by Drew McGunn
Wharton smiled wryly. “In fairness, we were invaded, Charles. Give us our due, please.”
“What have you in mind, John?”
“Texas has extended an offer to the United States offering our fair city of Galveston to host a conference between the United States and Great Britain for the purpose of settling your boundary disputes.” Wharton leaned back, looking expectantly at him.
This wasn’t what Elliott had expected. It was a novel idea, but why would Her Majesty’s government allow a no-account nation play host to a conference. “That’s an interesting idea, John, but why should we agree to this?”
Wharton stood and went to the window, and pointed toward the channel, where the ironclads rode at anchor. “Why, Charles, I believe we have something your government would like returned. If your government will agree to our hosting a conference then as a sign of good faith, we will release those ships back to your bankers.”
Stay tuned for the continued adventures of the Lone Star Reloaded Series, book 4 in the Q2 of 2018.
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About the Author
Drew McGunn lives on the Texas gulf coast with his wonderfully supportive wife. He started writing in high school and after college worked the nine-to-five grind for many years, while the stories in his head rattled around, begging to be released.
After one too many video games, Drew awoke from his desire for one more turn, and returned to his love of the printed word. His love of history led him to study his roots, and as a sixth generation Texan, he decided to write about the founding of Texas as a Republic. There were many terrific books about early Texas, but hardly any about alternate histories of the great state. With that in mind, he wrote his debut novel “Forget the Alamo!” as a reimagining of the first days of the Republic. To the Victors the Remains is the third in the series.
When he’s not writing or otherwise putting food on the table, Drew enjoys traveling to historic places, or reading other engaging novels from up and coming authors.
Table of Contents
The Story So Far
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
New Traditions
About the Author