Crave To Capture

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Crave To Capture Page 10

by Zoey Ellis

  Drocco resisted smiling. He pretended to consider. "Yes, all of those things would be appreciated. But what would you want in return?"

  "You will tell your army to stand down."

  "You have threatened to turn my child into a sex slave," Drocco said, his voice low. "And you want me to tell my army to stand down?"

  "If you want your child to even be born healthy, you will need your Omega to be in better conditions than this room," Malloron pointed out.

  Drocco said nothing as he pretended to enter deep thought. After a few moments, he said, "I’ll speak to my commander. Have him brought in. However, in return, I want a bedroom for me and Cailyn, with a washroom that includes a bath. I want a range of clothes for her, extra bedding and cushioning for her to nest and some books for her to read. You will give us both three meals a day and allow Cailyn everything she craves."

  Malloron nodded. "And you will tell your army to stand down?"

  Drocco nodded. "Yes."


  Malloron delivered everything he promised. For once. Drocco found himself in a large bedroom with all the things he asked for. After he bathed Cailyn and tucked her inside the bed, he felt a little more secure. Torin was brought in to see him within a few hours of them being moved.

  "I see your plan is moving forward nicely," Torin commented quietly, as they stood talking in a corner of the room.

  Drocco nodded, struggling to keep himself under control. Having another man in the same room as his pregnant, Hazed Omega, still made him uncomfortable and caused an almost uncontrollable urge to remove the threat. He knew it was his rut causing the feelings and he couldn’t allow it to destroy all the careful planning he and Torin had done to ensure Cailyn remained his. He forced himself to remain focused on this fact as he responded, grateful that Torin, once again, kept his back to his Omega. "Yes, Malloron has kept his word in this instance. You have been causing him a lot of trouble?"

  "We began killing civilians," Torin said. "He didn't like that. Then, one of the troops entered into a neighboring territory. It seems Malloron is sensitive about his standing with the other territories in this land. At least, that one in particular."

  Drocco nodded. "Good work. Has the assault with the Talent stopped?"

  "It has lessened," Torin said. "It hasn’t gone completely, but it’s definitely more bearable. I don't really notice it now, but when I entered the castle I felt the difference."

  Drocco shook his head. "I’ll speak to him about that. I estimate Cailyn has about four or five more days in her Haze. The next phase of our plan should happen within two weeks after that. If I don't summon you by then, then you know it has worked."


  “Did you get the item from the Alpha females?”

  Torin dipped his head in a nod, and carefully pulled a small chain from a kink in his armor at his elbow. He dropped it into Drocco’s hand with a jet-black, pebble-sized gem. Drocco examined the chain as Torin explained exactly how the items worked, confirming what he had researched. It looked like it was made from old gold, but when he peered closer, glints of sapphire, ruby, and violet darted along the delicate links.

  “The twins’ story is real, Drocco,” Torin said. “They are exceptionally talented.”

  Drocco looked back up at Torin.

  “They are in danger if they stay here and we need Talent-crafters, especially if your plan works.”

  “We didn’t come here to recruit Talent-crafters, Torin,” Drocco said, exasperated.

  “Maybe you didn’t, but I did,” Torin said. “You said you wanted crafters who were as talented as Malloron. That meant we would only find them here, in the Western Lands, but to find his actual bloodline, willing to join us and fight against him? That is extremely rare, Drocco. We cannot turn them away.”

  “And what if they have targeted the Lox because they want to infiltrate us on Malloron’s behalf?” Drocco said. “It’s too lucky we found them.”

  “I have investigated them thoroughly, Drocco. I’ll take responsibility for them.”

  Drocco tilted his head, surprised. It was rare for Torin to take such risks. He examined his commander. He seemed determined—his mouth set firm and his steel eyes unwavering. “I will ask you this once, Torin,” he said slowly. “They are Alpha females… have you found yourself attracted to them in any way?”

  Torin’s jaw hardened. “I am not an Omega male.”

  “I know,” Drocco said, quickly. “And I mean no offense, but surely there is a draw?”

  “I find them intriguing on a personal level,” he responded, slowly. “But not enough to risk my status and reputation on if I didn’t truly believe they would be beneficial for the Lox.”

  Drocco nodded, thoughtfully. “All right. It’s in your hands.”

  Torin dipped his head in a bow, and Drocco noticed Cailyn fidgeting.

  “I must go,” he said to Torin.

  "I wish you well, Drocco. And congratulations." Torin grasped Drocco's arm firmly. "You said you would have an Omega, that you would be an Emperor, and that you would have a family. All of this has become true and I'm very happy for you."

  Drocco clasped his arm back firmly. "Thank you, my friend. I hope to bring such happiness to you too. Let us hope the next part of our plan goes well."

  As he walked Torin to the door, Cailyn sat up in the bed and watched him exit. Drocco frowned, a harsh irritation flitting within him. As soon as the door shut, he stalked over to the bed and grabbed her neck, his irritation turning to fury. "Keep your eyes off him!"

  She went limp and moaned, and that familiar arousal shot through him. He climbed over her and she automatically opened her legs wide for him, drawing her knees up in both complete surrender and eager invitation. He undid his robe with one hand and plowed into her wet, tight heat.

  "Why do you watch him?" he snapped, stilling at the hilt. The sweet strangle of her pussy tempted him to forget her indiscretion, but he couldn’t. "This is not the first time you have watched that man. What fascinates you about him?"

  "He is strange," she whispered, her golden eyes on him. "He has no glow."

  Drocco relaxed his grip, trailing his hands down to her hard nipples. "He is a Beta. Does he interest you?"

  She let out a whine and ran her hands over his forearm then pulled his hand back to her neck. Drocco refused to clasp her the way she wanted. “Answer me, Cailyn. Does that Beta interest you?”

  She blinked, and her gaze struggled to focus on him. “No. You’re the only one with the glow I want, Alpha.”

  Drocco watched her for a long moment. He didn’t doubt she spoke the truth, but he wasn’t satisfied. She wanted him for biological reasons, and although that was exactly the way he had planned to tie her to him, and get them out of Malloron’s hold, the words rung hollow. He didn’t want her like this. In her current state, she was too driven by her needs and would do anything he wanted. He hadn’t even bothered to demand that she tell him that he was her Alpha because she would simply agree with him in her current state. It wouldn’t mean anything. He wanted the Cailyn who had her own mind, who argued with him, and had fire in her gaze. And yet, at the same time, he knew he could never trust that version of her. She had proved to be more devious than he had expected, and he couldn’t allow her to defy him again.

  He slipped his hand away from her neck and held out the chain Torin had given him. It popped open at the clasp, and he secured it around her neck. As soon as it was fastened, it molded itself onto her skin until it was completely smooth against her, and then disappeared. Drocco peered closer. It appeared to have burrowed right into her and faded to match her honey tone. All that remained was a slight shimmer. He ran his hand along it, and it rose up under his touch so he could feel it. It was certainly a sophisticated magical item. He pulled out the black gem Torin had given him. It was a location gem that would tell him where Cailyn was at all times as long as she wore the chain. Currently it glowed a deep jet black, signifying she was close.
/>   As he studied it, Cailyn began to writhe and wriggle on his cock, frustrated with his inaction. She let out a whine that called to his baser instincts. She was in need and he couldn’t resist. He moved within her slowly, watching her eyes roll back as she tilted and gyrated her hips. His hand clasped her neck again, feeling the chain around her, and she shuddered and sighed, clenching along his cock in that way only his Omega could, and he built up speed as his pleasure at her reaction heightened the sensations rocking his body.

  He was annoyed with himself that he remained unsatisfied, even though he had gotten everything the way he wanted it. It wasn’t enough. He wanted all of Cailyn; her thoughts, her real reactions to him, her considered acceptance of him as her Alpha, not just her body or her instincts. And yet, that Cailyn would never accept him. She had made her choice. He would never have her the way he truly wanted, and that burned him more deeply than he had ever thought possible.

  As his orgasmic crescendo built, his contemplation squeezed out of his mind; his every sense drowned in his Omega.



  Cailyn stirred and pressed against the heavy, hot, weight that pinned her down. An itchy heat blazed over her, prickling over her skin as she tried to find fresh air. The weight shifted, and cooler air filtered over her, but it did nothing to ease her discomfort. She tried to turn away, but a restriction around her waist stopped her. When she tried to resist, a vibration appeared. A vibration she had missed. She pressed closer to it, and soon her mind calmed and her breathing relaxed. She sighed, grateful for the soothing sensation, for the comforting scent. And then a realization hit her and her eyes flew open.

  Drocco. He had her pinned to him, pressing her into his chest as they lay on their sides, using that manipulative purr to try to calm her. She lifted her head and saw that he was awake, looking down at her. She tried again to move away from him, but he didn't allow it.

  "Let me go," she said, her voice low.


  She struggled against him, but it didn't make any difference. His thick arm had her scooped into him and it barely budged as she moved. She was secure against him, the way he wanted it.

  "Stop struggling," he growled, peering down at her. "Do you remember your Haze?"

  "I don't need to remember it to know that you fucked me," Cailyn said harshly, pressing her legs together and feeling the confirmation of it. The beautiful, slightly sore ache of being stretched thrummed between her legs.

  "Actually, you fucked me," Drocco said, his tone gruff. “You rode me to oblivion. Numerous times. Don’t blame me for your own desires and instincts—you begged to have that pussy filled constantly. I simply obliged."

  Cailyn exhaled harshly, heat flooding her face. Of course, it was likely that everything he said was true, and that was fucking embarrassing. "It doesn't matter," she said, trying to shrug it off. "It wasn't really me, it was just hormones."

  Drocco went silent.

  Cailyn glanced up at him, surprised he had no remark to make. His smirk hadn’t even appeared.

  "Regardless," he said, finally. “Your hormones were ripe.”

  Cailyn frowned. "What do you mean?"

  Drocco glanced down at her. "Your body did its job."

  Cailyn’s frown deepened. What did that mean?

  “The records at the Keep say that some Omegas can feel the change,” Drocco said, watching her carefully. “But they feel it in different ways.”

  Cailyn wiggled her fingers and toes and checked her body. "Feel what? What are you talking about?"

  Drocco released his hold on her and as her body moved away from his, she became aware of a strange sensation fluttering in her stomach. Looking down at herself, her mind leapt from one reasoning to another, reaching for a conclusion that would link Drocco’s strange words to the feeling within her. Finally, she placed a hand on her stomach, unwilling to believe the thought slipping into her awareness.

  “What are you talking about?” she said harshly, snapping her head to look up at him as her fear and anger surged.

  Drocco didn’t say anything, but his dark eyes glanced down at her hand on her stomach.

  An ice-cold realization hurtled into her. "No!" She tried to get up but Drocco held her firm. “It’s not true!” she hissed at him as he pulled her back to him.

  Tears filled her eyes as the full weight of what had happened exploded in her mind. She pushed against Drocco’s broad chest harder. “No! It’s not possible!” But even as she spoke, she knew it was the only logical result of them mating during her Haze.

  Drocco pinned her against him again, locking her to his body.

  "No, Drocco!” she yelled, her voice breaking as she fought him with everything she had.

  Drocco didn't respond.

  She burst into tears as her anger expanded.

  Drocco simply held her still, minimizing her movement. "Be still, Cailyn," he ordered. "You will hurt yourself and our child."

  Their child? The words sent a chill straight to her core. They were having a child. The raw dread that bolted through her clawed up her throat, almost choking her, sparking an agitation so fierce, she couldn’t stop the violent sobs that overtook her. “This can’t be happening!” she cried, trying to fight him. “Why did you do that? I didn’t want this. I hate you! Let me go. Let me go!” Soon she could barely understand her own raspy, broken screams but it didn’t matter. Drocco still didn't answer but his purr began again, strong and consistent. She wailed and screamed at him, slamming her fists against his chest as the horror of her situation settled into her.

  She was truly trapped now, truly stuck with him, whether she wanted it or not. She no longer had any kind of choice, the pregnancy would not allow one. She had to stay with an Alpha throughout it or she and the child would suffer—it was a well-documented fact. Her situation had turned much more disastrous than before—now, she needed him.

  Even though the Mothers had abandoned her, she’d still had a choice about whether she went back to Drocco or not—she’d still had a say as to whether she chose him as her Alpha or not, and that choice had been snatched from her. It proved that, regardless of what the Mothers had said, she couldn't accept Drocco as her mate. Yes, she was clearly more attracted to him than any other Alpha she had come across, but every time she encountered him, he showed himself to be exactly the kind of monster she would never want to spend her life with.

  Her already exhausted body couldn’t maintain her outburst for long. As her thrashing calmed and her sobs quietened, Drocco turned her on her front and shifted his weight on top of her, securing her down so she couldn’t move, his scent surrounding her. His purr vibrated through her whole body from his chest, and she suddenly became aware of his cock pressing into her, his rough hand squeezing her ass and rotating her hips to give him easier access. She tilted to accept the burn of his cock gliding into her, seeking the harshness of the stretch to penetrate her mood. Her sobs into the pillow quickly turned into ragged, mumbled exhales as he increased his thrusts.

  She hummed at the sensations pressing in on her; that gorgeous stretch, Drocco’s solid weight on top of her, and that rumbling purr she had craved for so long. Combined, they brought about a unique state of comfort that soothed every inch of her being.

  She hiccupped and sighed into the pillow, the last of her tears soaking the material and smearing her face as she jerked into it. Her orgasm rose in a twisty, sharp surge of overwhelming pleasure, and even though it seized her with incredible strength, she couldn’t move under the weight that kept her in place. She let it overtake her, screaming into the pillow as every muscle exercised its right to clench and contract in delight, fighting pointlessly against the purring mass above. And yet, as the high faded, a sense of calm overcame her. The misery of her situation seemed distant. She couldn't be happy about the fact that she was bringing new life into the world against her will, but the concern wasn’t so pressing when that familiar drowsy, sated, oblivion beckoned.

cco came in a series of grunts, his hips slamming into her erratically until his knot plunged in. His purr faded as she drifted to sleep, limp beneath him.


  For the next few days, Drocco kept her pinned underneath him. Whether they slept, fucked or ate, he pinned her down and secured her with his body, not allowing her to move. She tried to drift away into her misery, but Drocco’s weight on her calmed her mind and didn’t allow her to wallow too long with thoughts of despair. Although she remained subdued, that raw panic that had overcome her when she first awoke from her Haze did not return, even though the niggling, fluttery feeling in her stomach was a constant reminder of the change in her circumstance. Whenever she became too annoyed or upset by it, Drocco pressed her against him, and with his scent filling her nose and his skin on hers, the feeling in her stomach seemed to disappear—she could forget for a while and sink into oblivion.

  No doubt, he could sense her anguish over her pregnancy because he never let up. As well as making her feel secure with his body, he purred for her constantly. He made sure she ate, and brought her to incredible orgasms, but did not speak. They remained in silence once more.

  The memories of her Haze filtered back to her slowly, but were more fragmented than normal. She didn’t know if it was the fact that she had finally been with an Alpha in her Haze or the pregnancy that caused the memory loss. She remembered being in awe of his glow, being satisfied by his touch, and him demanding to know why she ran. But beyond that, the memories were blurred, snatched moments. She had no idea if he had mentioned his intentions toward her or what he would do now that she was carrying his child.

  Eventually, a sense of acceptance embraced her. Her condition could not be changed or reversed. It wasn’t as though she had never thought about or desired children, but with her duties to the Omega cause and a strong desire to become an Omega Compound Mother one day—having children wasn’t something she would have sought out. And certainly not with a barbarian like Drocco. But it was happening.


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