Angels Blood

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Angels Blood Page 25

by Gerard Bond

  The cruisers separated and made their way slowly to their designated spots. It was organized so they would all arrive at their respective targets at about the same time. So with that in mind each of them was traveling at a different speed. The Man O Wars hung back to add support if needed. The crucial part of this opening exchange was the destruction of the three opposing warships. Once that was accomplished they would have a free hand to do as they pleased.

  Back at the cliff face the men were about twenty feet from the top now, almost there. The face of the cliff was covered with over a hundred men slowly making their way up, most of them were in the upper third of the cliff and were looking forward to getting on top to take a quick rest. Then it happened, a shout rang out on top of the cliff.


  Over the edge came boiling oil pouring out of huge pots tipping their contents directly down the cliff. Men screamed as it hit them and they fell off the cliff face, collecting their comrades on the way down. At almost 200 feet to fall they hit the beach below with sickening thuds. Justin peeked over the ledge where there was a rocky outcrop behind his head, it was a perfect viewpoint that stopped anyone below from seeing a person’s outline against the sky when they looked up. He took stock of their handiwork and whispered back at Keera behind him.

  “About a dozen left, they copped some oil but they didn’t let go.” Now Keera shouted,

  “Light em up!”

  A couple of lit branches stuck out over the edge and the oil was set alight, the flames raced down the cliff face faster than anyone could move. Some of the soldiers let go before the flames got to them, preferring a quick death below. The others were frozen to the cliff face in fear. As the flames enveloped their bodies the last of them screaming madly let go of their handholds. They cut a fiery path directly to the beach below where the fire engulfed the other oil covered bodies sending up huge sheets of flame. The cliff face was like a beacon facing the ocean with an eerie flickering glow cast over the beach and crashing waves.

  Justin continued his surveillance looking for anyone that might be left. He didn’t see the solitary figure far off to one side. The soldier was aiming his crossbow directly up the cliff face. He saw Justin illuminated against the rocky outcrop a split second before Justin saw him. He let fly and Justin didn’t move in time. The bolt entering his chest and went straight through him, pinning him to the rock behind. All he could do was croak in response. Two men behind him pulled on his legs snapping the bolt off. Another soldier leaned over the edge with a bow and picked off the remaining soldier on the cliff but for Justin it was too little too late. He lay there gasping as they turned him over, blood spreading on his tunic.

  “Get a stretcher here now!”

  Keera screamed while leaning over him, cupping his face. With tears welling in her eyes Keera beseeched Justin to stay alive.

  “Don’t you die, don’t do this, you need to live, I’m so sorry I’m so sorry.”

  The stretcher arrived, they lifted him on and started off along the ridge back to Port, Keera beside him all the way holding his hand.

  Out in the bay they were unaware of the events on the cliff. If they had looked a little harder they may have seen a bit of a glow. Raz was on board one of the large cargo ships, he had work done to convert it to combat status, catapults, ballistas and 300 troops apiece were stationed on those three ships.

  He sat there patiently waiting to spring the trap. They knew there was a very real possibility of an enemy fleet showing up when they saw one of their fishing boats from Port Valderus arrive and leave again the day before. He also knew of Burkhard making his way down the inland road too, they would have to pick him up in a few days.

  There were over three-dozen fishing vessels stationed off to the sides of his Man O Wars. Raz knew the Isogorreans would try to take his warships out first. He had them placed days before well apart to split the enemy fleet.

  So much relied on timing now, timing of the enemy arriving, timing of their boats splitting up, timing of their warships approaching the Man O Wars. The tough part was the enemy would have to open fire first. It meant Raz’s ships would have to take the first hit. In preparation for that he had the decks of the Man O Wars covered in buckets of water, it would help them to douse the flames of any successful hits very quickly. He was sure his ships would take casualties but it was necessary to have a chance of winning this battle and saving the port.

  As Raz stood there he saw the first of the flaming pots begin arcing through the night sky. It had begun. Far off on the southern part of the bay an Isogorrean ship had started firing. Then all of a sudden two more opened up too. They were going after the Man O Wars just as he had thought they would. Right about now his fleet of fishing vessels would be moving forward under cover of darkness to get alongside those ships. They were filled with as many soldiers as he could fit on each of them. Most carried bows and when they got close enough they would open up on the decks of the enemy vessels throwing grappling hooks on board and attacking. His Man O Wars were also given orders not to use their catapults either, only ballistas and archers. Raz knew it was a risky business and it would be costly in men. He not only wanted to defeat the enemy but he needed ships too and this was the best way he could think of to accomplish this.

  On board one fishing vessel near the second Man O War, Dark was waiting at the bow. Night and Loranda were behind her, there was no way they were going to miss out on any of the action. As a few flaming pots flew overhead towards their Man O War, Dark called out to the helmsman.

  “Let’s move now!”

  Their little flotilla of boats moved forward to where the source of the pots was coming from. In the darkness they were able to get to within twenty yards of the ship. Then a guard on board shouted and was cut down by a bolt from a crossbow. All of a sudden there were bolts and arrows flying into the men on that ship crying out and falling. The last twenty yards took only a few seconds to cover and grappling hooks were thrown up onto the railing with men immediately pulling themselves up. Dark was in the front with her crossbow out, others stood in the fishing boats continuing to lay cover fire as they pulled themselves over the railing. She fired off a shot at the oncoming enemy sailors and immediately dropped the spent weapon drawing her sword at the same time. Now she began screaming and swinging at anything near her. Men from behind came charging in too. It was a melee of swinging swords and raised shields, screams and yells filled the night air. Who would win was just a matter of who fought hardest.

  Dark was swinging hard and clashing with swords and shields, it was hard going and they weren’t making much headway even as more of their own men poured over the railings. These guys were tough.

  “Night! Loranda! On me!”

  The two other girls formed on Dark.

  “Let’s cut our way through to the bridge! Loranda you use your bow to speed up the process!”

  Nothing else was said, it was just a matter of hacking their way into them. Dark and Night would swing their swords from over their heads. The sailors would raise their shields in defense and Loranda would shoot low into their legs. Then Dark and Night would finish them off. It was proving to be effective and they started to make headway. Other boarders seeing Dark’s success began copying them and slowly but surely they managed to cut the numbers of the enemy down.

  Reaching the bridge they cut through the defenders and she managed to get into a sword fight with the Captain. He was tougher and more skilled than the rest and even when he took an arrow in his thigh he did not flinch. Night got in on the act and still the Captain was able to parry their blows but it was only a matter of time. His arm got tired and he slowed a little. There was anger and desperation on his face but he refused to give up. Swinging hard he managed to cut Night’s sword arm and Night recoiled in pain and surprise.

  Dark howled and drove in, swinging harder at the thought of Night being injured. For the Captain, it was too much and he wilted under the ferocity of that swinging blade. His last defens
ive block by his sword from an overhead swing proved too weak and Dark’s sword smashed into his helmet knocking him senseless. Turning, Dark walked to the edge of the bridge and screamed.

  “The ship is ours!”

  There was still heavy fighting going on and the cry was more a ploy to take the fight out of the Isogorreans and it worked. They still fought on but most realized they were lost and the boarders were able to get the upper hand. It took another minute but for the enemy sailors it was becoming obvious it was a lost cause, most throwing down their weapons and standing still.

  “Lay down your arms and you will be spared!”

  Dark was on a high. Loranda had been helping with some other archers firing down into the Isogorreans. The last of them gave up, they had lost their ship. The fishing boats hadn’t done it all on their own. The Man O War had surged forward after the initial attack and boarded a hundred of its own men too. Superior numbers had simply overwhelmed the enemy.

  Across the bay it was a similar story. The first cruiser had been overwhelmed in a similar fashion. As for the flagship of Underlord Thanos, he had managed to set alight the Man O War they attacked. Even so it had managed to draw in with the cruiser to continue the battle and just as the others had been overwhelmed the Isogorrean flagship was too but not before Thanos ordered her scuttled. The ship settled slowly into the bay and sank. A multitude of gear floated free with Isogorreans and Kingdom men alike clinging to the flotsam. With both the Man O War and cruiser sunk, a small fleet of fishing vessels did their best to pick up the survivors.

  Lord Raz had been busy with his part of the plan. With the ships fighting he and the other converted cargo ships made a beeline for the port entrance. They would cut off any retreating ships and he could see from the fighting going on the enemy Man O Wars had not entered the fight. He knew they would be trying to escape what was obviously a trap.

  With the glow from the burning Man O War, he was able to make out the outlines of three Man O Wars trying to retreat but they were still deep in the bay. He had them. Lining up his own ships line astern at the only deep-water path into the bay, he only had to wait. As the three Man O Wars approached he gave the signal for all three ships to open fire with a salvo from the catapults.

  Men on the ends of each ship called out orders using bullhorns, he wasn’t trying to burn the oncoming ships but show them his position and that they were cut off. Hopefully one or more would give up the fight and he could take a couple of ships as prizes.

  Two dozen pots sailed into the air displaying themselves to the enemy and as they did the moon broke through the cloud. It revealed a panorama of scenes being played out across the bay, a ship on fire and others fighting madly.

  The four Man O Wars split into pairs. One pair went south towards the marshes and the other two simply did a u-turn and headed back into the bay. Raz didn’t move, the enemy ships had nowhere to go. He watched on with interest as the two heading south started to turn ocean wards. Couldn’t they see the shallow waters? There was surf of sorts in front of them, surely they could see it?

  The two Man O Wars drove straight onto the shallow reefs and all the men on deck watched as they could hear the groaning and splintering of wood. They were tearing their keels out on the reef trying to escape. The main mast of one collapsed and they could see the ship roll and settle. There were no long boats being lowered but the onlookers couldn’t have known they had all been used to send men to the cliffs. The remainder of the crew were jumping into the ocean. Those that survived would have to be picked up later.

  Raz looked back at the other two Man O Wars, they would have to have seen what happened to their comrades. It was about ten minutes later he saw them drop their sails and a white flag raised, it was over. A number of fishing craft approached the surrendering Man O Wars and as they approached Raz noticed one was settling deeper into the water. Dammit, they had scuttled it.

  Well they had lost one ship and gained three, so a net gain of two for the night’s work, not bad for defending his Port. It was time to head back to shore. Ordering the Captains to return to their regular patrols, he jumped on a waiting long boat and headed back to town.

  Upon reaching the jetty his adjutant was waiting for him.

  “So brief me on what happened on the cliff, was it a success?”

  The adjutant had a broad smile on his face.

  “It was a total success my Lord and we only took one casualty.”

  Raz was surprised.

  “Why that’s great news! That’s wonderful to hear! But only one casualty? Did I know the man?”

  “I understand his name is Justin sir.”

  Justin? Could it be?

  “Is he alive or dead? Tell me man.”

  “I cannot say my Lord, I do believe the wound is probably mortal. They have taken him to the infirmary but beyond that I do not know.”

  “Is there a woman with him?

  The adjutant nodded in the affirmative. It would have to be Keera.

  “Send Dark to me the second she arrives.”

  Raz stalked off to the hall, he didn’t like to be the bearer of bad news.

  It was a half hour before Dark, Night and Loranda arrived. They were all full of good cheer when they entered, swapping tales of bravery and luck. When they turned to greet Raz they all fell silent, Raz was sitting quietly with a grim look on his face. Dark was the first to speak.

  “What news?” she asked tentatively.

  “I believe Justin has been seriously wounded, you will find him in the infirmary.”

  They all immediately turned and made their way out the door. Night nodded to Raz in acknowledgment, he returned the nod and once they were gone let out a big sigh.

  At the infirmary the three women walked in to find the doctor coming out of a room.

  “I am Dark and this is Nightwing and Loranda. You have a man here who is grievously wounded?”

  The doctor nodded.

  “Yes we have just removed a bolt from his chest and we have managed to stop much of the bleeding, but for now his life is in the laps of the gods.”

  “Can we go in?”

  “One of you may, right now he is a little conscious, but I don’t want him to lose focus. He is fighting hard so if you could keep it short that would be good.”

  Dark nodded and turned to the others before walking in. Inside the room Keera was sitting by Justin’s bed holding his hand. Keera looked up and almost cried. Tears were on her face. Dark moved over to her, eyes traveling over Justin’s form on the bed, then she knelt down and gave Keera a hug.

  “I don’t want to lose him, I have been such a fool.”

  Dark didn’t say anything. There was no need.

  “It's only now I am realizing just how important he is to me.”

  Keera’s tears flowed again and all Dark could do to console her was hold her and be there.

  “Tell me he will be fine.”

  Dark looked into Keera’s eyes seeing the pain and feeling it too.

  “He is a strong young man, I am sure he will pull through.”

  Dark looked at him closely now. His closed eyes had dark shadows under them and he was very pale. His shallow breathing didn’t sound good either. She had been at bedside vigils before and she understood the next few hours would be crucial. Holding Keera close she decided to take her mind off of this immediate scene.

  “Tell me what happened Keera.”

  Keera wiped her nose on her sleeve collecting her thoughts.

  “We had just finished dealing with the climbers on the cliff and Justin was leaning out looking for any last survivors. We had missed one altogether and he had managed to get a shot off that caught Justin unawares. There was nothing we could do, it just happened. I just feel like there should have been something we could have done.”

  “Keera sometimes things just happen in spite of all the preparations and all the safeguards you put in place. Sometimes bad things happen.”

  “Justin maybe dying is something that
just happens? How can you say that?”

  Keera started becoming aggressive.

  “Keera please, I’m trying to help, I mean no disrespect.”

  “Please leave.”

  Keera looked at Dark sternly. Dark nodded and made her way out the door and went to Night and Loranda sitting outside.

  “How is Justin?”

  “He is weak and badly wounded. I hold great fear for him. I think we all need to pray for him tonight.”

  Night nodded and Loranda looked on with a worried look. Dark had a troubled look as well but Night knew there was something more.

  “What is it Dark?”

  She looked up.

  “Keera is taking it badly and while I hope for all the world he makes it, I am worried what affect it will have on her if he doesn’t.”

  For the rest of the night they spent it in silent prayer as they waited. There was no sleep for them and by morning they were all looking worse for wear.

  It was about an hour after dawn when Keera came out. She looked at them all as they studied her. She stood there with no emotion at all.

  “He is dead.”

  Keera turned and walked out. The room was in a state of shock, they hadn’t really believed he would die. The young boy they had all known, a simple good natured soul from a farm, nurtured by Wollfen and helped to embrace life again was gone.

  Dark bowed her head and cried quietly, her hands sitting limply in her lap. Night sitting next to her, she too had tears on her face. Loranda sat at the table stabbing it and twisting splinters out with her dagger.

  It had been two weeks since a scout boat had returned to Port Cholandra bringing news of a deep water Port six days south of them. Now Underlord Eunades at the head of his own fleet south of Port Valderus was listening to the latest report from his own scout. A deep water Port with many Isogorrean ships pressed into service of the Kingdom.

  Thanos was a fool, sent on a minor raid to a fishing town and he had managed to lose his entire fleet. Eunades wouldn’t make the same mistake. This time he was going to be raiding in daylight after making sure of what his enemy had.


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