Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) Page 25

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  Her musings took her through the making of breakfast. Soon the food was ready and Thor and Hoder joined them by the fire. Arabella was telling them jokes and the echo of the crown prince’s hearty laugh woke Loki from his slumber.

  His green eyes moved from the blanket that now covered him to Chantelle. A secret smile crossed her lips and she nodded toward him. He knew she had been the one to cover him. Loki only hoped it was her way of calling a truce between them.

  He took a seat beside her at the fire. Arabella watched them, a look of understanding on her face. As if she knew that Chantelle was trying to make an effort with Loki. Having everyone’s eyes on her made her nervous.

  The silence that stretched before them as Chantelle served breakfast was comfortable; a vast contrast to the night before. It was a change but one Chantelle welcomed with open arms.

  “Thank you, princess.” Hoder nodded as she handed him a heaping plate of food.

  Thor scoffed, “I would not call her that just yet. She has not even allowed our brother into their marriage bed.” Thor gestured toward the fire and then stared Loki down. As if he dared him to deny the truth. “Instead, he sleeps by the fire like a dog.”

  “Perhaps you should have been the one to sleep there instead.” Arabella said before putting a fork full of food into her mouth. Chantelle knew she was getting ready to watch the show down between the brothers.

  Anger flashed in Loki’s eyes but he wouldn’t give Thor the satisfaction of an answer. Instead he rose from his seat and headed toward his tent. Loki hadn’t slept well the night before and could not be held responsible for his temper. It was best to just walk away and allow Thor to think he had won.

  That was just what Thor thought. He figured that with one well-placed blow Chantelle would see reason. He thought that if he shamed his new little sister enough, she would come to her senses. That was until he turned to face Chantelle. The look of rage on her face would have made the bravest warrior cringe. That one look let Thor know he had really stepped in it this time. Where Loki had walked away Chantelle was ready to stay and defend his honor.

  “How dare you talk to him like that?” In her anger Chantelle began to gather the rest of the food on a platter.

  “Have I said something untrue? Do you not have the same doubts about bedding a Jotun as Signe did?”

  Arabella sucked in a breath; he had gone and done it now. Chantelle felt her trepidation from across the fire.

  Standing tall, the rest of breakfast in her arms she answered, “How dare you suggest that Loki is unlovable because of his blood line?”

  “Then why cast him from your bed?” He quirked a golden eyebrow at her. “If you were my woman I would teach you your place.”

  Chantelle felt her temper rising at the audacity of his words. Crown prince or not someone needed to take Thor down a peg.

  “Then I thank the Sisters I am not stuck with a caveman like you.” Thor just looked at her gob smacked. “As to why your brother chose to sleep out here; he is a gentleman and not an ogre. And that is why I love him.”

  Both of Loki’s brothers eyed her in shock. Arabella just smiled that knowing smile of hers that tended to piss Chantelle off. She had just admitted to loving Loki yet again. Thor was stunned into silence and that was a good thing. Because Chantelle was sure she would have throttled him in another minute.

  Yet the silence did not last when he saw Chantelle start off with the rest of breakfast. “Where are you taking my food?”

  She turned back toward him just as she reached her tent. “I do believe my mate needs to eat.” Chantelle eyed Thor across the camp, as if daring him to say one more word.

  “What of me?”

  “I am sure a big man like you can find a woman to drag back here. Perhaps you could even teach her where her place is. And if she doesn’t hit you over the head with the frying pan, maybe she will cook you breakfast with it.”

  Chantelle turned from him and entered the tent which she now intended on sharing with Loki. The sound of Hoder and Arabella’s laughter followed behind her.

  Loki sat at the roughhewn table, his head in his hands. He had heard everything that was said between Chantelle and his brother. Every single word. Thor was going to be tough to ride with the rest of their journey. Made grouchy because a woman put him in his place and not just any woman; Loki’s mate.

  He almost laughed when he heard Chantelle’s parting shot. No one had ever had the courage to stand up to Thor. Loki had tried time and again to put him in his place, but the effort was futile. Though what had amazed Loki most was when she admitted to loving him yet again. The words had given him pause and he hadn’t thought he heard right. Perhaps he hadn’t.

  They were the words he had longed to hear since he first laid eyes on Chantelle. Yet now he was too afraid to hope he had heard correctly. Could fate be so cruel? To make him imagine those words from her lips more than once.

  Loki wondered how someone as selfless as Chantelle could want him at all. He had learned so long ago that most people were only out for themselves. Signe had taught him that. The centuries had taught him that most people only cared to have their egos stroked. So what if all anyone ever told them was lies, so long as it was what they wanted to hear. Immortals had become jaded in their search for happiness and he was no exception.

  So why had the Sisters given him Chantelle? She was sweet and loving; he had seen the way she cared for Emma. She gave without any thought of herself. Whereas, Loki had long ago embraced the darkness within him. Loki did not care to cage his beast like other immortals did. Yet when he looked at Chantelle the darkness within him seemed to recede. As if she was the sun after the rain. It was Chantelle’s easy spirit that soothed his beast.

  Before his thoughts could carry him further into despair, Chantelle walked in. The tent flap parted and a small triangle of light announced her presence. With her near, he felt his mood lighten instantly. She had a tendency to put him at ease, even when she disagreed with him. It was her quick wit that intrigued him; the way she always knew how to put her opponent in their place; no matter their size.

  Chantelle made her way to the table and placed the heavy laden plate down. “I thought you might be hungry.”

  He watched her as a cat does a canary. Her every move mesmerizing as she plated his breakfast. Gently she placed the plate in front of him. Turning then to fix a plate one of her own, but Loki had other ideas, a way to build their bond. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto his lap. A blush bloomed on her cheeks at the intimate position she was in.

  “Leave it. You may have some of mine.”

  Chantelle averted her eyes, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. Loki tilted her chin up so she had no choice but to look at him. He found her embarrassment endearing.

  “Do you not find this to your liking?”

  She placed her hands on his shoulders, trying to stand from his lap. The moment Chantelle slid her hands across his chest, electricity shot through her veins. A shiver of desire coursed through her body.

  “I just want you to enjoy your meal.”

  Her words sounded phony even to her own ears. But what bothered Chantelle the most was that she sounded like a chick out of a romance novel; all breathy and soft. Your typical damsel in distress.

  Loki began to caress her cheek, “I will enjoy it far more if you stay right here.”

  The stark honesty shone in his jade eyes made her wonder when he had begun to care. When she had become more than a possession? At what moment he had gone from calling her pet to calling her love? Chantelle wondered when she had begun to care what he thought of her anyway.

  Just hearing him say he wanted her near him had her heart singing. No one other than Emma and her two friends had ever needed her. Not even her parents had wanted her. They had never found the time for her. Not as a child or as an adult. Chantelle often wondered why they ever even had children to begin with.

  The soft brushing of his lips against her pulse brought Chantelle out of
her musings. She turned to say something to him but Loki’s lips caught hers. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, begging for entrance. Slowly she opened for him and Loki didn’t waste one moment. He took possession of her mouth. Sliding his tongue against her own. She matched him stroke for stroke.

  A low rumble sounded from deep in Loki’s chest. He turned Chantelle around so she was straddling him. His lips releasing hers to travel down the column of her throat. Chantelle whimpered at the feel of his hands gripping her hips. Pulling her closer then she thought possible. The hard press of his cock against her core had her needing more of him.

  Loki wanted more of her. All she was willing to give him, but thought better of it. If he continued this with her now, Loki had no doubt he would be claiming her body on the breakfast table. There was no need to push her. Chantelle had already admitted she loved him. Loki could cage his beast a little longer. At least until she was ready.

  Reluctantly, Loki pulled his lips away from her skin. Her brown eyes fluttered open and it took all he had not to give in to his need for her.

  “We must stop, my love.”

  A look of hurt ghosted over Chantelle’s face. For a fleeting moment he could have sworn her eyes shown with rejection. The hurt in her eyes brought him to his knees.

  “I am sorry. I didn’t mean…” Chantelle quickly averted her eyes and tried to untangle herself from him, but Loki held fast.

  “Do you think I do not desire you?” His only answer was a nod of her head.

  Loki brushed the pad of his finger over her kiss swollen lips. How could she ever think he didn’t want her? He would have stopped the stars in the heavens if she wanted it.

  “Oh Chantelle, I want you with every fiber of my being. But I do not want you to regret my claiming of you.”

  “Oh.” Chantelle was thoroughly embarrassed by the way she had reacted.

  “Let us eat and talk together. The sooner our meal is finished the sooner we may continue our journey.”

  Now she really was ashamed. Chantelle was too busy trying to bed Loki to keep her thoughts on her mission. A single tear slid down her cheek. How could she have forgotten about saving Emma? He must have sensed her sorrow, because he pulled her close. Chantelle rested her head on his chest.

  “We will save Emma. I promise you that.”

  Chapter 33:

  The doors to Emma’s bed chamber slid open on quiet hinges. Frigga made her way over to Odin, who had taken over the watch of Hoder’s Fatum Anima. His gaze was trained on Tomas as he continued to keep Emma alive.

  The room was kept dark by the heavy curtains that covered the balcony windows. Tomas said the light would escalate the speed of the spell. He had told them he was just barely keeping her alive. Any further strain would cause his ability to falter.

  “Odin, Clotho is in your study. She says it’s urgent.”

  Tomas spared Queen Frigga a fleeting glance; her words seemed to worry him. Why would one of the Fates be seeking out King Odin? She had said her peace at the last meeting, why would she come here now? What was Signe doing that the Sisters had to help them stop?

  “Someone needs to stay here.”

  The king didn’t need to tell her why. Everyone knew he didn’t trust Tomas after the whole fighting him over Frigga’s hand debacle. If he had just given Frigga up without a fuss, Odin would not look upon him with suspicion.

  Frigga understood that Tomas felt a need to fight for her hand. All immortals only had one chance at finding their other half. He had thought she was his, even though there was no pull between them.

  “I have called Savannah. She will sit in your stead.” She flashed a knowing smile in Tomas’ direction.

  Odin gave her a reproachful look that she chose to ignore. Frigga turned toward the door, needing to get away from the tension in the room. There was no need for all the stress. Tomas was willing to save Emma. So she was willing to let bygones be bygones.

  “Is that such a good idea, my love?”

  Odin had caught up with her in the hallway. He knew she didn’t want the healer to hear them. Frigga was a delicate creature, never looking for confrontation. She never hurt those who wouldn’t hurt her or those she loved.

  Batting her eyelashes, “Believe me, my love, everything serves a purpose.”

  Clotho stood by the window, observing the city below. She pondered her choices once more. When she had told her sisters what she had thought was the answer to their problems they thought she was crazy. But the choice to make immortal mates something that was predestined had been a smart one. There was no infidelity or divorce amongst destined mates. Clotho and her sisters did not want the heartache that was abound in the mortal race to spill over on their people.

  One Fatum Anima for each male had been a wise choice. Until their race had begun to die out. That was when she had made several more prophecies. One being the prophecy of Halfling mates; the prophecy told that the immortal males could only find their other halves amongst the mortal race. It wasn’t only the Norse immortals who were ruled over by this prophecy, but all the immortals.

  When the males of their race were old enough to claim a mate, they would begin their search. They would scout the mortal plane until they found their destined mates.

  Now it seemed that two of Odin’s sons had found their intended. Thor only needed to get his head on straight and claim his mate. Cloths shook her head at his poor handling of the news of his mate’s suffering. But she knew that everything would more than likely work out in the end.

  What bothered her was that none of them realized there was Mage magic at work here as well. Long ago the mages had sworn to wipe out the immortal race. For if they would not share their immortality then they would be forfeit. The dark mages, known as the Acolytes, would not rest until every immortal ceased to exist.

  The sound of the king and queen arriving pulled the blonde fate from her thoughts. Her hazel eyes followed them as they came to stand before her. Odin and Frigga inclined their heads in greeting. The Fates were the only beings that did not bow to royalty, for they had come long before any king or queen.

  “Cloths, what seems to be the matter?”

  A sad smile crossed her face. She needed Odin to call back Thor, Hoder and Arabella. The destiny of all rested on it. She needed to find a way to get Loki and Chantelle alone long enough to finish the mating bond. Cloths knew that not only Loki but Chantelle would have to prove their love for each other.

  “You need to send Huginn to Thor.” She watched worry flash across Frigga’s grey eyes.

  “Why?” The queen knew not to ask, yet she couldn’t stop the question as it spilled from her lips.

  “They need to return for reinforcements. I have sent a call out to the Council of Immortals. They are sending Ares.”

  Odin raised an eyebrow. She knew he was wondering why, Ares? He was a ruthless mercenary. An immortal hardened by war who tended to favor the highest bidder.

  “I shall call the small group back.”

  “Not the group. Prince Loki and Lady Chantelle are on their destined path. They may not stray from it. But the other three must return at once.”

  Odin outstretched his arm and Huginn, his faithful raven came to him. For several moments he just stared at the black bird. Slowly it blinked its intelligent onyx eyes. Moving to the window the king let Huginn begin his journey. Turning from the window he faced Cloths and gave her an understanding look.

  “It is done.”

  “We are going to have to walk the rest of the way.” Arabella’s eyes scanned the map and Chantelle knew she was up to something.

  The camp had broken and everyone was ready to head out. Loki was just fastening the last buckle on his backpack when Chantelle walked up beside him. She stood there watching the way he moved. How fluid he was and wondered how fluid he would do other things. It seemed the longer she watched him, the more she admired him. Or maybe she always had. At least now Chantelle was willing to admit her feelings for Loki.

“Will you be walking with me today? Or perhaps you would like to catch up with Arabella?” The smooth tenor of his voice spread warmth throughout her body.

  He was asking her; she knew that cost him. Loki was a prince; asking permission just wasn’t something he did. If he wanted something he got it. Plain and simple. Or was it?

  “Begging now, brother? How the mighty have fallen and all for a mortal.” Thor’s booming laugh ruffled Chantelle’s feathers.

  She knew like any other bully, Thor’s problem was too many people reacted to him. It was either his friends cheering him on when he acted out or those he picked on showing anger. Chantelle would not allow Loki to be the butt of his jokes any longer. He deserved as much respect as his golden brother. She was willing to bet that Loki would never stoop to the tactics that Thor used. There was only one way to put someone like Thor in their place; ignore them.

  Smiling she turned toward Loki, “Who else would I want to spend my time with?”

  Loki pulled Chantelle into his arms and placed a kiss on her soft curls. She breathed in his scent and her soul filled with hope.

  “Besides, Thor’s just annoyed that you’re gonna get some and he hasn’t in… Oh how long as it been now, Thor?” Arabella asked.

  Thor bristled and Chantelle could feel his annoyance move over her skin. Arabella was poking the lion through the bars. He deserved it, but sometimes it was better to leave well enough alone.

  They walked for what seemed like hours, through the forest. Loki stroked her arm with his fingers. The movement sent tingles throughout her body. Each caress spoke of things to come.

  Her thoughts were interrupted when Hoder came up to them. “Thor, Bells and I will move on ahead for a while. Maybe scout some place to stop for lunch.”

  Hoder flashed Chantelle an award winning smile and she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips. That was until Thor walked past them, a scowl firmly in place. She found herself feeling bad for whatever woman was his mate. Or maybe she should be feeling bad for him instead. Because once Thor found his intended, his ego was going to take a rather large hit.


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