Creatures of Snow

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Creatures of Snow Page 24

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  They reached the end of a long, narrow corridor that was lit only by the occasional bubble light, and were greeted by a large steel door.

  “Supplies are already in there,” Zero just couldn’t stop the menacing smile from creeping across his face, “and it’s all I could find so you’ll have to make do.” He heaved open the door and flicked on the lights.

  It was a large, mostly empty room, with a large glass tank in the center.

  “Ugh! When’s the last time anyone’s been in here?” Sky wrinkled his nose at the smell as he looked around. The musk in the air was thick enough to chew.

  “Probably not since we stopped shipping live sea creatures. Soooo, seven years, give or take.” Zero answered, leaning his weight on the door frame.

  “You guy’s didn’t even drain this thing, did you? You just let it evaporate.” Sky walked towards the tank, his repulsion growing the closer he got to it. The build up of scum and years of neglect was clearly present over every inch.

  “Yeah…Have fun with that.” Zero shrugged and kicked a small bucket that contained nothing more then a small brush, a sponge and sample sized bottle of soap.

  “Wait, what?! You’re helping with this, right?” Sky called out, but Zero was already gone, the door clanking shut behind him.

  “I seriously hate my life.” He mumbled to himself, eyeing up the tank with a look of utter disgust. Taking off his shirt and rolling up his pant legs he was only left to wonder what in the Haven they were going to put in the tank.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Every inch of the once clean bucket was covered in a thick scum. Sky himself wasn’t in much better shape. He looked over his shoulder towards the sparkling clean tank. It was if it had never been used.

  Sky dragged himself over to the wall where the main water line came in and heaved the valve open. After a bit of protest from the pipes the water came out in a thunderous rush.

  With the longest sigh in history, he slumped against the wall and let his tired body slide to the floor. His tired muscles melted in to the cold steal of the floor, but his moment of peace was cut off abruptly by the clanking of the door.

  Sky jumped to his feet as his dad walked in with Sara at his heels, her eyes wide with wonder.

  “…And this is your room. It’s all yours.” He gestured around them.

  “It’s wonderful.” She breathed with the slightest of smiles as she saw the tank, glistening in all its clean glory.

  She had yet to even notice him standing off to the side, covered in muck, but he could see her just fine as she stepped towards the tank with a face that was truly touched.

  “I’ve never…” She walked slowly, taking it all in with each step until she was close enough to reach a hand out.

  “Once on Haigon I figured you can still come back here to sleep, otherwise there is a nice stream out behind the place...” His dad edged towards the door, shooting a look over to Sky that told him to do the same.

  “This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me.” She placed her hand gently on the glass briefly before turning to once again face his dad.

  He caught her eye as she turned, and she finally noticed him lurking in the shadows. She met his gaze with a look that brought a rush of heat into his cheeks.

  The sweetness of the moment was put to rest when her face screwed up into a disgusted grimace, “EWWW!!! You’re filthy! Get out of my room.”

  He should have expected no less. Sky shook his head and snuck in a coy smile as he passed her. He was just too tired to think of a come back.

  “Faster, pervert.” She crossed her arms and pointed towards the door, but he could see the humor behind her stern exterior.

  Once out in the thankfully dim hallway, his dad put a heavy his arm around his shoulders, which was quite brave on his part, given that Sky didn’t even know what sort of substances made up the muck that was drying on his clothes.

  “I really do appreciate what you did.”

  “I’m sure you do since that means you didn’t have to do it.” He was only half joking.

  His dad took his arm back and hit him lightly on the back, “That’s why people have kids in the first place.”

  It was obvious his dad had something to say, since he wasn’t saying anything.

  “What?” He had to ask.

  “I’m sorry about this. About all of this.” His dad finally said.

  Sky was slightly confused, they stuck him with crap jobs all the time, “No worries, I kind of saw it coming.”

  “No, not this.” His dad shook his head sadly. “I mean, everything…” He trailed off, deciding to instead chew on the inside of his cheek.

  “It’s fine, really.” It came out stale and cold.

  “No, it’s not. I feel like we’re strangers Sky, and it’s my fault. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me.” They had reached the lifts, but neither made a move to summon one.

  “You had your reasons, good reasons. You were providing for us, and you love your job.” Sky shrugged, it wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but it was the right thing to say. He shifted uncomfortably and pushed back the feelings of bitter resentment that were creeping in from the corners of his mind.

  “No, I like my job, but I love you. And lately…I just knew that you would be leaving and just…” His dad placed a hand gently onto his shoulder, “I want to make things right again,” he shook his shoulder a bit, trying to make Sky look up at him, “But you’ve got to talk to me, okay?”

  It wasn’t until he placed his filthy Iko hand on him that the hate inside him began to start on fire. Zar, stop. Please.

  “Are you okay?” His dad kept a hand steady on his shoulder while he slapped the panel on the wall, calling down a lift.

  “No.” Sky shook his head, doing all he could to keep from screaming. He couldn’t lose control. Not here. Not in front of his dad.

  His dad stared at him, panic starting in behind his eyes. “How long has it been this bad?” He tightened his grip on Sky’s shoulder, “You want me to go get Zeph?”

  His head began to clear a bit. The blaze inside him smoldered to the point that he could find his own thoughts again. “Naw, I’m getting the hang of controlling it. Just,” the lift door opened in a woosh of compressed air, “don’t touch me.”

  His father nodded quickly and retracted his hand as they entered the lift. “Whatever you need, just tell me.”

  Sky leaned on the opposite wall, feeling miserable. “Dad…” He didn’t even know where to begin. “Soul…he said some things to me…”

  “Soul is just in a bad place right now, but he’s still your brother and he still loves you, no matter what he says or does.” His father straightened from his casual slouch, his droopy eyes sparking to life, “He can come back from this.”

  Zar laughed in his head, What were you gonna tell him, hmmm? Were you going to tell him the truth about what you are? You would be enemies.

  Sky shifted from one leg to the other and back again, as much as he hated to admit it, Zar was probably on the right track. And besides, it wasn’t the time or place to talk about it.

  Of course I’m right. Just look at him, he could never hate you, so then, what happens to him? It would crush him – destroy him mind and soul.

  Having someone share his thoughts would definitely take some getting used to. You’re annoying.

  The lift doors finally opened to his relief. He flew out as fast as seemed polite and led the way back to the Commons. Once there, Lee, for some strange reason, was still hanging about, sitting alone at one of the tables in the middle of the room.

  “Heya, Lee, didn’t you like your room?” His dad asked casually as Lee sprung up from his seat to stand at attention.

  “Yes sir, it is quite sufficient. I was just waiting for you so that I may ask a question.”

  “Ask away my friend.” His dad opened his arms invitingly and swaggered farther into the room.

  Lee did a poor job at hiding his alarm to Sky’s disheveled
appearance, “Are you all right?”

  Sky waved the question away. “Oh, I’m fine, wonderful in fact.”

  Lee chanced a step closer, looking quite concerned. “Did you fall into the waste repository?”

  His dad didn’t even try to stop his belt of laughter as Sky dropped his head to better hide his own smile.

  When he was finally able to lift his head he found Lee still concerned and completely serious. “You’re close. I got the pleasure of cleaning out a gigantic fish tank full of seven year old neglect for Sara.”

  “Oh, did she bring fish?”

  His dad restrained another bought of laughter, “I’ll let Sky explain that one, but first, you had a question for me?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Lee straightened, addressing his father as if he was actually a highly ranked officer. “I would like to talk in private if it is all right though, Sir.”

  He shrugged in his usual way, “I don’t see why not.”

  Lee finally broke into a small smile and gave him a respectful nod, “Thank you, Sir.” He turned briskly to Sky, “No offence to you Sky, we will speak later and you can tell me about the fish.”

  Sky nodded lazily back at him. He had no doubt in his mind that Lee wanted to tell his dad about his earlier episode at the table. It was fine though – all he wanted was to find his room and take a long, hot shower and go to bed so he was thankful when they headed off towards the bridge. He backed up a step, watching them disappear around a corner with eyes half closed in anticipation of warmth and rest.

  “So it’s true then? The Children of Chaos have to sleep underwater or else they go crazy?” Roland’s voice snapped him back to a somewhat lucid state of mind.

  He turned to see Roland there, standing in the doorway, a stack of books in his hands.

  “Oh, hey, Roland.” Sky looked down at his grubby hands and wiped them on his filthy shirt. “You’ve got the wrong guy, Al’s the one who knows everything about anything.”

  Roland just stood there, in his way, strangely pondered his words thoughtfully as if he’d said something brilliant.

  Sky crossed the distance between them, the dread of conversation kept his steps slow and measured.

  “Well, I’m pretty certain that it’s true judging from my research. It would be interesting to study such a behavior though, don’t you think. How her body has adapted to such a thing, and why would being unconscious underwater have anything to do with mental health.” Roland spoke eagerly at him.

  Sky moved past him, continuing on down the hallway. “Good luck with that. I’m sure it would be your physical health I would be worried about if you approached Sara with a question like that.”

  Sky let out an internal groan of self pity as Roland decided to follow him down the long, narrow corridor.

  “You know, it’s just that kind of ‘it is the way it is’ attitude that makes this whole galaxy weak and allow fools like the ones we have in power stay in control, it’s ridiculous.”

  Sky gave him a more serious look, dropping his pace until they were walking side by side. “I don’t know much about her people, just old stories.”

  They had come to the observation deck. It was only about twice as wide as the hallway, with floor to ceiling widows on one side, and benches on the other. It was actually one of his favorite spots on the ship – a place where he could spend hours, just watching space.

  “I know they are an ancient race and they fought alongside the Iko’s and Telic’s when the Furies came during the war.” Sky gestured for Roland to sit as he began extracting the old legends from his brain – most textbooks conveniently left out the War of Corruption, better known as the First War. “The Blue Star’s were special, they couldn’t be possessed, they couldn’t be changed, they saw through any illusion or trick. It was said the Haven races could have never won without them, and that the Furies cursed them for it.” Sky had to think back, way back to when Al’s mom used to tell them stories to get them to stay quiet once Marcus came home. “Although the Furies could not posses their bodies, they could scream into their minds while the Blue Star slept, stealing their dreams and corrupting their hearts. It was the great Telic LeYantos that taught the Blue Star to create a holy barrier out of water that could block even the strongest Fury, but it came at a price.” Sky stole a glance over to Roland and was pleased to see him entranced with his little story, “LeYantos told the Blue Star that in exchange for her knowledge they would have to become Children of Chaos and forever be charged with guarding the Gate.”

  “What gate?” Roland’s eyes were wide behind their glass enclosures, peering out with a childlike wonder. “Oh, right. The Gate!” Roland laughed. “Of course – the Blue Star are the Guardians.”

  “Well, I’m glad you seem to know what the heck that all meant. I never thought to ask.” He let an airy chuckle through, it had been so long since he had thought about those old stories.

  Stupid boy. You laugh at the reason the girl is in danger. Why do you think the Councilmen need her – her blood is the key to opening the Valley of Ruah. Zar scoffed.

  “So, they sleep underwater so they don’t have bad dreams?” Roland wrinkled his nose.

  Sky bounced up, seeing his opportunity to break the conversation and finally get to his room. “I don’t know, Roland. It’s just an old, silly story. Maybe they share an ancestral history with an aquatic mammal. Does it really matter?”

  “Everything matters Sky.” Roland’s eyes drifted out into the vastness of space. “Everything has a reason. Everything has a purpose.” He squinted his eyes and furrowed his brow in a look of determination, “The hard part is figuring out what it all means.”

  “Maybe we don’t need to know.” Sky’s brain couldn’t handle a deep conversation at this point. Or ever, really. If Roland wanted to get philosophical, he had absolutely come to the wrong person. “I mean, if we were meant to know, don’t you think we would.”

  “Oh, but we can.” Roland said simply, turning his attention fully onto Sky. “And that is exactly what I have dedicated the subject of my graduate thesis on.”

  “This is about your paper?” Sky could see his door. If he just started running, Roland could never catch him.

  “Of course.” Roland stated as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

  “I’m really tired, Roland. How about you tell me tomorrow, how I can understand the universe, okay.” Sky pushed open his door.

  Roland nodded with a bit too much excitement, “Yes, I think that would be a great lesson for you, maybe for the rest of them too, even if they are student’s of REALM they still would benefit from such a lecture.” That was probably the strangest thing he could have said. “By the way, you smell like fish.” He finished and walked away.

  Sky shook his head slowly; some people just weren’t worth understanding. He walked the last few paces to his door and fell against it, letting his dead weight swing it open.

  By morning they would be at Haigon, completely off the grid at Rinten’s fortress of solitude. When he was young they had always joked about it and how much of a cranky old hermit Rinten was, but now, given their situation, it was a blessing.

  Sky looked longingly at the bed as he passed. Soon, soon he could sleep. But first, he needed the hottest shower his body could take to remove the hardening layers of filth.

  Thoughts of their summers on Haigon crept into his mind, the happy family they had been, and how it had all changed. He pushed back his memories and concentrated on the task a hand. He stole a glance in the mirror and regretted it. Get clean. Go to bed. That’s all he needed to do.

  For the longest time he just stood there, letting the scalding water run over his reddening skin. Every time he closed his eyes he regretted it. The images that flashed through his mind as he struggled with consciousness were the worst things he could possibly imagine. Zar was playing in his mind, burning just below the surface of every thought, twisting them into nightmarish images so real they could have been memories.

bsp; “Leave me alone.” He leaned his head against the cold metal shell of the shower stall.


  “I’m tired, I just want –“

  I don’t care what you want. You’re boring and I’m bored. I want to play.

  A knock at the door startled him back to life, causing him to nearly fall out of the shower.

  “Al, that better not be you.” But who else would be there at this time of night.

  Someone else wants to play.

  “Shut up, no.” He whispered harshly. “Just go away.”

  I already told you I don’t listen to you, young prince, so stop telling me what to do. Zar hissed into his mind, sending a physical shock of pain down the center of Sky’s spine that dropped him to his knees.

  “Why would it be Al? You guys are so weird.” Sara’s voice came through the door.

  No, anyone but her. Sky scurried to his feet and slammed the bathroom door when he heard the main bedroom door slide open. “Not a good time.” He yelled through the door.

  “Get out here now.” She demanded. “Or, I’m coming in.”

  “Are you kidding me? Just hold on.” He had enough time to put on his pants before she burst through the bathroom door. “Are you serious woman?”

  She looked him up and down, her face never more stern. He didn’t notice until she stepped past the threshold, the paper she held in her hand, at the ready, like a weapon. He couldn’t make out all of it, but from what he could see, it was a seal of some sort.

  “Lee told me to check on you.” She stood up straighter, still looking over him cautiously. She backed out of the bathroom, gesturing for him to follow.

  “You were with Lee?” He couldn’t help the slight twinge of jealously that leaked into his voice.

  “No, idiot. I was just about asleep when he woke me back up to tell me he was worried about you.” She stood up straighter but at the same time seemed to relax a bit.


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