Beyond the Velvet Rope

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Beyond the Velvet Rope Page 12

by Tiffany Ashley

  “Now he is gorgeous,” Len said dreamily.

  “I bet he has a girlfriend for everyday of the week,” Raja said with more certainty than evidence.

  “Do you suppose he has an opening on Wednesday?” Len asked in all seriousness.

  Raja’s eyes brightened. “Let’s ask Google!”

  Thandie had had enough. “Okay, you two,” she said in a warning voice. “Get back to work.”

  Len and Raja ducked their heads behind their laptop screens, and began typing furiously on their keypads. The sound of a new email chimed from one of their computers, and then, like five year olds, the sound of the girls’ muffled snickering filled the air. Thandie pinched the bridge of her nose. It was going to be a long day.

  * * *

  Thandie looked down at the Post-it and then back up at the building. The insignia read House of Glow. She was at the right place. According to Adam, it was a popular day spa. She had not asked about the massages. She planned to find out the answer to that question for herself.

  Stuffing the slip of paper into the back pocket of her cutoffs, she pushed up her oversize sunglasses farther on her nose, and took a deep breath. It wasn’t that she was embarrassed to be seen going inside the building, she simply didn’t want to be seen period. Her hair was still piled on top of her head and she was still in the clothes she’d been wearing earlier today. Aside from the lip gloss, her face was bare of any cosmetics. She looked like a slob.

  She pulled open the front door and was greeted by a pleasant looking receptionist. “Welcome to House of Glow,” she said. “May I help you?”

  The front door opened again and a loud voice exclaimed, “Thandie? Thandie Shaw, is that you?”

  Thandie froze. Seriously? Was her luck really that bad? Hesitantly, she turned around, following the sound of the voice. That’s when her gaze fell on the petite woman. Her face suddenly brightened. “Day?”

  The tiny creature smirked and then gave Thandie a hug and air kisses on either cheek. “I thought that was you. I was having lunch with my cousin next door. I had to come over and make sure.”

  Even at full height, she barely reached Thandie’s shoulder. She had to lean down to hug the woman.

  Her name was Victoria Day, although most people simply knew her as Day. The product of a Jamaican father and Chinese mother, Day had striking features. With high cheekbones and small slanted eyes, she was quite pretty. Her hair was cut short in a spiky yet very becoming style.

  “It’s about time our paths crossed again,” Day said with a bright grin. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see a familiar face down here. How the hell are you?”

  Thandie couldn’t help but smile at the small woman. Day had a flair all her own.

  “I’m great, Day. How have you been?”

  “I’m going out of my mind, as usual. I came down here to create my line in peace and quiet, and I’ve gotten nothing of the sort. The editors from Vogue and BHP want a run-through in three weeks. I keep telling them that’s not gonna happen. I’ll slit my wrists before I show my collection ahead of schedule. On top of everything else, I’m sweating bullets trying to secure a location for my show. It’s been one shitstorm after the next. But enough about me. I heard about the breakup with Cam. Sorry to hear it.”

  “How did you know about that?” Thandie asked, surprised news traveled so widely.

  Day’s brow hiked up. “Nothing is sacred anymore.”

  “I guess not,” Thandie said with a frown.

  “And that business at Fashion Week,” she wagged her finger and made a tsking sound. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  Thandie gasped. “You heard about that, too? But how?”

  “Don’t worry, girl. I only listen to gossip. I don’t spread it.”

  “Gage—” Thandie breathed.

  “She’d never,” Day promised. “I have other sources.”


  “Cam’s girlfriend. ”

  “They’re still together?” Thandie asked, too shocked to play coy.

  “Do you care?”

  Thandie shook her head, not trusting herself to speak. She was happy for Cam, but shocked his relationship had survived the incident.

  “FYI. She doesn’t want you within a mile of Cam,” Day warned her. “But can you blame her?”

  “No, not really,” Thandie said with a sigh.

  “Enough about this bleak drama. Negative energy isn’t good for the soul.” Day pulled a small bottle from her purse and sprayed something into the air. “It’s only water,” she explained. “But I feel as though it cleanses the air.” She quickly tucked the bottle away. “What on earth are you doing in Miami?”

  Thandie smiled to herself. Day had not changed one bit. “I’m here for work. I’m promoting a club on the strip.”

  “Oh? Which one?”

  “Club Babylon.”

  “That’s Elliot Richards’s club, right?”

  Thandie nodded. “Have you been there before?”

  “Oh, no,” Day said with wave of her hand. “I don’t have time to go to clubs with my work and all. I’ve met Elliot before, but only in passing. I’m sure he wouldn’t remember me, but—” she wiggled her brows “—I sure remember him.” She laughed. “At any rate, everyone has heard of Elliot Richards around here. The local papers treat him like royalty. It’s obnoxious.” Day looked around the waiting room, as if just realizing where they were. “What are you doing in here?”

  “I’m looked for a good masseur.”

  “Don’t come here. This place is fuckin’ awful!”

  The receptionist, whom they’d both forgotten about, sniffed at this.

  Day ignored her. “You need Fernando. He works over at Blu Moon. He’s phenomenal.” She snatched up a business card from the reception desk, flipped it over and jotted down a number. “Tell them Day sent you. They’ll treat you like a queen.” Thrusting the card at Thandie, Day checked her watch. “Yikes, I have to go. I’m interviewing an intern.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and commenced to shower Thandie’s face with air kisses. “Give me a call. You have my number.”

  She sailed out, pushing the front door wide, so that it inadvertently banged against the wall, before slamming shut. Her spiked heels could be heard snapping loudly against the sidewalk.

  Day’s whirlwind arrival and abrupt exit left the spa deathly quiet. Thandie smiled uncomfortably at the receptionist. Her smile was not warmly received. Sensing retreat was her best option, Thandie eased out of the building.

  * * *

  “Are you listening to me?”

  “Not particularly,” Elliot confessed. He continued to stare out the glass wall of his office. It allowed him a perfect view of the arena floor.

  He was not yet ready to admit to himself he was looking for her. He’d known there would be little chance of her coming to him. She’d run from him like a frightened cat last night. It brought a smile to his lips each time he recalled the memory. He’d enjoyed making her react to him. It had been the most delicious game.

  However, it had not come without a cost. His humor was quickly replaced when he considered how soft she’d felt beneath him. The weight of her breast in his hand and the slickness of her thighs...he wanted more of her. Now that he’d sampled her, he wanted to devour her. Perhaps it was curiosity. Or perhaps it was for the simple matter she had not completely succumbed to him. But she would come to him. Preferably on her hands and knees, begging for him. The idea made him laugh softly to himself. Begging. Yes, he would make her beg for him.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “A joke,” Elliot said over his shoulder. “A private joke.”

  Nico smirked. “Keep your jokes. We both know you have no sense of humor.”

  Elliot grinned. “What did you say earlier?”

  “Now you’re ready to listen?”

  “Nico, spit it out.”

  “I said I’ve decided to fuel up the plane and take a trip. I need a break.”

  “You d
on’t work, Nico. What exactly are you taking a break from?”

  “Life, I suppose. It’s become quite mundane. You should join me.”

  “I have a job,” Elliot reminded him. “I can’t be away.”

  “It’ll be a short trip,” Nico assured him.

  “That’s what you said last August.”

  “That wasn’t my fault,” Nico retorted. “No one can go to Fiji for just one week. Besides, didn’t I make that up to you?”

  Elliot conceded. Nico had thrown him a birthday bash he doubted he could ever surpass. Elliot turned away from the glass wall to look at him. Nico was seated on Elliot’s couch, with an attractive black woman seated beside him.

  He smiled at the woman. “What was your name again?”

  “Janay,” she said.

  “I can’t keep my eyes off you.”

  Elliot smiled down at the lovely Janay. “I’ll give you two some privacy.”

  Elliot left the office.

  * * *

  Thandie was hesitant to return to Babylon after what had happened last night. But to not go would be to lose face with Elliot. If she showed the slightest bit of weakness, there would be blood in the water. Elliot would attack like the shark he was. There was a high chance she would not come out unscathed next time.

  She was still stunned by what had occurred in the Tower. She was upset with Elliot for taking advantage of the situation, and she was mortified by her reaction to him. She could not figure out the nearly hypnotic effect he had on her. She had never responded that way to any other man, and she believed Elliot knew this. He was far too confident in his effect on her. If given the chance, he would use it against her. Hadn’t he already?

  For once, Thandie did not rush the girls to get ready. They could take all night if they wanted. She had no intention of arriving early. So far, her plan was working well. Now that the girls had met Elliot, they were going all out to impress him. Both were dressed in their most dazzling outfits. In contrast, Thandie chose to dress down, in black leather pants and blouse. There were no frills. She desired only to melt into the crowd.

  By the time the girls were ready, it was well past midnight. The managers’ meeting had been concluded hours ago. At Babylon, the music was amplified and there was a decent-size line outside the crowd. The bouncer waved them through the line and held the door open for them.

  She doubted she’d ever get used to the splendor of Club Babylon. Smartly, the club’s many themes altered the interior so much it was hardly recognizable from one day to the next. Tonight, the arena was darkened more than usual to give way to a brilliant laser show.

  Len and Raja quickly put some distance between themselves and Thandie, which was fine with her. Thanks to their ostentatious outfits, it would be impossible for her to lose sight of them.

  She surveyed the arena crowd. It did not take long before she spotted Elliot. He was easy to find. He drew people to him like a magnet. She had only to follow the small wave of people who trailed after him. At the moment, Elliot was leaning casually against the bar, entertaining a cluster of laughing sorority girls. The tallest of the girls wore a sash with Greek letters etched on both ends and the words “I’m twenty-one today” proudly scrawled in the center. The girl was a perfect distraction. Thandie was able to circle the dance floor and enter the VIP area unnoticed.

  She spied Adam, but was unable to talk to him because he was attending to guests. She waved to him and headed to the upper level of the lounge. There, she found a nook along the balcony to view the lower floors. It was doubtful Elliot would notice her here. She settled into the spot and watched the crowd. There was plenty to see, and much to learn.

  The Babylon waitstaff snaked in and out of the throng, taking orders and delivering drinks. Discreetly dressed security guards patrolled the room, on the lookout for any sign of trouble. Dancers effortlessly transitioned from the backstage to their elevated platforms.

  Thandie told herself she was familiarizing herself with her new work environment, but the truth was she couldn’t keep her eyes off Elliot. He was truly the best show in town.

  He was spending an unnecessary amount of time humoring the college girls, and he didn’t look interested in leaving them. They were much prettier than the girls she remembered walking around on her college campus. At some point, the girl with the tiara had placed her crown on Elliot’s head. Thandie rolled her eyes. The sonofabitch still managed to look sexy while wearing a headpiece! Didn’t he have other things he should be doing? Did he intend to spend the whole night amusing these eager-to-please youngsters?

  Just as the thought occurred to her, she saw Elliot crossing the dance floor, the girls following closely behind. He held his hand out for support as he guided them up the staircase to his office. Thandie watched as he and Michelle shared a quick knowing look before Michelle blocked any future entry into Elliot’s office.

  Thandie shook her head. Her new boss was a player, to be sure. He toyed with women as if they were amusing puppets. It was unsettling to watch how easily he charmed his way between their thighs, and they didn’t seem to mind. They were all smiles hanging on to Elliot, happy to be in his presence. It was shameful. It was all the more reason to stay away from him. Elliot Richards was temptation personified.

  Thandie gave a snort of resignation. Who cared if Elliot was screwing college girls in his office at this very moment? So long as she wasn’t on the receiving side of his advances, she was safe. She was here to do a job, and Elliot’s personal escapades were the least of her concerns.

  * * *

  It was a little past four o’clock in the morning. Thandie and the girls had arrived back at Warren’s home barely an hour ago. When they’d left the club, Warren was enthralled with a tall, leggy blonde, whom Thandie could only guess was a model. Florida apparently grew supermodels as plentifully as citrus fruit.

  Thandie burrowed deeper under the bedsheets. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to get her thoughts together. The cool confines of the bedding were soothing against her skin. Thandie considered herself lucky to have escaped from Babylon before Elliot had a chance to corner her. Thankfully, he’d been too preoccupied with his college beauties to entertain thoughts of her.

  Thandie’s nerves were in a state of disarray. She could not decide if she should be offended by Elliot’s show of interest in someone else, so soon after their encounter in the Tower, or if she should be relieved. If he was involved with other women, then it would mean he had no serious interest in her, which was what she wanted. Then why did seeing Elliot with another woman get under her skin?

  She shivered every time she thought about the Tower incident. Her body was still burning from their encounter. Not for the first time, she wondered just what would have happened if she’d lingered in his embrace only a few minutes longer. Would they have had sex? Would she have enjoyed it? Of course you would have, a voice inside her head screamed. A man like Elliot didn’t gain a reputation like his without a little truth to it. He’d surely had enough practice.

  She was far from being a virgin and normally considered herself quite proficient in the art of love. She loved the control, loved the look of desperation in her lover’s eyes as she rode him. But somehow, she knew Elliot Richards would be different. He would be much more resistant to being controlled. No, Elliot thrived on power, finding a person’s weakness and forcing them to submit to his desires.

  She rolled over onto her side, searching for a cooler spot in the sheets. Closing her eyes, she tried to empty her mind, and rest. If she focused really hard, she might even be able to go thirty minutes without fantasizing about a tanned, silver-eyed devil in finely cut suits. Pulling her pillow into her side, she gave a deep sigh, pretending the goose-feathered duvet was Cam’s sleeping form. Sweet, reliable, uncomplicated Cam. His scent, his bare skin, his soft snore.

  Her muscles began to relax as fatigue crept over her. Her breathing became slower. She hugged Cam tighter—a moan of contentment escaped her lips. And then Cam’s
skin went dark, and well-defined muscles appeared. She looked up to see his normally handsome features had contorted into sharper angles, making him dazzle with new beauty. He blinked, and when his eyes opened they were no longer a warm shade of brown, but a hue of cool silver. His gaze burned her like shards of ice. And then he spoke.

  “I’m more talented with my tongue.”

  Thandie bolted upright, her heart beating frantically in her chest. She looked hesitantly beside her. With a sigh of relief, there was only a pillow at her side.

  “Oh, thank goodness,” she whispered. “It was a nightmare.”

  Chapter Eight

  It had been casually mentioned, and within days it had erupted into a whirlwind of activity. Over lunch, while Thandie was texting with Amanda in New York, Warren made her jump when he threw down his newspaper and snapped his fingers. “We’ll have a party!” he said.

  Thandie, who’d been interrupted from a rather lengthy text message, turned toward him. “A what?”

  “A party,” he repeated, his face gleaming with excitement. “I’ll throw you and the girls a welcome party.”

  Len and Raja, whom Thandie hadn’t even known were awake yet, ran into the dining room whooping and clapping their hands.

  “A party!” Len exclaimed.

  Raja jumped in jubilation. “Where?”

  Warren spread his hands out. “Here, of course.”

  Thandie shook her head in disbelief. “Warren, why in the world would you throw a party for us?”

  “Why the hell not?” He frowned at her, unable to believe anyone would question the idea of a party.

  “You’re insane,” Thandie said. “We go to a party every time we go to Babylon.”

  “Yeah, but that’s different.” Warren waved his hand carelessly in the air. “That’s business.”

  Again, Thandie shook her head. Warren’s thinking process was beyond her. She had little time to spare these days. She was quickly learning what Miami’s nightlife had to offer.

  In less than a week, she and the girls had attended two red carpet events, three social galas and visited four competing nightclubs. It was exhausting work. After spending six days straight traveling from one party to the next, the last thing Thandie wanted to do was attend another party. She didn’t have the energy.


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