Creatures of Snow

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Creatures of Snow Page 34

by Dr. Doctor Doctur

  “So Zar…”

  “He has his own body now and is still the warden of your power.” Con patted the little loax on the head. It pulled away and pulled a paw over where Con had touched him in the cutest little way.

  “As far as everyone else is concerned, Zar is still trapped inside your body and the mark is sealed. If anyone catches you using your powers you can still maybe spin it like the seal is weakening, or Zar is gaining power.” Soul explained, looking straight at him to make sure he was listening.

  “So wait.” Sky looked over at Con who was trying to make the loax-Zar play with a bit of string. “Doesn’t this void the whole ‘you don’t know if it’s my power or not’ loop hole? Isn’t he supposed to have to kill me now?”

  “I play by my own rules, my friend.” Con laughed and continued to dangle and slide the string in front of Zar, who was fighting the urge to catch it. “I like you and I really don’t want to kill you.” He shrugged, and then leaned back against the house. “Besides, I really don’t see you as a threat. Not yet anyway.” He let a sly smile creep across his face.

  Soul pointed Sky’s attention back at the little animal, “Now, the loax are powerful little animals; they can shape shift into other life forms for short periods of time, they are great at tracking, and are loyal pets if you train them right.”

  I’m not a pet. Zar stretched out on the ground and rolled to his back so Con could scratch his belly.

  “You’ll need to keep him safe though – if anything happens to him your power will be released and like I said before, we just can’t have that yet, you’re not ready. He can however, control how much you have depending on your situation.” Soul looked down the road, his eyes alert.

  “You’ll both have to get used to how much is too much and how little makes you a weak little cry baby.” Con added.

  “How do you control your power then Soul?” Sky followed Soul’s gaze and could sense it – they were coming. He could hear them in the distance, worried voices and hurried steps.

  “Years of training…and this.” Soul pulled down his mask and pointed to the symbol etched into its surface. It was the same as the one on Zar’s forehead.

  “Well, sounds like we got to go.” Con stood in time with Soul. “No offense to your friends, but we don’t generally like to do the clean-up. Plus, we got miles of paperwork to do now.”

  Sky was amazed how good he felt. The light of the day seemed brighter then ever before, the air in his lungs was fresh and clean and the sound of the breeze was like the hum of a lullaby deep in his brain…lullaby…”The baby!” Sky blurted out and jumped to his feet. “Lil’May, what happened to her?”

  Soul placed a hand on his back, “She’s safe. She is hidden.”

  Sky sighed and stretched out his legs. It felt good to stand.

  “I’m sorry, but we have to go.” Soul said, stepping forward, “I am glad you are okay, brother. I wish you safe travels.”

  “I can really feel the love.” Con shook his shaggy head and pushed Soul into Sky. He surrounded both of them with his long arms, “Let’s hug it out guys.”

  Sky laughed and closed his eyes. He knew the moment wouldn’t last. Soul was about to leave him again, off to whatever new adventure awaited the Powers, and he, well, he was stuck in a lie. He had no idea what the future held, not for himself, not for any of them.

  “I doubt I’ll get to be your mentor anymore, we’ve already got a new assignment,” Con punched Sky in the shoulder as he let him go. “But I enjoyed it.” He backed away a few steps, giving him and Soul room, “And I meant it when I said I wanted you as part of our team. When you get to Arche, you’ll already have a home.”

  Sky nodded. It was a nice thought, but he was pretty certain that if his dad had any say in it, he would never leave the planet again.

  “It’s not over Sky, remember that.” Soul cautioned as he too stepped away. “The real Man of Mist is still out there and the Council isn’t going away any time soon. They know the Book of Ten exists, and they have nothing but time.”

  “Geeze, Soul. Can’t we just leave on a good note? I had such a good thing going just now.”

  “I’m just saying, be careful. If you need us,” He grabbed Sky’s wrist and wrapped his hand around the bracelet, “We will be there.”

  “And with that we should leave.” Con gestured towards Soul.

  “Wait!” Sky grabbed his sleeve before he could move any farther away, he glanced down the road, “Oh’May said something to me before she died – something about finding sages.”

  Both Con and Soul straightened with his words, but neither said anything.

  “We really need to go.” Con tried to break the awkwardness with a forced grin, “Until next time kiddo.” He said with a lazy salute.

  “Goodbye Skyden.” Soul nodded and placed a hand on Con’s back.

  “Give Sara a kiss for me.” Con gave him a wink just as they disappeared, leaving nothing behind but a bit of swirling dust.

  He could hear their voices clearly now. Al and his dad. They were leading the pack.

  “Why can’t I do that?” He asked aloud to Zar. “You know, disappear and stuff?”

  Zar zig zaged around his legs and jumped up to his shoulder. You use the power of the Snow differently. He sees the fabric of reality and steps through it. You see it and you tear it apart.

  “Sky!” His dad’s voice pierced the air, full of desperation and relief.

  He turned to see his dad and Al running towards him. Just looking at them filled him with the joyous warmth only family can bring. It pained him to think that although they were relieved at Sky’s safety, grief would soon follow.

  A few paces behind Al, Sara and Lee slowed their jog down to a walk, and clung onto one another when they saw him. He knew he was a mess, full of blood and torn up cloths, but he was hoping the grin on his face would hide all that.

  Roland’s first reaction seemed to be his only reaction – he grabbed his tablet and scanner from his bag and started punching buttons, ready to get to work.

  It all changes for them too you know. It’s not ever going to be the same. Zar sat down on his shoulders and dug his claws in a bit for a better grip.

  Arms surrounded and pulled him. Words of love and exaltation filled his ears and mind. He saw Zero coming towards them, tears on his cheeks that were deceived by the light smile on his lips. He hadn’t seen him smile in years.

  It hasn’t been the same for a while now, He reached up and scratched Zar between the ears. So…I’m ready.




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