Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) Page 18

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  Chantelle closed her eyes and took a shuddering breath. His scent hit her full force; leather and sandalwood. Masculine in every way. Loki was the epitome of everything she ever wanted in a man.

  Her womb clenched in need. Chantelle’s body and soul recognized him as her Fatum Anima. Causing her to crave the feel of him, the way an addict craved a fix. She would have done anything for just one touch.

  Then the rational part of her brain kicked in; realizing she was leaning into him. Chantelle pulled herself away with a start. Her once dreamy expression now taken over by an angry glare. He was trying to bewitch her and Chantelle wasn’t going to have it.

  Loki cleared his throat and became all business. Acting as if he hadn’t been trying to seduce her moments ago.

  “I want you to leave, before you try to bespell me again.”

  “Be that as it may, I feel my place is beside you, love.”

  At his words Chantelle had remembered Emma telling her that Loki thought she belonged to him. She had said something about a prophecy and how she was the only one who could tame his inner beast. The thought of what taming Loki meant brought a blush to Chantelle’s cheeks.

  A hint of desire lit his jade eyes as he took in her parted lips. The blush that painted Chantelle’s high cheekbones made her innocence evident. Loki was reminded that his chosen one had never known a man. Just the thought of her innocence had his beast howling in delight. It was better that she was untouched. There was something about Chantelle that had him wanting to possess her. To be the first man she would know and the last.

  Any boy that would dare to bed her would have paid. Loki could be very creative when he wanted, he was known throughout The Council of Immortals for his wicked schemes. He would make seven years bad luck look like a walk in the park, compared to what he would do to a boy who soiled her. No, an innocent mate was better for everyone involved.

  Chantelle turned from his intense gaze, busying herself with fixing Emma’s blankets. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Not when the sight of him had her thinking of how tender he was with her. As if she was spun sugar and the merest touch would break her.

  If only Loki acted like an egotistical pig, it would have been easier to dislike him. To keep him at arm’s length, where he couldn’t reach her heart. But he had to be everything she had ever fantasized a man should be. Chivalrous, protective, caring.

  “Please just leave. I would like to grieve in peace.”

  Her voice was strained as she held back her tears. Chantelle refused to cry in front of him. She was always the strong one. The one everyone came to with their problems. Not the one who wept and begged for a hero to rescue her.

  Then her eyes drifted over Emma and she noticed that she somehow looked sicker now. Chantelle’s heart broke at the sight of her weakened sister. She couldn’t stand to watch her waste away. Such wasted youth.

  “How terrible it is to love something that sickness and death can touch. We know nothing of this in our world.”

  Chantelle thought he had said, our world, as if they already lived there together. “That’s immortals. Your world, not mine.”

  She knew if Loki had his way her world would be the one he resided in. She would be spirited away to a place where no harm could ever touch her, or those she loved.

  Loki wrapped his arms around her. His lips laying a tender kiss to her hair. She felt her body being enveloped in his warmth and a traitor tear slide down her cheek.

  “It would please me if you allowed me to comfort you.”

  Chantelle wasn’t stupid, mortal yes, but not stupid. She knew he was far stronger than she was. Not just physically, but magically. There was a raw magic that seemed to flow off of Loki and into her. As if her soul pulsed in answer.

  With a wave of his hand he could make her forget everything and everyone. It would have been easier for him to force her compliance. Yet here he stood holding her, giving her the time she required. Where any other would have pushed forward whether she wanted to or not.

  He confused Chantelle. The last time they had seen each other he acted as if he had every right to make this decision for her. Now he was acting as if she were his equal. Something they both knew was not the case; Halfling or not.

  “You could force me. You and I both know that.” Chantelle begged him with her eyes to tell her he would never dream of forcing her.

  Loki let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. Chantelle hadn’t pushed him away. She didn’t even try to fight him. All she did was state the truth between them. It seemed she was beginning to accept their bond. Even if it was a tenuous acceptance, Loki would be happy with what Chantelle offered him. He knew he couldn’t force her to give him anything she wasn’t willing to give.

  Compared to Loki she was just a baby. He had centuries to prepare for her. Whereas, Chantelle had only learned of their bond from the Academy; not to mention the way she had learned that he was her mate was a shock.

  “Yes, I could.” There it was the truth in all its stark honesty.

  His breath tickled her neck as he bent down to whisper to her. A sweet seduction took over her as his lips brushed the shell of her ear. The things Loki’s presence did to her, had her wanting to flee like the fox before the hounds.

  She didn’t deserve to be happy when Emma had no hope for a future. After all the promises she had made; here she lay dying. There were so many firsts Emma hadn’t experienced; her first boyfriend, her first date, her first kiss. No, Chantelle couldn’t in good faith accept what Loki offered her. If he wanted her to return home with him he would have to force her. And she knew damn well that if he wanted to he could make her love him.

  She remembered learning at the Academy that each immortal male wore an arm cuff. Chantelle had already seen Loki’s that night at the club. It was a silver band with intricate scroll work that adorned his left bicep.

  The Compes, which was what the immortals called this arm band, held the binding magic. It was an ancient spell that bound two mates together. When the binding words were spoken the two separated souls wove themselves together.

  With that one whispered spell Loki could force the bond on her. Spiriting her away from everything. Chantelle was of age so no one would bother to come to her rescue. They wouldn’t even bother to protest. Loki could do anything he wished and yet here he stood awaiting her acceptance. Acting as if he were not a powerful immortal and she, just a mortal.

  She raised her eyes to look at him, allowing Loki to keep her wrapped in his embrace. The feeling had Loki’s heart thundering against his chest. As he looked into her deep chocolate eyes he felt his world shrinking to fit this one little mortal and nothing more.

  That’s when she spoke and his hope shattered, “Why? What are you playing at?”

  He could only look at her dumbstruck. Loki never ran out of excuses when he was in trouble, but it was hard to justify yourself when you were innocent. Excuses were always easier to manufacture, than to sell. He would look guilty no matter what he tried to say. There was too much evidence that would say he was lying. Loki knew he wasn’t known for how honest he was. Even the mortals wrote books on his deceit.

  “Playing at?” He weighed her words and Chantelle nodded.

  As he stood there holding the one woman who meant the world to him, his hopes were dashed. Her accusation struck him speechless. Chantelle thought he was trying to trick her. If it was anyone else, he would understand. But he would never dream of tricking or lying to her. Loki couldn’t, even if he wanted to. Their bond wouldn’t allow it. Any untruth he spoke to Chantelle would tear at his heart.

  He wanted so badly to tell her everything between them was the truth. But Loki knew Chantelle didn't want the truth. It was easier to fight their bond if she held onto the illusion that he was not to be trusted.

  Loki wanted to make her see that they were meant for each other. Yet he didn’t want to force or imprison her. He wanted her to come to him willingly. He knew the man who caged the songbird was
a fool. For its voice was strongest when free. You couldn’t tame something as wild and free as the human spirit. It would be like trying to catch the wind with a butterfly net.

  “I could never trick you. There will only ever be honesty between us.”

  Chapter 23:

  His eyes spoke the truth; even if Chantelle couldn’t bring herself to believe his words. He hadn’t been completely honest in the beginning, neither had Frigga. They had known all along that Loki planned to take her away. Maybe they had known about her dreams as well. Perhaps it was some sick way of testing her resilience.

  “Liar.” She hissed. “What about not telling me all of this the first time you met me?”

  “When you were nothing more than a child and I could not abide your race?”

  She hadn’t meant the first time she dreamt about him and Chantelle knew he hadn’t misunderstood her. He was trying to make her see reason. At least that’s what she thought he was trying to do.

  In reality he was just pissing her off, “Excuse me for being mortal. Really, if I am that far beneath you perhaps you should find someone of your high caliber.”

  Chantelle saw the hurt flit across his features before he had a chance to hide it. For a brief instant she felt guilty for saying that to him. But then she remembered that Loki had just confessed to hating her race.

  “I didn’t say you were beneath me.” Chantelle waved him on, allowing him enough rope to hang himself. “Long ago a mortal stole away the woman I was to marry. So you can understand my contempt for mortals.”

  Did he just say that his fiancé was stolen from him? And that’s why he had a vendetta for the mortal race.

  “You have got to be kidding me? I am some replacement and not even a good one as I’m not some perfect immortal princess.”

  His voice rose in anger, “You are not her replacement. I forgot her long before the Sisters even thought to bless my life with you.”

  Chantelle drew in a steadying breath. “Were you ever going to tell me any of this?”

  “It wasn’t relevant. There was no need for you to know something that would have upset you.”

  He was going to have to be pulled into the new millennium kicking and screaming. Or maybe Chantelle could send him packing to whatever bimbo he was pining for. Yeah, that sounded like a really good idea right now.

  “So what? You plan on leaving me in the dark about everything? Maybe, whenever your one true love decides to waltz back into your life, I’ll get thrown out like yesterday’s trash?”

  Chantelle was beyond pissed now and if she continued to build a head of steam there would be no way for her to control her power. Fights would be breaking out all over the hospital.

  Taking one steadying breath she said, “Come back when you’ve learn not to lie.”

  Loki tightened his grip on her arms for fear that she would pull away from him. “Omission is not a lie, little one.”

  She didn’t know whether she wanted to scream or cry. Here he was justifying himself for keeping her out of the loop. For keeping secrets. Some pretty damn big ones at that. Chantelle was an adult and able to make her own decisions. She didn’t need Loki trying to put her on a shelf so she wouldn’t break.

  “No, it’s not. It’s just a way of covering your ass. If you cared for me at all you would have been up front. Told me everything and allowed me to decide, if you were worth it, or not.”

  Chantelle knew she would never allow him to call all the shots. That if this was going to work, they had to be partners. Not to mention, Loki would need to let go of his need for vengeance.

  “I apologize. I shall include you in such matters from this moment forward.”

  Loki stood before her humbled. It was almost easy to forget what he had said moments ago. Or how jealous she had felt that another woman had once held his heart. Looking at him in such a vulnerable position stirred emotions in Chantelle she never thought she would feel. Emotions she couldn’t afford to feel, they would only cause her pain, she was sure of it. Nothing good ever came from opening up to others.

  Accept for Emma, Savannah and Arabella, she had been shunned most of her life. Her parents didn’t know how to handle her and her constant daydreams. So they did what any part-time parents would do; they left her to her own devices.

  Never had Chantelle felt safe or protected. Yet here in Loki’s arms all that changed. Being in his strong embrace felt like coming home. It was someplace she could finally let go and not be judged.

  “Ok, let’s try that honesty out. What are you doing here? And don’t waste my time.” Chantelle gestured toward Emma, “As you can see it is precious.” A lump caught in her throat as she looked at her baby sister, “I need time to grieve her passing. So if you have nothing to say, leave us alone.”

  Chantelle knew there would never be enough time for her to heal. Not if she lost Emma. Her heart would never recover from such grief. She was more like her other half than her sister.

  Loki shook her, “Do not speak as if she is gone from this world.”

  A tear slipped from her eye and Loki brushed his thumb across her cheek. She felt herself lean into his touch; needing the comfort. Chantelle knew that with every touch, every moment spent in his presence, their bond grew stronger. She resented him for stirring these feelings in her.

  She spun around. Her hands clenched into fists, as she tried to fight her weakness. The anger that coursed through her was so great she wanted to lash out. To rage against the heavens, but the sight of Emma before her had the fight draining from her. Quickly it was replaced with an all-consuming sorrow.

  “Look at her and tell me she isn’t slipping away.” Her voice broke.

  Chantelle waited for his reassurance, because at that moment if he told her Emma would live she would have believed him. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, she would not have even questioned the honesty of it.

  “She does not have to.” Loki’s voice was just above a whisper, almost reverent.


  Hope rang in her voice, shown in her eyes. With just a sentence he had told her she won the lottery. His words promised her a miracle she was too afraid to believe.

  “If you agree to come home with me all would be well.”

  Annoyance flared inside her. She had believed he gave a damn; that he was different. Why had she wasted her time? All along he had only wanted to get her to agree to leave with him. That had always been his plan; he could care less what she was going through so long as he got what he wanted.

  “Not trying to trick me? So why are you so eager to take us away? God, you’re worse than mortal men.”

  She had been fool enough to trust him. Fool enough to hope and here he stood showing her one more time why you couldn’t trust men. They were nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing, all of them.

  Loki backed her into a chair. He leaned down and still towered over her. His anger was palpable. He was offering her assistance and she was too stubborn to accept it. Too afraid of giving her heart to someone.

  Chantelle had spent too long being the rock everyone leaned on. So long in fact, that she feared relinquishing control. Her fear ran so deep she couldn’t see past it. Loki vowed that he would change that tonight.

  She tried to push herself out of the seat, but his hands on her shoulders stopped her. “Be still. Stop being a coward and accept my offer. It is the only chance to save your sister.”

  As Chantelle looked into his deep green eyes her world fell apart. He was right. She had been so afraid of intimacy that she refused his help. Help that would mean Emma would pull through.

  She felt the heat of her tears as they coursed down her cheeks. There was nothing left for Chantelle to do but accept Loki’s offer. Whatever the price she would pay it. It was an honorable sacrifice and for Emma she would do it.

  Not trusting her voice she nodded her ascent. Loki pulled her up and into his arms. Cradling her head against his chest. He needed to ease the pain he had just caused her with his words. But it
was either be brutally honest or allow her to continue to suffer alone. Loki hated the pain honest words brought his mate.

  “You will see, love, it will not be so bad. I truly like Emma and only want her happiness.” His long fingers made slow soothing circles on her back.

  “What do you wish for in return?”

  A sad smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. She was his mate and yet he couldn’t get close enough for her to love him. To trust that he would do anything she wished so long as she would spend a few moments of her day with him.

  Loki didn’t desire anything Chantelle wasn’t willing to give of her own free will. Once he had thought to force her compliance. Now after holding her and hearing Emma speak of her, he couldn’t. Loki wanted her to love him on her own. No coercion.

  He knew that deep in Chantelle’s soul she trusted him, or else he wouldn’t have gotten even this close to her. That was the curse of his place amongst the immortals. The Council had made him the immortal who controlled mischief and lies and anyone that didn’t love him couldn’t get close to him. For Loki to be truly accepted, the other person had to trust him deep down. Besides Chantelle, there had only been one other to love him enough and that was his mother.

  “I ask only two things of you. That you are happy and that you afford me your friendship.”

  Chantelle looked him in the eyes, “I give you my word.”

  A sly smile pulled at the corners of his lips. He knew she was referring to the riddle he had asked her in a dream. “A more precious gift I could not ask for. Nor a smarter mate.”

  Loki brought his lips to her forehead. He reveled in the feel of Chantelle in his arms. It was a feeling he could grow used to. One he longed to have every morning when he woke.

  Their moment was shattered as Savannah came rushing into the room. Whatever she was about to say died on her lips when she saw them embracing. She turned to leave them be, but she was stopped by the rest of the royal family behind her. Savannah’s eyes shot between them. Chantelle looked at her and nodded. That was when realization dawned on her face.


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