Creatures of Snow

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Creatures of Snow Page 20

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  “Calm down.” Rolands hushed voice was stern, “What they need to discuss has nothing to do with you.” He pulled his arm sharply from Sky, glancing back to make sure no one saw the brief exchange. “Pull yourself together, especially here.”

  “Skyden, are you all right?” Lee turned back.

  “Ahh, someone.” Zeph called to them, “Could someone come get this please?” He laughed lightly, gesturing to a still ogling Sara that hadn’t left Sky’s father’s side.

  Roland gestured him off. “Fetch her, Skyden.”

  He obeyed without thinking, drifting back to the Ikos, Zeph know’s what I am. Has he known the whole time? He had so many questions that would go unasked until he got the Iko alone.

  When he got to them, Zeph successfully avoided his questioning eyes while his dad gently pushed Sara towards him.

  “Come on Sara,” Sky grabbed her hand, fully expecting to be hit in the face. To his surprise her eyes grew wide and alert, like she had just been jolted awake.

  She looked at him quizzically and then back at his dad. Her face again melted into a dreamy stare, but before it could progress beyond that Sky pulled her arm until she willingly matched his pace.

  “I feel kinda strange,” She leant in towards him.

  He was shocked she hadn’t pushed him away yet, and let go of her arm since she seemed to be walking with him on her own free will. “It will wear off soon enough.”

  “What?” She asked with a menacing tone. “What, did you drug me or something? That’s how you got me here isn’t it? This is totally bizarre, you know that right.” Finally back to her old self.

  Sky glanced over his shoulder, hoping to catch wind of what Zeph was saying to his dad, but whatever the exchange had been, it had been short since the two were already moving up behind them.

  Upon entering the building, they were escorted to the dinning hall, a room that Sky had never been in. It was two stories high and magnificently decorated in drapery, sculptures and paintings of the past generations. A long wooden table took center stage and upon it sat ornate platters and bowls heaped with a variety of fancy looking food, most of which, Sky had never seen.

  “Thank the Creator Al got his looks from his mother. My, my, what a bunch of humble looking men.” Zeph’s voice rang out clear as a bell through the massive room as he dramatically stood in front of one of the ancestral paintings.

  Marcus poorly hid a sneer, taking his place at the far head of the table, next to Octavian. “Please, everyone, sit.” He forced something that could have been a smile through gritted teeth.

  They took their seats randomly. Sky wanted to save a seat next to himself for Al, but found himself surrounded by Lee on one side and Sara on the other.

  Sonya emerged from one of the smaller side doors, in a swirl of black lace, with Al in tow. She was a dark and beautiful woman, one whom Al had been obsessed with since they were nine. He never knew what to make of her though. To him she was pure military. Nothing more, nothing less.

  Sonya gestured for Al to sit next to her and he did so willingly. Something wasn’t right with him. He wasn’t smiling, or talking – he didn’t even look at them.

  “She’s Agonian, right?” Sara whispered over Sky, to Lee.

  “She is. She is marked with the symbols of the Royal guards, so whoever she is, she is well trained and very dangerous.”

  Zeph was the last to take his seat, but before doing so he looked at the one empty place setting with an outstretched hand, “Oh my. No Zero today?” Zeph looked around the room and even took a quick glance under the table. “Oh, that’s right,” he snapped his fingers as if having a revelation as his gaze shifted to Marcus, “He hates you.”

  “What’s this all about, Zeph?” Marcus demanded, losing whatever thin veil of courtesy he had.

  “Can’t we at least eat first?” Zeph pouted.

  Octavian gestured around them, “Yes, please, eat everyone.” He motioned for the servants that had been waiting in the wings to come and help dole out the food.

  Sky fidgeted nervously as everyone settled into their seats and welcomed the assortment of dishes being served to them. The whole situation was ridiculous. Not only did Sky just learn that everything he thought he knew about himself was a lie, but the Man of Mist could be knocking at their door at any moment, and here they were about to partake in a grand feast.

  “Where’s Con and Ellie?” Sky asked to no one in particular.

  “I don’t believe they will be joining us this afternoon.” Zeph answered him merrily, dumping a tray full of tarts onto his plate.

  Sky zoned in and out of most of the light conversation that bounced around the room amongst the mouthfuls of food. He half listened as Roland explained how he was studying for his doctorate under Zeph and was honored to be teaching the members of Axis. He heard bits and pieces from Sara, as she made it clear which of the strange dishes they were being served she approved of, and those she did not. And he thought he heard Lee’s voice, telling them Archaios was his first off world experience and he was finding it to be much different from his home on Agon.

  He couldn’t eat. He had no appetite. The best he could do was push around his bits of food and try to pretend he wasn’t about to crawl out of his skin.

  “So.” Zeph cut into his thoughts. “Shall we get down to business?”

  Marcus’s lips curled, he obviously hated every moment in the room with them. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  Zeph smiled pleasantly at those gathered around the table, feeding on the attention. “Has anyone here heard of the Book of Nine? I hear it’s been quite the hot topic lately.”

  “What about it?” Marcus growled with a fiery stare, “You called us here to tell us a fairy tale?”

  Zephs smile grew, “Oh, it’s quite real. I’m glad you’ve heard of it so I don’t need to explain.”

  “I’ve never heard of it.” Octavian leaned forward catching everyone’s attention with a raised finger.

  Zeph’s smile faded for an instant before springing right back, “Delightful.” He clapped his hands together. “It was first and foremost a legend.” He began.

  Sky was finally able to catch Al’s eye, only to have him quickly look away. It had been quick, but it was enough. Enough to see the slight yellow hue that spread out under both of his eyes, enough to see the humiliation and uncertainty that marred his expression.

  “But you see,” Zeph was saying, “It’s also a map.”

  “A what?” Sara scoffed, but reacted with instant embarrassment from voicing her confusion.

  “A MAP.” Zeph shouted, over pronouncing each word.

  “A map to what?” Al was the voice to everyone’s unasked question.

  “You kids are the dumbest geniuses I’ve ever met. Did you really not find anything on the damn thing?” Zeph nearly fell out of his seat laughing, “It’s a map to the Valley of Ruah.”

  “Zeph, please,” Marcus was trying very hard to keep control in front of Octavian, “Why are we here? What is the point of this?”

  His laughter fell to the floor as the most serious look came over his face. “Because, the Councilmen have shifted their attention to finding it, once again.”

  “How do you know?” The tension in Marcus’s face was enough to stretch his weathered skin smooth.

  “The Man of Mist has come looking for the book.” With just a mention of the name, Zeph commanded the room’s attention, "He has traced it this far, which isn’t impressive since any idiot could have done that, but, he did two things that were very peculiar. He ransacked the Regan household, mainly looking through old junk owned by that angry little Telic that lives with them, and secondly, he attacked our dear little golden eyed beauty, Sara.”

  Sky father shifted uneasily in his chair and looked directly at Sky. His expression wasn’t one of accusation, but one of utter concern.

  “I deduce that what he was looking for in the Regan household was something that belonged to Al’s mother, Oh’May. A trink
et, a letter, an amazing sweater, anything." Zeph leaned back in his chair with a look that verged on scholarly. "Does anyone know what can be done once they have an artifact of Oh’May’s?”

  “They could find her.” Al’s voice came out like the wind, his eyes wide in realization.

  “That they could. But, not without help.” Zeph nodded sympathetically towards Al. “They could use the Path of the Mind to find her, but in order for that to work, they need a direct bloodline to her.” Zeph looked around the table slowly, making sure they were all paying close attention. “Now, who do you think they would go after - her hardened brother who understands what happens if the wrong people gain possession of that book, or her kind hearted son who’s never seen a day of absolute anguish in his life?”

  “They won’t come near this place. Man of Mist or not, they would be stupid to try and dare infiltrate these walls, and if they do, they will regret it.” Sonya lifted her chin with pride.

  “You’re wrong.” Zeph smiled politely, “You see, the Man of Mist must already think he has our dear Allen in the bag – otherwise, why would he go after Sara, an obvious step two in any plan, since she would be the one they send into the Snow.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Marcus looked with an accusing eye to his son.

  “No, he’s totally right.” A cool, calm and very familiar voice said from the corner of the room.

  Sonya sprung up from her seat and spun around in a panic, “Sir, it’s him!”

  The lights flickered and went out. Nobody moved. The only sound that could be heard was the soft rustling of clothing as they all blindly looked about. When the lights finally did come back on, Sky found himself reacting like all of the others. He stood so quickly that the chair that had once been supporting him flew backwards.

  “Wha-” was the only sounds that escaped him when faced with the figure standing on top of the table. The intruder was dressed in a black military type uniform that was outshone by the bright white mask he wore upon his face, decorated with a symbol that he didn’t recognize.

  Marcus reacted like any good soldier, pulling his gun instantly.

  His dad put an arm onto Roland’s chest and pushed him back, looking desperately over to Sky, Sara and Lee who were out of reach on the other side of the table.

  The platters of food went flying from the table without anyone touching them. Sky had to duck out of the way as Lee batted down a crystal bowl. The man on the table hadn’t moved - his attention was firmly focused on Al. Sky looked over to Zeph, the closest one to Al, and didn’t understand the look of remorse Zeph had on his face.

  “What in the realm are you doing?” Roland stomped his foot and pushed Sky’s dad out of his way. “You guys, you weren’t invited.” He pointed a finger over to the figure lounging on a chair in the corner. “Con, explain this.”

  “I just came to watch.” Con laughed.

  Sonya didn’t know who to aim at, but settled on the closer target and trained her weapon on the man on the table.

  “Con?” Sky took a step towards him, but was pulled back by Lee who slowly shook his head.

  “Everybody, just settle down.” His dad looked between them, “Put the guns down, okay.”

  Marcus gruffed to call attention, his gun at the ready, “Listen boy, if you mean no harm, then no harm done. Just get down off the table slowly.”

  Without a glance in his direction, the man on the table flicked a hand at Marcus and sent both his, and Sonya’s guns flying into the far wall where they shattered. Sonya retaliated instantly, leaping up onto the table while pulling out a handful of daggers skillfully hidden within her elegant attire.

  With her arm cocked back to throw and a killer’s smile upon her face, the masked man should have been worried, but he simply raised a hand. Just as her arm came forward and the blades left the tips of her long fingers, his body went down and he slammed his open hand into the table. A mighty wind radiated out from where he knelt and blew back not just the knives, but every person in the room. Every one, but Zeph and Al.

  Sky picked himself back up, his eyes drawn to the figure on the table.

  “You’ve learned some new tricks while I’ve been away.” Zeph leaned forward and gave a kind smile.

  “Out of the way, Master.” The voice that came from the mask was vaguely familiar. The man reached up under his black vest and pulled out a jagged knife.

  Something tight wrapped around his arm and he looked over to see Sara’s terrified face, “It’s him. I saw that guy last night.” She whispered. “That’s the real one, the Man of Mist.” Her voice got louder as she said his name and it drew the attention from the rest of the room.

  “It is not.” Roland spat. “That’s just Soul. Where are Ellie and Seth? You got the whole gang here? What kind of sick joke are you playing at now?”

  Sky’s heart fell to the floor and he couldn’t feel his legs. “Soul?”

  It was. The man on the table, his hand had flinched and tightened its grip on the knife as Sky spoke the name.

  “Soul, please. Whatever the contract says–“ Zeph began, but the loud resound of a gun going off silenced him.

  Marcus stormed towards the table, a larger gun then his pervious already reloaded and trained on Soul. Sky wasn’t sure what had happened to the first shot. Soul never moved, and Marcus never missed.

  “Off the table boy.” Marcus bellowed. Sky could tell by the stutter in his step that Marcus himself was confused to why his target was still standing.

  “Put that away, Marcus.” His dad lowered his hand and the bullet fell where it had stopped inches from Soul’s head.

  “How dare you, Captain.” Marcus spat, “He is an armed intruder.”

  “He’s my son.”

  “And he’s here for mine.”

  With attention off him, Soul pulled up his sleeve to reveal an arm covered in countless tattoos and symbols. The jagged knife he held didn’t hesitate and sliced deep into his own flesh.

  “Stop!” Sky shouted and again was held back as he tried to run to his brother.

  “No way.” Al breathed beside him. “That symbol…” Al’s eyes flew over to Zeph.

  Soul pulled a large circular blade from his back and dropped it heavily to the table on top of the small pool of blood forming at his feet.

  “Soul?” Sky screamed but couldn’t shake the hands that held tight to his arms.

  “It’s a Snare!” Al grabbed a hold of Zeph and actually pulled his own small body in front of the Iko.

  “Who taught you that!?” Zeph picked Al up and placed him back behind him while backing away from Soul.

  “It’s not personal.” Con laughed from the corner. “This is business. Whatever the cost, right Master Zeph?”

  Soul bent down and slowly picked up his blood drenched weapon.

  “This is a contract?” Roland screeched. “You can’t do this. The Academy would never have approved this.”

  Sky was as clueless as the rest of the room and had no idea what he should be doing. Marcus had backed down from the fight, positioned now in front of Octavian with Sonya at his side. Sky doubted if either of those two would come to Al’s aid.

  “Soul, stop this.” His dad moved towards the table but stayed within reach of Roland, “Whatever this is, it’s not worth it.”

  “That’s a Snare, you idiot!” Zeph yelled to his dad in a panic. “Don’t you young Iko’s know anything?! A Snare is the only way to forcefully kill us!”

  Sky could feel his face drop. Kill an Iko. His eyes went to his dad who was the closer target. But no, Soul’s only focus was Zeph – the only thing that stood between him and Al.

  “If it touches you it’ll rip out your spirit and soul and ensnare them.” Al pulled Zeph back, away from Soul.

  None of it made sense. “Con? What’s going on?”

  Con’s smile faded momentarily and he looked over to Sky. “Sorry kid. Like I just said, it’s not personal. You weren’t supposed to be here.”

  Soul dropped a f
oot back and lifted the weapon above his head with his wounded arm. But no, Sky could see no trace of the deep gash that had just marked its surface.

  “Somebody shoot him!” Sara yelled and ran towards Marcus.

  Lee let go of Sky and rushed at Sara, thankfully able to catch her. Trying to grab a gun from Marcus would have only ended in her getting shot.

  “Why are you doing this?” Zeph’s panic was over and he stood tall and faced Soul. “Why here? Why now.”

  The soft, muffled voice floated through the room. “They want the boy.”

  “But you know what it means. This goes against everything, everything I’ve ever taught you.” Zeph pleaded.

  It was the strangest thing though. He had seen Zeph scared before in the hallway at REALM. And the face he had on now, his voice, his eyes, his stance - He wasn’t afraid. Is he part of this?

  With a small twist in his leg Soul took off down the table, running straight at Zeph, weapon at the ready.

  His dad moved from Roland’s side and stepped in front of Zeph in one quick motion.

  “Noo!” Sky didn’t think, he just ran. It happened in one quick blur of time. He had reached Soul just before he leapt off the end of the table. They crashed to the ground amongst the shouts and screams of others.

  The circular blade was dislodged from Soul’s grasp as his hand slammed into the stone floor.

  Sky never had a chance to regain his balance and was thrown backwards. He clamored to his feet and charged right back at Soul, who was already heading for his fallen weapon.

  Soul easily dodged every punch and kick Sky managed to throw at him. He didn’t even seem to be trying.

  “You jerk!” Sky screamed at him. He swung again, harder and faster, but still missed. He’s fast. Soul landed a hit into Sky’s ribs and he felt a snap. He’s so much stronger. A rage fired up from deep inside him. Because, he’s a monster too. Sky bellowed as his next swing found its mark and collided into the side of Souls head.

  The laugh that rose from his throat surprised even him, but it was quickly silenced with a rough hand around his throat and his back being slammed into the wall.

  Black and twinkling stars began to dance into Sky’s vision as his air began running out.


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