His Babygirl (Boston Doms Book 4)

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His Babygirl (Boston Doms Book 4) Page 17

by Jane Henry

  “Mister… Slater? Slay?”

  Slay furrowed his brow as he was about to take the right turn onto the Westland Community College campus, where Diego and his crew were waiting. “Charlie?”

  “Yes! You have to come,” the boy pleaded. “A bad guy came and he hurt Momma! They’re in the living room, and I'm in my room. She screamed, Slay!”

  Fucking hell. Rage pulsed in Slay's stomach, ice coursing through his veins as he realized what Charlie was telling him. He gripped the phone so hard he feared it would snap. He was supposed to take a right to get to Diego.

  Fuck Salazar. Fuck the sting. He turned his truck around so fast at the intersection, he skidded in front of oncoming traffic, oblivious to the indignant honks of cars yielding to his massive vehicle as he gunned it. He had to get to Alice, and nothing else mattered.

  “Did you lock your bedroom door?” Slay demanded.

  They’d hurt her. Someone had hurt her. What had they done?

  Charlie's little voice came back, barely audible. “Yes. I locked the door and called you. I'm hiding in my closet. He doesn't know I'm here, I don’t think.”

  Where the fuck was Victor? But he couldn't disconnect from Charlie long enough to find out. He was only minutes away from Alice now.

  “Stay on the phone with me,” Slay ordered. If the boy was in his closet and his bedroom door was locked, it would be unlikely that anyone would hear from the other side. Still, Slay had to move. A light in front of him turned red, but he powered through it, taking another turn before accelerating. His truck could move when he needed it to, but still, nothing seemed fast enough. Everything seemed too slow, like he was moving through quicksand.

  “What did you hear? Did you see anyone?”

  “Yes,” the boy whispered. “A blond man with a pale face. He looks like the bad guy in the X-men movie, the Senator.”

  There was only one man Slay knew who was that pale and blond. Fucking Levitz?

  “What did he do?”

  “I… I don't know. He was talking to Momma. I shut the door when he came in because I was watching a movie and I heard him say something. Then I heard him hit her and she screamed. I hope she's okay. I'm scared to go out and see. You have to come.”

  “Stay there,” Slay ordered. “I’m on my way. She will be okay but you do what I say and don't move.”

  The boy's voice shook. “Okay.”

  Slay inhaled, trying to calm his pulsating anger. He had to stay calm. If he had Levitz in his hands right now, he'd kill him.

  “Okay, little man,” Slay said, mustering every bit of self control he had, keeping his voice steady with an effort. “I'm almost there.”

  One block away. If he pulled up too close, Levitz would possibly see him and run, but fortunately her house was adjacent to a small side street. Slay pulled up to the curb, shut his door, and spoke into the phone.

  “Charlie? I'm here, buddy. You shut off the phone and stay put. I'm on my way in. You've been brave, my man. Stay brave. I'll be right there.”

  “I will, Slay,” Charlie whispered. The phone went dead as Slay approached the house at a trot. Slay punched a button on his phone to Diego and growled into the phone when Diego picked up.

  “Where the hell are you, Slay?”

  “I'm at Alice's. Her son called. Levitz is here and the bastard fucking hit my woman. Where the fuck is Victor? You said he was reliable, damn it.”

  Diego swore. “Slay, we're two minutes out from busting Salazar on campus here, and you're at Alice's? Jesus! I have no idea on Victor. But do you understand that the whole sting is compromised now? We can’t do this without you!”

  Slay swore into the phone and disconnected. Yeah, he knew he was meant to play a crucial role in bringing down Salazar's drug ring, and he understood that was Diego’s priority, but Slay didn’t give a shit. Like he’d told Alice earlier, there was nothing and no one more important to him than her.

  He approached Alice's back door, which would be easier to bust in than the solid front door. He tried the lock, found it locked tight as he'd ordered her, and in one swift move, reared back before vaulting at the door, the flat of his boot connecting with his full body weight. The thin door and frame splintered under the force as he entered, pulling his gun from his boot and holding it close to his chest. He heard sounds of a struggle and a scream as he moved fast.

  Alice and Levitz were in the middle of the living room, Levitz holding her in his sickening grip, her hair pulled taut and head pulled back, as Levitz pointed a silver gun straight at Slay. It was almost as if they'd been waiting for him.

  “Perfect,” Levitz drawled. “Knew you'd come for her. Wasn't sure how you'd get the word, but I figured one of your henchmen would call you or something.”

  Slay's hands shook with fury as he watched Levitz with narrowed eyes.

  “Her mom knew she was home today,” Levitz said. “Told me I'd find her here. Her dad suggested the flowers.” Levitz grinned. “The metal was Salazar's suggestion.” They stood, the two of them pointing guns at one another.

  “Drop your weapon, Levitz,” Slay ordered in a low voice, but Levitz had Alice, putting him at a decided advantage.

  Levitz cocked a brow. “Excuse me? Considering I'm the one holding the bitch, it seems you should be the one dropping your weapon.”

  A door knob sounded in the hallway.

  “Charlie, no!” Alice yelled at the same time Slay yelled, “Stay!”

  Levitz' eyes widened. “Ah, you two both seem concerned about the boy. Did it ever occur to you, Alexander Slater, that if you hadn't gotten your nose stuck where it didn't belong, I'd have maybe left these two alone? Hmm?”

  “And did it ever occur to you, Levitz, that I'd have let you live if you'd left them alone?” Slay growled. Alice screamed as Levitz yanked her head back, his eyes narrowed to slits as he watched Slay, but suddenly, a loud noise sounded like a gunshot in the hallway, and all heads jerked toward the sound. Levitz was holding Alice, but the second he moved, she twisted, elbowing him hard in the ribs. Levitz doubled over, his weapon flying out of his hand and spinning out onto the floor. Slay wasted no time. With one swift move, he dove toward Levitz, yanking him away from Alice. He shoved her to the floor.

  “Go for cover!” he shouted as he swung a fist and hit Levitz's jaw. Slay heard the sickening snap of bone, felt the satisfying connection in his hand as Levitz swore and crumpled. Slay yanked him to his feet and swung his fist again, this time hitting him straight in the gut, causing him to wheeze and gasp, just as Slay kneed him. Another sharp blow to the chest landed, his own gun now forgotten, as Slay viciously delivered blow after blow.

  “You'll kill him!” Alice said, getting to her knees and holding her hands out to Slay.

  “Stay there!” Slay roared, letting loose another kick to Levitz who now lay on the floor, but it was the last blow he delivered. He could kill him. He wanted to kill him. But she was right. He lifted Levitz by the shirt, and was satisfied to see him slouch without a fight. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, panting from the exertion, his eyes fixed on Alice.

  “Come to Alice's. It’s too late to bag Salazar, but Levitz is down.”

  “It was brilliant,” Alice said, as she handed Charlie a steaming mug of hot cocoa. “I never would've thought of it. It's sorta scary how realistic they make those apps sound these days.”

  “Damn, I need that app myself,” Slay said. After Diego sent a man to take Levitz in, Charlie had revealed to them all how he'd used an app on Alice's phone to make it sound like a gunshot in the hallway, to distract “the bad guy.” Alice had downloaded an app months ago with realistic gun sounds, and Charlie often entertained himself going “hunting” in the backyard. Who would've thought the kid was smart enough to fake out a real criminal with the thing?

  Charlie sat at the table, swinging his feet. It was hours later, after Diego’s men had apprehended Levitz and questioned Alice. Slay sat at the table next to Charlie, drained, not having had a chance to even talk t
o Alice yet. She had no visible injuries, and even Slay had been miraculously unscathed, so he’d allowed her to stay home and avoid the hospital. But he watched her interacting with Charlie as best she could, and he wondered. Where would they go from here? Where did this leave them?

  Levitz had been neutralized, Nora was found safe, having gone to work, and thank God Alice and Charlie were now safe. But Slay's removal from the scene had effectively short-circuited the sting operation, costing them months of work and planning. Salazar had slunk away and likely wouldn't emerge now for some time. The sting was not going to happen. Slay could only hope that the threat to Salazar would be enough to thwart his efforts.

  Alice was safe. Charlie was safe. And that was what mattered. But he replayed Alice’s words from earlier that morning, telling him that if he left, they might never be able to come back from that, and he wondered if he and Alice would be okay. Could she forgive him for not keeping her safe?

  Alice had seemed as if she were on auto-pilot earlier, shrugging off his touch and answering Diego's man’s questions honestly, and he recalled the terror in her voice.

  “I don't know what would've happened if Slay didn't get here,” she'd whispered. “Anything could've happened. Charlie…” She'd covered her face with her hands but she did not cry. She didn't say much more than that either. Did she blame Slay for leaving?

  “Time for bed now,” she said to Charlie when his mug was empty. She still didn't meet Slay's eyes, as she ushered Charlie down the hall to his bedroom. And still, Slay sat at the table, as he heard the water going on and off as Charlie brushed his teeth, followed by the murmured sounds of Alice reading him a bedtime story. Darkness settled in the kitchen as he waited for her, not moving, and he grew cold. Why would he move? He had nowhere go to. He had no idea where this left him.

  Standing up to stretch, he moved into the living room and sat heavily on her sofa as his phone buzzed. Diego.

  He's behind bars, man. Levitz won't touch her again.

  Slay nodded at the phone as he typed. And Salazar?

  Spooked, as expected. Word’s been passed down through his organization that we’re going to scale back operations for the time being. No more Westland CC. No more P&B. Mindy Freeman’s been encouraged to disappear. But don't worry. We'll wait for him to fuck up again and we'll nail him. Might take a few months, but it'll happen.

  Slay hoped it would be sooner rather than later. He itched to put the bastard away.

  Lost in his own thoughts, he never heard Alice approach until she was standing in front of him. He hated the look in her eyes. She looked… guarded. On edge. Angry, even.


  “Yeah, babe?” he said with a sigh.

  “Charlie wants you to tuck him in,” she said, and her voice caught at the end as she looked away. She bit her lip, nervously twisting a piece of golden hair in her hand. He stood, leaned in and kissed her forehead.

  “Sure thing, baby,” he said, walking down the hallway to Charlie and leaving Alice behind him. What would he say to the boy? What if tonight was good-bye? But no, that had to come from Alice, not him.

  A dim nightlight in the shape of a lightning bug shone in the wall outlet as he entered the bedroom. Charlie's eyes looked half-lidded, but he smiled as Slay approached the bed and sat on the edge, his heavy frame making the bed sag and creak.

  “Slay?” Charlie whispered.

  “Yeah, buddy?” Slay asked, folding his hands on his lap.

  “Is Momma safe now?” Charlie asked.

  “Course she is,” Slay growled, more forcefully than he intended. He softened his voice. “She's safe thanks to you, little man.”

  Charlie smiled. “And you,” he said. Slay ruffled his hair. “Will they come back?”

  Slay shook his head, his heart twisting in his chest. Poor kid. “Course not, Charlie,” he said. “The bad guy's in jail now. And he's not coming back.”

  Charlie nodded. “Will you stay tonight? Just in case?”

  Slay closed his eyes briefly. How could he stay? He opened his eyes to catch Charlie staring at him seriously.

  “Not—not for me, Slay,” he said, lifting his chin bravely. “I… I’m fine. But… you know, for Momma. Sometimes she gets scared at night and has bad dreams. I've heard her. But… maybe she wouldn't if you were here. Will you stay with her?”

  Slay smiled sadly. “If she wants me to, Charlie. If she wants me to, you have my word.”

  Charlie smiled, closing his eyes and rolling over on his side. “Good then. You'll stay. She doesn't want you to go.”

  Slay leaned in, tucking the navy blanket over Charlie's shoulder, wishing he was as sure of that. “Sleep tight, little man. Dream of bravery and heroes, and know you're one of them.”

  Charlie smiled, though his eyes remained shut. Slay got to his feet and went to Alice. How would he explain to her what they'd just talked about? But as he entered the hallway, Alice was standing right there, her eyes brimming with tears. He felt his own eyes widen as he watched her. Was she okay? He took a tentative step toward her, and she fairly leapt into his arms, the ferocity of her grasp taking him by surprise. He lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She buried her face in his neck. Her shoulders shook, and he heard a loud sniffle. He slowly walked away from Charlie's room so Charlie wouldn't hear, holding her against his chest, feeling like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  “Baby,” he soothed, planting a kiss to the top of her head. “Honey, it’s all right. Levitz is gone. You’re safe now.”

  Her voice was hushed, and she hiccupped when she talked to him through her sobs. “I—I'm so sorry, Daddy,” she whispered. “I—I didn't believe you. I disobeyed you. I should've listened to you. I should've trusted you. I didn't. I was so bad. How could you ever forgive me?” she wailed.

  His heart twisted again as he closed his eyes briefly, sinking down to the sofa with her on his lap.

  I'm sorry.

  Forgive me.


  So it wasn't over then. No. No, not by a long shot, because his girl was willing to work it through. She saw the truth now, she recognized it for what it was, and wanted his forgiveness.

  Fucking hell. It wasn't all over. Hell, no.

  They'd just begun.

  “Baby,” he said. “Daddy's glad you're safe. And we can work through this, Allie,” he said. “I thought you were done with me, with us. All night, you've looked like you were ready to send me packing.”

  “I was trying to hold it in!” she wailed. “All of it. How badly I felt. How scared I was. How relieved I was when you came for me. I knew all along that you’d come for me.”

  “Baby,” he whispered, pulling her head down to his chest in a fierce hug. “God, baby. What a night you've had.”

  She sniffled. “He could've killed me and hurt my boy,” she wailed. “But you saved us. And I heard Charlie asking if you'd stay. Will you stay… Daddy?”

  “Of course, baby,” he crooned. He held her quietly in the darkened room, until her sobs quieted and she seemed to visibly lighten from having cried it all out.

  “Forgive me, Daddy?” she whispered.

  He inhaled, then exhaled slowly. She'd been hurt tonight, but his babygirl needed her daddy now. She didn’t just need soothing words and a shoulder to cry on, she needed the accountability and discipline that a daddy would provide. And hell if he wasn't willing and able to give it to her.

  “Of course I forgive you,” he said, trailing his hands through her golden hair, smoothing it back from her forehead. “But I think something has to happen so that you can forgive yourself. Don't you agree, honey?” He ran his finger along her cheekbones, wiping away the tears.

  She lifted her head off his chest and looked at him bravely. “Yes,” she whispered. “I… disobeyed you,” she said, her eyes lowered as she looked at her hands and bit her lip. “Put myself in danger. Didn't trust you. And I want this behind us. Will you help me with that, Daddy?”

nodded slowly. Yes. He had forgiven her. Now he'd give her what she needed so that she could forgive herself. “You know I will, Allie. You're my babygirl. And Daddies always give their babygirls what they need.” He took a deep breath as he made his decision. “Do you trust me to do what's right for you?” he asked.

  She nodded, lifting her face to his. Brave girl. His strong, courageous girl. He reached his hand to her and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, speaking softly but firmly. She needed to listen, and obey. “Tonight, I'm going to tuck you into bed. I'm going to hold you until you fall asleep, and I'll be here when you wake up in the morning. I’m not going home tonight. And tomorrow? We'll go to my place and do what we need to.”

  She closed her eyes briefly but when she opened them she looked at him fearlessly. She nodded. “Yes, Daddy. And Slay?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “I love you. I know that now. I do. I love you.”

  He pulled her head to his mouth and kissed her fiercely.

  “And I love you, baby. Let's get you ready for bed.”

  He hoisted her in his capable arms as she sank her head on his chest. She was so tired; he could feel the dead weight in his arms as he carried her. Lowering her onto her bed, he left her there while he fetched a nightie from the top drawer in her dresser. He slipped off her clothing, helped her get dressed, then sent her to the bathroom to ready herself for bed with a teasing swat. She giggled and tried to tease him by straddling his hips and trying to make out. His baby was coming back, slowly but surely.

  He kissed her, then lifted her up and another sound swat had her hopping. He wasn't going to let her derail them. There would be time for much more later. Tomorrow, he’d take her across his lap and cleanse her of all that had transpired. Tonight, she needed sleep. She needed her daddy.

  Chapter 11

  Alice sat in the front seat of Slay’s truck, her hands wrapped around a steaming paper coffee cup as they drove down the streets of Slay’s neighborhood in the late afternoon sunlight. But although Slay had made a point to buy her favorite kind, and the delicious cinnamon scent of it curled appealingly around her, she couldn’t relax enough to take a single sip. Her stomach was a hard knot of worry, her chest tight with tension.


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