Nathaniel's Gift: A Submissive Series Holiday Novella

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Nathaniel's Gift: A Submissive Series Holiday Novella Page 5

by Tara Sue Me

  “I’m glad you see things my way, Mrs. West,” I said to her when our lips parted.

  “What can I say?” she asked in the teasing voice I loved so much. “You made a convincing argument.”

  Perfect as it was to have her in my arm and on board with the alternative plan, it was too damn dark in the room to see her at all. It was my doing, so I could only blame myself when I had to push back and tell her I’d be back in a minute.

  “If you’re longer than forty-five seconds, I can’t promise anything,” she said, and I laughed.

  Normally, I’d feel her eyes on me, but that was near to impossible with the room so dark. I reached for the small lamp I’d placed on my nightstand earlier in the day and turned it on. Any other time the faint glow would have been almost indecipherable, but compared to the absolute darkness that cloaked the room seconds prior, it was blinding.

  Abby groaned and pulled the covers over her head. I chuckled and went about setting out a few candles and lighting them. By the time I’d finished and turned the lamp off, she’d poked her head out.

  “When I saw the matches earlier, I thought maybe you had a wax session in mind,” Abby said. “It never hit me you were planning to be romantic.”

  “Wax play?” I asked. “That’s not a bad idea.” It had been a long time since we’d done any wax play. Unfortunately, I didn’t have all the equipment I needed in the chalet. “Maybe when we get home?”

  She shrugged, sitting up and lifting the covers to let me in beside her. “I’m up for whatever you want.”

  “Mmm,” I hummed, pulling her into my arms. “How did I get so lucky to be blessed with such an agreeable wife?”

  “I’m not so certain you’re the lucky one.” Her voice fell to a whisper as I pushed her back to the bed. “Pretty sure that would be me.”

  I could have argued with her, but I thought rendering her speechless a much better use of my time. Without saying a word, I inched down her body, peppering kisses to her skin along the way. I reached her upper thighs, delighting in her soft gasp and the fingers suddenly clutching my hair.

  Blowing a stream of warm air across her, I whispered against her skin. “I can’t wait to taste you.” Her current position didn’t allow me the access I needed, so I pushed her knees further apart and settled myself between them. “So much better,” I said in response to her whimper at my action.

  I teased her for a few minutes before giving in and doing what both of us craved. Even then I took my time. I had promised to worship her body, I couldn’t get her off too quickly. And when she finally came, I wanted to have achieved my speechless goal.

  I took my time with the rest of her body. Stroking my fingers along the back of her knees, then flipping her over so I could taste the small of her back at the spot where my hand rested so frequently.

  Only when I knew I had her aroused to the point that the smallest touch would set her off, did I roll her over onto her back, and once more settle between her legs.

  “Open your eyes for me, Abby,” I whispered, my voice tight with need. I had almost taken her from behind, but wanted to see her face-to-face. To heighten the connection between us, and because it would allow me to savor her more.

  She slowly blinked. The dark need visible in her eyes intensified my own and I took a deep breath, telling myself to take my time and not rush. I slipped a hand between her legs. I was almost certain she was wet enough, but I always checked. The one thing I never wanted was to hurt her in any way.

  “Now,” she urged me, lifting her hips up to meet my fingers. “I promise I’m good.”

  “That was never a concern of mine. I assure you.” I dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “You are always good.”

  “Nathaniel?” she asked, and I raised an eyebrow in question. “Please. Now.”

  I normally enjoyed hearing her beg and had no issue making her wait. But at that moment I feared I was already dangerously close to the edge of my control, and I saw no reason to deny us what we both wanted. “Since you asked so nicely.”

  Our last time together had been hurried since we were in the shower, and as nice as the chalet was, the hot water would only last so long. Not wanting to end our time together in a cold shower, I’d urged her to climax quicker than normal and faster than I’d have liked.

  That was not the case tonight, however. Tonight, I could take as long as I wanted, and I planned to enjoy every second. I pushed her knees back toward her chest, and she sucked in a breath because she knew how deep inside her I’d be able to go in that position. Knew how good it’d feel.

  I didn’t make either of us wait any longer. Lining myself, I was inside her with one thrust.

  “Nathaniel!” she called out, already panting, and grinding her hips as if that would get me to move before I was ready. “Fuck.”

  “Patience, Abby,” I whispered, holding still, making her do the same.

  “Fuck patience.” She still wiggled, though perhaps not as much as seconds before.

  “Feel how deep I am?” I asked in a calm voice, even though every muscle I had strained with the overwhelming desire to move. I wasn’t sure if Abby knew how hard it was to keep still while buried inside her.

  “Yes,” she said, and her body seemed to relax, perhaps realizing I would give nothing until I was ready.

  Which was right where I wanted her. Relying on me for pleasure, knowing how good I’d make her feel. When I held her in my arms, I was the most powerful man in the world. Because that’s what it felt like when she gave me her trust and surrendered her control. It didn’t matter if we were in a scene or not, or whether or not she wore my collar. What mattered was her belief in me.

  I inched back, drawing out, but not completely. Just until I heard her gasp at the thought I would. And then thrusting inside once again. Feeling even better this time because I’d caught her off guard.

  “Oh, God. Yes,” she half moaned.

  Pleased now that I had her where I wanted her, I moved faster. Not enough to push either of us over the edge. Not yet. Only enough to drive her to where she was a breath away from it and to keep her there, for as long as I could.

  I slowed my strokes, causing her to whimper. Her nails scratched my back.

  “I’m not ready to give in just yet,” I told her. “I think I could do this all night.” Which was far from the truth and we both knew it, but if the possibility existed in her mind that it could somehow happen, that was all I needed to make her think it was a reality.

  She lifted her hips, trying to get me deeper still. I arched my back and gave her more, angling myself to hit those spots I knew would have her climaxing around me within a matter of minutes. She knew it as well as I did, and she didn’t slow down or stop the ever growing climb as I pushed us both toward it.

  She came apart seconds before I followed. I held my body above her and ran my lips across her collarbone. “You’re always so beautiful when you come. I love watching your expression as pleasure overtakes you.”

  And I was the luckiest bastard in the country because I was the only one who could put that look on her face.



  I woke up the next morning, ready to be naughty, but in a good way. Nathaniel was still sleeping, so I slipped out of bed as quietly as possible. I spent some time in the bathroom, washing up before I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. On my way out, I grabbed a robe off of a hook and slipped it on.

  Normally, I’d cook breakfast naked because Nathaniel liked it so much, but today I planned on cooking bacon. I’d attempted to do so once with no clothes on. Nathaniel found me in the kitchen yelping at the sizzling grease hitting my uncovered skin as the bacon popped in the pan. He’d calmly tuned the oven off and said watching me get burned by oil was on his hard limit list.

  I loved cooking and had always enjoyed making meals for him and the kids. Not that Nathaniel couldn’t cook, he could, and we often switched it up at home. But there was a primeval joy I got from serving him domestically as
part of our BDSM play.

  I’d long ago accepted that as part of my makeup and stopped trying to explain it either to myself or other submissives. Instead of feeling bad or guilty, I used it as an example to show them how there were many types and forms of kink. Was the fact I enjoyed cooking for my Dominant any more or less of a valid way to play then their enjoyment of objectification? Because, frankly, we’d done that a few times, and I’d much rather be cooking something for Nathaniel than acting like his table.

  I smiled, remembering the last time our Partners group did an informal workshop for people interested in learning more about the lifestyle. We’d broken out into small groups, and Sasha Johnson and I teamed together to lead a chat with a group about submission. I’d just finished my spiel about how I’d rather cook than be a table, when Sasha held up her hand and said, “I’ll be a two tone teak wood table with pedestal legs for a party of twelve before you’ll see my ass in a kitchen cooking.”

  Our group laughed so hard, Cole, Sasha’s Master, husband, and apparent chef, came over to make sure we were ok.

  “That’s a beautiful sight to be greeted with first thing in the morning,” Nathaniel said, crossing the floor and giving me a kiss.

  “What is?” I teased. “Seeing me cook your breakfast?”

  He wrapped his arms around me from behind and chuckled. “I was thinking how beautiful your smile was.”

  Turning around in his arms, I lifted up my head and slipped my arms around his neck. “I was thinking of something funny Sasha said a few months ago.”


  “She hates to cook.”

  “Works out well then, since Cole enjoys cooking.”

  “I suppose.”

  He kissed me again and took a step back. His gaze swept over the countertops. “Would you like some help with breakfast?”

  “No,” I said, making sure I had his attention. “I enjoy serving you like this.”

  He didn’t answer right away, choosing to stand and watch me. The silence of the chalet struck me at that moment. With two small children, very little in our world was silent. I wondered if that was why my mind seemed to be so hyperactive lately? Because I was in a place to hear myself think?

  Funny, how I’d always heard that phrase used, but never completely understood what it meant. Experiencing silence and recognizing it for what it was for the first time, was a bit eye-opening. I couldn’t help but wonder if I could ever completely think through any thought I had since I was always surrounded by noise?

  I looked up at Nathaniel; he was still regarding me with his penetrating gaze. “I thought of something I’d like to write about in my journal,” I said.

  He nodded. “Later today or tomorrow. Right now, I want to go back to what you were saying before. About how you like to serve me by making breakfast. I couldn’t help but think you might enjoy it more if you wore this while you did so.”

  He lifted his hand to reveal my leather play collar. At the sight of it, my entire body seemed to reply with a giant “yes.” Or at least, that’s what I decided my body was doing when I slipped to my knees and lowered my eyes to the floor.

  “Ah, my lovely,” Nathaniel said, and he latched his collar around my neck. “Now that’s a beautiful sight.”

  Whenever I wore his collar, it always seemed to me to be like a part of Nathaniel was connected with me physically. Almost as if we were both in the same person. Not only a yin and yang way, because for all of our differences, there was so much more we had in common.

  His soft laugh pulled me out of my mind, and back to where were. “It seems as if I’ll have my work cut out for me today if I’m going to successfully get you out of your head.”

  I wasn’t certain, but I was pretty sure, that sounded right up the ally I had on my mind when I woke up this morning.

  “Here’s the plan,” he said. “Or at least the part I’m going to share with you. You’re going to finish cooking breakfast while I step outside for a minute. We’ll eat and then I’ll let you have fifteen minutes before we meet again in the bedroom. And, word of warning, bring nothing with you when you come.”

  I’m not sure how I did anything after he said that, much less could put together anything close to being edible, but somehow I pulled it off. Like always, Nathaniel looked nothing other than his normal everyday self, and though I knew his need burned as much, if not more, than my own, it wasn’t clear in anything he did or said.

  We had breakfast, and the entire time he ate, it was as if it were another day. He was getting ready to head into the office or something, making idle chit-chat about nothing at all.

  I, on the other hand, found it hard to eat at all. How could I do something as mundane as eat after what he said would happen when we finished? But one look at him across the table told me he wouldn't move until I’d ate something.

  “There can’t be an after breakfast,” he’d told me once when I told him I wasn’t hungry. “If you don’t have breakfast in the first place.”

  I hated it when he got all logical like that, because there was no way to argue with him. Not and win, anyway. So even though I couldn’t taste it, I cleaned my plate.

  The look he gave me was devilishly wicked. “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”



  I didn’t waste any time once she walked into our bedroom. I’d been wanting to get my hands on her ass since we landed, before that if I was honest, and I wouldn't wait any longer.

  “Come and place yourself over my knees,” I told her. I walked to the bench we had at the foot of our bed, sat down, and patted my lap. It wasn’t a position she cared for, but I liked it, and at the moment, that was the only thing that mattered.

  She didn’t hesitate, but she wasn’t kicking her heels up and darting across the room to get to me faster, either.

  “God, I love your ass,” I said, once she’d made herself as comfortable as possible. “I could sit here for hours and do nothing but play with it.” I gave each cheek a light slap. “Good thing I have nothing on my schedule today except this.”

  Her low moan made me smile. I smacked each cheek again and teased a finger between them. “Do you know long it’s been since I’ve fucked your your ass?” I punctuated my question with a smart spank.

  “Too long,” she said, and I laughed.

  “Good answer.” I held off on further discussion of that topic, but I knew she wouldn’t be able to get my question out of her head. “I worked it out to be that way, knowing it’d make you more sensitive when I finally took you there.”

  Letting my words work their way into her mind, I squeezed her ass. “You’ll be so tight, but I won’t be gentle. I’m going to bend you over the bed and tell you to spread these naughty cheeks and show me the little hole I’m going to stretch with my thick cock.”

  I slipped my finger between her legs. “So naughty. Getting turned on by thoughts of having to take a big dick up your ass.” I slapped her there. “After I spank your ass nice and hard, maybe I should do the same to this naughty pussy before we do anything else.” I pretended to think about it. “But probably not. If you take your ass fucking like a good submissive, maybe I’ll give that poor pussy some attention tomorrow. Today is all about your ass and how hard and deep it’s going to be used by my cock.”

  I ran my hand back between her legs, eliciting a mournful moan because she knew where my focus wouldn't be today. Though knowing her the way I did, she didn’t mind. She knew as well as I did how hard she could come from anal sex alone. Yes, it’d been some time since she had, but I knew her body better than I did my own. The one thing Abby would not be without today would be orgasms. I planned to give her at least one before she got up from my lap.

  But what would be the fun in telling her that?

  I shifted on the bench to ensure she felt my erection. “Feel that?” I asked her. “Feel how hard you make me? I’m sitting here not doing anything and thoughts of you make me hard. I want you to feel it while I span
k you.”

  Abby was already aroused and deep into her headspace, which meant I didn’t start lightly. If I went too soft, it’d jar her more than if I went hard. Now that she had made it into that space, I didn’t want to jerk her out. She needed to stay there and replenish herself.

  After a few minutes, I felt her body relax more. I increased my tempo, going a little bit harder, and with each passing second, she slowly let go of all the things that had been bothering her for the last few weeks and months.

  I’m not sure she realizes how well I know her or how closely I watch her. Watching how she was becoming more stressed, I knew I had to do something. I'd made a vow years ago, both as a husband and a Dominant to care for her, and I took those vows more seriously than I did anything else. No matter how well I thought we were on a day-to-day basis, long term, we both needed to have some time to recharge. And the best way for both of us to do so was with our Dominant and submissive relationship.

  That wasn’t the only reason I insisted on our week here. After I started thinking about bringing her here sooner rather than later, it hit me how long it’d been since the two of us went away by ourselves. Our time here was the best idea I’d had in a long time. Already, I could sense a change in Abby. She was more playful and light-hearted. I had no intention of seeing her in the frame of mind she was before we left. In fact, I think it would be a wonderful idea to make this an annual date, bring her to Switzerland alone every year.

  Just not, based on experience, anytime during the weeks before Christmas. In fact, it would be for the best if we could get away even more. I'd worked hard for a good number of years. If I wanted to spend more time with my wife and children, there was no reason I shouldn’t do so.

  How Abby would react, I wasn’t sure. Later, when her delectable ass wasn’t in my lap, I’d think about the best way to convince her.


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