Sweet Temptation s-4

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Sweet Temptation s-4 Page 16

by Maya Banks

  He smiled at the sudden flash of memories.

  “It takes a pretty special man to do what you did.”

  He shrugged. “It just seemed natural. I never gave it any thought. It never occurred to me to be jealous. If it had been any other man, I would have killed him, but it was David and I knew David would never do anything to betray our friendship.”

  He hadn’t realized he was stroking her arm. She was nestled in his arms and his fingers wandered up and down her skin as he remembered the good times. It was nice to be able to think of them without the flood of grief that always came.

  “I’m not trying to replace her,” Angelina whispered. “I know how much you loved her.”

  Micah pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head. “I know, Angel girl. I know.”


  A ngelina stirred and stretched against the warmth of Micah’s body. Lazy contentment invaded her limbs, and for a moment she lay there, enjoying the comfort of his arms.

  Remembering the events of the night before and the fact she hadn’t had a shower made her roll away and head for the bathroom. She left Micah sound asleep, his other arm thrown carelessly across his pillow.

  Moments later she stepped under the hot spray of the shower and closed her eyes in pure ecstasy. Hot water was the cure-all. Wars could be prevented if everyone started the day with a steaming hot shower.

  She stood there, letting the water stream over her face, washing away worry, strain, fear and hopelessness. It was a new day.

  Eyes still closed, face turned up into the spray, she reached blindly for the bottle of shampoo. A hand gripped her wrist, and she pulled her head back and opened her eyes.

  Micah, naked, droplets of water beading on his chest, stepped into the shower with her. He gently lowered her arm back to her waist and retrieved the shampoo himself.

  He stepped in behind her and squeezed shampoo into his hand.

  “Lean your head back,” he said huskily.

  He lathered the shampoo over her hair, working it into her scalp. When he was done, he pressed forward, forcing her underneath the showerhead again.

  With the water beating down, rinsing the soap from her hair, he hiked her right leg upward, her knee rubbing against the shower wall.

  He positioned his cock at her pussy and thrust forward. The force sent her into the wall, her hands flying up to brace herself.

  He gripped her waist and held her tight as his hips slapped against her ass.

  Pleasure rippled through her groin. Her pussy fluttered in response and gripped his cock as he went deeper. Water rained fast and furious. It felt hotter than before, and steam rose as their breathing sped up.

  It was an ambush plain and simple. A quick, hard fuck and she loved every second of it. It was raw, primitive, a man reaching out to his woman, his possession. It was a reminder that she had no power except what he gave her. He took, she gave, and she gloried in her offering.

  Trapped between the hard wall and his equally hard body, she took the punishing drive of his pelvis.

  “I want your ass, Angel,” he growled in her ear. “I’m tempted to see if you can take me right now, right here, just like this.”

  A shudder rolled down her body, and she closed her eyes as she balanced precariously on the edge of orgasm.

  His movements gentled. He bit into her shoulder, a hard bite, and then he licked the spot before nipping again. Then he sucked hard, his intent to mark her, a visible reminder of his presence. As if she could ever forget.

  He stroked in and out. She writhed helplessly against him, wanting more, wanting it harder, just a little push over the edge.

  “Tell me what you want,” he ordered against her ear.

  He nipped at her earlobe then sucked it between his teeth.

  “Tell me, Angel. You don’t come until you tell me.”

  “Fuck me,” she gasped. “Make it hurt. Hard, Micah. Please.”

  He slammed into her, driving her mercilessly into the wall. Her cheek banged against the slick surface heated by the water.

  One more. Just once more.

  He withdrew, reached down and spread her buttocks, pushing upward so that she was open and vulnerable. Then he ripped into her again and she fell over. Down, hard. Pleasure, mindless, numbing pleasure rolled over and over, expanding until she quivered, held tight between the world of pain and endless, sweet sensation.

  He pulled out, and she registered that he hadn’t come yet. She tried to drop to her knees, anticipating that he’d want to come in her mouth, but he caught her, holding her up.

  “Easy, Angel girl,” he murmured.

  When he was sure she could stand, he reached for the soap and a washcloth. To her surprise, he gently soaped her body, taking extra care around her pussy that still pulsed from her orgasm. Each touch was agony and he didn’t linger.

  He followed the path of the washcloth with his mouth, his lips and tongue heating a path much hotter than the water. He kissed her skin so tenderly that her heart ached. How could he say he didn’t care, that he didn’t want to care when his every action contradicted his words?

  Even when he tried to punish her, when he pushed, expecting her to balk, there was such torment in his eyes that she knew it wasn’t what he wanted to do but what he thought he should do.

  And now his every touch, his every kiss, was an apology.

  She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the tender care he lavished on her body.

  When finally he was done, he reached up to turn the water off. She swayed as he let her go, and he put a hand on her arm to steady her.

  “Wait here while I get a towel,” he said.

  A moment later he returned and extended his hand to help her from the shower. As soon as she stepped out, he enfolded her in the large towel.

  She went willingly into his arms and buried her head against his chest as he rubbed at her skin.

  He slid a finger underneath her chin and gently tilted her head up until she looked at him. Their gazes connected, and she saw so much in his eyes that she knew he wasn’t aware of. He tried to keep himself closed off, but what she saw now took her breath away. It gave her hope. It made her believe.

  His mouth lowered to hers in the most tender of kisses. Their lips made soft sounds as they moved together. Warm, so sweet. No one had ever kissed her like this. There was so much emotion, so much feeling. Did he feel it too? Would he retreat?

  He pulled away, his breathing ragged and his eyes glittering with more than simple lust. He wanted her, but in that moment, Angelina knew he realized he also needed her. Would he admit it?

  “Want to go for a drive this morning? Wouldn’t hurt to get out for a while. Could head down to the coast as long as we’re careful and pay attention to our surroundings.”

  “That would be fantastic. I haven’t been to the beach since I left Miami.”

  “The beaches aren’t as pretty here,” Micah warned.

  “I don’t care. Just being able to breathe the salt air again will be heaven.”

  She went back into his arms and squeezed tight.

  “Thank you.”

  He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

  “Go get dressed and we’ll head up. I need to make a few calls and let everyone know where we’re going. I want to keep watch and see if we’re followed.”

  She sucked in her breath. “Is it safe?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be armed and we’re going to stay in very public places at all times. If we’re followed, then we know we’re not safe here at The House. I’m hoping he’s still waiting for you to show at your apartment or at your job. If he makes a move there, we’ll bust him.”


  He kissed her again. “Now go get dressed so we can get out of here.”


  M icah watched Angelina arch her face into the sun and breathe deep of the sea air. The stiff breeze blowing off the water sent her hair rippling in a wave behind her.

e didn’t move, didn’t say anything. He didn’t want her to move, because he was content to watch her turn into the sun like a cat seeking the warmth.

  She was beautiful. Why had he never noticed before? He’d been married, not dead. Yeah, Hannah had been the only woman he was focused on, but that didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate the rest of the opposite sex. Angelina had never registered on his radar. She’d been David’s little sister. Family.

  “It’s such a beautiful day.”

  Micah smiled at her rapt expression.

  “Nothing can ruin this. I won’t allow it. We won’t even think about the asshole stalker. Agree?”

  Well, he certainly encouraged her not to think about the guy after her. He’d prefer for her to relax and enjoy herself, but that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be spending every minute of the day looking over their shoulders.

  But he smiled and nodded, enjoying her enthusiasm.

  She walked over and sat beside him, snuggling into his side as they overlooked the seawall. He wrapped his arms around her and enjoyed the feel of a warm, soft woman against him. He hugged women, his friends, but this was different. There was more than affection working.

  “Tell me about Miami,” he said as he stroked her hair.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Did you finish school? You never told me.”

  “I did. I graduated a year ago. That’s when the notes started actually. I’d gone out to celebrate on graduation night. Came home to a dozen roses and a sweet congratulatory note.”

  Micah frowned. “Wonder if it was someone at the university.”

  “Could be. I didn’t date that many guys in school. I mean I kept it casual. Friends, movies, group dates, that sort of thing, so I doubt anyone could have gotten the wrong idea from me.”

  “So what did you study? Last I knew you were wanting to be an art major. David was less than enthused.”

  He felt her smile against his chest.

  “I made him crazy with my hippie notions as he called it. Said I was too much like our flighty mother. He was always so sensitive about her. He was afraid I was too much like her.”

  “He never talked about her. Just your dad,” Micah said.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  She sounded a little sad, and he squeezed her a little tighter to him.

  “She’s not dead, you know.”

  Micah stiffened in surprise. “I was certain David said they were both dead. Your mom first and then your dad right after David graduated high school.”

  She sighed against him. “Mom left when I was really young. I don’t remember her. I just get glimpses, you know? And even then I’m not sure I’m remembering her. It could be someone else. David never forgave her for breaking Dad’s heart. According to David, she was flighty and irresponsible. An artist with no ambition other than wanting to travel to en vogue places and paint the clichéd scenes.”

  “Ah, so that explains the aversion to you being an art major.”

  She shrugged. “It was a passing fancy. I mean how many high school kids really know what they want to be the minute they graduate ? I took general studies my freshman year and then declared a major my sophomore year.”

  “And? Dare I ask what you grew up to be?” he teased.

  “A teacher,” she said softly. “But I had to leave before I could go to work.”

  “David always loved children. You share that with him.”

  She smiled. “I always saw David with an entire house full of kids. One clinging to each leg, one in each arm and at least two running behind him screaming ‘Daddy’ at the top of their lungs.”

  His stomach knotted. He’d wanted kids too. Hannah would have been the perfect mother. He and David had worked out that Hannah would stay at home with any children they had. They’d even had plans drawn up to add on to the house when the time came.

  “I’m sorry,” Angelina said as she reached up to touch his face. “I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories. I forget sometimes just how tied you were to him and Hannah.”

  Micah shook his head. “You should be able to talk about your brother without worrying what it’s going to do to me. He was your family. He loved you.”

  “Do you ever wonder why them and not us?”

  His brows furrowed and he looked sharply at her. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. I just wonder why some people die when they do. Why wasn’t it me? I wasn’t married. No connections to anyone. It would have been easier for it to be me. David would have mourned, but he would have had you and Hannah. Or do you wonder why not you instead of David? Or am I the only crazy one who asks those kinds of questions?”

  “I think you can make yourself crazy going around in circles like that. Who knows why anyone dies? I’ve never believed in all that ‘it’s their time’ bullshit. I believe in bad luck and even worse decisions. I’ve seen enough in my time as a cop to know that things are rarely as random as they appear. There’s always a series of events that lead up to that one moment where all is lost.”

  “You sound so cynical,” she said sadly. “I can’t say I blame you. I lost a lot of my belief in good when they died. It was such a senseless tragedy. As you said, bad choices. A driver not paying attention and David and Hannah paid the price. We paid the price.”

  “How about we move on to happier things,” Micah said as he touched her nose.

  She smiled, though her face still looked sad.

  “I wish I could go back and do things different, Angel girl,” he said in a low voice. “You have no idea how much I wish it.”

  She cupped his cheeks in both hands and pulled him down in a kiss.

  “You’re here now. That’s all that counts.”

  “So let me ask you something.”

  “Shoot,” she said as she adjusted herself so she faced the ocean again.

  “Do you ever think about trying to find your mom?”

  She went still. “No. She left. She made her choice pretty clear. She didn’t want me or David. Why would I want her now?”

  “Because she’s your only family,” he said gently.

  She glanced sharply at him. “Just like your parents are your only family.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “You’ve made your point. Okay, both our parents are off-limits. I won’t talk about yours and you don’t remind me of mine.”

  “Deal,” she muttered.

  They sat not talking, the sounds of the sea in front of them, the traffic along the seawall boulevard behind them. It surprised him how content he was just to hold her. To feel her, to listen to her soft breathing.

  They stayed until the sun slipped below the horizon and the sky was bathed in pink and golden hues. She stirred against him, and it was then he realized she’d fallen asleep.

  “You ready to head back home?” he asked softly when she looked up at him with sleepy eyes.

  She smiled and nodded. “Thank you for today, Micah. It was nice to get away for a while, to escape reality for a few hours.”

  Unable to resist the soft, tousled look she presented, he kissed her lips, then the corner of her mouth, then her jaw and down to her neck. He nuzzled her ear and then worked his way back over her cheek and up to her eyes. He pressed the lightest of kisses to each of her closed eyes and then dropped a playful peck on her nose.

  “Come on, sunshine. Time to get you home and in bed.”

  She stretched and stood, taking his hand as he started for the truck.


  “W e have company coming over tonight,” Micah said.

  Angelina looked up from her perch on the couch. “We do? Who is it?”

  Micah smiled. “It’s a surprise. But we need to get you ready.”

  Her eyebrow went up, and her pulse leapt. In the weeks since they’d moved into The House, Micah had kept them secluded. They’d slipped into a comfortable relationship that extended beyond sex and his complete mastery over her body. She’d grown used to being with him, to having
him to herself, a barrier to the outside world. Now their sanctuary was being breached, but she found herself excited and intrigued instead of resentful of the intrusion.

  He walked over to her and held out his hand to help her up.

  “First a shower. I’ll wash your hair. Afterward I’ll dry and brush it out for you. Have I ever told you how much I love your hair?”

  She swallowed, her nervousness—no, anticipation—tightening her throat.

  “There’s no reason to be afraid,” he murmured as he touched the pulse point at her throat.

  “I’m not afraid,” she said huskily.


  He pulled her with him up the stairs to the bedroom. As soon as they got past the door, he started undressing her. His movements were slow and measured. The calm and precision in which he touched her excited her.

  He was exceedingly gentle, almost as if he were truly afraid of frightening her. This puzzled her because before he’d always been quick to demand, impatient and forceful. This ... this was a side to him she hadn’t seen but had always longed for. She’d seen how render he was with Hannah. She knew he was capable of such caring and love. Could he be softening toward her?

  The last of her clothes dropped to the floor, and he cupped her shoulders as he stared down at her.

  “Go lie down on the bed. On your stomach. Get comfortable.”

  She was curious, but she didn’t question him.

  She settled onto the bed and rubbed her cheek on the soft comforter. A few moments later, the bed dipped and he crawled onto up next to her.

  He placed his hand on the back of her knee and ran it up her leg and over the swell of her buttocks. He stopped there and gently kneaded the soft flesh.

  His fingers dipped low, and he ran his thumb over the seam of her pussy, down to her clit. He toyed with it for a minute and then rubbed gently over her folds, pushing inward then withdrawing.

  “Has anyone ever had your ass, Angel girl?”

  She swallowed and shook her head.

  “I don’t want your first experience to be with another man. I want to ease you into it. I don’t want to hurt you. A lot will happen tonight. I want you to be prepared.”


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