Enemy Mine (Unseen Enemy Book 3)

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Enemy Mine (Unseen Enemy Book 3) Page 13

by Marysol James

  “I applied for a series of grants, from the city and the state, for the shelter for victims of domestic violence, and I got two big ones.”

  “Liv!” Jenny said, delighted. “That’s amazing!”

  “It is. It also means that I can now start to work with the shelter full-time, for a salary. And I can expand some services, so I want to hire a second therapist who’s worked with abused women and kids before.” She smiled at Emma. “You know anyone qualified who may be interested in working fifteen hours a week, at least for now?”

  “For now?” Emma said.

  “Yep. When I get the grants extended in six months, I’ll be able to offer full-time hours.”

  “That timing is perfect,” Emma said. “I was hoping to start slow, and go back full-time in the winter.”

  “I know.” Liv grinned. “But you need to think if you’d like to go back to the clinic at all, or if you’d like to work with the shelter. You can’t do both, right?”

  “OK, I’ll think about it.” Emma took Liv’s hand. “Thank you for the offer. Can I let you know next week?”

  “Sure,” Liv said. “The fifteen hours would start in May, so you have a little less than two weeks to let me know, alright?”


  The two women smiled at each other.

  “It seems like things are going well for all of us,” Jenny observed. “But what about Kat? I’ve barely seen her lately. How’s she doing?”

  “Actually, I don’t know.” Emma looked worried. “I’ve tried to call her a few times, and she never answers or calls back.”

  “Yeah, same here,” Liv chimed in. “I thought she was just busy.”

  “Well, I invited her over here for breakfast this morning,” Jenny said. “Left her a message and she didn’t even respond.”

  “Is she alright?” Liv asked. “This isn’t like her at all, is it?”

  “No,” Emma agreed. “Not in the slightest. I think I’ll drop by the salon tomorrow morning, see if she’s there. If she is, I’ll take her for coffee and ask her if she’s OK.”

  “And let us know?” Liv said.

  “Absolutely.” Emma nodded. “I’ll send word when I’ve seen her, and made sure she’s alright.”


  After Olivia and Emma left, Jenny had the whole day to herself. Chris was at work, but she’d taken the day off, to get ready. Physically, mentally, emotionally.

  Tonight, I’m going to ask him to make love to me.

  The physical part was easy enough – shaving her legs, trimming her pussy hair, painting her toenails. Mentally, she was pretty OK: she knew that Chris would make her feel good, and he’d go slow, and he’d stop if she panicked. But she was sure she wouldn’t have an attack – she was so primed for this, after living with him for four months, and sleeping next to his body for two months.

  No, it’s getting ready emotionally that needs a bit of work, huh?

  What she’d told Liv and Emma was true: she did feel that what was between her and Chris was private now. And if she really felt that way, then that meant that something had changed in her. Somewhere, at some point, he’d stopped being a guy who was helping her get used to a man’s body and touch, and he had become the man that she wanted to be with and touch. Chris had become important to her, not for what he was able to offer her, but because of who he was.

  OK, none of this was a shock. She and Zoe had talked many times about how women became emotionally attached to their sex surrogates, even when the surrogates were paid professionals. It was impossible to do the things that she and Chris were doing without becoming emotional about him. How could any woman kiss a man, sleep in a man’s arms, trust and feel safe with a man, have a man slip his finger inside her body until she came, and not start to have feelings for him?

  So, fine. She had developed feelings for Chris. She could accept that. And if she’d come to this point, was it so crazy to think that maybe Chris had also started to move beyond friendship with her? He’d started out that way, and he’d been nothing but strong and supportive through the whole thing, but what was he thinking, really? Feeling?

  Then Jenny remembered that blonde woman, the one in Chris’ apartment that day she’d gone over to ask him for his help. She knew that Chris had one-night-stands, that he’d had lots of them, and that he’d had them for a long time. For years. So, if he found a woman attractive enough, then he was able to touch her, kiss her, have sex with her, all without emotion or commitment. Certainly without love.

  Is that what he’s doing here with me? He’s attracted to me, so he’s able to get in to bed with me? Is that all it is to him?

  Jenny pondered that for a while, turning it over and over in her mind. Then she shrugged. OK, well, so what? She hadn’t asked Chris to be her sex surrogate in the hopes of ending up in a relationship with him, had she? No.

  She’d asked him to help her because she trusted him. The plan all along was for him to get her to the point when she could accept a man’s attention and touch without fear. Then, they were to go back to their lives. He’d go home, she’d be open to dating men without trauma or panic. And they’d be just friends again.

  Don’t mess this all up, girl. The whole point was to make love with a man who wouldn’t scare you… then you go out and find a man to date for real. This whole thing is artificial. Temporary. Enjoy it, enjoy him. Then move on.

  Her head on straight again – for the most part, anyway – Jenny carried on with her preparations, and waited for Chris.


  Chris shrugged off his jacket and took a deep breath. He was happy to be home.

  “Jenny?” he called. “You here?”

  “Yeah.” Her voice drifted down the stairs. “I’m in the bedroom.”

  My favorite place for her to be.

  He stood at the bottom of the stairs. “You want me to come up?”

  “Oh, definitely.”

  He heard it in her voice, and his whole body responded. He was hard before he took the first step, and he was almost panting by the time he reached the bedroom. He wanted to touch her. Right now.

  He stood in the doorway and gazed at her. She was in bed, the sheets pulled to her chin. Her blue eyes were warm and sparkling as she stared back at him.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey yourself.” His eyes gleamed. “You wearing anything under there?”

  “Why don’t you come and find out?”

  “Sure thing,” he said, his voice husky.

  He crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached under the blankets and found her ankle. Chris made his way up her leg, his large hand skimming over her soft skin. He stroked her knee, then pressed on it until her legs fell open for him. She bit her lip and shifted under his touch, then gasped as his fingers moved higher. Higher again.

  Chris watched her face as he found her hot centre and parted her drenched lower lips. She gasped as his finger slid inside her.

  “You’re naked, baby,” he said. “Were you waiting for me?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Were you imagining what I’d do to you?”

  “Yes.” The word ended on a moan as his thumb circled her clit.

  “Were you touching yourself?” He withdrew his finger, slipped it in again. “Getting ready for me?”

  She gasped again. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t,” he growled. “I just hoped.”

  “Oh!” Her hips jerked under his hand. “Oh, Chris…oh, God…”

  “Already, baby?”


  Her back arched and he lowered his head to her breasts. He rolled her nipples between his lips as his finger moved in and out of her, loving her total abandon. She had her hands fisted in the sheets beneath her, and she was open to his touch, his mouth. Her whole body stiffened under him, and he
knew she was almost there.

  He plunged two fingers inside her now, and curled them, extended them, closed them again. She gave a sharp cry as he massaged her inner walls, stroking her most intimate, most tender places. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt or experienced before and she closed her eyes.

  “Jenny?” He raised his head. “You with me?”

  “Yes.” She arched more. “Please don’t stop.”

  He grinned. “No way. Not until you come for me.”

  When her orgasm hit, she screamed his name, over and over. He watched her beautiful face, felt her amazing body shuddering under him, and he thought he’d never see anything so gorgeous in his life ever again.

  “Oh, God, baby.” He lay down next to her and gathered her in his arms. “You are so incredible.”

  Jenny opened her eyes. “Chris?”

  “Yeah, hon?” He stroked her tumbled hair off her flushed cheeks. “You OK?”

  “Yes. I wanted – I want…”

  “What? What do you want, Jenny?”

  “I want to make love with you. Tonight. Now.”

  He stared at her, totally stunned. “Like… really make love? All the way?”



  “You don’t want to?” she asked.

  “Of course I do,” he said. “This is what we’ve been working towards all this time, isn’t it? And if you think you’re ready, I’m ready.” He kissed her forehead. “You sure you’re ready?”

  “Uh-huh.” She swallowed. “Just – just a few things.”

  He propped himself up at one hand. “Tell me.”

  “I need to see your face the whole time… I need to know it’s you.”

  He nodded. “What else?”

  “If I panic with you inside me, this time you have to let me go.”

  Chris searched her eyes. “I don’t try to hold you?”

  “No.” She looked down. “If I – if I go back there this time, then I need for you to get away from me. I won’t be able to take having anyone touch me right at that second.”

  Chris took a breath to stay calm. “I promise. I’ll let you go if you panic, and I’ll let you come back to me when you’re ready.”


  They stared at each other and Chris smiled at her.

  “You look scared to death, baby. Come here, OK? Let’s take it slow and easy. No rush, right? We have all night.” He stroked her cheek. “And you can always ask me to stop. You can change your mind any time you want to.”

  She moved in to his embrace again, relaxed on his broad chest. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers over his huge biceps, over his strong forearms. He clasped her fingers in his, raised them to his lips. She watched as his eyes sparked with desire, and she responded.

  Jenny grasped the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it up his body, dragged it over his head. Then she moved down, undid his belt buckle. His cock was already straining hard against his jeans, and she carefully unzipped him, took him in her hand. Now he moaned and closed his eyes, arching in to her touch.

  Slowly, she undressed him, taking her time. He lay on his back, watched her through hooded lids, fighting to stay in control of his body. When she crawled up between his legs and climbed on top of him, he felt his cock twitch. The sight of those full breasts swinging above him, of her generous thighs spread over his hips, of her stunning face alight with pleasure, was all almost too much.

  OK, man. No screwing this all up. You have to last, you have to make sure this is good for her.

  She gazed down at him, at his gorgeous face, and saw the heat in his gray eyes. She leaned down and took his mouth, her hands on his muscled shoulders. Almost without any conscious thought on her part, her hips started moving on him, rolling in small circles, grinding on his hard body. He grasped her hips gently, encouraging her.

  “That’s it,” he said. “Move so it feels good.”

  “Chris.” He heard the need in her voice. “I want you. Please… I want you inside me.”

  He held her chin between his fingers, looked in to her eyes. “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  She reached under the pillow and pulled out a condom. He blinked in surprise, then grinned. “You’re prepared, huh?”

  “Yes.” She smiled down at him. “I want this.”

  He took the condom from her, opened it up. As he rolled it down his length, he glanced up at her. She was watching his hands, her lip between her teeth. Their eyes met.

  “You’re so beautiful, baby,” he said softly. “So brave. I just want you to feel good, Jenny, that’s all I care about.” He raised himself on his elbows and kissed her. “We’re the only two people in this room, sweetheart. You understand me? There’s nobody here but us.”

  She nodded, her chest tight.

  Just us. Just me and Chris.

  He kissed her again and again, until the tension went out of her body. That was when he lay down again, and like that first night when she’d touched him, he tucked his hands under the pillow, cradling his head. She knew he was showing her that she was safe and in control, and her heart squeezed.

  I could love him.

  She took him in her hand now, moved the tip of his cock to her entrance. She rubbed him against her, felt her clit jolt at the contact. She lifted her hips slightly, slid him in a bit farther, no more than an inch. It suddenly hit her just what she was about to do and she hesitated, frozen and afraid.

  Oh, no. No, no. I don’t want to panic… I don’t want to go back there with them. I’m not with them; I’m with Chris.

  Chris saw her face and he sat up right away. “Jenny.”

  Her eyes held his, begging for reassurance.

  “Right here, baby. I am right here. It’s me… you’re safe.”

  She swallowed.

  “I've got you, Jenny. You’re with me.”

  Her breath was coming more easily now. “I know. I know it’s you.”

  He lay down again, watching her face closely. She looked better now, more present and relaxed. He clenched his hands in to the pillow, praying that she’d be OK, that he wasn’t standing and watching another tragic mistake unfold right in front of him. That someone else wasn’t about to be hurt because he was blind to the true danger they were in.

  Not this time… this time, my eyes are wide open. This time, I’ll make sure everyone gets out safe and whole.

  Jenny gazed down at him, took a breath. Then slowly, carefully, she moved her hips down, just a bit. She stopped, adjusting to having him inside her, to the sensation of being so stretched. Then she slid again, taking more of him, then more. One inch at a time, one breath at a time, she took Chris in to her body, until she was completely filled by him. She placed her hands on his chest for balance, and to feel his heartbeat against her trembling fingers.

  Chris stayed still, waiting to see if she'd be OK. Her face was tense, but not frightened, and he just held on to the pillow, wanting nothing more than to touch her.

  "Jenny? How you doing?"

  "I – I'm not sure." She exhaled. "I'm not scared."

  "Does it feel good?"

  She moved her hips cautiously, a small roll up and forward, down again. His cock pressed against her swollen clit and she gasped. "Oh. Yes. Yes, it feels good."

  "Then do it again, baby." His voice was rough. "Do what you like."

  She repeated the roll, deeper this time, then started lifting and lowering herself on her knees. She experimented, took her time, noticed what her body liked, what made her pussy walls tighten and melt. She looked at Chris, saw his own pleasure bright across his face and her body responded. She took his hands now, placed them on her hips.

  "Touch me," she breathed. "Everywhere, anywhere you want."

  He groaned as she started moving on him, stronger now. His cock was being pulled on by her
inner muscles, like hands massaging him, and he starting thrusting up in to her, meeting her downward strokes and plunges. Jenny gasped, her head falling back.

  Her breasts begged for his mouth and he sat up now, his hands on her curvy ass, helping her to move faster. His lips moved from nipple to nipple, gently sucking and teasing, and she clutched his neck, moving on him without any conscious effort on her part now. She was simply doing what felt good, what felt right. She was revelling in pure pleasure, letting herself enjoy being loved by this man.

  "Chris," she murmured. "Chris... I'm so close. Hold on to me, OK?"

  "I'm here, Jenny. I'm all yours... come for me, sweetheart. Come on me, all around me. Take me with you."

  His words set off the chain reaction now. The slow-burning fire inside her sparked, burst in to flame. Her pussy tightened, released; clenched, relaxed, and she knew she was seconds away from orgasm.

  “Oh,” she said, almost in wonder. “Oh, God…”

  Chris raised his head from her breasts to watch her face, needing to see her in this moment. He thrust inside her faster and deeper, sure that she wanted it, welcomed it, even. Her hands gripped his muscled shoulders tightly and she totally abandoned herself to the feelings now. She rode him and Chris loved every second of it, wanted it to go on forever, listened to her cries rise rhythmically.

  Jenny couldn’t stop it from happening now, not even if she wanted to. The tension was intensifying, the pressure building deep in her pussy, travelling through her body, all the way to her toes. Jenny sobbed as the wave rose and rose inside of her, paused, rose some more. Then, finally, finally, she reached the crest of pleasure and it broke over her, washed her away, leaving her trembling and limp in his arms.

  Chris was shaking with the effort to hold back. He had to be sure it was good for her, he wouldn't let himself come until he knew she was there and OK. When she cried out his name and he saw the ecstasy on her face, he finally let go of his control. He gripped her hips and held Jenny in place, thrusting inside of her amazing body over and over, wanting and needing nothing now but to release inside of her.

  He shut his eyes as he exploded, barely able to draw a breath from the intensity. It was just so good, so fucking good, and he could do nothing more than come and come, holding her against him as tight and close as possible. He gave one last thrust – hard, hard enough to lift her off his thighs – and then relaxed, his whole body ready to collapse.


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