Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Shattered Abacus (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 2)

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Orville Mouse and the Puzzle of the Shattered Abacus (Orville Wellington Mouse Book 2) Page 22

by Tom Hoffman

  “I’m not exactly little anymore.”

  “I see that, but in my heart you’re still my little mouseling. One day you’ll understand, when you have your own little ones. When you were small we could see the great potential you possessed, far more than I had at that age. Your Mum and I would find objects you’d shaped in your sleep and we’d hide them before you woke. I knew I was fighting destiny when I told you I was a fishermouse, but I didn’t want you to face the dangers I did. I didn’t want anything to ever happen to you.”

  Sophia added, “Master Marloh said Orville is one of the most talented shapers he’s ever met.”

  “Thank you, Sophia. It’s a great pleasure to meet you, by the way. I met your papa numerous times. He was truly a wonderful and beloved mouse. I was greatly saddened when I learned of his loss in the scout ship crash on Periculum.”

  Orville looked over at Sophia. “Umm... we need to talk about that, Papa. It wasn’t an accident. Sophia’s papa was murdered by Draken Mouse. Draken Mouse is in Malgraven Prison.”

  “What? Draken Mouse a murderer?”

  Proto burst into the conversation. “Orville, Sophia and I found proof on Periculum of Draken’s heinous crime. Quite an adventurous tale indeed, especially the bit about Orville and the gigantic carnivorous centipedes. And who could forget the Gnorli bird? My name is Proto, by the way, and I live in your house. Mum loves my cooking and Orville made me promise not to open up any more photonic barriers after that incident with the scaly intruders. He never mentioned our little uninvited houseguests to Mum though. You know how she can be about things like that.”

  Eldon stared blankly at Proto. “You live in my house? Orville, you survived a mission to Periculum? Oh dear, this is a lot to process all at once. The truth is I just want to go home and see your mum. I’m so sorry I put you through this, but I had only a split second to react when the beam vaporized the shelf supports. The only thing I could think of was to activate the time throttle.”

  Abacus spun his high backed pilot chair around to face Eldon. “I am curious about the series of events which brought you to the MV Bermitar. Why did you come here? What were you looking for?”

  “It’s not often I’m surprised by a particular chain of events, but this one was like no other. It began with a letter on my front porch, a letter written in a language very few mice would be able to read. It came from a village on the coast of the Sutilbo Sea, an area I am quite familiar with. The villagers were terrified of something they called the Flicker, a huge object in the sky that passed overhead at regular intervals, blinking and flickering.

  “The village chief said it had been revealed to him in a vision that the Flicker would bring an end to their world. I sensed his vision was more than just vivid imagination, especially since my inner voice was practically screaming at me to visit Varmoran. I knew something was afoot, so I headed to Varmoran. That’s where I found the blue marble and was led to the wreckage of the MV Montrosian. I realized then the Flicker could be an old Mintarian ship whose cloaking device was malfunctioning, causing the peculiar flickering effect. When I arrived back in Muridaan Falls I took a Dragonfly and flew east to the Sutilbo coastline. I ran into some giant bees along the way and lost my pack and ring.

  “After speaking with the village elder it became clear the ship was flying in wide circles, passing overhead every few weeks. Their village is located near the Black Wall. For some reason they were convinced the Flicker had something to do with demons that lived on the other side of the wall and were trying to break out. All foundless, of course, but eventually I did the math and was able to calculate the ship’s approximate coordinates.

  “Boarding the MV Bermitar was more difficult, but I found a way in through the damaged hull, losing my Dragonfly in the process.

  “Luckily for me the cloak was malfunctioning most of the time I was there. I knew that something would be set in motion when the ship lost power and crashed, but I had no idea what I was looking for. When I stumbled on the security zone packed with time throttles I had my answer. Unfortunately, I missed a one of the security beams protecting the cargo hold. I dodged the proton beam but it hit the shelf, and the rest is history.”

  Abacus was entranced. “Do you think you were being directed by some unknown force? A force which was leading you to the blue marble?”

  “Of course, that’s how the universe works. You only have to listen to your inner voice. I did not understand the implications of finding the blue marble at the time, but I felt compelled to bring it back with me and equally compelled to give it to Orville. In the end, it’s one more miracle in a miraculous world.”

  “You are saying if I were to have a powerful feeling inside me, a feeling I am being directed to a certain place even though I have no real reason to go there... I should go?”

  Sophia looked at Abacus curiously. “What are you asking? Is something telling you to go somewhere?”

  “It is simply a hypothetical question, I am trying to understand the nature of the force which directed Eldon, the force which directed Orville to purchase the necklace for his Mum.”

  “Oh, that force was Sophia. She pounded me on the arm and told me not to get Mum a duplonium powered bread slicer for her birthday.”

  “What?” Eldon Mouse gave a loud snort. “You were going to get Mum a bread slicer for her birthday?”

  Orville frowned. “It was a nice one, duplonium powered and really fast, with self-sharpening blades. Less than fifteen seconds to slice an entire loaf.”

  “Sorry, I’m only laughing because I got your mum a bread slicer for our first anniversary, a disastrous miscalculation on my part. I’m surprised Mum never mentioned it to you. I hear about it at least once a year on our anniversary. A word of advice, if you know what’s good for you, never get Sophia a bread slicer for an anniversary present.”

  Orville felt a rush of blistering heat flood from his toes to the top of his head. “We’re not married, Papa, we’re just friends.” Orville could not make eye contact with Sophia.

  “Of course you’re not, I don’t know what I was thinking. I do apologize, Sophia, although you do make a lovely couple.”


  “Sorry, I’ll stop.” Eldon grinned, giving Orville a wink.

  Sophia snickered at Orville’s discomfort, but quickly changed the topic of conversation. “Abacus, what will you do now? You have your ship back and it looks as though the galaxy will keep on spinning, thanks to everyone in this room, and a great many who aren’t. Where will you go?”

  Abacus shook his head. “I am uncertain where this chain of events will take me. I could take my second form back to Mintari as so many others have done, I could stay here with the ship as Abacus MBC Gondorian did, or perhaps I could go exploring.”

  “Where would you go?”

  “I am uncertain. I will listen carefully to the inner voice you have described and let that be my guide.”

  Eldon smiled. “There is no better plan than that. You may not find what you are looking for, but you will most certainly find what you need. On that note I think we should take our leave. All I really want to do is go home.”

  “Can we all fit in the blinker ship?”

  “Abacus is staying here so there’s plenty of room. Now that the Black Wall is gone, we can stop and get The Dragonfly. You saw what Mirus did when we came back with a missing wing and a cracked canopy. I don’t want to tell him we lost a whole Dragonfly.”

  Eldon laughed. “It sounds as though Mirus hasn’t changed much.”

  Abacus stepped over to Orville and gave him an awkward hug, then did the same for Sophia, Proto, and Eldon. “I owe all of you more than you will ever know. Because of you I have reassembled twice, a process which has transformed me in ways I am still trying to comprehend.”

  Abacus raised one hand and the fifth tube portal glowed violet. “That will take you to the flight deck. Perhaps we shall meet again when I return from my travels.”

  Sophia hopped up on a
chair and kissed Abacus on the cheek. “Thank you for all your help.”

  Three minutes later the adventurers were strolling along the topside flight deck of the MV Bermitar, making their way toward the blinker ship.

  “Orville is a wonderful pilot now, Eldon. He’s flown The Glowbird, The Dragonfly, and the blinker ship.”

  Orville grinned, “Sophia calls me Captain Orville Mouse.” His smile vanished abruptly, his eyes catching sight of a distant object. “Spheres up! Back to the dome! We’re being attacked by Anarkkian scout ships!” A blazing sphere of defense popped up around Orville. He grabbed Sophia’s paw and they turned, dashing back toward the dome.

  “Orville, Sophia! Wait! It’s all right, they’re friendly.” Eldon had a wide grin on his face. He was waving both arms at the approaching ships.

  Orville squinted at them. “They’re Dragonflies!”

  The raucous humming of fourteen Dragonflies was almost deafening, the ships buzzing in a great circle around the flight deck. Eldon recognized the lead ship and cried out, “Patcher! You’re only a few years late! What kept you?” Patcher’s Dragonfly soared overhead then came to a hover, gently settling down on the flight deck. Soon the flight deck was covered with Dragonflies and Metaphysical Adventurers. Captain Patcher of the Dragonfly Squadron hopped out of the lead ship, followed by Amanda Mouse.

  Patcher tilted his head, scanning Eldon from head to toe. “You don’t look dead. No more than usual, anyway. Guess I lost that bet.”

  Eldon guffawed, slapping Patcher on the shoulder. “Some mice never change.”

  Patcher gave Eldon a great hug. “I’m glad you’re still with us, old friend.”

  “How did you find us?”

  “It wasn’t hard once Mirus translated the letter from your backpack and figured out where it came from. After we located the village I got a clear description of the Flicker from the elder. It sounded a lot like an old Mintarian rig. Didn’t take us too long to spot it with the cloaker knocked out. You haven’t aged a day. I’m guessing you had a fight with a time throttle and lost?”

  “You’re as sharp as ever. But, just so you know, I saved the world again. That means we’re tied, three to three.”

  “I’m thinking Orville, Sophia and Proto saved the world this time. You’d still be a furry statue if they hadn’t rescued you. Pretty sure it’s three to two in our world saving competition.”

  “Who’s your copilot? I don’t remember her, but I’ve been gone for a while.”

  “Eldon, I’d like you to meet Amanda Mouse, a history scholar at Easterly. She knows more about history than anyone I know, and that includes you. Master Marloh just signed her up as official historian for the Metaphysical Adventurers. I brought her along so she could see what it feels like to save the world.”

  Amanda nodded politely, holding out her paw. “A pleasure to meet you, Eldon. I look forward to having a lengthy discussion with you regarding Captain Patcher’s checkered past.”

  Patcher stepped back, a look of mock horror on his face. “Wait, what? No, he’s the very last mouse you should be talking to. Our time is up here, into the Dragonfly with you, we need to get back to Muridaan Falls.”

  Amanda gave a gleeful laugh as she stepped over to the Dragonfly. Patcher leaned forward, whispering to Eldon, “I think she’s the one.”

  “Well, she’s a lot smarter than you are, so that’s a good start. Congratulations. Hey, we’re taking the blinker back to Muridaan Falls, but we have to pick up Orville’s Dragonfly along the way, so you’ll get home before we do. You know how cranky Mirus gets when we lose one of his inventions.”

  Chapter 37

  Homeward Bound

  “No, you and your papa take The Dragonfly. Proto and I will take the blinker ship. You need to spend time with your papa so he can hear everything that’s happened since he left. He needs to know what you’ve been doing and how much you’ve grown and how much you missed him.”

  “I’m only two inches taller than I was.”

  “Are you being funny? I’m not talking about growing taller. Tell him how you’ve become a respected Metaphysical Adventurer and a powerful shaper. How you defeated Draken Mouse, how you learned the secret to infinite power from the Thirteenth Monk but realized you never need to use that power. Don’t forget to say how much you helped your mum. That it was really hard for her but she’s a strong mouse and she made things work.”

  “Creekers, I can’t remember all that stuff. Maybe you should fly with Papa and tell him all that.”

  “You’re such a ninny. Maybe that’s why I love you so much.”

  Orville’s eyes opened very wide. “What?”

  Sophia froze. “I meant like you so much. Like. Like you so much.”

  “Right.” A very silly grin crept across Orville’s face, a grin that did not go unnoticed by Sophia.

  “Stop grinning or I’ll pound you into the ground like a stake. Go. Your papa is waiting for you in The Dragonfly.”

  Two minutes later a buoyant Orville Mouse was perched in the cockpit next to his papa.

  “Ready to take this bug up, Copilot Orville Mouse of the Dragonfly Squadron?”


  “Did I forget to tell you? Captain Patcher said he’d be happy to take you on as a copilot in the squadron. Sophia was telling him how you escaped from that swarm of huge bumblebees in central Symoca. I had a little run in with those pesky critters myself and barely got away. If you outflew them, the Dragonfly Squadron is where you belong.”

  “Really? Do you think Mum would let me?”

  Eldon ran his paw over Orville’s shoulder. “You were right, you know. You’re not my little Orville anymore. It’s hard to let go, but that’s part of raising mouselings. If you want to join the squadron you have my blessing, and I know you’ll have Mum’s too. We talked about this when you were little. We knew the day would come when we’d have to let go, it just came a lot sooner than I expected.”

  Orville was silent, flooded with a sea of emotions. There were times when he liked being their little Orville, but being in the Dragonfly Squadron sounded more fun than anything. Sophia was right. He was growing up. “Engines on.”

  Orville flipped on the duplonium motors and the familiar humming of the wings filled the air. He pushed the left stick and The Dragonfly darted up into the sky.

  “Proto told me how the four of you brought down the Black Wall. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Abacus did most of it. It was scary when the pulsar bomb went off and he had to reassemble.”

  “How did Mum do while I was gone? She was always afraid something would happen to me. That’s why I didn’t want you to become a Metaphysical Adventurer.”

  Orville tried to imagine what Sophia would say. “She always tried to sound hopeful, but sometimes when I was in bed I could hear her crying. She would tell me you were still alive and one day you’d come home. She worked a lot because I think she wanted to stay busy. After she found out I was in the Metaphysical Adventurers she told me some of your friends had been helping her out with silvers. I started working at the Book Emporium after you disappeared. Mum said they needed help, but now I can see Master Marloh wanted to look out for me.”

  Orville paused, his eyes on the compass. He tugged at the right stick, adjusting their course. “A tech hunter found your Metaphysical Adventurers ring. Master Marloh told me to wear it until you got back safely.” Orville slipped the ring off his paw and held it out for his papa.

  Eldon stared at the ring. He was silent for a long time, then said, “I want you to have it. I won’t be going on any more missions, and I’d be honored if you would wear it in my place.”


  “I lost two years with your mum and with you. I don’t want to lose any more. I’ll work at headquarters, but I’m done with missions. Besides, someone has to keep an eye on Proto and make sure he doesn’t open any more photonic barriers. You know how much your mum hates big scaly creatures with gnashing teeth.”

bsp; Orville snorted. “You should have seen the look on her face when Proto walked into the house.”

  “You should have seen her the time I came home from Teribulon and forgot I had a twelve-legged Squealing Napsnikker in my pack. Mum never opened my pack again after that incident.”

  “I missed you, Papa. I cried just like Mum did.” Orville was staring straight ahead through the ship’s canopy.

  Eldon put his arm around Orville and kept it there for the rest of the flight home.

  * * * *

  The welcome home parties lasted for two weeks. The story printed in the Muridaan Falls Daily Gazette told a harrowing tale of a dreadful storm at sea and Eldon being marooned on a deserted island after his fishing boat capsized. Thanks to his superlative wilderness skills and his outstanding ingenuity he managed to survive on the island for two long years. Eldon Mouse was finally rescued by a sailing ship which had veered off course and spotted his signal fire. There was no mention of Metaphysical Adventurers, Mintarian time throttles, flickering ghost ships, or a certain shattered Abacus from the MV Bermitar who had reassembled twice and helped to save the galaxy.

  Orville stood in the kitchen doorway, trying to imprint this singular moment in his memory. Proto was standing in front of the stove wearing Mum’s brightly flowered apron, flipping snapberry flapcakes. Papa was reaching across the breakfast table pouring honey from a small white pitcher onto Mum’s plate. Mum was laughing and holding up her paw for him to stop.

  Proto spotted Orville in the doorway. “Good morning, Orville. Snapberry flapcakes with honey are on the menu this morning. Have a seat. I’m so excited to have our Papa home again.”

  Eldon looked at Orville with raised eyebrows, a wide smile on his face. “Mum has been telling me all about Proto and what a wonderful help he’s been. Did you see his new vegetable garden in the backyard? I can’t identify even half of the plants, but they do look quite delicious.”


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