Angels Blood

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Angels Blood Page 67

by Gerard Bond

  “I was just coming to see you. There has been a major development. Come with me, I will allow the King to tell you himself.”

  Wollfen followed the retreating figure and began to wonder what it could be? He started to feel a dread set in at the thought of Madeira. Something must have happened to her. They stood before the King who had a hard look on his face. Wollfen knew it would be bad news.

  “My King, you have news? I have a feeling it has to do with Madeira?” The King nodded.

  “Yes and more, please Wollfen you may wish to sit down.”

  A chair was produced off to one side and Wollfen took his place, then the King continued on.

  “We believe that Madeira may be dead at worst, but we know that her mission was a total failure.”

  He paused before going on, the King looked Wollfen directly in the eye.

  “I have just had word from Commander Amdur. He is encamped at Windere as we speak. News from there just reached us. Kassandrea has fallen.”

  Wollfen sat and stared. It couldn’t be, it didn’t make sense. His mind was a whirl, too many questions. Wollfen slumped where he sat. All his energy left him and he felt drained. Finally he managed to utter a few words,

  “Did anybody escape?” The King could give Wollfen some good news.

  “Yes the Prince in charge was able to organize a rather orderly retreat even under the pressure of the Isogorrean army. We believe over half of them have survived. About fifty thousand have headed for Oceania. There are many more wandering north too.”

  Wollfen took relief at that. He had expected to hear of a typical slaughter at the hands of the Isogorreans as had been done everywhere else, it was a godsend.

  “So what of the King and Queen? They are retreating to Oceania?” King Elyssur shook his head.

  “No, they did not leave, preferring to stay and defend the city to the death. They had no intention of facing the shame of being defeated in their own capitol city. Right now the Kingdom has no King.”

  Wollfen was shocked, he really expected to hear that the King would have turned and fled with his tail between his legs. It just didn’t sound like him at all. Finally at the end he showed some spine and what a waste it was too.

  Wollfen realized that all their plans were wrecked. They couldn’t think of releasing Lord Vincent now. They would have to deal with the Isogorrean army as before. Only now it would prove a lot more difficult. The Isogorreans wouldn’t be outside in the open to be attacked and mowed down. They were within the fortified walls of a huge city. Wollfen looked up to the elven King,

  “I want more elven warriors.” The king didn’t hesitate.

  “You have them, I will make you Overlord of all elven forces.” Wollfen nodded in return.

  “I will need more too. The elven forges will need to work night and day to produce weapons by the wagon load if we are to have any chance of defeating this enemy. I think you also know that not only is the Kingdom in danger but also the elven lands too.” King Elyssur understood perfectly well.

  “Yes you are right. We do see this danger for what it is. The Isogorreans have every intention of taking all they can.” Wollfen stood up.

  “Very well, I will need to inform my companions of what is going on. Also I will need to travel to the eastern army and gather what intelligence I can there. Then I will go on to Port Volarus to discuss with Lord Raz his part in dealing with the enemy supply ships flowing into Port Cholandra. I will also have to find a way of getting into contact with Prince Fitzgerald as well. Oceania cannot fall. Without that city all will be lost.” Wollfen stood up to leave, “I will return here to have a conference with the elven leaders of your army. We will discuss tactics to be put in place and work out what our immediate goals are to be. Commander Amdur should stay in Windere as well to protect it against any Isogorrean army trying to take it.”

  They all started moving, it was time to get fully involved in this war, the elves were finally going to get dirty.

  “I bid you all good day. I shall make haste as time is of the essence.”

  Wollfen bowed as the royals gave their goodbyes and he walked out quickly. His mind was still racing at what had happened but already he was making plans.

  Wollfen burst into the quarters to find the girls still chatting and looking over their armor. He didn’t waste any time getting them cracking.

  “Better start stripping and getting that armor on, we need to leave at once.” Dark knew something serious was going on.

  “What has happened?”

  Wollfen didn’t waste precious time with idle chat.

  “Kassandrea has fallen, we have to go.”

  And at those words all three of them got up and started changing quickly. Nothing else needed to be said. Wollfen collected a couple of things and walked out. He made a direct line to Dhee’s forge and walked straight in. Dhee looked up.

  “Something is bothering you?” Wollfen nodded.

  “I need three of your best swords and shields for my companions. We are going to war.”

  Dhee sensed the urgency in Wollfen and wasted no time in picking out the best she had for him. He tied the lot together and walked straight back out. There was no time for pleasantries, even if there was Wollfen wouldn’t be able to give it. He was acting on adrenaline from the shock of the situation.

  Arriving back at the quarters, Wollfen noted they were all ready. He handed out the weapons and shields he had acquired for them to put on.

  “All this is for you. They are elven and as such are better balanced, lighter and stronger than anything you have used before. I know you will put them to good use.” Loranda swung her new sword about and raised her eyebrows.

  “It is so light and well balanced too. Surely it won’t be able to cut deep with a swing?” Wollfen pointed to the table.

  “Swing and cut it.” Loranda looked at him.

  “At best it might dig in and get stuck.” Wollfen shook his head.

  “Just do as I say.”

  Loranda opened her stance a little and swung the sword in one hand back behind her and then lifted it in an arc over her head striking with what force she could muster. The table didn’t splinter but it was split in two as the sword passed clean through and Loranda was forced to pull back. She stood there just as shocked as the others. Wollfen looked at them.

  “The swords you carry are all equal in cutting ability. When you face a foe you need not worry about any defensive moves he may make, just swing hard and don’t overbalance. Believe me, you will take apart any enemy in battle.” Dark had a big grin on her face and swung her sword around above her head.

  “So when do we ride into battle?”

  “Very soon my dear but first we have to see some friends. Take my hand, we are about to leave.”

  They all stepped forward and reached out. Once they had a hold Wollfen focused and they were off. It wasn’t long before they reappeared in the rooms of Kane and Solynne’s quarters. The two of them looked up in surprise and Kane remarked.

  “I am never going to get used to that.”

  They looked on at their friends and were immediately struck by the grand armor they were wearing.

  “That can only be elven wear you have on.” Wollfen nodded.

  “Yes,” He didn’t waste anytime though on idle chat. “Are you aware that Kassandrea has fallen?”

  Kane and Solynne looked on in shock.

  “No! When did this happen?”

  “Over a week ago we have heard, have you had no reports?”

  Kane shook his head and then looked to Solynne. Turning back he replied.

  “No reports but our scouts are a couple of days overdue, we put it down to the heavy snows these last two weeks.”

  He got up and sent an errand boy off to summon his officers to a meeting in the hall in five minutes. Wollfen turned to Solynne and paused for a moment. Her belly was fully ripe.

  “You are due soon?” She nodded and smiled a little.

  “Yes very soon. I was
looking forward to the three of us being free to raise a family in a few weeks. By what you have said that may not be possible?” Wollfen agreed it wasn’t looking likely.

  “It may be an idea for you to accompany us to Port Volarus until the war is over. I leave that choice to you and Kane. We will leave you for a few minutes to discuss it. I say this because as soon as the meeting in the hall is over I intend on going directly to Port Volarus immediately after that.”

  They nodded, moved out of the home and walked over to the hall to meet with the officers who were already gathering.

  A few minutes later Kane arrived and took his place. They sat down and Wollfen remained standing. He addressed the men there.

  “I’ll get right to the point. Things are grave in the war. Kassandrea has fallen. The Isogorreans have the city. I can tell you that the majority of the population did get away, though the King and Queen are dead. The seat of power I am assuming will be in Oceania now. That’s where the majority of the people went.”

  Wollfen paused a bit as the murmurs continued after the initial surprise of his announcement. Then he went on.

  “I can also tell you that an army of five thousand elves wait at Windere on top of whatever forces Earl Gerlach has managed to create during this winter. Also I have been given full access to the entire elven army. I intend on riding south as soon as I get back there, we will organize a coordinated attack on the Isogorreans. All I can tell you is to prepare in the meantime. Tell me Kane, how many troops do you have?”

  “We have about eight thousand now, but it could be as many as nine thousand in two weeks when training is done for the last lot.”

  “Then I am counting on nine thousand from you.” Kane responded strongly,

  “I will make it so.”

  Wollfen looked about, they all appeared to be good men ready to do their duty.

  “I know things look desperate with the loss of the capitol city. But I can assure you that the Isogorreans will find that taking this country is one thing, keeping it will be something else altogether!”

  They all cheered at his words of encouragement and began banging their fists.

  “We are ready! Bring them on!”

  Wollfen was pleased, these men did not fear the prospect of defeat, in fact it was driving them on.

  “Alright then, I am going on to Port Volarus to organize a force to cut off their supplies, Kane.” Wollfen turned to him. “I will contact you as soon as I can. I’ll be leading the elven army.” Kane bowed his head.

  “We look forward to it.” Wollfen hit him in the arm.

  “Good man, Tell me, will Solynne come with us?” Kane nodded.

  “Yes, this is no place to bring a newborn into the world.”

  “Then you need to come see her off.”

  He turned to his companions signaling for them to follow and they walked back to Kane’s house leaving the officers talking. Solynne was already packed and waiting when they walked in. Wollfen signaled the others to come with him and they moved to the kitchen. Kane walked up to his beloved and they held each other. Solynne had tears in her eyes.

  “I don’t want to lose you.” Kane wouldn’t hear of it.

  “I am not going to make my child a fatherless bastard before it is born. Anyway I want to see if I have a boy or a girl.” Solynne smiled.

  “You better take care. Otherwise I’ll ride up here to personally kick your ass.” They leaned into each other and shared a passionate kiss.

  “Get going before I decide to keep you here.”

  Solynne reached down and grabbed her sack. She looked back over her shoulder as she walked out, Kane watched on and waved.

  In the next room Wollfen and the other three were waiting, she smiled at them.

  “I’m ready.” Wollfen held out a hand.

  “Hold on and don’t let go.”

  She did as she was told and they disappeared.

  Lord Raz was doing his own thing taking some time off. It was his first hot bath in weeks. He had just slipped into the water when there was a knock on his door. He splashed his hands into the water in exasperation. Was there never any end to it? He shook his head in quiet resignation and then called out at the door.

  “What is it?” From beyond the door came the reply.

  “Wollfen and his companions have arrived, they have urgent news.”

  Raz was curious, at this hour? Very strange indeed, he pulled himself out of the water and put a robe on. Coming outside he was surprised to see the five of them standing there. One very pregnant and the others wearing grand armor and weapons, it was quite a sight.

  “Good evening Wollfen, you have urgent news?”

  “Yes Lord Raz, urgent and grave news. Kassandrea is in the hands of the enemy.”Raz stood there gawping.

  “How can that be? Are you sure?”

  “There can be no doubt, Elven scouts have confirmed it.” Raz waved them to some seats.

  “Please allow me to get dressed then we can discuss this properly.”

  He turned around and left them to wait while he dressed, it was the fastest he had ever donned his clothes in years. He came back out feeling much more civilized. Raz had time to think quickly too.

  “Sounds to me Wollfen like we need to make some inroads into their capacity to make war from this end.”

  The statement surprised Wollfen, he hadn’t even begun to discuss it with Raz, but he went right to the point.

  “Yes, not only do we have to attack by sea once the ice melts, but also wage a more aggressive campaign by land too with your army that has been training.”

  “Agreed, I see what you are driving at. I suppose you will be organizing things from your end up there too?

  “Yes exactly, I will be at the head of the elven army when we fall upon them.”

  “Top stuff! Wish I could be there, well, I will do my best to be a royal pain in the ass for them from here, you can count on that.” Wollfen looked across to Solynne.

  “I have here one of my companions that needs protection. She is due very soon and I didn’t want her in the line of fire once the fighting starts. Would you be so kind as to give her sanctuary for the duration?” Raz didn’t need to be asked twice.

  “But of course, anything you ask.”

  “Good, well Raz, we are not going to wait around, you are up to speed now and as things develop you will be informed. Now we return to the elven lands to mobilize an army, we shall meet again soon enough my good friend.”

  “Yes, I am sure we will. I will be looking forward to it.”

  The four of them said their goodbyes to Solynne who cut a lonely figure standing there as the others drew back. They all took Wollfen’s hand and were gone again. Raz looked at Solynne.

  “Hello my dear, as you may have heard, my name is Lord Raz, but you may call me Raz for short.” Solynne smiled.



  Weeks later Wollfen stood in the main hall of Windere in front of the elven and human Generals. He had arrived the day before with the majority of the elven army from the enchanted lands and with most of his forces in place it was time to make the final decisions on what to do. Wollfen looked about the room at all of them. They were hungry and ready for what would prove to be the biggest battle of the entire war. They were going to take back Kassandrea and break the back of the Isogorrean army. All he had to do was convince the human generals of his intentions, this speech was to be for them. Wollfen addressed the gathering of officers,

  “As you all know since the fall of Kassandrea, Commander Amdur, in cooperation with the local army under the control of Earl Gerlach, has been scouting the Isogorrean forces in and around Kassandrea for the past month. We know that they plan to make a major push to Oceania now that the thaw and subsequent mud has mainly dried out these last two weeks. We also know they are unaware of any of the elven military forces present here or the army I have brought.”

  Wollfen turned to Commander Amdur at this point.

bsp; “I can only give you congratulations on this part Commander for if the enemy had gotten wind of your own soldiers being here things would be very different. Why this is so important will become apparent as soon as I explain what I intend to do.” He went on, “The Isogorreans are amassing a very large contingent of forty thousand men to the western side of Kassandrea beyond its walls in preparation as we speak. We are positive that this will be the one to move west and attack Oceania.”

  He paused for a moment before continuing,

  “Gentlemen, we are going to let them.”

  There was a murmur amongst the crowd. Until this point there had been silence.

  One of them spoke up. It was the most junior General of the three, his name was General Arafin and Wollfen noticed there were unspoken signals going back and forth between him and General Beowulf. Arafin was doing the talking but Wollfen sensed it was Beowulf he would have to convince.

  “I think what you intend to do is wait for the main army to move onto Oceania and then we attack Kassandrea. But what is the point of recapturing Kassandrea if Oceania falls? The entire populace of Kassandrea is virtually in Oceania anyway. I see no benefit to your tactic.”

  The murmuring became louder as many of the human contingent of senior officers there supported Arafin’s opinion. Wollfen raised his hands for quiet.

  “Please gentlemen I have no intention of leaving Oceania to its own fate. We will wait for the main Isogorrean contingent to leave. About three days later we shall attack Kassandrea and deal with what enemy is left there. Once that is done we will go on to Oceania and attack the encamped Isogorreans laying siege to Oceania from the rear. They will have no true defenses to such a massed attack out in the open. They will be caught against the defensive walls of Oceania unable to retreat from our own onslaught.”

  The murmurs picked up again and the men discussed Wollfen’s intentions. General Arafin as before put his view forward.


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