Growing Up Bin Laden: Osama's Wife and Son Take Us Inside Their Secret World

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Growing Up Bin Laden: Osama's Wife and Son Take Us Inside Their Secret World Page 42

by Jean Sasson

  May 16, 2003: Casablanca, Morocco: A series of suicide bombings strike a Spanish restaurant, a hotel, a Jewish center, and the Belgian consulate, killing thirty-three people.

  August 5, 2003: South Jakarta, Indonesia: A car bomb explodes outside the JW Marriott Hotel lobby, killing twelve people and injuring over 150. The dead are four tourists and eight Indonesians.

  November 15, 2003, and November 20, 2003: Istanbul, Turkey: Four car bombs explode at Jewish synagogues, killing fifty-seven and wounding over seven hundred.

  2003–2008: Iraq: There are hundreds of al-Qaeda attacks in every region of Iraq, killing thousands of innocent Iraqis.

  March 11, 2004: Madrid, Spain: Ten bombs explode on commuter trains in Madrid, killing over 190 people and wounding 1,800.

  May 29, 2004: Khobar, Saudi Arabia: Four terrorists attack oil industry installations and the Oasis Compound, a housing compound for foreign workers. The terrorists take fifty foreign nationals hostage, killing twenty-two, some of whom have their throats slit.

  June 18, 2004: Saudi Arabia: American Paul Johnson is kidnapped and held hostage and later beheaded.

  July 7, 2005: London, England: Four suicide bombers attack the public transport system, killing fifty-three and wounding seven hundred.

  November 9, 2005: Amman, Jordan: Simultaneous bombings in three different American-franchise hotels kill fifty-seven people and injure 120 others.

  April 11, 2007: Algiers: Two bombs explode, one at a police station and the other at the office of the Algerian prime minister, killing thirty-three people.

  June 2, 2008: Pakistan: The Danish embassy is struck by a car bomb, killing six people and injuring many others.


  abaaya, 15, 23, 26–27

  burqa v., 52

  Abdel Rahman, Omar, 77

  Azzam and, 131

  background of, 130–31, 254

  as blind cleric, 130

  for al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, 130–31, 308

  against Jews, 131

  as terrorist, 131

  to U.S., 131

  World Trade Center and, 131, 308–9

  Abdul Rahman. See bin Laden, Abdul Rahman

  Abdullah. See bin Laden, Abdullah

  Abdullah, Abdullah Ahmed, 77

  Abdullah, Crown Prince, 84

  Aboud, Omar Mohammed Awad. See bin Laden, Omar Osama

  Abu Hafs. See Atef, Mohammed accidents, 6, 45, 243–44, 259

  Adel, Sayf

  leaving Sudan, 139–40, 142

  at Tora Bora, 161

  Afghan warlords

  fighting between, 155

  Khalis as, 154

  Afghanistan. See also Jalalabad; Kabul; Kandahar; Khost training camp; 9/11; Nourallah, Mullah; political activities; Tora Bora

  bandits in, 268–69

  civil war in, 149, 155

  clothing in, for Osama with Omar, 175

  heroin in, 158

  horse story in, 33–34

  map of, 146

  move to, 87, 149–50, 309, 310

  Mujahideen in, 72–73, 303, 304

  Osama with Omar’s arrival in, 149–50, 309

  political activities and, 32–36, 77–78, 303–4

  poppy fields in, 158

  Russia v., 177

  Soviet Union in, 27, 30, 177, 303–6

  stories about, 34–36

  from Sudan, 134–44, 145, 309, 310

  Taliban for, 175–76

  training camps in, 193, 207, 305

  warlords of, 154–55

  war’s end in, 73–74, 77

  women’s clothing in, 153–54


  of Mujahideen, 178–79

  Osama and, 224

  Algiers, attacks in, 317

  Allia. See al-Attas, Allia Ghanem animals. See also horse(s)

  Abdul Rahman against, 63

  birds, 226

  bull, 253

  camels, 204–5

  cow, 227, 241

  dogs, 133–34, 176, 184, 187–89, 229–30

  at family farm, 43–44

  gazelle, 43–44

  goats, 252

  monkeys, 134–35

  pigeons, 69–71, 117, 118

  puppies, 176, 229–30

  snakes, 3–4, 166, 204

  Asr (afternoon prayer), 18

  al-Assad, Bashar, xv


  attempt, on Mubarak, 135–36, 145, 295, 309

  attempt, on Omar, Mullah, 244–45

  attempt, on Osama, 123–26

  of Azzam, 78, 306

  of Nourallah, 173–74


  bin Laden sons and, 60, 141

  for Omar, 60, 141, 156–57

  Atef, Mohammed (Abu Hafs), 77, 139–40, 142, 161

  daughter’s marriage for, 271–73, 278

  death of, 313

  grenade and, 208

  indictment against, 311

  to Omar, 213

  for Osama with Omar, 162–63, 213, 271–73

  political background of, 162

  son for, 162–63

  attack(s). See also 9/11; U.S. embassies’ attacks; war

  in Algiers, 317

  on Bali nightclub, 316

  on bin Laden sons, 123–26

  on Black Hawk helicopters, 145, 316

  on Danish embassy, 317

  on Farouk training camp, 238–39

  on Ghriba synagogue, 316

  on Grand Mosque, 303

  helicopter, God and, 36

  in Indonesia, 316, 317

  in Iraq, 317

  in Jordan, 317

  on Kenya’s U.S. embassy, 236–37, 311, 316

  on Khartoum, 239

  on Khobar Towers building, 309, 316

  in London, 317

  in Morocco, 316

  on Omar, 220–21

  on al-Qaeda’s training camps, 238–39

  by Russian helicopter, 34–36

  in Saudi Arabia, 309–10, 316, 317

  in Spain, 317

  on Tanzania’s U.S. embassy, 236–37, 311

  in Turkey, 317

  on USS Cole, 277–78, 312, 316

  in Yemen, 145, 308, 315

  al-Attas, Allia Ghanem (Osama’s mother) appearance of, 8, 251

  background on, 291, 301

  divorce for, 40, 167–68, 291, 301

  on Grandfather bin Laden’s marriage, 278

  Kandahar visit by, 250–54

  Khartoum visit by, 103

  marriages of, 8, 40, 291, 301

  miscarriage of, 40, 167–68, 291

  Najwa and, 8–9, 20, 21, 24

  on Omar’s return, 278

  Osama and, 8, 166, 251–52, 254, 292

  Osama/Najwa engagement and, 12–13

  residence of, 291–92

  rude driver v., 166–67

  al-Attas, Muhammad (Osama’s stepfather), 8, 40

  appearance of, 251

  marriage of, 168, 291, 301

  rude driver v., 167

  as stepfather, 170–71, 252–53, 292


  for Najwa, 181, 184–87

  Osama for, 61–62, 99–100, 116, 173

  Aziz, Abdul, 39–40

  Azzam, Abdullah, 25

  Abdel Rahman and, 131

  assassination of, 78, 306

  background of, 29, 315

  in political activities, 35–36, 303–4

  political activities with, 35–36, 77–78, 302, 303, 304

  al-Zawahiri and, 78, 130

  Baath Party, xv

  Bali nightclub attacks, 316

  al-Banshiri, Abu Ubaidah, 77

  al-Bashir, Omar Hassan Ahmed, 135

  bin Laden, Abdul Rahman (second son), 293

  animal cruelty by, 63

  birth of, 25, 302

  character of, 63, 214

  dogs and, 133, 188–89

  as escort, 264–66, 268–69, 271

  food rationing and, 215

  grenade and, 208

of, 26

  mischief and, 70–71

  position of, 128

  summary on, 294

  bin Laden, Abdullah (first son)

  birth of, 24, 302

  character of, Osama v., 122

  without friendships, 63

  to front lines, 77, 305

  horses and, 57

  marriage of, 127–28, 294

  refrigerator and, 125

  summary on, 294

  bin Laden, Ahmed, 286

  bin Laden, Aisha (Khadijah’s daughter)

  birth of, 104, 307

  summary on, 298

  bin Laden, Ali (Khadijah’s son), 293

  birth of, 51, 304

  divorce and, 120

  summary on, 297

  bin Laden, Amal (Osama’s fifth wife), 294, 299–300, 312

  bin Laden, Amer (Khadijah’s son)

  birth of, 75, 307

  summary on, 298

  bin Laden, Bakr (Ladin) (seventh son)

  birth of, 105, 308

  leaving, 264–65, 268, 282, 286

  summary on, 297

  bin Laden, Carmen, 288

  bin Laden, Fatima (Najwa’s first daughter)

  birth of, 55, 306

  children and, 268

  marriage of, 259–60

  novelty of, 67

  summary on, 296

  bin Laden, Hamza (Khairiah’s son), 293

  birth of, 74, 306

  summary on, 298

  bin Laden, Iman (Najwa’s second daughter), 92

  birth of, 75, 307

  leaving of, 264–65

  summary on, 296

  bin Laden, Kadhija (Siham’s daughter)

  birth of, 74, 306

  marriage of, 259–60

  summary on, 298–99

  bin Laden, Khadijah (second wife) (Khadijah Sharif)

  divorce for, 104, 120, 308

  first daughter for, 104

  lineage of, 304

  marriage to, 50–51, 304

  sons for, 51, 75, 307

  summary on, 293

  bin Laden, Khairiah Sabar (third wife)

  choosing, 52–53

  home for, 107

  marriage of, 52–53, 305

  son for, 74

  summary on, 293

  bin Laden, Khalid (Siham’s son)

  birth of, 74, 306

  summary on, 299

  bin Laden, Laden (Osama’s brother), 20

  bin Laden, Miriam (Siham’s daughter)

  birth of, 75–76, 307

  summary on, 299

  bin Laden, Mohammed (sixth son)

  accident of, 259

  birth of, 52, 305

  marriage of, 271–73, 278

  photograph of, 215

  status of, 215, 296

  summary on, 296

  toys and, 67

  bin Laden, Mohammed Awad (Osama’s father). See Grandfather

  bin Laden bin Laden, Najwa Ghanem (Osama’s first wife). See also Najwa (childhood)

  abaaya for, 15, 23, 26–27

  acceptance for, 91, 256, 270–71

  accounts from, xiii

  with Allia, 8–9, 20, 21, 24

  austerities for, 181, 184–87

  belief for, 15, 91, 105

  for bin Laden sons, 116–18, 189–90

  childbirth for, 24, 25, 27, 31–32, 51, 55, 75, 270

  clothing for, 15–16, 21, 26–27, 187, 269

  daily routine of, 17–22

  daughters and, 61, 95, 270

  divorce and, 267, 282

  domestic help for, 17, 21, 24, 95

  early separation for, 14

  education for, 17, 21, 22

  eighth pregnancy for, 75

  eleventh pregnancy of, 256, 260–61

  engagement of, 13

  escape for, 281–83, 312

  father’s death for, 103

  father’s visit and, 103

  fifth son for, 51

  first daughter for, 55

  first pregnancy of, 24

  first son for, 24

  as first wife, 41, 53, 54

  forewarning for, 180

  fourth pregnancy for, 28–29

  fourth son of, 31–32, 38

  friends of, 22, 26, 51

  hobbies of, 21–22, 96

  home-leaving by, 14–15

  homes of, 16, 28, 36–37, 51–52, 54, 68, 77, 94–95, 106–8, 184–86, 207, 208

  horses and, 58

  house planning by, 21

  irreverence of, 23–24

  isolation of, xiii, 21, 106, 289

  Khartoum routine for, 95–96

  leaving Khartoum, 180–82

  marital relationship of, 41, 281–82

  marriage for, 13–14, 41, 302

  without modern conveniences, 43, 115, 125, 185–86

  money from, 116

  as mother, 41, 66, 282–83

  mother of, 5–6, 13, 292

  Omar and, 180–82, 260–61, 264–66, 270–71, 312

  photographs for, 187

  prayers by, 18

  pre-engagement of, 12–13

  protection for, 16–17

  rebellion of, 31–32

  reflection of, 191

  religious study for, 17, 21, 22

  return of, 267–68, 270–71, 274, 312

  Sasson and, xiv, 289

  second daughter of, 75

  second son for, 25

  seventh pregnancy of, 54–55

  seventh son for, 104–5

  sixth son for, 52

  summary on, 292–93

  survival of, 286

  Syria and, xv, 76, 85, 281–83, 312

  tenth pregnancy of, 180, 186

  terrorist v., xiii

  third daughter for, 205, 206, 270

  third son for, 27

  Tora Bora routine of, 187, 202–3

  trusting Osama, 91, 180–81, 183, 187, 281–82

  as unquestioning, 181–83, 185–86, 190, 281

  to U.S., 25–27, 302

  veil for, 15–16, 23, 26–27

  youth of, 3–10, 13

  bin Laden, Nour (Najwa’s daughter)

  birth of, 270, 312

  summary on, 297

  bin Laden, Omar Osama (fourth son). See also 9/11; Osama with Omar

  Abu Hafs to, 213

  accounts from, xiii, 287–90

  to Afghanistan, 149–50

  anger of, 41

  animals and, 204–5

  arrest of, 276

  art for, 72

  asthma for, 60, 141, 156–57

  attack on, 220–21

  as baby, 31–32

  birth of, 31, 38, 304

  breakouts by, 66

  bride search of, 230–34

  camels and, 204–5

  character of, 92, 190, 203, 215–16, 259

  citizenship for, 128–29, 270, 274, 312

  clothing of, 31–32, 175

  daily routine of, 64–65

  death and, 132–33, 140

  dog for, 176, 184, 188

  early childhood of, 31–32, 40

  escape for, 199–201, 242, 254–57, 260–61, 263–66

  food rationing by, 215

  friends’ deaths for, 131–33, 240–41

  front lines for, 219–21

  to Ghanem family, 230–31

  girls and, 57, 258–59

  Hamdan with, 216–18

  happiness and, 225

  horses for, 47, 57–60, 86, 92, 181, 231–32

  humiliation for, 164

  illness of, 171–72

  isolation of, xiii, 288

  Jeddah return for, 274–75

  Khandahar return for, 278–80, 312

  leaving Sudan, 136–45

  as lost, 232–34

  manhood for, 179, 215–16, 260–61

  marriage for, 286, 295

  on Medina, 68

  against mosque lectures, 221–23

  with Najwa, 180–82, 200, 260–61, 264–66, 270–71

  name o
f, 128–29

  poems and, 200

  propaganda on, 199

  responsibility for, 128, 136–44, 190, 215–16, 241–42

  retaliation and, 239–41

  romantic dreams for, 200

  sadness of, 189

  Sakhr with, 216–18, 235

  Sasson and, xiv, 287–90

  school for, 71–72, 108–11, 275–77

  sisters’ husbands from, 259–60

  snake and, 204

  solitariness of, 65, 259

  songs and, 199–200

  summary on, 295

  against terrorism, xiii, 215–16, 287

  thefts by, 65–66

  against war, 221, 225, 241–43, 287–89

  warnings for, 277–78, 279–80, 284, 311–12

  without water, 61–62

  wife for, 230, 258, 286, 287, 295

  women and, 57

  against al-Zawahiri, 129, 212–13

  bin Laden, Osama. See also bin Laden family; Osama; Osama (childhood); Osama (young married); Osama with Omar; Osama’s fatherhood chronology of, 301–13

  bin Laden, Osman (fifth son)

  birth of, 51, 304

  character of, 66–67, 214

  marriage of, 281

  summary on, 295–96

  bin Laden, Rukhaiya (Najwa’s daughter)

  birth of, 205, 206, 310

  leaving for, 264–65

  summary on, 297

  bin Laden, Sa’ad (third son) begging women and, 69

  birth of, 27, 303

  bride for, 230–31, 234

  in car accident, 64

  character of, 63, 92, 128, 214

  fatherhood for, 258

  food and, 214, 215

  summary on, 294–95

  bin Laden, Safia (Amal’s daughter), 294

  summary on, 299–300

  bin Laden, Salem (Osama’s brother), 20

  bin Laden, Siham (fourth wife), 53

  daughters for, 74, 76, 104, 307

  lineage of, 305

  marriage of, 53, 305

  in Medina, 68

  son for, 74

  summary on, 293

  bin Laden, Sumaiya (Siham’s daughter)

  birth of, 104, 308

  summary on, 299

  bin Laden, Tiayba Mohammed (Abdullah’s wife), 127–28, 294

  bin Laden family

  clothing for, 187

  cold for, 202–3

  conduct for, 107

  events with, 20

  food for, 186, 215

  growth of, at Tora Bora, 202

  hunger for, 202–3, 215, 223

  loss of, 286

  name of, 301

  9/11 and, 284–85

  Osama’s concerns for, 151

  privacy of, 288–89

  as unknown, 313

  bin Laden sons. See also specific sons

  asthma and, 60, 141

  attack on, 123–26

  bicycles for, 117

  Christians v., 118–19

  conduct of, 62, 107

  confinement of, 43, 66, 127

  dogs and, 133–34, 187–89

  driver and, 70–71

  without emotions’ display, 47, 59

  extra classes for, 111

  freedom v. father for, 73, 115–17, 213, 255–56


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