Creatures of Snow

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Creatures of Snow Page 29

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  Her mouth turned down, “Of course it’s helping him. What good is being a vegetable? It doesn’t matter that he’s been marked if that’s what you’re worried about, we sealed it and that’s all there is to it.”

  “I’m not opposing you, am I young one? Now, I’ve told you what to do, and that is all there is to it.” Ixanna said it so matter-of-factly that there was no doubt those were her final words.

  Ixanna stood, and in an elegant bow leaned over Sky and placed a soft kiss on his still lips.

  A fire broke out in Sara’s veins. She did not like this woman. This Iko had admitted to being uncaring towards Sky and would have now denied him the one thing that could save him. “Get out.” She wished she could breathe the fire she felt.

  In a swirl of white she was at the door, looking back only momentarily to softly whisper, “Smiles of the Creator to you children. I’ll let Zeph and the others know.” And then she was gone into the darkness of the hallway.

  Sara stared after her, her hand tight around the stone, trying to shake the sudden coldness that she felt.

  Turning her attention back to Sky she absently wiped the smudge of red left on his lips and messed the hair Ixanna had smoothed until he looked more like himself.

  “You better thank me for this.” She muttered to him and brought the stone up. She let it hover briefly over his forehead, wondering just how long a moment actually was, and what would happen if she left it on too long. “Screw that.” She clenched her jaw and placed it to his skin.

  A rush of energy swept through her body, pulled up from beneath her feet and right out through her fingertips. She pulled the stone away, it was more a reflex then anything else, but it must have been the right thing to do.

  Sky’s eyes snapped open and he inhaled sharply. She stepped back, half expecting him to burst up from his bed. But no, he just laid there, eyes wide and searching, breath quick and frightened.

  She let her hand clasp onto his and squeezed it tight. “Sky.”

  “Zar.” He croaked quietly.

  “It’s gone, Sky. We sealed it.” She tried to sound comforting, “You’re back to normal…or at least, as normal as you were.”

  Sky struggled to sit up, but his weak body wouldn’t let him. Instead of helping him up, she placed a solid hand on his chest. “Just rest. Zeph will be here soon.”

  He let out a defeated sigh and let his head fall back to the tattered pillow. “I feel strange.” He managed.

  “You’ve been unconscious for a few days. Everyone’s been pretty worried.” She rounded the bed to the chair and sat down beside him, holding back the rush of excitement and relief. He needs calm and cool right now, not a giddy school girl. “I was worried too. About you.” There. She admitted it right to his face.

  “I had the strangest dream.” He rolled his head to the side to look at her, “Over and over, the same strange dream…” His words drifted off and the look in his eye told her that his mind did too.

  “What was it about?” She leaned in and tried to catch back his attention.

  “I feel strange.” He mumbled again.

  She heard them coming down the hall long before they arrived. Her moment alone with him was about to end. There was so much she wanted to say, so much she should say, but she ended up looking at him blankly right up until Zeph and Roland burst in followed by the Captain and Rintin. Zero was the last to arrive, hanging back to lean casually by the door with mild interest.

  There was a whirlwind of arms flying around - she wasn’t sure which belonged to who as seals were pulled off, wires adjusted and monitors checked.

  “He seems stable enough. Vitals are strong,” Roland was reporting from his ever present tablet. “Brain functions seem good.”

  Zero let out a chuckle from the edge of the room, but left it at that.

  “I need room.” Zeph spread out his arms and everyone backed away instantly.

  “Zeph.” Sky was on the verge of tears, lost and confused, “What did they do to me?”

  The Captain took a step towards the bed, but Zeph put his arms out once again, “Everyone out.”

  There wasn’t one word of protest as the herd shuffled out of the room, catching Sara up in their midst.

  “Sky, we’ll just be outside the door.” The Captain reassured him as he gently closed the door.

  “Don’t worry, Victor.” Rinten placed a hand on the Captain’s shoulder to stop him from pacing, “I’m sure Zeph is just telling him the complications.”

  “Complications?” Sara blurted out.

  The Captain turned, finally noticing her, “Sara.” He walked straight up to her and wrapped his strong arms around her, “Thank you. Thank you so much. I don’t know how you broke through to him, but I’m so glad someone could.” He continued to hug her tightly for a few more moments, and it was a feeling of loss that overtook her when he finally released her.

  She squeezed the stone between her hands in an attempt to stop the shaking, “What complications?”

  Rinten sighed, leaning against the wall, “From my research when a mark is sealed the Fury will generally retreat from the host body and the seal then prevents them from easily coming through into the Living realm through that particular mark. The Fury that was possessing Sky did not leave.”

  Sara gasped, “It’s trapped inside him then?” Her voice came out high and verged on hysterical. Is that why Ixanna didn’t want to wake him? “We made it worse? I helped trap that thing in him.”

  “No, honey.” The Captain pulled her back to him with a reassuring arm around her shoulders, “It’s not as bad as it sounds.”

  “Correct.” Roland scooted his glasses back up his nose, “Furies aren’t meant to be in the Living realm, the longer they are here, the weaker they become. Since Skyden has been unconscious for three days already, his Fury is likely to have become dormant.”

  “With the power of the Snow being cut off the only possible source of strength is Sky’s own negative emotions.” Rinten added. “And even then, the thing would never have the strength to do much more then give him a bad thought or two.”

  “So…” She forced a breath out, “He’ll be okay?”

  The Captain nodded beside her and squeezed her shoulders. “He’ll be back to himself in no time. All thanks to you.”

  She leaned into the Captain, thankful for his solid support since she felt like a wobbly mess. Turning the stone over in her hand she wondered if she should tell them that it was really Joey who they should be thanking. Her and Sky’s dead mother.

  Without a single hint or warning, Roland pulled her from the Captain, and guided her down the hallway. “Excuse us for a moment.” He said back to the others.

  “Roland, Sir.”

  “Just walk.” He pushed her on and led her out to one of the balconies overlooking the expansive courtyard. He glanced behind him once, then let his spectacled eyes drift out over the yard. “Don’t tell anyone about that stone. Not yet.”

  “How did you-”

  “You’ve been fiddling with it this entire time.” He gestured down to her hands. “I don’t know how you found it, but you should put it back, tonight if you can.”

  “Why?” She pushed it down into her pocket. There was no way she was putting it back in the ground.

  “There are two things that could bring this realm to its end. One is the Valley of Ruah. The other has its roots in stones like the one you hold.” He turned towards her, looking even more serious then normal, “Some things are better kept hidden.”

  “I just don’t understand.” She mumbled, “Any of it really. Why would anyone want to bring this realm to an end if they live here?”

  Roland smiled sadly at her. “I’ve been Zeph’s apprentice for nearly seven years now. Following in the shadow of one with such power and influence lead me to see and hear many strange, wonderful and truly frightening things. Please, understand that we are a very small part of this universe, Sara.”


  “The Counc
ilmen are five of the oldest and strongest Iko’s, and under them gather a committee of the best minds in the realm, none of them human. When the Living realm was formed, you see, the Councilmen were the ones given the reigns and charged with watching over the living. So in essence, the Councilmen helped to build this reality and in fact are still the ones who really run the show.”

  Sara shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around the idea. “So they are good then? The Councilmen?”

  Roland shook his head slowly. “Time in this realm does funny things to old souls. Their story is long, and I’m afraid now is not the time for it, but I will say that no, they do not hold us mortals in very high regard. The Valley of Ruah, you have head of it, yes? From your people’s history.”

  Her face flushed red, again her ignorance of her people’s past came back to slap her in the face. “No, my parents were arrested on charges of treason years ago; they never passed on the history rite to me.”

  He stared at her momentarily with a look of disbelief. “I see.” His eyebrows raised and he slipped back into teacher mode, “The Valley of Ruah is what we call the place where all energy originates, it is the soul of existence.” He began. “Legends state that the valley is located somewhere in the Snow, and the map to it lies hidden within the pages of the Book of Nine.” He paused to gesture dramatically towards her, “It is said that only the blood of the Blue Star can open the gate that seals it, but all of this is speculation of course, no one knows if any of it is true.”

  “The blood of a Blue Star…” She leaned against the railing, spotting Lee rushing into the courtyard from the other wing of the compound.

  “They would rebirth reality – destroy what is and reshape it into something else…” Roland’s voice trailed off as his attention was pulled down into the courtyard as well.

  “Captain!” Lee’s voice boomed desperately through the courtyard. “Master Zeph!”

  “Lee!” Sara yelled down to him. She had never seen him so out of sorts.

  “They are here, Sara!” He screamed up to them, “Get the Iko’s. The Powers, they are here!”

  She backed away from the railing, “No.” She breathed, the strength drained from her body. Roland had already taken off back towards the others, yelling Lee’s message the whole way.

  “Where’s Al?” She said so weakly no one could possibly have heard.

  Something flashed and caught her eye. Standing across from her on the opposite balcony stood a small, red headed boy wielding a sword nearly as big as he was. Sara froze.

  A hand grabbed her arm and her instincts took over - she spun around, elbow up, ready to strike, but it was a wasted effort. Soul had her pinned to the wall before she could exhale.

  “You are the witness, Sara.” Soul spoke loudly and clearly. Behind him stood Al, his face spoke of a silent determination. “Al is coming with me on his own free will.” Soul released her arms and backed up till he was side-by-side with Al.

  “I found my mom, Sara.” Al looked like Al, and he spoke like Al, but if the Powers were in league with the Man of Mist, he could easily have been manipulating him.

  “Why is he here, Al?” She nodded towards Soul. “How did they get in here?”

  “They came here to stop me - they knew what I was doing, and tried to stop me. But they were too late.” Al’s smile wasn’t a real smile; it was just there to hold back his tears. “What I did led the Man of Mist straight to my mom.”

  “I can’t believe you. I’m sorry.” She spoke honestly with a wavering voice and looked between him and Soul, and then beyond them down the hall. The others should be there soon.

  “I’ve put her and the whole realm in danger. I have to go. I have to warn her.”

  “Al, no.” But before the words left her lips they were gone.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “Get the ship ready. I’ll be down in ten.” His dad burst in through the main doors, shouting back outside to Zero.

  “I’m going with you!” Sky was right behind him.

  His dad ignored him and found Rinten waiting for orders, “Zero and I are taking off now, you can handle things here, right?”

  Rinten nodded. “Of course.”

  “I’ll get my things.” Sky didn’t care if he wasn’t listening.

  His dad turned to him with his hands clenched. “For the hundredth time, No! You’re not coming with us, Sky. This is serious. I’m not risking something happening to you again. So just stop. Zero and I have got this.”

  “Victor, what’s going on?” Ixanna came up from the lower level. “Why is Zero preparing the ship?”

  His dad headed for the central staircase, frustrated and verging on anger, “Soul took Al, Lee thinks their headed to Mye.”

  “They might have a few hours lead on you, but nothing more.” Roland reported, making gestures on a halo map. “Soul can only move to places he’s linked with or has a strong connection with, and there are no records of him ever being to Mye. Plus I’ve never seen him take more then two people with him anywhere. They’ll be traveling by ship.”

  “How did he even get in here?” Rinten looked wounded, most likely it was just his pride.

  “He would have needed a direct link. Some small object he could have planted on one of us.” Roland mumbled absently.

  Sky rubbed at the bracelet around his wrist.

  “What about the necklace that Al used to find his mom?” Sara offered up.

  “Soul’s not the one who stole it!” Sky yelled down at her, running up the stairs behind his dad.

  “Stop following me. You’re not coming.” His dad shouted, nearly to the top. “You shouldn’t even be out of bed.”

  He had to think of something that would convince his father. That or he would just stow away.

  “Oh, what’s wrong with letting him go, Victor?” It was Zeph’s voice that carried over to his ears. He stood in the center of the foyer, draped in an overly large bathrobe.

  His dad stared down at Zeph in reproach, “Everything! Everything is wrong with that, Zeph.”

  “Do you think he’s going to back down?” Zeph gestured over to Sky, “Do you think he’ll forgive you for leaving him again?”

  His dad turned to face him finally, “I don’t know what’s waiting for us over there. Please, Sky, just stay here, just be safe.”

  “Al’s my best friend, Soul’s my brother and you’re my guardian. I’m not scared, Captain.”

  His dad pulled him close, resting his head on top of Sky’s, “What can I say that will make you stay here?”

  “Nothing.” Sky whispered. “I have to go.”

  “Well then I’m going too.” Sara’s voice came out strong and determined as she made her stand at the bottom of the stairs. “I swore to protect you too, remember.”

  Was that before or after she stabbed you in the heart? Zar’s voice was barely audible in his head.

  “I wish to go as well. I was supposed to keep Allen safe, and can not live with myself if I do not correct my failure.”

  “Take Roland while you’re at it. He might come in handy and frankly needs a bit more experience in field work.”

  Zar! You’re all right. He almost laughed out loud.

  Hardly. The voice came back distant and bitter.

  His dad drew a hand down his face. “I can’t.” He said firmly. “I won’t.”

  “I’ll keep Sky on the ship.” Sara took a step up the stairs towards them. “I’ll make sure he stays out of trouble. Lee’s a seasoned Agonion warrior and a high level telepath,” She looked back over her shoulder at him, “You’ll need someone like him to find Al.”

  How bad are you? Sky walked up the last few stairs, ahead of his dad. Zeph said you’re stuck inside me and we’re cut off from the Snow.

  Your power comes from the Snow, my power comes from you. How bad do you think I am. Zar’s voice was fading in and out like a bad connection.

  What’s going to happen to you? Should he really care? Zar had been nothing but trouble for
him, but, at the same time…

  “Victor,” Ixanna swirled to the center of the room next to Lee, “You’re right to say no. They’re just children.”

  “Children that can help you.” Zeph scoffed. “There are only two people I know of that could actually defeat the Man of Mist, and neither is you Victor.”

  Stop worrying about me. Don’t you understand what this means prince? Every second that goes by, it’s not just me getting weaker. Without the power of the Snow you’ll become mortal, and vulnerable. Your body has no immune system or natural defense; you’ve been relying on the Snow since birth.

  “I’m not going there to defeat anybody.” His dad said slowly with more force then he had ever heard before, “I’m going to get Al back, that’s it, nothing else. Everything else isn’t my problem. Man of Mist, Councilmen, Book of Nine be damned.”

  Zeph’s lip curled at his words, but he morphed it quickly into a polite smile, “You’re forgetting who you are…Captain.”

  His dad looked up, finally noticing Sky was no longer at his side. “No more lectures. I protect this family, not the living, not the realm, but my family.”

  “Fine.” Zeph’s gaze flicked to Sky momentarily. “I’ll take you, Skyden, if you really wish to go.”

  “Damn it no!” His dad yelled louder then he had ever heard. “Why are we even talking about this?”

  Sky backed up a few steps. His hands were sweating, his limbs felt like noodles, and his heartbeat was unsteady as it beat in his throat. How do we unseal it?

  “Stop, Zeph,” Ixanna butted in once again, holding a hand dramatically to her chest, “This isn’t one of your silly games, this is serious.”

  Zeph let out a long laugh, “Is it? I hadn’t noticed with all the shenanigans and goings on. But yes, I agree, this is very serious.” His smile dropped and he straightened, looking at no one else but Sky. “Al’s mother, the great prophet Oh’May, will most likely be dead before this is over and the Silent War will soon have a voice. If the Book of Nine is taken-”


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