Rebel Angels 2: Echoes and Embers

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Rebel Angels 2: Echoes and Embers Page 15

by Cyndi Friberg

  You must be strong for her. Gabriel had been referring to Lailah, but the same held true for Rosalind. She swallowed with difficulty and turned back to her ward.

  “Lailah’s physical eyes were destroyed,” Alyssa explained, her tone carefully controlled, “but her angelic sight is still intact.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “She will have to learn how to see in a different way.”

  “Where is Lailah now?” Gadrayel slipped his arm around Rosalind’s shoulders and pulled her close against his side.

  “Gabriel has taken over her care until she recovers from this attack,” Sariel told him. “He will teach her how to compensate for her blindness with angelic sight.”

  “Gabriel?” Rosalind’s eyes widened and her mouth gaped. “The Gabriel?”

  Alyssa nodded. The wonder in Rosalind’s tone was a common reaction when people heard Gabriel’s name. “What happened to Lailah is only a small part of what you need to know.”

  “You said Paimon was destroyed,” Gadrayel commented. “What about Enos?”

  “The situation with Enos is more complicated.” Sariel folded his hands on the tabletop and shifted his weight on the bench. He hid his anxiety well, but Alyssa could sense his reluctance and his pain. “Before Enos Fell he was my brother.”

  Gadrayel didn’t react to the news. Alyssa suspected he already knew. She looked at Rosalind and found her confusion rapidly turning to disgust. Before the emotion could progress any further, Alyssa rushed on. “Every demon was once someone’s brother or sister, Rosalind. Angels and demons are flipsides of the same coin. You must stop thinking like a human.”

  Rosalind accepted the reprimand with a stiff nod. “What did they want with me? I still don’t understand why all this happened.”

  “For Paimon, you were a means to an end. For Enos it was more complicated.” Alyssa braced herself for what she was about to reveal. Reality for Rosalind had shifted and changed continually over the past few days, and the adjustments had only begun. “As I just said angels, are generally created in pairs, they train together, mature together, much like human siblings. Paimon and her sister were created shortly before the Great Rebellion. She lost her sister when a third of Heaven Fell.”

  “Is that when Enos Fell?” Rosalind looked to Sariel for the answer.

  “Nay.” He glanced away from her expectant gaze. “His Fall was more recent, but we will return to Enos. Let Alyssa explain.”

  Accepting his cue, Alyssa went on. “Paimon longed for the security of her sister. The bond, the connection is important to an angel. No one wants to be alone. So, she set her sights on Lailah.”

  “But Lailah is your sister.”

  “Aye. Paimon did everything in her power to lure Lailah away from me, to create conflict between us.” She paused for a deep breath, knowing the tale was about to get much more complicated. “About this same time Paimon met a cherub named Ambrose.”

  Rosalind gasped. “Lucifer’s brother. You spoke of him before. Did Michael give Paimon a challenge like he gave you and Gideon?”

  “Nay. Paimon was not there that day on the hillside. She had to have learned about the Rebel Angels after we were dispersed.” Alyssa licked her lips, wishing she had a cup of water, or better yet, wine. “Lailah was lost to her and Paimon was truly alone.”

  “So she Fell.”

  “Aye.” An unexpected twinge of pity pierced Alyssa’s heart. How could she feel sorry for that creature for even an instant?

  Just as you’re fascinated by the darkness, I sometimes hunger for the light.

  Enos’ words echoed back to her, compounding her conflicted emotions.

  With a ragged sigh, Alyssa forced back her compassion and focused on the facts. “Paimon’s determination to have Lailah didn’t end with her Fall. I don’t know when or how she joined forces with Enos, but it was obvious they were helping each other. When I arrived in your form Paimon was furious. She knew I would never intentionally put you in danger. She counted on my coming to confront her. But instead of me, you appeared, offering yourself in exchange for Lailah.”

  Sariel took up the tale. “Paimon tried to tempt Lailah into Falling and when she refused Paimon punished her. I couldn’t reach her before she touched Lailah’s eyes.”

  “Enos attacked her as well.” Alyssa added. “The combination of his demonic sword and Sariel’s angelic sword destroyed Paimon.”

  “Enos helped kill Paimon?” Rosalind sounded aghast. “Why would he do that?”

  “Because you were there, or he thought I was you.”

  Rosalind didn’t speak, but her posture stiffened and her eyes filled with dread.

  “Enos sought you out at court ...” The truth lodged in Alyssa’s throat. There was no easy way to explain the final revelation. “Enos’ search for us led him to you. Lady Catherine, or perhaps your father, concealed the truth from him. Enos didn’t realize you existed until he saw you that day at court. He wanted you to know he didn’t force your grandmother. He seduced her, but he didn’t ravage her.”

  “Enos is my grandfather.” There was no question in her tone, just a shaky acceptance of fact. “I am part demon.” She turned her head and looked at Gadrayel. “That’s why you couldn’t take me to Heaven. I wanted to see your home, but you insisted we hide in the abbey.”

  “We were unable to identify your nature because, to our knowledge, you are unique.” Gadrayel stroked the side of her face, his eyes filled with tenderness.

  “Am I evil?”

  “There is evil in you as there is evil in all mankind,” Sariel said with quiet authority. “But you control your nature; your nature does not control you. Your life will be filled with temptations and choices. Your future is determined by the choices you make.”

  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth and turned back to Sariel. “What are my choices? Am I immortal?”

  Sariel smiled. “I met with the Council of Ancients. I knew you would have many questions. They were able to prepare some answers; others are simply up to you. You are not immortal, but they suspect you will live much longer than an ordinary human, perhaps several hundred years. As you mature, they anticipate your developing angelic abilities, but they were unable to predict which ones.”

  Her eyes grew a bit rounder with each fact he revealed. “Will I be able to have children and will my children inherit these abilities?”

  “There are different scenarios that produce different outcomes.”

  Rosalind chucked at the obvious evasion. “You were doing so well. I had never heard you provide such specific, detailed information before.” She paused, then tried again. “Am I able to bear children?”


  Her gaze narrowed and her cheeks flushed as understanding finally struck. “If a human fathers my children it will dilute my angelic blood. But if an angel ...” She looked at Gadrayel, then back at Sariel. “Can Ray and I have children?”

  “There was much debate regarding that possible outcome. Gadrayel is capable of producing offspring and so are you. Gadrayel is immortal, while you will eventually die. The complications that developed with the Nephilim stemmed from the incompatibility of angelic and human physiology. Your physiology is not human.”

  “Meaning?” she asked impatiently.

  “The council could find no justification for forbidding your union with Gadrayel. You must each understand there will be great challenges awaiting you, and Rosalind must remain here on Earth.” He took a deep breath and glanced at Alyssa before he said, “I’ve been sanctioned to bless your union if that’s what you desire.”

  “Our children would be ...”

  “A unique race of beings,” Sariel said, as if it were an insignificant detail. “Like you they would not be immortal, but their lifespan would be prolonged. They would likely have various angelic abilities.” He paused again, his expression commanding her full attention. “The council was insistent on one point. With great power comes great responsibility. If this is allo
wed, you would become a race of guardians, champions, healers and teachers, living among, but separate from mankind.”

  Rosalind stared back at him, silent and still.

  “You’ve shocked her into silence.” Alyssa smiled. “This has to be a first.”

  “The decision need not be made right now. I’m simply explaining your options.”

  Gadrayel inclined his head, his gaze shining. Alyssa could sense the emotional tempest raging beneath his calm exterior. He was thrilled and excited, frightened and confused, but overshadowing all was his overwhelming joy that a future with Rosalind was possible.

  “We appreciate your effort on our behalf,” Gadrayel said, his voice revealing more than his calm features. “You’ve given us much to think about, much to discuss. I’m sure you and Lady Alyssa have plans to make, as well. We’ll leave you to it.”

  He escorted Rosalind from the room.

  “Will Gadrayel give up Heaven for Rosalind?” Alyssa asked after the other couple departed.

  “Without hesitation.” Sariel rolled his shoulders and pivoted on the bench to face her. “He loves her and he has grown weary of the hunt.”

  “Is hunting the Nephilim all your order does?”

  “Nay. Our missions are widely varied, but Gadrayel is one of my best hunters.” He smiled. “Or he was until your ward stole his heart.”

  She didn’t know how to begin the next phase of the conversation. Had the Council of Ancients had sage words for them? Or was their future still undecided? “Did you gather information for us or was the meeting regarding Rosalind alone?”

  “What do you think?” His smile caressed her, melted the tension gripping her heart. “I must return to my order, but I want my mate at my side.”

  She pressed her lips together to conceal their trembling. “They will allow it? I can ... go with you?”

  “As long as you speak only truth you will be welcomed in the fifth level of Heaven.”

  “What of Rosalind? If she must remain here and I --”

  “There are no prisoners in Heaven. If you return with me, you can visit Rosalind and monitor her progress. You will not be allowed beyond the fifth level of Heaven, but others can join you there.”

  “Gideon and Naomi? I could see them again?”

  Smiling broadly, he nodded.

  Alyssa stared at him unable to speak.

  He laughed softly. “Now who is stunned into silence?”

  Pressing her hands against her flushed cheeks, she could only smile. Her heart pounded within her breast and tears of joy blurred her vision.

  His smile faltered and his expression grew serious. “You do know that it is Rosalind’s human nature that allows her to procreate. The Grigori can produce children with humans, but a child has never resulted when two angels mate.”

  “We cannot have children?” The thought gave her a moment’s pause.

  “It is not possible.”

  The mists were gone; she had found her true mate, and her heart nearly burst with love. Did he expect her to be disappointed? “But we can still make love?” she asked with a mischievous smile.

  He grinned. “Every chance we get.”

  “And we are both immortal?”

  He nodded.

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. “Oh, my love, we will spend eternity together -- and I am going home!”

  Cyndi Friberg

  Cyndi has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 1999 and also belongs to two local chapters of RWA. She is the winner of multiple national contests, including The Molly and The Merritt. In 2003, she was chosen as a finalist in the prestigious Golden Heart, as well as winning the Jasmine with Rebel Angels 1: Born of the Shadows. After dabbling in freelance journalism and songwriting, she returned to her true passion: paranormal romance. Visit Cyndi on the Web at, or email her at [email protected].

  * * * * *

  Read on for a glimpse of the first book in Cyndi Friberg’s newest series:

  Ontarian Chronicles 1: Taken by the Storm

  Available Now from Loose Id

  Ontarian Chronicles 1: Taken by the Storm

  Charlotte snuggled into the warmth enveloping her. She splayed her fingers to better absorb the heat, and curled her toes. Her skin tingled and her mind swam within a sensual haze. She was aware of the sensations, but coherent thought was just beyond her grasp. Her face was buried against something warm and solid. Long arms encircled her back, molding her body against another body -- a hard, heated body. Her legs tangled with other legs -- muscular, masculine legs. Pressing her breasts more firmly against the solid wall of muscle in front of her, she arched into the heat. It felt strange. It felt wonderful. But it felt wrong.

  There was no man in her life. No lover to keep her warm.

  She had just begun to sort through the confusion when his mouth touched hers. Gently, he pressed his lips over hers, caressing her, luring her. She parted her lips, responding instinctively to the velvety slide of his mouth against hers. The tip of his tongue touched hers and she groaned. It had been so long since she reveled in the intimacy of a deep, passionate kiss. She offered her mouth and accepted his tongue.

  Her hands clutched his broad back, and her legs moved against his until her sex made contact with one thick thigh. Aching heat flared within her, making her wild. She arched and undulated, her hands tangling in his long hair -- impossibly long hair.

  Charlotte dragged her mouth away from his and forced her eyes to open. His hot, seeking mouth moved to her throat, but she didn't need to see his face to know who held her. His embrace was strong, demanding, and his silky hair was stroking her entire body all at once. It was the most erotic thing she had ever felt. Like silk fringe or the fur of a Persian cat, the strands moved over her skin, circling her limbs and caressing her flesh.

  She couldn't think, couldn't struggle. Heat and liquid desire rolled through her body. She tried to disentangle herself from the silken web, but he only rolled with her, dragging her beneath him.

  His weight pressed her into the bed and his face hovered above hers. She stared up into his otherworldly eyes, panting and rigid. He was a stranger to her. She didn't even know his name.

  He wasn't human!

  He spoke in a hushed, tender tone, but his words were as alien as his eyes. She could still feel his hair wrapped around her, clinging to her, caressing her. “What do you want from me?” Her voice broke and tears gathered behind her lashes.

  He spoke again and she closed her eyes. He was trying to soothe her, but his otherworldly eyes, combined with their sexual position, terrified her. His warm palms skimmed up and down along the sides of her body, and his hair continued to slide against her skin. Charlotte fought against the stimulation. She couldn't let herself be seduced. But, boy, did it feel good!

  This couldn't be happening. Why was this happening?

  “I will not hurt you.”

  She gasped and opened her eyes. An odd accent flavored his words, but they were clearly English. “Who are you?” she asked. “Why were you kissing me?”

  “I must have more of what I took from you on the mountain.” He spoke slowly, as if searching for each word. “This will not harm you, but it will restore me to health. Do you understand? My levels are low -- no, not just low. I am dangerously weak. If I do not have more energy, my essence will disperse.”

  “What you were doing a minute ago is different than what you did on the mountain. On the mountain you only ...” She gasped and squirmed, as she realized just how much of his warm skin was rubbing against hers. “Why the hell am I naked?”

  “Do you have a mate?”

  “If this exchange involves something I would ordinarily do with my mate, forget about it.”

  He shifted his weight, touching her face with his fingertips. “A full body joining would afford me the highest concentration of energy, but it is not necessary.”

  “Glad to hear it, because I'm not doing that with you.”
  He chuckled and nuzzled the side of her neck. Charlotte tried to push him away, but he moved again, rolling them onto their sides, facing each other.

  “May I touch you?” he whispered near her ear.

  Charlotte's head began to spin. “Touch me how? What exactly is necessary for this exchange?”

  “I must give you pleasure.”

  Did he mean ... surely, he didn't mean she had to have an ... “And if I refuse to allow this? Will you simply take what you need?”

  “The exchange is tainted when it is forced. As weak as I am, it would do me no good. I need this desperately, and it must be soon, or it will be too late.”

  She trembled. He meant every word; she could see it in his otherworldly eyes. If she didn't allow him to touch her, he would die. Could she really be so selfish?

  “I have so many questions. Once you're restored, will you answer my --”

  He must have taken her phrasing as consent; he cut off her words with a quick, urgent kiss. One arm slipped beneath her neck, and his hand moved to her hip, pulling her more tightly against him.

  This isn't sexual. It's medicinal.

  She tried to relax, to accept the warm pressure of his mouth, but fear kept her stiff and unresponsive. He deepened the contact, coaxing her lips apart, but he refused to penetrate her mouth. He seemed to want her to come to him. Tentatively, Charlotte touched his tongue with hers.

  He groaned, the desperation returning full force. Slanting his mouth over hers, he took possession. His lips molded and moved, his tongue traced and stroked and finally delved deeply. She arched into his embrace and returned his kiss with an eagerness she didn't fully understand. She wanted to taste him and wanted him to taste her. She needed to touch him, needed to feel his hands moving across her skin.

  Tingling sensations erupted all over her body. She could feel it happening again, like it had on the mountain. He was gathering something within her, only it was different this time, more acute, more powerful. She was trapped by his arms and tangled in his hair. Her breasts swelled and her nipples tightened painfully, while the sensations focused and coalesced. Scalding heat radiated out from her feminine core, until even her toes felt hot. Consumed by the heat, she surrendered to the storm.


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