Creatures of Snow

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Creatures of Snow Page 27

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  “Shut up!” She screamed at him before trying to regain her composure.

  Zar, they want to seal you – we have to stop them! He screamed inside his head. What do I do?

  So now you want to work with me, prince? Now that you need me. Zar retreated back farther, already losing his grip.

  Come back! Con said we can’t let them seal you – they won’t listen to me. Soul said you are holding back my power, well, I need it now. Panic filled his mind and body. He had been fooling himself thinking that Con would have been wrong. He had to stop them.

  “Stop.” Sky’s eyes went dark and his head began to spin. Zar had lost control. “Listen to me! It’s me, just me.” he screamed. “You see, I was still able to push him back!”

  Zar, please!

  Sorry, prince, I’m just too weak.

  “Master Rinten!” Sara yelled, her hands clamped around his skull and pressed his head firmly down into the table.

  “Don’t do it, Sara, I thought you were my friend.” He growled angrily at her, falling back to his default emotion, “I won’t forgive you!”

  Sara hesitated, her mouth forming a word with no voice.

  He finally had broken through to her, “I can control it, Sara, this is silly, just let me go.” He said as calmly as his rage would allow.

  She nodded her head slowly, then directed her attention to Rinten, “Do it now.”

  Rinten pushed a stiff parchment into his bloody chest, chanting words of antiquity. The sensation that overtook him was different this time - it wasn’t quite as sharp or defined as when Zar marked him, but it was just as effective at making him scream

  “Stop!” The power of rage overwhelmed his senses and canceled out the physical hurt, “You can’t do this!”

  “Shut up!” Sara yelled and slapped him in the face.

  He found himself laughing through the hurricane of pain, his stare burning her down. “You don’t know anything!” He screamed, forcing her to back away.

  “Be quiet.” She tried to sound strong, but the quiver in her voice said otherwise.

  “You’re hurting me.” His voice was calm, but strained. “It’s a mistake.”

  Sara backed away, her face arranged in an emotion he couldn’t place. “Master Rinten.” Tears threatened at the corner of her glassy eyes, “Finish it.”

  The pain that ripped though every fiber of his being came out in a long, wailing scream as Rinten spat out the last, burning words of his incantation. Something ripped within his soul and the agony within his body had reached a point that his brain could no longer accept it and became numb to it.

  He was empty.

  There was a pull at the back of his skull that slowly began to spread down his spine, spreading out through his nerves, out into his limbs. The world around him grew still and quiet as the colors started to shift into primary states. He felt it then - the ebb and flow of the energy surrounding him and how it opposed the steady pulse of his own life. The holes of reality spread apart as the space between space became apparent before him, revealing what lay beyond. That’s the Snow.

  “What’s happening?!” Sara screamed into his mind.

  A stab of pain ripped into his chest once again; it was the subtle pinch of a blade driving up, under his sternum. His vision snapped back into focus for an instant and left the twisted, tear stained face of Sara burned into his brain as the darkness claimed what was left in his mind.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  It had only been a few moments ago that Al had stepped out onto another planet for the first time. What should have been a moment of wonder and excitement turned out to be one of dread and anxiety. Sky's screams reverberated from the belly of the ship out into the open forest air. If Zero hadn't been stationed at the entrance, Al would have already been back inside.

  “It shouldn't be that painful.” He had said more than once.

  “And you know that because you've done it before?” Zero's snarky reply succeeded in shutting him up for the time being.

  Al wandered away from the group toward the tree line. With the way the clearing hugged tightly to the ship it was safe to assume that it must have been made specifically for the Regan Fortuna. The air outside was thick and muggy, it was unlike anything he had felt before. He took in a lung full of the heavy musk of damp leaves and mossy wood; he found it almost calming as the chirps and twitters of the forest creatures carried away his worries, for a brief moment.

  The screams came again and pulled him back toward the ship. Al clutched his arms tightly to his body. He just felt so helpless.

  “This is taking longer than anticipated.” Roland sighed with a tone that verged on boredom, “Master Zeph, can we please just go? I am rather anxious to see the portal.”

  But, Zeph hadn’t heard him, or if he did, he chose not to acknowledge it. He stood near the edge of the forest, staring off into the distance with a look of reflective concentration etched into the smooth contours of his face. He neither looked troubled nor at ease, but held a strange middle ground that gave him a look of a scholar contemplating the brutality of the universe.

  “Victor.” A harsh hiss came from near the entrance as Zero pulled back the Captain.

  The Captain gritted his teeth and shook off Zero’s grasp, his eyes trained steady on the ground. “What if something’s gone wrong?”

  “It’s fine.” Zero widened his stance and narrowed his eyes, “All you’d do is get in the way.” Zero gestured over to Roland, “Why are you still here you little prick? You want to go, then go. Lee,” Zero flicked a hand in Lee’s direction, “go with him, make sure he doesn’t wander off and get eaten by a mountain lion. That trail will take you to the compound.”

  “Yes, sir.” Lee straightened with a salute.

  Roland sneered a look of concern towards Zeph, “Master-”

  “Always move forward. Go with the oversized lad.” Zeph waved him off in Lee’s direction.

  Unable to disobey, Roland trudged angrily behind Lee, throwing a look of disapproval back towards Zeph as they walked on down the trail and out of sight.

  “Al,” Zero started, but when his vigilant eyes hit Al’s, he must have known that nothing could make Al leave and let his sentence hang with an unfinished thought.

  A shuffling inside the ship called for attention as a disheveled Rinten emerged out of the dark and into the bright mid-afternoon sun.

  The Captain’s face twisted up into a mess of concern “What happened?”

  “It’s been done. I’ve sealed the mark.” He stated with such a lack of vigor it sent a chill to Al’s core.

  “What happened?” The Captain stated with a strained sternness in his voice.

  “He’s alive but…unresponsive…” Rinten’s words died in the still air.

  The Captain stepped back, his whole person shrunk away from Rinten’s words. “What does that mean?”

  Rinten lowered his head and his eyes, “It means we wait. We take him into the compound and we wait and see.”

  The Captain shook his head, his mouth pulled down in a desperate frown, “No. No, we don’t wait. Unseal him. Unseal him now.”

  “I won’t.” Rinten lifted his head with a stern and determined air.

  “You will!” The Captain shouted and stormed up the ramp towards Rinten.

  Zero grabbed his arm once again and pulled him back down. “Knock it off.” He scolded.

  Al hadn’t realized he had been holding his breath until a wave of dizziness washed over him, causing him to inhale sharply.

  “I’m not losing him.” The Captain shouted into Zero’s face, “He said he could control it.”

  “Calm down, Vic.” Zero spoke in a firm, yet gentle voice, his hand steady on the Captain’s arm. “He’s a strong kid and he can fight through this. Just give it some time.”

  Al hugged his arm’s closer, biting hard on his own lip to try and drive down his fear. He wanted to move forward, he wanted to run towards the ship and cry out to his friend - but his feet were frozen
to the ground.

  Al jumped as a hand came down upon his shoulder.

  “Worrying is for old women and tax evaders, Allen.” Zeph spoke with as much sincerity as he could. “Have faith in your friend. I do.”

  Al stared up at Zeph in wonderment as suddenly he realized what it was that everyone else saw in the strange, old Iko. He may have been a bit mad and out of touch after centuries of life, but Zeph, for all his pitfalls, understood. And he was right.

  Al stood up as tall as he could, “I do too.” He said with confidence.

  “Good.” Zeph glanced down at him with a toothy smile, “Go join the others,” He nodded towards the trail that Lee and Roland had taken, “Skyden will be just fine.”

  Al smiled up at him, enjoying the feelings of security the Iko gave off, “I know.”

  Al took off down the trail without another thought. Sky would be fine. That kid was indestructible.

  He thought he might be able to catch up with Lee, knowing Roland’s scrawny legs would keep them moving at a snails pace, but, as it turned out, it was quite a short run to the fortress.

  As he came upon it he found himself gasping, taken aback by the looming structure made of dark stone and iron. The only hint of color came from the stained glass windows and lush gardens that surrounded it.

  “Welcome! Welcome!” Ixanna called out as soon as he reached the lavishly landscaped courtyard, complete with fountains and walking paths and even a small pond. He hadn’t known she was going to be there, but she was always a welcomed addition.

  She came at him with open arms, “How are things going over there? We’ve got dinner started.” She embraced him quickly, “Oh, Allen, it’s been so long. Have you gotten taller?”

  He laughed out of the pure need to. She said that every time she saw him – maybe someday it would be true.

  Movement behind Ixanna caught his attention and he noticed the two other girls that stood within the doorway, looking out at him with anticipation.

  “Allen,” Ixanna gestured for the girls to join them and they obeyed instantly. “I would like to introduce you to Amaya Alverez and Joanaquinn of the Owah.” Ixanna announced proudly. “They are students that I’ve been mentoring here at the compound.”

  The tall one in front, Amaya, was dark and beautiful with waves of raven hair highlighted in shades of pink and blue. She couldn’t have been any older than him, but had the air of authority about her much like that of Sonya; mixed with the softer edge of youthful innocence. “Where are Sara and Skyden, I wanted to meet the other Axis students.” She said, sounding disappointed as she looked Al over, head to toe.

  “Attitude, Amaya.” Ixanna quietly scholded, “Allen here is a very bright, up and comer from REALM – Zeph told us you were at the head of your class already.”

  “I had no idea you were part of Arche, let alone Axis.” It was hard to imagine Ixanna agreeing to any sort of employment.

  “Well, we’ve been keeping it under wraps until now. We are the ‘secret weapon’ of project Moira.” She boasted. “Say hello, girls.”

  “Hello.” Amaya shrugged with a flirty smile.

  “Joey.” Ixanna coaxed the young girl.

  Joanaquinn was very young and very small. She stood halfway behind Amaya, clutching a creepy looking rag doll with shaking hands. Ixanna placed a hand on Joanaquinn’s thin shoulder and gently pried her from Amaya’s side. Her straight brown hair hung over her tan face, as if she was trying to hide behind it.

  “Say hello Joey.” Ixanna said a little more forcefully.

  The young girl pulled her doll up in front of her mouth and stared at him with wide, dark eyes. “Hello.” She whispered in a strangely mechanical voice.

  “Is everyone else on there way?” Ixanna leaned around him, looking down the trail.

  “Didn’t Lee and Roland come this way already?” Al glanced quickly around the courtyard, wondering how on this world they could get lost on such a short trail.

  “Who?” She asked with a shake of her head.

  “Tall red head and skinny nerd with glasses. No?” That was odd.

  “Ixanna,” Amaya’s face dropped with the sudden look of worry, “I don’t think Rinten undid the cloaking before he rushed off. Human’s won’t see the fortress.”

  “Oops.” Ixanna giggled, “Joey, would you be a dear and go fetch the boys.”

  With a quick nod the small girl dashed off towards the entrance.

  “Well, come on in.” She smiled and gestured him forward but he could clearly see the anxiety behind her smile.

  Amaya stared a bit longer than what would have been considered polite when he walked by. One would think she would be used to seeing the strange and unusual by now.

  They followed Ixanna into the compound. The large wooden door with threatening metal rivets reminded him a bit of home, as did the smell of old stone as they crossed the threshold. The entrance opened up into a large foyer decorated in warm reds and gold that gave an inviting, homey feel that his home never had.

  “You don’t look anything like him. Zero, I mean.” Amaya matched his pace. “He’s your uncle right?” She glanced quickly up ahead at Ixanna who was well in front of them. Amaya shifted her focus back to him before giving him a no-so-subtle once over. “It’s probably because you try to look human.” She shrugged in the sort of arrogant way that suddenly reminded him of Roland.

  The thought of the others made his steps falter. What was he doing acting like nothing was wrong? His stomach twisted and he backed up towards the door.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Amaya looked back at him.

  “I’m just worried about the others.” His jaw clenched. He should have told Ixanna right away. Now it was just awkward.

  “I’m sure they’ll be along soon. Don’t worry, these woods aren’t dangerous. Joey will find them.” Ixanna waved him off and turned back around.

  “Rinten sealed the mark, but Sky’s not waking up.” Al backed up more as both Ixanna and Amaya stared him down. Al swallowed hard. “They said we have to wait and see, but think he’ll be fine...” It was the truth, but their petrified looks let the doubt creep back in.

  “Yes, he will be fine.” There was no mistaking Lee’s deep voice as it echoed through the entryway. “I have faith in that.”

  Al nodded in relief. Lee could have said anything at that point and Al would take it as absolute truth.

  Roland pushed his way in and proceeded to introduce himself to Ixanna and Amaya while handing them questionnaires to fill out at their convenience.

  “Joanaquinn states, with humor, that the man with the glasses is rather odd.” Lee announced quietly to Al with what could be considered a smirk.

  Al then noticed the small figure of Joey hovering closely behind Lee, clinging loosely to the back of his shirt. Her doll dangled from a loop in her belt. He should have guessed what her weird-looking doll was after Ixanna had said she was from the Owah tribe, and certainly after he had heard her ‘speak’.

  “Joanaquinn is intrigued by Allen’s strange energy.” Lee stopped and looked down at Joeys reddening face, “I was not supposed to say that out loud.” He reached back and patted her on the head. “My apologies, this may take some time to get used to.”

  On the inside, Al was laughing, but he kept a straight face in front of poor little Joey, not wanting to embarrass her further.

  Stepping forward, he knelt down to see her eye to eye. She straightened in a curious manner as he did so, tilting her head to the side in question.

  “So, you’re from the Owah, you speak through an Interpreter and you can see my energy…you’re a Spirit Talker aren’t you?” He let his best, most welcoming smile shine through. “I’m honored to meet you, Joanaquinn.” He extended his hand towards her.

  A shy smile crept across her face as her shoulders hunched forward and she reached out her own hand.

  “She is pleased to meet you as well.” Lee declared matter-of-factly.

  She shook his hand weakly, but he could
feel the power that resided within her slight frame.

  Lee turned sharply, his concentration drawn towards the door. “They are on their way.” He reported.

  “Well,” Ixanna clasped her hands together. “Let’s get you children settled in then.” Her wide smile was forced and couldn’t hide her worry. “You all must be starving.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  It had almost been three days since their arrival. Sara had to admit that she had instantly fallen in love with Haigon. The trees, the grass, the air – it just felt so much more…alive. She only wished she could enjoy it.

  Nothing was the same anymore. Everyone just drifted about without purpose or reason. She had hardly seen Al since the first day - he had locked himself away in the dusty old library to research who knows what. Lee was too busy playing with that strange little girl to even give her the time of day. He had been distant to her ever since he had erased Sky’s mind that awful, forsaken night on the Regan Fortuna. Not that she blamed him.

  The only one making an effort to be friendly seemed to be Amaya, but Sara always felt uncomfortable around girls like that and avoided her every chance she got.

  As for Roland, Zero and the Iko’s, well…they had disappeared altogether, keeping a constant vigilance over Sky. Her stomach let loose a flood of acid as his name crossed her mind. She hadn’t had the courage to see him yet and didn’t know if she ever would.

  She ran her hand lightly over the cool grass as she sat limply under the large, droopy tree they called a weeping willow. No one ever ventured into the back-lot; it was like her own private outdoor room, complete with a stream that was just deep enough to sleep in. She had tried going back to the Regan Fortuna the first night, but just stepping inside brought back the memories of his screams and the thought of being in there alone had her looking for another source of water within seconds.

  Leaning her back against the rough wood she closed her eyes and waited for twilight. How much longer would they have to wait? How much longer could she stand it? Why couldn’t he just wake up?

  A rustling beside her brought her eyes snapping open. She cursed silently with a sharp inhale when she saw little Joey standing inches from her outstretched legs.


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