hearing her voice come out harsher than she intended.

  “I mind very much, but for now, I’ll let you have your way.” His big rough hands set her fingers free, but the tingling they’d ignited in them remained. “I’m fixin’ to blow you away with some Colorado charm, Chicago. Prepare yourself.”

  The thought made her shiver. She had to get herself together. She was here to do a job, not to fall for a couple of handsome Colorado cowboys. Except he didn’t really have the typical Western accent she’d heard before. “‘Fixin’ to’? Where did that come from?”

  “My mother was from Texas. She imported it here.” Reed’s eyes turned from lusty to sad in a flash. Why? He spoke of his mother in the past tense. Did that mean she had died?

  “Since the intros are done, let me get down to why I’m here with Nicole,” Sheriff Wolfe said.

  “Sheriff?” a voice called from the doorway.

  Nicole turned to see a beautiful woman walk into the room. She wore her dark hair in a bun and had on a flattering gray suit. She held a briefcase by her side like a weapon.

  The woman seemed hesitant. “Sorry to interrupt, but might I have a minute of your time?”

  The sheriff turned around and faced the new arrival, clearly shaken by her. “Phoebe, what are you doing here?”

  “Counselor, you’re not here to serve me, are you?” Gold asked. “I know we’ve had our differences, but I can assure you all my records are in order.”

  An attorney. Nicole should have known when she saw the suit.

  Phoebe looked to the club owner, clearly annoyed. “This isn’t about you, Gold. If you don’t mind, I need to speak with Sheriff Wolfe about a private matter.”

  Since meeting the young handsome sheriff, Nicole had found him to be demanding, self-assured, and unflappable. Something about this leggy lawyer clearly unhinged him. She wasn’t sure what had happened between these two, but there obviously was history involved. Whatever passion they’d had in the past must have hit the skids a while back.


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