Creatures of Snow

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Creatures of Snow Page 14

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  “Man of Mist.” Roland’s white face went whiter.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Mist. I don’t remember much, but my friends seem to think he was after the Book of Nine and so they’ve been trying to research it and aren’t finding much.”

  “Tell them to stop.” Roland nodded rapidly, his whole body seemed to shake. “Tell them, they need to stop and need to leave it alone.” Roland ran a nervous hand through his hair, “Don’t tell anyone else. Don’t mention that man’s name.”

  “Roland-” Sky knew what panic looked like, and this was certainly the beginning.

  “Skyden,” Roland grabbed both his arms and forced him to look directly into his four eyed face. “That man is very dangerous. Whatever he is after, leave it alone. I’m going to contact Master Zeph, he’ll need to know. He can fix this.”

  “Fix what?” Sky stretched his aching body, but he had to admit – he felt a thousands times better.

  “Just go home.” Roland picked up Sky’s bag from the corner and tossed it over to him. “I’ll take care of this.”

  Sky had to just shrug and agree. “Okay.” He walked to the door. “Thanks for you know, fixing me up and stuff.” He rubbed at his chest. “See you tomorrow then.”

  Roland gave him a tight smile and waved him away, “Yes. Of course.”

  His head finally felt clear and Sky took in a lungful of air without pain. “Thanks again.” He threw up a hand as a farewell.

  “Sky,” Roland yelled behind him, “Be careful. If you see that man again…just run.”

  “You got it.”

  Just outside the door was a set of solid wooden stairs leading down to the ground level. He could hear the thumps and yells of his comrades below, so that meant class was still going on. He had no idea how much time had passed since he had blacked out. In fact, he couldn’t really remember much after he had talked to Al after class. He must have been in pretty bad shape.

  “There he is.” Con whooped joyfully as Sky approached the training circle.

  He wasn’t sure if he should be embarrassed or not. Did he say anything before he passed out? “Hey.”

  If he wasn’t certain he was awake, Sky would have sworn he was dreaming when Sara rushed from the center of the circle over to him. It wasn’t a hug, but it was close enough. One of her hands went immediately to his forehead in a motherly gesture as the other lightly gripped his shoulder.

  “See, I told you he was fine.” Con scoffed and leaned against a stack of crates.

  “You’re okay. You’re okay, right?” Her eyes searched his face.

  “I feel great, thanks to Roland.” Sky wanted to smile, but his whole body was numb with shock.

  Sara pushed him back and a more normal look came over her, “You’re such an idiot! What were you thinking?”

  Sky looked from her, over to Con and even stole a glance to Ellie. He couldn’t read any of them. He had no idea what had happened. “I’m sorry?” He shrugged.

  Sara rolled her eyes and growled. “I can’t believe I was actually worried about you. You’re so stupid. Why didn’t you just move?”

  He could only stare blankly back at her. “Can I be honest? I don’t really remember coming in here today. I was pretty out of it. I, you know…was sick.”

  It was her turn to stare at him with an emotionless face as she processed what he had said. “So, you don’t remember what happened?” Sara glanced back to Ellie who still stood solidly in the center of the training circle.

  “Let’s call it a day.” Ellie sighed and strode towards them.

  “I like the sound of that.” Con clapped his hands. “Let’s head home kiddos!”

  “But-” Sara began to protest.

  “We’ll pick up the lesson tomorrow.” Ellie walked by them and straight out the door. That girl just didn’t mess around.

  Sara stood staring after her and when she turned back she looked to Con.

  “Go home, Sara.” Con’s voice was as soothing as a warm blanket. He walked past Sky and walked right up to Sara. “It’s okay.” He ran a hand over her shoulder gently, “Everything is fine, we’ll pick things up tomorrow. I promise.”

  There was a new feeling in his stomach now, but it wasn’t nausea. Sky gritted his teeth, he didn’t like the way she was smiling at Con.

  “Whatever.” Sara walked away in a huff. She gave a short glance back and he looked away, not wanting to catch the look of sympathy.

  “Was it bad? What I did, was it really that bad?” Sky didn’t want to know.

  Con shrugged and pulled him over into a headlock. “It was my fault.”

  Sky struggled to get free, but Con wasn’t yielding as he walked him towards the door. “Gah, let go.”

  Con shoved him through the door into the courtyard. “I’m not going to apologize though.” Con leaned in the door jam with his arms crossed over his chest. “You said you were fine when you knew you weren’t.” His looked down at Sky in an intimidating manner. “I don’t like secrets. We’re a team, Skyden, this isn’t going to work if you don’t trust us.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was that serious.” He tried to straighten, but couldn’t will himself higher than a slouch.

  “Stand up, soldier.” Con commanded. He pushed himself out of the doorway and strode over to Sky. “I expect more from you.”

  Sky straightened to his full height which was only a few inches below Con. “Yes, Sir.”

  Con’s demeanor melted back into his normal smiling self, “Aww, I’m just messing with you.” He reached over and ruffled Sky’s hair. “Relax, kid. It’s all good. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “You’re kind of scary when you want to be.”

  “You should see me when I’m actually mad.” He laughed. “Now come on, you want some company on your way home?”

  “Well, I was actually going to go check on a couple of my friends before I leave.”

  “Ah, I see. Disobeying orders again.” Con shoved him in the shoulder. “Have it your way.”

  An awkward moment passed as neither of them moved. “Were you going to follow me?” Sky asked finally.


  “I’m really not that interesting.”

  “Roland said to.” Con held up his wav-com and across it was the message:


  “All right. Follow me, I guess.” Sky led Con passed the Administration building and strolled towards the Library. “Did Roland message anything else to you? About what happened to me?”

  Con nodded slightly, “He did.” He said quietly, looking straight at him. “I wish you would have been the one to tell me.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean not to tell you. I’ve been so out of it since yesterday I don’t even know if I actually know what’s going on.” His voice wavered and cracked.

  “Don’t sweat it kid.” Con nudged into him, “Not understanding at this point is a good thing, trust me.”

  “Al and Lee aren’t going to like what I have to say.” He sighed, watching the clouds above, “They seemed pretty dead set on researching that stupid book.”

  Con laughed beside him, “Ah yes, the infamous Book of Nine. Well good luck with that in this Library. I don’t care how far removed REALM thinks they are from the government, anything Telic related is strictly monitored and prohibited, especially about that book.”

  “So, you know about it?”

  “I know enough not to look for it here.” He smirked and shook his head. “You need to forget about this stuff, remember.”

  “Right.” He mumbled and focused straight ahead.

  They walked for a bit in silence, he couldn’t help but try to remember all that Roland had said, and piece it together with Lee’s fears…

  He took a sidelong look at Con who looked to have his mind focused elsewhere. Without a smile on his face, or really, without any expression at all, he looked…sad. “Where are you from?” Sky said to break the silence.

  Con pulled his mind back to the moment, h
is eyes again alive and his face decorated with a loose smile. “Originally?”

  “Yeah. Where you were born.”

  Con shrugged and looked up at the cloudless sky, “I guess I’m not sure; I’ve been on Arche so long, it’s hard to remember.” He pondered a bit, “I spent some time in Condor I know.”

  “I guess it doesn’t matter anyway, right. I was technically born on Arche from what I’m told, but I lived on Haigon when I was real small, and then we moved here to Archaios. If someone asks me where I’m from I generally always just say Archaios, even though it’s not really true.” Sky rambled. “How old are you?”

  “My, my, aren’t we full of questions all of a sudden.”

  “You said we were a team right, and needed to trust one another. Well, I don’t know anything about you.”

  “Touché,” He laughed. “I would guess a year or two older than you. The Arche Academy isn’t as much divided by age as it is ability anyway. Since I’ve been a part of them since I was real young I’m a few years ahead of most kids my age. Same goes for Ellie and Roland, we’ve been considered upperclassmen for years now.”

  “And you said you were pretty high up in the ranks right? So, your goal is to work for the ILA?”

  Con shook his head and ran a hand through his hair, messing it up purposefully, “Nope. So now can I ask you some questions?”

  “Wait, so you don’t want to work for the ILA?” They were almost to the Library and Sky didn’t really want to answer any questions about himself.

  “Nope.” Con said again. “I have my own goals. Now what about you? Why did you apply to Arche?”

  “Because I was rejected by REALM and it was the only other school that I’ve really heard of.”

  “Fair enough. Let’s see…” Con scratched at his chin.

  They were only a few yards from the Library stairs.

  “You like Sara, don’t you.” Con nudged him in the ribs. “That was more of a statement and not a question. I’m pretty good at picking up on this sort of thing.”

  Sky’s heart was in his throat and he could feel a cold sweat break out over his body, “What? No, don’t be ridiculous. She hates me.”

  “Well, I know that. But that doesn’t mean you can’t like her.” He pulled open the door for Sky and gestured him in. “I mean, heck, Ellie used to hate me too, not that I had overly romantic feelings for her, but I don’t really like it when people don’t like me.”

  “Roland doesn’t like you.”

  “Roland doesn’t like anybody. And that’s beside the point. The point is, over time, once she got to know me, we became friends. And it was totally worth all the abuse I took from her to get there.” Con stopped him before he went in the doors. “But you, all I see you doing is fawning over her and not doing anything about it. You’re not even trying to let her get to know you, and now after today, I’m pretty sure she thinks you’re pathetic.”

  That was true.

  A few students pushed there way past them as they stood blocking the entrance. “Come on.” He said and led the way into the Grand Literature Library.

  The place was huge - two city blocks and four stories of pure information. Finding Al and Lee might be harder than he had thought.

  “Let me be honest with you and say this is the last place I would have imagined you going when we just gave you the afternoon off.” Con laughed looking around.

  He was ready to write off finding them as impossible when he saw a flash of red hair moving between the aisles over by the ancient history section.

  “This way.” Sky walked quickly, feeling uncomfortable in such a large, nearly silent place.

  Thankfully it was Lee, and not some other randomly tall, red head that he had followed. As he rounded the aisle he could see Al, nearly buried in mounds of old books and papers, scribbling away at one of the middle tables.

  “Skyden.” Lee greeted him as he got closer. “Hello.”

  “Hey, Lee. Hiya Al.” He gestured to Con who stood smiling beside him, “This is my mentor, Con. Con, this is Lee and Al.”

  “You’re really good at introductions, Sky.” Con’s smile widened as he extended his hand to Al and then Lee. “Nice to meet both of you.”

  “Yeah, nice to meet the poor soul in charge of this guy.” Al shook his hand heartily.

  Con laughed too loud in the silence, and retracted it immediately. “So, you guys look busy.” He turned to Sky, “Why are we interrupting them again?”

  “Because I’m supposed to tell them to stop.” Sky fidgeted with one of the papers next to Al. “You guys can just stop, okay.”

  Al’s eyebrows came together in concern. “What do you mean?” Al looked up at Sky, and then over to Con.

  “Ohh, the Book of Nine.” Con leaned across the desk and pointed at Al’s notes, “That’s right, you were trying to research that.”

  “You know of it?” Lee questioned, looking Con over with a suspicious eye.

  Con caught his look and he answered with a wicked smirk, “I know a lot of things.”

  “Well, we’re not looking for information on the Book itself really, more of…its significance.”

  “Al.” Lee said shortly. “I am sure they have many other important things to do today.”

  “Not really.” Con punched Lee in his shoulder, “We just let class out for the day, but you’re right – I honestly couldn’t care less what you’re doing, no offense.”

  “None taken.” Al chuckled.

  “But you know, I was just telling Sky how you’re not going to find much information on that book in here.” Con leaned on the desk and gestured around them absently, “Even REALM has its limits.”

  Al looked up at him with a keen interest, “You make it sound like you know a bit about it.”

  “Like I said, I know a lot of stuff. Like that the Book of Nine contains one very curious bit of information that the government has gone to great lengths to protect.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Al whispered breathlessly.

  “It’s just as I said, the government has tried and succeeded to keep most information about it hidden.” Con leaned closer to Al, “if you want information and history that has been untainted by Government censorship then I would suggest going to Meral.” he shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. “They’re a Sovereign Nation, or whatever you call it, so the Government can’t touch them.”

  Al’s face lit up. “You’re right. You’re a genius!”

  “I get that a lot.”

  “Con, you’re not helping.” Sky shot him a deadly look, “Guys, it doesn’t matter. We’re dropping the whole thing. I talked to my Junior Professor about it, and he’s gonna take care of everything.”

  “A Junior Professor?” Al shook his head, “What does he know about it? And yes, it does matter, it matters to me, Sky. Someone might be after my mom.”

  “Oooh, this sounds serious.” Con bounced off the desk and crossed over to stand behind Sky.

  “I said it was being taken care of and there’s no need to get anyone else involved, okay.”

  “Lee, you know Sara pretty well, you think you could go ask her about the library in Meral?” Al scooted his chair back and started gathering up his papers, ignoring Sky completely.

  Lee shifted around uneasily. “I suppose I could, yes.”

  “No.” Sky’s shout reverberated into the silence of the vast interior, “Al, I get it, I didn’t mean to make it sound like it didn’t matter. Look, if you’re serious about still pursuing this, I’ll go to Meral, I’ll see what I can find.”

  “Are you snapped?” Al shook his head. “That place would chew you up.”

  “I can handle Meral.” Sky shot back defensively. “Besides,” he shot an awkward look over to Con, “it’s part of my training to adapt to new and unusual surroundings.”

  “Technically true, but a bit unwise at this point in your training.” Con nodded.

  “You wouldn’t even know what you’re looking for.” Al scoffed.

/>   “I think if we could just let Sara know what we are doing.” Lee stepped up to the desk, “She is smart enough to find the correct texts if they exist.”

  “I said, no. Are you even listening to me? Lee, you said before that we weren’t taking this seriously enough, well, now I am. This is dangerous and we’re not getting anyone else involved, okay. Roland is telling Zeph, and he’s gonna handle things.”

  “Zeph! That’s the last person I would rely on for anything.” Al pounded his fists on the table and stood.

  “Watch your mouth, pip squeak.” Con narrowed his eyes. “You speak unkindly towards Master Zeph, you’ll have some new problems. You got that.”

  Al stared hard at Con, Sky could tell by the look on his face that he was memorizing and analyzing. Al was most likely remembering how that gray outside of REALM all those nights ago had reacted in much the same way when Sky had bad mouthed the Iko.

  “I’ll go to Meral, don’t talk to Sara. We don’t need to get her involved.” Sky spoke slowly and looked to Lee, the only level head in there “I’ll let you guys know right away if I find something, okay?”

  “Seems like the matter is settled.” Con slapped an uncomfortable-looking Lee on the back before pushing Sky towards the door. “We’re going to Meral.”

  Sky shot a desperate look over to Al and hoped he wasn’t too angry.

  When they exited the library Sky felt like the biggest idiot.

  “You look mad.”

  “What were you doing in there?” Sky shouted at his mentor.

  “Settle down, you should be thanking me. When I said, ‘we’re going to Meral’ I just sort of meant just you. This gives you a great opportunity to go prove you’re not a pussy, and confess your love to Sara.” Con nudged him again.

  Sky shrank down. “This is serious. They expect me to come back with information and if I don’t, they’ll ask Sara about it.”

  “Hey look at this, I just sent you her address.” He made a few swipes over his wav-com.

  “You can’t do that – that’s private information.”

  “It’s team building.” Con held a finger up, “In fact, I order you to go see her.”

  “No. Aren’t you listening? I don’t want to get anyone else involved.”


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