Tied To You

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Tied To You Page 7

by Kyndall, Kit

  I looked down to confirm for myself, my mouth watering at the sight of his thick, rigid erection pressing against his stomach, even though he was kneeling partially forward. He must have been very hard indeed.

  Unable to resist, I slithered down the bed, licking my lips with anticipation. He must have realized my intent, because he met me halfway, offering me his cock by pointing it toward my mouth. I slid my lips around the tip and sucked lightly, enjoying the way his breath hissed from him. Then I stroked him with my tongue, delving into the slit to taste the pre-cum gathering there.

  His salty taste sent a jolt of desire through me, and I took in as much as I could, until his head lodged at the back of my throat. I hesitated, ensuring my gag reflex wouldn’t respond. My stomach remained calm, so I began licking and sucking him, pausing randomly to lick the underside, concentrating on the bundle of nerves there.

  He’d clamped a hand in my hair, perhaps in a show of dominance, but I thought it was more likely because he needed support to stay aloft. I was really working him over, and I savored each hitch of his breath, soft moan, and buck of hips. Suddenly, his grip tightened, and he pulled my head back as he withdrew.

  I gave him a sly smile, knowing exactly what had prompted his abrupt withdrawal. He’d almost come.

  “Give me a second.” He sounded shaky. “Your mouth is like velvet, but I want to be inside of you. I’ve waited too long to lose it in your mouth.”

  I nodded and scooted up the bed again, getting more comfortable by laying on my left side. I was at the point now where I wasn’t supposed to spend much time on my back, or I could compromise blood flow to the baby.

  A moment later, he curved his body behind me, lifting my right leg to prop on his and opening my pelvis. Mykael spent a moment positioning himself, and then his cock slid inside me in one easy thrust. We hadn’t had sex in seventeen weeks, but I’d been in such a constant state of arousal that I was completely ready for him.

  He set a slow pace, deliberately dragging the ridge of his cock against my g-spot as he thrust slowly in and out of me. I was impatient and needy, so I brought a hand between my thighs and strummed my clit as he fucked me slowly. I was so close already that it took only a few strokes to send me over the edge.

  He moaned and stopped moving as my sheath pulsed around him, clenching fiercely for a moment. When my inner muscles stopped spasming, he began thrusting again, but his pace was no longer slow and steady. He was driving himself deeply into me before withdrawing almost completely to repeat the motion.

  Once again, he changed his angle slightly, and something about the new position pressed all the right buttons. Another orgasm swept over me as I cried out his name. Or maybe it was just gibberish, but it was supposed to be his name. His shaft hardened before he started twitching, and streams of his seed filled me.

  Afterward, we collapsed together, still joined, and his hand covered my stomach. It was a protective gesture, but also possessive. I couldn’t deny a thrill of delight at the idea of belonging to him, and having him belong to me.

  I was already half in love with Mykael, and I feared tonight had sent me careening over the precipice. I wasn’t ready to drop my guard, but I knew my reinforcements were weak, and it wouldn’t long before the walls between him and my heart fell.

  If I hadn’t been almost asleep, that might have scared me. Instead, I could feel my lips forming a smile as I slipped over the edge into dreamless slumber.

  Chapter Five


  A garden party was basically a cocktail party in the garden, held a little earlier than the norm. I discovered that for myself the next afternoon, watching the well-dressed people mingle, laughing softly as they sipped expensive champagne or cocktails from the bar.

  I smiled at Mykael as he returned from the bar, extending me a drink. It was clear, on ice, and with a lime wedge. I assumed it would be mineral water or the like, and a sip confirmed my guess. I would have been shocked if he’d brought me something alcoholic, of course. I was more relaxed about the no-nos of pregnancy than he was, but we were in firm agreement about avoiding alcohol.

  “Is this the kind of thing you do for fun?” I asked as I looked around.

  He paused in the middle of sipping his drink, looking appalled. “Not hardly. This is just one of the many tasks required to work for a law firm like mine. You have to make an appearance and all that. I don’t like it, but it’s the price to pay to be a junior partner.”

  He sounded discontent, prompting me to ask, “Have you ever considered leaving that firm and opening your own smaller one?”

  “I should hope not,” said a cold voice behind me. “That would be a waste of talent and a very expensive education.”

  I froze at the words, shivering as I slowly turned to face the speaker. I barely hid a grimace when I recognized Nila Watts, who was glaring at me with undisguised disgust. Pardon me for suggesting her son do something to make him happy. Wisely, I bit my tongue.

  “Mother, I wasn’t certain you’d make it.”

  I took a step back, having no choice in the matter when she pushed between us, ignoring me completely as she stretched a few inches to accept a kiss on the cheek.

  “I wouldn’t miss this sort of function. It’s a great networking opportunity. I’m pleased you decided to join us. These are the people who can further your political career, my son.”

  I tensed at the unwelcome news that he had political aspirations. It caused me to flash back to the insanity that ensued every election year when my stepfather was at risk of being voted out. His supporters and campaigners would flood the house, and he’d hit the trail, always carting out the happy family routine. I was thrilled to have missed it during the last election, having been away at school.

  Mykael frowned. “I have no interest in politics.”

  His mother shook her head. “Don’t be silly. It’s the next logical step. You’re young, handsome, and charismatic. You’ll have no trouble winning your first election.”

  I was amused to see him roll his eyes, but nonplussed by the surge of nausea creeping up my esophagus. Not now. I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed a few times, hoping to calm the urge. My plan was to make a quiet escape. I had no desire to meet his mother, and having her sprung on me wasn’t settling well. He’d never even hinted that she might be here.

  To be fair, if he’d done so, I would have likely canceled last-minute. I wasn’t ready for this, and I looked down reflexively. I could see a tiny bulge in the salmon-pink sheath dress, but I hoped his mother would just assume I was fat. With any luck, I could just sneak away and not have to endure her scrutiny…

  I sighed heavily when he put a hand on my shoulder to draw me closer to him. Damn, if I’d only been a few seconds faster. I stood stiffly beside him, trying to give his mother a polite smile that felt like it curled under the sourness in her expression.

  “Who’s this?” She demanded the information as though she had a right to know everything about him.

  Mykael was either used to it or didn’t even think to question her tone. He put his arm around my waist. “This is Gabriella.”

  I noticed he didn’t say my last name, and I was grateful for that. I could only imagine how much worse that disdainful look would become if she knew I was Wayne’s stepdaughter. Presumably, she knew the identity of Annika’s attackers, so she would hate me by association without taking time to learn about my own lack of relationship with the awful man.

  She scowled at me. “You look familiar.”

  I managed to hold my smile in place through sheer strength of will. “Yes, ma’am.” Her eyes narrowed at that, and I felt a tiny dart of satisfaction. Her sleek black hair and barely lined face hinted she was in her late-forties, but I think she had to be closer to sixty from my research on the family. Reluctantly, I said, “I work at Bristol, Williams & Watts.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she was clearly trying to place me. “Are you in the foreign contracts department? It’s one of the departments
where I don’t personally select candidates.” Her tone left no doubt she wouldn’t have selected me.

  “I’m in reception,” I said sweetly, feeling a dark thrill at the way her scowl deepened. She’d already decided I wasn’t going to be good enough for her son, so I might as well really dig it in. I only wished I was the office cleaner instead. Surely, she would view that as even lower than a receptionist.

  “I see.” Her arctic tone had returned, and she looked at her son instead of me. “Experimenting is for boys and young men, Mykael. You’re old enough to start getting serious. You need to maintain the right image for politics. Parading your mistakes in front of your colleagues is shortsighted.”

  I stiffened, wanting to defend myself, but a wave of her heavy perfume hit me as she waved a hand for emphasis. It was the last, final thing that ensured I lost the battle to hold my nausea in check. With a gag, I turned from both of them, barely managing to avoid vomiting on Nila.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t paint the beautifully tiled patio with my vomit. Or not entirely. I also managed to hit a pair of expensive-looking shoes. With a small sob, I turned and ran from the patio, wincing when I heard Mykael apologizing to Judge Harris, the host of the party.

  As much as I wanted to flee the scene of my humiliation, I detoured to a powder room instead. My stomach was still rocking, and I spent some quality time with the toilet before I was finally able to stand in front of the sink and rinse my mouth with the tepid tap water. I cursed myself for not packing the travel toothpaste and disposable brushes I’d been carrying around with me during the worst of the vomiting.

  Someone tapped on the door, but I ignored it. They could surely find another bathroom in this huge place. I still needed this one. In fact, the idea of hibernating here didn’t sound bad if it meant I could avoid facing the man I’d puked on.

  “Gabriella, are you in there?”

  I groaned when Mykael’s voice came through the wood. I really wanted to ignore him too, but when he called my name again, I reached over to turn the lock. I expected him to pull me out to join him, so it was a surprise when he slipped inside instead.

  I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. “I’m sorry. I’ve ruined everything, and you have to work with him.” Tears splashed down my cheeks, and I turned away from him, wishing I could stop the god-awful caterwauling escaping me as I sobbed. It was an ugly cry, and I wished he would go away.

  Instead, he took me into his arms and comforted me until the crying jag eased. Then he used a washcloth from under the cabinet to clean my face for me just like I was a big ol’ baby. Which I clearly was today.

  “You didn’t ruin anything, honey. Judge Harris and his wife had four children, so they’re both very understanding of the circumstances.”

  I clapped a hand to my mouth, shaking my head in denial. “You told them I was pregnant? With your mother there?” I almost shrieked the question.

  He frowned, looking confused and annoyed. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  I faltered, not sure how to answer him. I’d expected him to be discreet about the whole thing, especially in light of his mother’s reaction to me. I could just imagine how much more she hated me now, knowing I was knocked up by her son. “But why? No one had to know yet. You could have just told them I’m a fat, graceless halfwit.” It felt pretty true at the moment.

  Mykael scowled. “I wanted them to know. I’m thrilled, and I want everyone to know you’re having my baby.”

  “Oh.” I sagged in defeat, unable to keep arguing in the face of that endearing confession. I didn’t know how to react, so I just slumped against him, enjoying the comfort of his embrace. “Your mother hates me.” My face was smooshed against his chest, but he must have understood what I was saying.

  I gave him points for not denying it or sugarcoating it. “Yeah, she does right now, but she’s blinded by her own misperceptions and prejudices. She’ll come around.”


  He patted my back. “She will. It will be some rough months, I’m sure, but she’ll melt when she holds our baby.”

  I took the cowardly route and stopped protesting. I didn’t believe it, but he knew her better than I did. Maybe an infant could melt through her reserves, and she’d love it in spite of me being its mother. I hoped so, because I didn’t want her treating my child like a pariah, but I didn’t think she’d ever soften toward me under any circumstances.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  I wasn’t sure if he meant the bathroom or the party, so I was relieved when he headed toward the main doors where we had entered to retrieve the car from the valet. I wasn’t up to facing those people again today. With any luck, I’d never have to again at all.

  Once in the comfortable leather seat of his little black coupe, I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to talk, and I didn’t want to think. I closed my eyes, deciding now was a good time to nap.



  She was snoring softly throughout the car ride, and she didn’t rouse when I pulled into the parking garage of my apartment building. I knew she’d be annoyed I’d brought her to my home instead of that pit of an apartment where she lived, but I wanted her close to me tonight. If I had my way, she’d never be leaving my apartment again.

  I shook my head, revising that in my own head. She wouldn’t be moving out or going back to her hovel. I didn’t plan to keep her chained to my bed and hidden away. Though the bed idea had merit…

  I turned to her after shutting off the car and pocketing the key. “We’re home.”

  She mumbled something that sounded incredibly rude and snuggled deeper into the seat. Apparently, she was more ogre than princess when being wakened in the middle of a nap—if I could wake her.

  Deciding not to bother, I got out of the car and went around to her side. She didn’t wake when I lifted her into my arms, where she snuggled perfectly against me. The firm baby bump pressing partially against my stomach made me tingle with pleasure as I carried her to the lift. I entertained the idea of carrying her everywhere, because she felt so good in my arms, but I knew she’d protest.

  At least I could enjoy it for now, and I savored every second I held her from the car to my bedroom. I laid her on the bed to strip off her shoes and stockings. She snored through the entire process. I debated about further undressing her, because I doubted the bra and dress were comfortable, but I didn’t want to risk waking her. She needed her rest, and I didn’t want to have to argue with her about staying overnight.

  Instead, I tucked her under the blanket, deciding she looked perfect against the snowy white bedding, and changed into comfortable clothes before leaving the bedroom. I walked down the hall to my study and sat down, planning to do some work. My brain insisted on turning to the woman in my bedroom instead.

  She was right where she belonged. I’d been crazy for her since that first smile, but it had taken me a while to realize it. The past four weeks, since we’d reconnected, had forced me to accept the truth that I was in love with her. I would have put my ring on her finger and given her my name weeks ago, and not because we were having a baby.

  Or not only because of the baby. I wanted him—or her—to carry my name instead of Chastain’s, of course, but I wanted his mother to belong to me in every way possible. I just had to convince her of that. I’d tried slow and patient, and now I was going to sweep her off her feet and make her realize she would fit perfectly in my life.

  Well, almost. I was under no illusion that my mother would happily embrace her. She already disliked what she thought she knew about Gabriella, so when she learned she was Chastain’s stepdaughter, it would make her absolutely loathe the woman I loved.

  My mother had passed on many of her traits to me, both good and bad. One of those was a fierce need for justice. In lieu of justice, she would settle for revenge. I’d had the same mindset when I’d targeted Gabriella, but I hadn’t been able to carry through with my ruthless plan to rape her. The thought of making her l
ike Annika had appalled me, and I had belatedly tried to do the right thing, albeit in a completely screwed up way that somehow ended with me taking her virginity and giving her a baby.

  My mother wouldn’t be reined in by her own moral compass. She could be a good person, and she had been a loving mother, if a bit distant, but she was blind to her own faults. We all are, but my mother more so than most. She would see it as a black and white issue—and not purely a racial one. The Chastains had harmed the Watts, so that demanded retribution.

  I’d have to keep a careful eye on her to make sure she didn’t injure Gabriella’s tender feelings. I didn’t think she’d actually physically hurt her, but I knew Mother would escalate it to a family feud right out of the Hatfield and McCoys’ playbook if I didn’t keep her in check. I would do my best to shield her, but I couldn’t completely protect her from Mother’s hurtful comments.

  I would just have to make certain both women knew Gabriella and our baby were my top priorities. I didn’t want to hurt my mother, but I wouldn’t stand for her hurting my lover either.



  When I woke in a strange bed, I had a vivid flashback of similar circumstances, where I hadn’t been able to move my hands. For a moment, my arms wouldn’t lift, and I was certain I was in that position again. As sleep faded, I comprehended my arms were simply under the covers, when I usually slept with them folded over the top.

  My heart stopped racing, and I looked around. I had to be in Mykael’s room. The bedding smelled like him, and the opened closet door revealed a row of suits that looked somewhat familiar. I wondered how I’d come to be here, and why he hadn’t taken me to my home instead.

  Deciding to find out, but only after a shower, I helped myself to his bathroom after shedding my clothes. A warm shower cleared away the last of the sleep-induced cobwebs, and I felt refreshed. I must have slept like the dead, and I guess most of the evening and all night. Wow. His mattress was amazing or something, because after the incident at the party, I should have been tossing and turning.


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