Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1) Page 31

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  “What’s wrong with her?”

  Tomas knelt down and took Chantelle’s hand into his own. The moment he lifted her arm the gashes were revealed. Savannah let out a pain filled squeak. Arabella came rushing over to see what was going on.

  Her eyes stared at Chantelle’s arms, “I am going to kill that bitch slowly.”

  “Get in line and I might save you a piece of her.” Savannah never took her eyes off Chantelle’s still face.

  “Your vengeance will have to wait ladies. I have to heal the princess first.”

  Savannah and Arabella said in unison, “I’ll go after her myself.”

  Tomas dropped Chantelle’s arm and gave them both a stern look. “And you will end up like your friend. Signe is a formidable opponent. She will stop at nothing to see her vengeance come to pass.”

  “Neither will we.” Savannah laid Chantelle’s head on Arabella’s rolled up jacket.

  He nodded his agreement, “Yes, but she fights without feeling, when you are both driven by emotion.”

  Tomas was right, to ride off alone or even together, would mean death or worse capture. If they wait and Tomas healed Chantelle, they could go into this together.

  She gestured toward Chantelle, “Just heal her, please.”

  Shifting to his knees once more Tomas began to draw out his soul. Pulling it from the healing plan, he sought Chantelle. What he found when he entered her body, had him staggering.

  He opened his hazel eyes to see the others had finally joined them. “Prince Loki has renounced their bond.”

  Savannah jumped to her feet and marched over to Bragi. “Are you all the same?” When he didn’t answer she continued, “I’ll kill your ass of a brother with my bare hands.”

  Bragi tried to pull her to his chest, but she evaded him. “There must be a reason for this. They would both suffer greatly from such an act.”

  Tomas spoke up, “She has shown me. The prince did it to save her life. Signe swore Chantelle’s death if he did not renounce their bond.”

  Savannah moved closer to Tomas, seeking his comfort, “Can you bring her back to us?” She pushed at her wayward tears.

  “Of course he can, young one. I feel Chantelle’s thrust for vengeance as sure as the sun rises.” Ares kneeled down beside Tomas, “I wish to lend you my strength, healer.”

  Tomas found it odd that Ares would offer such a thing. He was a solitary man and everyone knew that he held no true allegiance. Yet he was offering to share his magic with Chantelle; that was something that would give them a link for all eternity.

  He remembered a time when he had been called on to heal Ares. Many centuries ago, the warlord had fought a battle that he did not win. In that instant he lost everything; the woman who was said to be his Fatum Anima and his emotions. Maybe that was why Ares wanted to help. Maybe he sought to lend his anger to Chantelle to aid her in battle. But in merging his soul with her’s he would lend her even more. Every battle memory that was his would become hers. Tomas knew in that instant Ares was giving Chantelle the chance that he hadn’t had all those years ago.

  Tomas nodded, “I, Thank you. And I am sure the princess shall thank you also.”

  “I do not do it for thanks. Believe me she will have a far darker soul because of this. But it must be done, or all hope will be lost.”

  Tomas nodded in understanding. Slowly he sought Ares’ magic and then sent the energy out to Chantelle. The golden glow of their combined power spread out over her like a blanket. He started the healing by working on her surface wounds. Slowly the gashes on her arms began to knit closed. The small cut on her lip was gone as if it had never been there.

  Then with all the concentration of a surgeon he began to repair her soul. The hole where her soul’s heart would be was gaping. It was ragged and weeping. As if her heart had been ripped from her chest. He felt Ares magic push at her soul and strengthen her. Bringing the warrior in her to life; awakening a sleeping giant.

  Tomas knew that Ares lent his magic because he thought that Chantelle was weak. She allowed everyone to take advantage of her. Always blaming herself for everything that happened. Tomas also knew that whatever the cost, Ares would make sure she never felt that way again.

  Instantly, Tomas felt her soul react to the warlord’s strength. Her soul agreed that for too long it had rolled over and taken whatever life handed it. But now it had the means to harden its mistress’s reserve. Her soul jumped at the chance.

  With one last body check, Tomas was satisfied. Chantelle was once again in working order. He pulled his magic back, taking Ares along with him. The woods around them came back into view. Both immortals looked as if they had been through a war. Ares clapped him on the back letting the healer know he had done well.

  Chapter 41:

  Chantelle felt her eyes flutter open and steeled herself for the pain to come rushing back. But there was no tidal wave of suffering like she had anticipated; only a slow burning anger. For the first time in her life she wanted to hurt someone. To lash out at those who took from her what was never theirs to take. To make them suffer the way she had.

  Before she saw her, she felt Savannah throw her arms around her shoulders. Chantelle let out a hiss and without thinking she was on her feet facing her companions. Her body had taken a defensive posture immediately.

  There was a shocked look on Savannah’s face. Chantelle watched in fascination as it turned to one of sorrow. That look from Savannah would have bothered the old Chantelle, but the old Chantelle had died when that evil bitch ripped Loki from her. At the thought of her missing mate her soul throbbed. She placed a hand over her heart to ease the ache.

  “’Telle, are… are you all right?”

  Technically, she was fine; better than fine actually. She should have been dead by now from all the blood loss she had suffered. Though here she stood, strong and sure. Her clothes a little worse for the wear, but that was all.

  She knew that Savannah was asking if she was her old self. If Chantelle was being honest her old self was gone forever and good riddance. Never would she cower when she was meant to stand strong. No, the old Chantelle was like a dearly departed loved one and all that was left was the memory. All Chantelle could do was move forward.

  “No, I don’t think so.” She turned on her heel and headed to the Hummer.

  Arabella stepped forward, “If you drive there, she’ll know you’re coming. She’ll know you’re strong. Signe will be ready.”

  Chantelle turned on her, “So you want to be helpful now? You should have thought about that before you cost me my mate.”

  “I didn’t see her coming.” Bells voice shook with emotion. She would have said more, but Chantelle held up her hand to stop her.

  “Save it. I intend to finish what Signe has started.”

  Chantelle headed for the jet black stallion at the head of the group of horses. As she went she grabbed up the green ribbon that had tied Loki’s hair back. He must have dropped it in his struggle to reach her. She tied it high up on her left bicep to match his Compes. She looked like a knight heading into battle; wearing the colors of his love. In her case they were the colors of her lost love. She was no knight, more like an avenging angel. Chantelle swore that she would champion her mate and her sister and may the Fates help those who dared to stand in her way.

  “You cannot go after her the way you are.” Hoder had been the only one to follow her. Everyone else was too afraid after her display.

  “And why not? The meek Chantelle allowed Signe to take her mate.”

  Hoder’s silver unseeing eyes narrowed, Chantelle was speaking in third person and that didn’t bode well. It was as if her soul was speaking. Many who lost their Fatum Anima spoke in such a manner. It had taken Ares centuries to speak normally again. Hoder did not wish to see his sister-in-law suffer the same fate as the immortal warlord.

  “Listen to him, young one.”

  At the sound of Ares voice Chantelle stilled. Her soul recognized his magic. It was the same t
hat fueled her long silent warrior.

  “And what would you suggest?” She had turned to look at Ares.

  He had brought her back from the dead. Had given her soul the strength it needed to free Loki from Signe’s power. The least she could do was show him respect and hear what he had to say.

  Ares offered Chantelle a sun kissed hand and her eyes took in the tattoo that ringed his wrist. That’s when her mind began to put the puzzle together. The man who’s magic she was drawing on; this man before her was Ares. A Greek immortal amongst Norse immortals, it seemed so odd.

  Chantelle wanted to question him. She wanted to know how they coexisted, when so many of their duties overlapped. Did they have one ruling body, or was each pantheon under a different rule? It had been something that was never covered at the Academy, and she had always wondered. But at the moment they had bigger fish to fry. Shaking herself she took his proffered hand. He led her toward the rest of the group.

  Chantelle stiffened as they approached the others. Even though her soul knew the people before her, she withdrew. It didn’t matter that these people had broken bread with her. The warrior, Ares’ magic had unleashed, would not trust the people before her. Anything that stood in the way of getting to Loki was an enemy.

  “What are we doing just sitting around?” Savannah asked trying to break the ice showing Chantelle that they were all on the same team.

  “We need to have a plan. Signe will have Loki with her in Castle Malus. And she would be greatly remiss to not have a legion of guards at her disposal.”

  Chantelle knew Tomas spoke the truth and yet a jealous streak so overwhelming began to consume her. For a moment it made the world around her blur. All she could think about was avenging Emma and Loki.

  “I don’t care what any of you have planned. I will be the one to face Signe. For all she has done to my loved ones she deserves to feel my wrath.”

  She turned from them and headed for her horse. No one bothered to stop her this time. They all just followed behind and mounted up. It was going to prove a long journey; one that they would have to be vigilant on.

  It had been two days ride before the motley group reached their destination. As dusk fell on the second day, the dark outline of Castle Malus loomed in front of them. It was dark and foreboding; everything Tomas had tried to tell them it was. At the sight of it Savannah felt a chill run down her spine. How were they going to fight their way in there? Signe could not be so cocky as to not have guards on duty.

  She rode up beside Chantelle and reached out toward her friend, but when Chantelle turned to face her Savannah knew she was different. This whole adventure had changed Chantelle. Maybe for the better or for worse.

  Her friend continued to eye her. “This is not your fight, Savannah. Go back while you have the chance.”

  Savannah balked at her harsh words. How dare she accuse her of cowardice? In all of her life Savannah had never considered anyone family, not the way she did Chantelle and Emma. To turn her back on either of them would be the worse disgrace she could suffer.

  “We’re in this together, remember? That’s the promise we made back in that hospital room days ago. And even further back than that.”

  “It’s going to get messy in there. People are going to die. Bells has already seen death first hand. But you haven’t.”

  Chantelle ran a hand over the sword Thor had pulled from the ashes of their camp. It was Loki’s and now she would use it to liberate him from his vow. With it she would end that immortal bitch once and for all.

  She wanted to insist that Savannah turn back. She hadn’t been lying when she told her friend people were going to die. That fact no longer bothered her, what did, was that Chantelle couldn’t be sure it wouldn’t be any of her friends.

  “I’m still with you. Unless of course you go tilting at Hell’s windmills. Then you’re on your own.” Savannah waved a dismissive hand.

  A flicker of a smile played across Chantelle’s lips. “Of course. I would expect nothing less.”

  Savannah broke out in a soft fit of laughter. The sound of it breaking through Chantelle’s hard exterior, causing her to laugh a little as well. For the briefest of moments Chantelle was her old self again.

  Tomas pulled up beside them, eyeing Chantelle as if she had gone mad. Moments ago she had looked like a warrior queen and now she was laughing. What a sight she must be to him? He had to think she had lost her mind from Ares magic.

  Clearing his throat he asked, “Are you ready?”

  “What is the plan?”

  Tomas slowly began to fill them in on the battle plan. The men had come up with it that morning. It had its flaws but it would have to do. After all, they didn’t have much else to work with.

  As Chantelle dismounted her horse, Arabella came up beside them. She removed a red velvet pouch from her waist and handed it to her.

  “What is the meaning of this?”

  Arabella’s smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, “Let’s just say every hero needs a secret weapon.”

  Chantelle unwrapped the golden cord that held the velvet closed and peeked inside. A wide smile lit her lips when the glitter of glass met her eyes. Bells had given her an ace in the hole and she knew just what to do with it.

  Signe paced the marble floor of the receiving room, knowing full well she needed to be ready. She knew they would launch a rescue party as soon as they discovered Loki missing and that mortal bitch dead. There was no way a woman as weak as Chantelle could survive a severed bond.

  There was only one problem; the castle was now empty. When she had gone off on her mission all of the guards and servants took that as their chance to escape. None of them were too happy with the way she had been running things, so it didn’t really surprise her. It did annoy her though.

  She now had no one to feed on, save the two guards standing watch at the gate, or the men who had come with her on the mission. Feeding from them would never do. She needed as many men as they had to fight off whatever band of warriors were sent to retrieve her prize.

  Signe needed to feed badly. She would never win a fight with her body in the state it was now. Without a soul to steal she had no hope of being strong. No hope of finishing what she had started. Her hopes of ruling the immortal world would be crushed.

  “You, guard, go see what the others are doing and have them meet in the outer hall.”

  The guard hurried off to do what she had asked. Leaving her alone with the last remaining guard, or what she liked to refer to as dinner.

  “Come here.” Signe beckoned the guard over.

  He moved closer to her and his fear rolled off of him in waves. A smile pulled at her cracked lips. Her victims always tasted better if they were afraid. She grabbed the guard with the strength of ten men.

  As he struggled Signe begun the ritual chant; slowly his life ebbed out before her eyes. She saw every scene in vivid detail. As the last of his life ebbed out of him into her, the images stilled. As the magic released its hold on him, the guard’s lifeless body hit the floor. Her strength once more returned.

  Chapter 42:

  Tomas pulled a struggling Chantelle behind his horse. She yanked on her bound wrists as he pulled up to the guard post. She was still dressed in the clothing they had found her in; caked with dirt and blood.

  At the sight of them the two men stood at attention. Chantelle and the others were hoping Signe didn’t want to be disturbed. She would have warned the guards that any disturbance would be certain death.

  The taller of the two men stepped up to Tomas’ horse. “State your business.”

  He yanked on the rope and Chantelle fell to her knees. Just for good measure, a small whimper passed through her lips.

  “I found her wandering the woods as I was headed back.”

  The men just continued to stare. It seemed Tomas was going to have to elaborate for the two dolts that guarded the gate. Chantelle never met a lackey she liked; or was that Ares’ magic that felt that way. Whichever. Lackeys we
re always more trouble than they were worth and it seemed these two proved to be no different.

  “Do you not know who she is?”

  Both guards shook their heads and Tomas let out a longsuffering sigh. Chantelle had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. “She is the Lady Chantelle. I am bringing her for Lady Signe. I am sure she would like to finish the job.”

  A light of recognition passed across their faces; they parted and Tomas dismounted. He removed the rope from the horn of his horse’s saddle. Tomas wrapped the loose end of the rope around his belt as Chantelle struggled a little for good measure. Dragging her up by her arms, Tomas squeezed the bandages there. Chantelle let out a whimper at the pressure. She bit down hard on the inside of her lip causing tears to well. After all, they needed to make this look good.

  “Go ahead then. But make sure there is some of her left for us.” One of the guards rubbed himself suggestively.

  As Tomas dragged Chantelle past the guards the second one grabbed her ass. She closed her eyes and fought back the bile that rose in her throat. Taking a deep breath she steadied herself.

  “Excuse me.” Thor tapped the guard on the shoulder, “That happens to be my new little sister you are dishonoring.”

  Both men turned and Thor and Ares knocked them out. Cutting Chantelle’s rope and using it to secure the fallen men. They looked over to Tomas and Chantelle, giving a nod. Phase one of their plan was complete, now it was time for the others to join them.

  With a low whistle Thor called out to the rest of their group, who moved out of the shadows toward the castle gate. Together they made their way forward and Chantelle couldn’t help but think of the coming battle.

  Quietly, they made their way through the lower hall. Tomas had told them the receiving hall was upstairs. So that meant they would have to go about the first floor and hope they weren’t spotted or all was lost.

  “Why are there no guards down here?”

  Chantelle did not trust how quiet the castle was. This had to be a trap. No one in their right mind would continue to stay here without guards. But Signe had never been in her right mind to begin with. If she was she would have killed Chantelle outright. Not left her there to die a slow death. One that had never come and now Signe would face the consequences for such a thoughtless move.


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