Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) Page 10

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  As soon as his little mate was behind the counter, she shifted from a simpering damsel to a confident businesswoman. Loki never saw the change in character coming, but once it happened he smiled in approval. She would make a wonderful princess, feigning confidence even when it wasn’t there. The Sisters had chosen the perfect woman to be his Fatum Anima. Though he knew he needed to forget that they had meant her to be his equal.

  Just looking at her made him forget she was still mortal. Loki had been blessed beyond imagination. For his little woman was a true goddess in the body of a mortal. He was sure that soon the Emergence would be upon her; no longer would she be trapped by her mortal body. Then Loki could pretend that she was never part of the mortal race to begin with.

  If he could only hold off until the changes in her took place. Then he would not have to be disgraced by taking an enemy for a mate. He did not need the Council of Immortals looking any further down their collective noses at him. Loki already found himself on their bad side too often.

  Chantelle watched as he pulled his wallet from his pants pocket. Innocently she noticed that there was no picture of a girlfriend hidden within its folds. Inwardly she breathed a sigh of relief; if there was a woman in his life, she was not important enough to justify a keepsake picture. A small part of her thrilled at the notion, but that was the irrational part. The part ruled by her heart and not her head.

  “I am willing to pay the artist whatever they are asking.”

  He had to know the drawing was hers. For Pete’s sake she had drawn herself in the same damn image. He was up to something. But he wasn’t willing to reveal his hand. Well played. He had to be kidding her. Sure the man before her could have been the twin of the man she had drawn, but that was where it ended. So why was some small drawing so important to him?

  Chantelle was almost tempted to just give it to him, thinking maybe it would banish the dreams from her life forever, but that was a fleeting thought and nothing more. She couldn’t part with any of the images she had drawn of them together, it would be akin to selling her soul.

  She plucked up her nerve and looked him in his memorizing green eyes. “I am the artist and it’s not for sale. I’m sorry, mister.”

  “Loki. And everyone has a price.”

  Chantelle didn’t know whether she wanted to laugh or cry. Was she even hearing right? Maybe this was some elaborate hoax Frigga and Emma were pulling? But then she got a little miffed at his comment. She was not like everyone else. She was not willing to sell the image no matter what he offered so he could just deal with it.

  “Excuse me?”

  Loki looked between the drawing and Chantelle, “My name is Loki.”

  Her day had seemed normal enough, up until a few minutes ago. Wake up, make breakfast, get Emma off to the tutor and then come to work. So when the hell had she stepped into the Twilight Zone? Because now she was standing alone in Frigga’s shop, with some stranger who bore the name of a mythological god. Not to mention the man before her could pass for the man in the image she had drawn and it wasn’t just some passing resemblance. No, it was as if he had stepped right out the image, the only difference was his clothing.

  She was ready to pinch herself; because clearly she was dreaming. “Like the Norse god?”

  A sly smile tugged at his full kissable lips. What the hell had gotten into her? His lips were not kissable and he was not the same man from her dreams, so her mind could just stop reacting to him right now.

  “Exactly.” He shrugged, “What can I say; my parents were into that sort of thing.”

  She was ready with a witty retort when her sister came bounding through the door. “’Telle, you’ll never guess…” Her hazel eyes alighted on the man at the counter and she went six shades of white.

  From the reaction her sister had to Loki, Chantelle was willing to believe she didn’t know him. So that just left Frigga or Savannah. Whichever one it was, she was going to strangle them. This was getting weird. Maybe no one had set her up. No way, that would mean that the guy before her was for real. Chantelle wondered what she had done to deserve this kind of cruel joke by fate.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Emma gave her sister the eye. Chantelle knew that look. It meant that Emma wanted to ask a million questions.

  Chantelle came around the counter, brushing past Loki in her haste to get to her sister. Her body heated the moment their bodies touched, but Chantelle didn’t let it shock her. She moved between Emma and the man with the piercing green eyes. She wasn’t sure if this guy was a weirdo or not and she wasn’t going to allow her sister close to him.

  “No, we were just discussing my picture.”

  A mischievous smile crossed Emma’s face. Chantelle knew she was up to something, but what, she wasn’t sure. Although she would bet her life on the fact that whatever it was she wasn’t going to like it.

  Emma pushed passed her and approached the dark haired man. She extended her hand toward him, “I’m Emma.”

  Loki bowed over her offered hand in an old world fashion. It had Chantelle thinking of chivalry and sword fights, a time when honor meant something. Not something done today, but something the man in her dreams would definitely do.

  “A pleasure, Emma. I am Loki.”

  A soft giggle escaped her lips, “Like, ‘Telle’s Norse god?” Emma jerked her thumb in Chantelle’s direction.

  A wicked smile spread across his lips at Emma’s words. And Chantelle knew she needed to work damage control.

  Pulling her sister away from Loki she turned on her, hoping she saw she was pushing it. “He is not my god. I didn’t pen his stories…”

  Chantelle waved her hands in a flustered manner and Loki drank in the sight. She hadn’t noticed that he was still eyeing her.

  “Oh, I just assumed that since you always jump to his defense he was your favorite.” Her shrug was too innocent for Chantelle’s liking and she wanted to gag her. “Besides didn’t you just finish telling me about that dream you had the other night? You know the one with the Norse dude?”

  “I did not say they were dreams about any Norse god. So if I were you I would drop it.” The warning note in Chantelle’s voice didn’t go unnoticed by either of them.

  He watched Emma ignore the looks Chantelle was giving her. Instead she just shrugged her shoulders and gave him her full attention once more, “So how did you get such a cool name?”

  “We already covered the origin of his name.” Chantelle’s miffed response pulled Emma’s eyes away from him and back to her.

  “Sorry I missed that, it must have been interesting.”

  Loki’s green eyes shot up to meet her hazel ones. He saw the glint of mischief there and knew he had found a partner in crime. They would have a lot of fun pulling pranks on Thor when they returned to Oak Island and Valhöll.

  He put his hand to his heart, “And I am sorry you missed it, Lady Emma.”

  “Perhaps we could go over it again for the latecomer?”


  Loki smiled when Emma threw her hands up in surrender. Perhaps she liked to tease Chantelle, but she knew when to stop.

  “Or maybe not. Anyway, Savannah said she’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Was that all?” There was weariness in his mate’s voice. And Loki couldn’t help but wonder what Emma had on Chantelle that she didn’t want him hearing.

  She tapped her chin as if she was in deep thought, “She said something about going to the Serpent’s Den.”

  Emma’s message didn’t go unheard by Loki. He wondered where exactly his woman was going. Chantelle had no right to be out after dark without him or a guard as a chaperone. It wasn’t safe for a princess to go unescorted.

  Why if she was home with him where she belonged it would not have been an issue. There Loki would have supplied his mate with a bodyguard in his absence. This was irresponsible on her part. He would ask his mother where this place was and make sure she was protected.

  Loki would make sure she had all sh
e needed. He would keep her by his side until her Emergence. Then he could bring her amongst his people, but not before then. He would have to figure out what would keep his little pet happy. After all, his inner beast wanted to lock her away and hide the key. Though Loki was smart enough to know that would not fly with a woman like Chantelle.

  He shook himself from his musings, he needed to slow down. She was a mortal and they did things differently. Besides, he didn’t know how much longer she would stay mortal. Loki could not rush into anything with her while she still belonged to such a loathsome race. Yet no matter how he tried to reason with his soul he couldn’t trump the need to spirit her away. To make her his. To lay her beneath him and take her until she called his name out to the heavens.

  Ever since Loki had walked into the store looking for his mother, he was taken by Chantelle. Watching her as she spoke in hushed whispers with her sister, had him wanting her even more. There was something about this mortal woman that had him craving a home and a family.

  Mischief was afoot and Loki vowed to get to the bottom of it. He had a sneaking suspicion that his mother had more to do with this then just finding her. He knew if he asked, she would have all the answers he needed.

  “What have I told you about speaking to strangers?” Chantelle’s whisper was harsh.

  “But he isn’t. Is he?” Emma quirked an eyebrow as if daring her sister to say otherwise. Oh yes, this little mortal would be a great ally.

  “You finked on me because he looks like the guy from my dreams. Not cool Emma.”

  Chantelle threw her a hurt look, and Loki decided to take pity on her for now. Tonight would be another story.

  “Excuse me, ladies.” They stilled their conversation as he brushed past them.

  “I’m sorry, was there anything else I could help you with?”

  Loki wanted to tell her that there were several things she could help him with, but thought better of it. He didn’t think Chantelle would be flattered if he voiced his need to claim her. Especially in front of her younger sister.

  “I would like you to reconsider my offer.”

  Loki took her hand and brought it to his lips. She stiffened and color painted her cheeks again. When Chantelle pulled her hand away she rested it over the owl on her neck. A gesture that told him all he needed to know about what he did to her.

  With a smile toward Emma he headed for the door, all too eager to find out what his mother was willing to tell him about the brown eyed beauty. But just as his hand reached to turn the nob, Emma called out to him.

  “Her name’s Chantelle.”

  The smile she shot Loki told him that if she hadn’t told him her sister’s name, Chantelle wouldn’t have. Too bad he already knew, because he had no doubt Emma was going to be in trouble for letting the information slip.

  Loki inclined his head, “Until we met again, Chantelle.”

  Chapter 14:

  The Bifrost deposited Bragi and Hoder in Frigga’s guest bedroom instead of a random street in Olympia, Washington. Heimdal had taken pity on them; they would not need to contend with mortals if they didn’t want to. Very few of Odin’s sons integrated into the mortal world; most, including the three that now found themselves in the mix never left the grounds of Vahöll.

  The heavy fall of their boots across the hardwood floors alerted Loki to the fact that he had company. He hoped whoever it was would be able to persuade his mother to go home. As she had not bothered to open the letter his father had sent.

  A sly smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. It seemed his father knew his mother better than he thought; sending in backup was a good idea. Because for some reason his mother felt like wallowing around this God forsaken place, instead of going home to her mate.

  There was no need for her to stay now. She had confessed everything to him this afternoon. Even admitting to setting up his “chance” encounter with Chantelle. If he hadn’t known he was adopted, Loki would swear he got his mischievous nature from his mother. Alas, Frigga was only his mother through love, not blood.

  He knew his mother had to go home to his father, but he was not ready to leave Washington. Loki was more than happy to let his brothers handle their mother. He had his own mate that needed to be claimed and he would be damned if she behaved like his mother.

  No woman of his was going to run around the Nine Realms on a whim. Loki vowed that he would see to her every need so long as she behaved as a proper mate should. What more could Chantelle ask for? He would make sure she was well cared for as long as she obeyed him. His musings were cut short at the sound of Bragi and Hoder coming down the stairs. As they reached the last step the warriors noticed Loki.

  “Father has sent us…”

  A wave of Loki’s hand silenced him, “I know why our father has sent you. And you can return and inform him that his queen refused to read his missive. Nor will she return.”

  Bragi raised one fine ginger eyebrow; causing Loki’s hackles to rise. Obviously, his father hadn’t sent them to collect their mother. So his father doubted his ability to claim his mate.

  No doubt they were sent to make sure that he returned home with Chantelle. It was only once every hundred years that a mortal was born who could even come close to his Fatum Anima. Loki was the only immortal male with such a stipulation on his mate. It seems he had pissed off the Council in his need to wage war with the mortals.

  If he failed now, it would be another century before this chance came again and no one was sure whether or not Loki could last. He had gone too long without his chosen one. It was now or never in the battle for his soul.

  He could not take a mate from the immortals among their numbers; they had even gone as far as to try other immortal races. King Odin had beseeched not only the immortal Romans, but the Greeks and even the Native Americans. When all else failed his father sought out other races altogether. Vampires, Fay, Elves. But nothing had worked; the darkness had still spread in their men.

  It took over their souls. The only thing driving them onward was battle with the Acolytes and the hope that they would be saved. That was when Cloths’ prophecy for them had been told and hope was renewed. Those immortals who had once thought of giving up and residing in Vahöll now embraced the hunt for their Fatum Anima.

  But there was a second prophecy that Loki had never heard. In his haste to get out of the Council meeting he had missed the prophecy meant for him. Clotho had said that the soul of his mate would be rare. Only born once every one hundered years and so most feared this was his last chance. Loki had to claim her now or be doomed to darkness for the rest of eternity.

  Bragi moved forward, “We will be staying for the duration.”

  Loki shrugged his broad shoulders and made his way to the door. If they wanted to stay, who was he to say otherwise? All Loki cared about right now was heading to The Serpent’s Den and finding Chantelle. It had taken him a lot more coaxing then he would have liked for his mother to tell him where the club was. Perhaps it was because he had blown his top when she told him exactly what it was.

  Loki had never heard of a place to view eligible women and take them home. He didn’t like the sound of it and he knew he didn’t like the fact that Chantelle was there. May the Council help any man who tried to view her or take her home. Just thinking about his mother’s explanation of clubs had him seething. Loki could just picture the men that frequented those clubs looking and acting like Thor. He would tear apart anyone who touched Chantelle tonight.

  Maybe he had lived a sheltered life for too long. The mansion they lived in on Oak Island was cut off from the outside world and that was why Loki had liked it. The woods surrounding it reminded him of his true home; Asgard. A world far different from earth. But once the Sister’s had given the prophecy, most immortals had come topside.

  So like a spoiled child, Loki had locked himself away from the world. Refusing to embrace this new world. To learn the culture of his sworn enemy. Now he realized that this was to his disadvantage. A mistake he wou
ld rectify as soon as he could. But tonight he needed to go collect his mate from what his mother had called a meat market.

  Hoder moved forward and grabbed his arm, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Where is it we are headed?”

  Loki turned to them his eyes jumping from Hoder’s hand on his arm to his silver unseeing eyes. “We are not going anywhere. I am going to collect my mate. I suggest you and Bragi carry out father’s wishes and return mother to him as soon as possible.”

  There was a moment’s silence and Loki grew uneasy. There had to be something he was missing. His father would not have sent him only a day ago if he had planned on sending Bragi and Hoder now. It was dangerous even in times of peace to be down three warriors for no reason other than to retrieve the queen. No, Loki was sure his father would not have sent them if he didn’t have something up his sleeve and no one trusted him because he was known for his mischief; Loki wanted to laugh at the injustice of it all.

  “We are here to help you on your quest.”

  Loki nodded, “If that is the case you cannot go out looking like that.”

  A worried look passed between Bragi and Hoder at his words. Loki smirked, if he had thought that he was sheltered, he cringed to think about these two. They were not the type to go off the mansion property. Not even knowing that their attire wasn’t even last century. They knew far less about the mortal world than he did. After all, Loki had waged war with the mortal race far longer than he cared to remember.

  Here were two of the finest warriors in his father’s army and they feared a change of clothes. Or perhaps they didn’t trust their own brother. God knew they had ample reason, with all the tricks Loki had pulled on them in the past.

  If he was being completely honest when his mother had supplied his clothing, Loki was put out. It wasn’t that they were uncomfortable it was just that they were so informal. He was an immortal and here he was dressed in what the mortals called jeans and a tee shirt.


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