Doctor December: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 71)

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Doctor December: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 71) Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  “Or two?” she says.

  “Come again?”

  “A hand or two,” she says. “To get me into position for your examination.”

  Okay, she’s officially trying to torment me. She came here to play the role of a tart and damn if it isn’t working to perfection.

  I was ready to tell her exactly what I felt and how everything was going to be from now on, but she decided she’d take control of the situation from the beginning and she sure did succeed.

  Scratch that…she is succeeding. Because I have yet to catch myself. My head’s still spinning and my cock isn’t even pointing straight out anymore. It’s pointing straight up as in the head has broken free of my boxer briefs and is pressing against my belly button.

  I bring my other hand down and grab the outside of her other thigh just as I did with the first. But this time she doesn’t fight me as I slide her sideways hearing that dress slide across the leather making me wish there was no fabric between her skin and mine and she wasn’t sliding across anything…but that she was bouncing up and down on my pole as she rode me right here in my office as I “examined” her face through half closed eyes as we climaxed simultaneously.

  “Let’s take a look at that ankle,” I say, but I don’t let go of her hips.

  I completely lose my professionalism when my hands slide down the outside of her thighs and then all the way to her calves as I lean back, my butt finding the edge of my doctor’s stool causing the wheels below to wobble before I rise up and situate myself.

  I literally almost fell off my chair…and I never took my hands off her.

  Before I can do anything she leans back on the table and places her hands down with her fingers pointing away, showing me the insides of her arms. This position gives her more leverage to lift her legs even higher putting her feet right in front of my face which also means I have a straight shot up her dress…if it wasn’t so tight.

  I look to the side and down and exhale through my mouth.

  “Everything okay?” she asks.

  I run my hand over her ankle as I bring my head back around examining her injury.

  “Excellent. Your body is incredible.”

  “Is it?” she says.

  “At healing itself so quickly,” I say.

  “Is that all?” she says.

  I can’t take this anymore. If she wants to come in here like some grown up Lolita tormenting her father’s best friend when she knows I want her bad well then she’s going to find out just how bad I do want her.

  I don’t have time for games, not that she’s playing one. But if she is it’s time for us both to put our cards on the table.

  “No, that’s not all,” I say as I stand up hovering over her. “Let me tell you what else.”



  My chin tilts down as he stands closer to me, practically over the top of me. His dominance has me feeling so wet right here on his table that I know if I get up now there’s going to be a visible spot underneath me.

  I wanted to get a reaction out of him and boy did I ever.

  His hand comes up taking my chin in his forefinger and thumb and I feel their strength as he raises my chin so my eyes meet his gaze. I’m surprised that his hands are so rough. I feel calluses on his fingers and remember that being a doctor isn’t the only thing he does with his hands.

  He’s an outdoors kind of guy and judging by his physique he lifts a lot of weights, and likely heavy ones at that. The steel barbells with the grooves in the areas for his hands must cut up his grip. I’ve seen those big bars at the gym before and the men that lift them as I stood there in awe of the size and strength of a man who could bench press so much weight.

  He’s not just one of those men. He’s the mightiest of those men. Even through his smock I can see his barrel chest flexing less than a foot from my face before he opens his mouth to speak.

  “Everything about you is incredible. Everything I somehow missed when I blinked and you became an adult overnight. From the curve of your hip to the curve of your lower back. From the dimples in your cheeks that are somehow now gone to the two holes I see are now in your ears as you’re wearing earrings…something else I didn’t catch on to. But when you walked into my office yesterday I realized I’d missed a lot of things that had recently changed about you, but what’s even more important is that I knew that instant that I don’t want to miss a single thing about you ever again.”

  I breathe in deep through my nose at the seriousness of his comments and the way his eyes narrow when he speaks.

  “And that’s why I’m letting you know right now that you are mine. No ifs ands or buts about it. You’re my girl now. And if one of those boys your age, or anyone male or female for that matter, tries to so much as think that they can touch you or even look at you just a little to long then they have to answer to me. And it’s a two way street, just so we’re clear. I’m just as equally yours as you are mine.”

  “I want that,” I say.

  “Good,” he says and I feel his fingers put a light upward pressure on my jaw as I stand up on one foot balancing my other foot on his doctor’s stool as my hand grabs the side of his arm.

  “And I want you,” he says. “All of you and I can’t wait any longer.”

  He moves in closer to me as his head turns and he stops just short.

  I can feel the warmth of his skin and then his breath on mine as his lips part slightly and then mine do the same.

  Just as my eyes close I feel his lips come crashing into mine and I surrender, my body melting forward into his and all those fantasies I’ve had about him suddenly stop being fantasies and become true with one kiss.

  “Doctor December, I almost forgot my kid’s got piano less—oh!”

  His lips come off mine and he snarls at the nurse.

  “He was just testing my balance,” I say.

  “Of course,” the nurse says and she shuts the door.

  “Do you think she saw us?”

  “I don’t care. All I care about is you,” he says.

  “But what about my dad? She knows him.”

  “I know him too. He’s my best friend.”

  “I know and that’s what’s going to make this a lot more complicated.”

  “Hey! Making progress,” my dad says suddenly entering the room. I thought the nurse had closed the door, but apparently not. Either that or she was going to mention my dad was here after she told Declan about her child’s piano lesson. At least that’s what I think she was going to say when she caught our faces glued together.

  My dad freezes and I can see a look on his face like something is a little off between Declan and I. Like we just got caught doing something we shouldn’t but then I see the thought leave his face as he must realize there’s no way in the world that could happen.

  And I would have thought the same just over twenty-four hours ago, but now I know differently.

  Now I know exactly what Declan feels about me and suddenly everything makes sense to me.

  Except how I’m going to break the news to my dad.

  Or even if I’m going to break the news to my dad.

  “I was just telling her how her body is incredible…in its ability to heal,” Declan says, his eyes still on me. Finally he turns back to my dad. “She’s even able to balance just by putting her hand on my arm.”

  “That’s great,” my dad says. “But then again your arm is the size of a small tree trunk. Those forearms would make Popeye jealous.”

  I just smile. If only my dad knew how it makes me feel to have those gigantic forearms in my tiny little hands. How he makes me feel safe and protected.

  But will he be able to protect the both of us when my dad eventually finds out.

  Because if there’s one thing I know about my dad is that he likes to keep an eye on me…a very close eye.

  And apparently Declan does too.

  And Declan’s going to get an eyeful of a lot more of me real soon if I have anythin
g to say about it.

  But the trick will be making sure my dad doesn’t see or hear about it.

  “So,” my dad says as he tries to cut the awkward silence.

  “So,” Declan says. “I’ll see you tomorrow to see how you’re coming along.”

  “Okay,” I say. “Same time.”

  “Same time and place,” he says.

  “I’m working late tomorrow,” my dad says. “So I won’t be able to pick you up.”

  I didn’t even know he was planning on picking me up right now.

  “I’ll drop her off when we’re done.”

  “Are you sure it’s no trouble?”

  “Positive. Plus she’ll be my last patient of the day so it will be as simple as closing up shop and giving her a ride home.”

  “Sure you don’t mind?”

  “Positive,” Declan says.

  “Great. It’s all set then,” my dad says.

  “All set,” I say. But what I’m thinking is that now my first time is all set.

  Tomorrow I give Declan the special gift I’ve been saving my entire life…just for him.



  The next day

  I feel like I’m having déjà vu.

  Like I’m Billy Murray in Groundhog Day.

  I watch the clock waiting for her to walk through the door at any moment.

  But there is one big difference from yesterday. Nurse Nancy asked to leave a half an hour early today…after she saw the schedule.

  Considering I was going to ask her the same thing her pre-emptive request made things a lot less awkward.

  But she hasn’t been awkward about what she saw, or might have seen, yesterday.

  I stare out into the parking lot and even with the reflection from the sun, and the white spots I see from where the sun bounces off the front glass, I make out the woman in white walking my way.

  I immediately stand moving closer to the window to get a better look at her.

  Damn. I thought that red dress yesterday couldn’t be topped, but I was wrong. Today she’s got on an all white dress with a little lace on the bottom, which hits mid-thigh.

  My eyes lock in on her powerful thighs and I remember she played soccer as a kid. But my eyes don’t stop there. They slide down past her feminine knees and across her shins until I noticed the flat white shoes she’s wearing. They look like a cross between some sort of ballet shoe or espadrilles, or whatever they’re called.

  Heck, espadrilles sounds like a Mexican dinner dish served with beans and rice, but who needs food when all I can think about is eating her up…every last bite.

  Or in this case drop.

  I want to taste her so bad. Her sweetness. Her innocence.

  And bathe my mouth with her juices in the knowledge that I’m the first one to do so and equally as important…the last.

  She’s going to be mine and only mine forever. And wait until she sees the surprise I have in store for her.



  The door swings open before I even knock.

  “Were you waiting on me?”

  “Always,” he says as he offers me his hand and lifts my hand as I step inside.

  The office is empty. It’s not eerie, but it is a bit strange. But it has nothing to do with the office.

  It’s the feeling I’ve got in my stomach knowing what’s coming and knowing how badly I want it.

  How I want him to take me right here and now on his examination table.

  How I wore all white to match my purity, which he will soon take.

  The second the door closes behind me he moves in closer placing the tips of his fingers on the side of my face before pushing a locket of hair back behind my ear.

  “Bella is the perfect name for you, because you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “Thank you,” I say as I feel my cheeks get warm.

  “You should be the only one with that name. You’re the only one who deserves it in this whole wide world.”

  “And you’re the only one who deserves what I brought just for you today,” I say, causing a growl to rumble through his throat audibly even though his mouth stays closed as his eyes stay locked on mine.

  “And I’m the only one who will ever have it.”

  “And I’m the only one who will ever have you,” I say as my hand comes up between us and I find his chest causing him to lean in closer as my eyes close just before his lips find mine.

  My fingers dig through the cotton smock before my muscles involuntarily contract causing me to ball up his top…but I’d much rather it be balled up on the floor next to us with his exposed body before me.

  I feel my breath pick up and hear his doing the same as our kisses get hungrier and more frantic just before I feel my feet come off the floor and my body go horizontal as he scoops me up and carries me through the door to his examination room.

  But he doesn’t stop there as we continue through and his back finds a door on the other side of the room and he backs his way through being careful of my head and feet as we move into the next space.

  I feel his grip tighten on the underside of my thigh and my toes make contact with something against the wall when suddenly the lights come on and I realize he used my toe to flip the switch.

  I laugh and he smirks and oh my god I didn’t think this mouth wateringly handsome and masculine man could get any more attractive to me but that’s exactly what he does. I’ve never seen him smirk before and I can’t wait to see it again, but it’s gone just as quickly as it came.

  And I’m wondering if I’m going to come just as quickly. All this excitement and years of anticipation are building to a fever pitch and he hasn’t even been inside me yet. I haven’t even felt his cock slide inside my pristine pussy making me a woman, his woman, for the first time.

  And damn do I want that. But can I hold off the floodgates inside me until he takes me and makes me his own?

  “Oh wow,” I say my as my mind shelves the thought and my eyes focus in on the bed in the room.

  “You did this?”

  “In the middle of the night,” he says.

  “Just for me?”

  “Just for us.”

  Inside the room that I just assumed was some sort of back storage room is a beautiful bed with a wooden headboard and footboard, and a big thick mattress. There’s also a window with a fresh breeze coming in and a view into an open grassy area which leads towards the forest.

  “Wow, I had no idea.”

  “No one does. With all the parking in front and the way the entrance works nobody really sees it back there. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “Incredibly,” I say.

  “But not as beautiful as the young woman I have in my arms. It could never compare to you.”

  I strengthen my grip behind his neck and lift my body closer so our lips can meet.

  A second later I feel my back making contact with the very high thread count sheets as my head falls onto the fluffy pillow.

  It’s like I’m laying on a cloud and I know if he put this much preparation into making this place feel heavenly, than I can only imagine how high my thoughts are going to go when he pleasures me and I do the same for him.

  But I’m already starting to lose all thoughts, because all I can do right now is feel. Feel the love he’s put into this room. Feel the excitement. Feel the anticipation.

  My mind clears only focusing on one thing as he walks back over to the light switch and flips it off.

  The room is dark, but not completely thanks to the window.

  A few seconds later I hear a match strike and I watch as a candle flickers to life, followed by another and then another.

  The vanilla scent is almost as intoxicating as the smell of the forest and the smell of him. For a man who practically bathes in hand sanitizer all day he smells anything but clinical.

  He smells rugged, masculine, and like he’s about to be mine all mine.

; And when he takes me I know the room is going to smell like something else entirely.

  He moves closer to the bed and begins sliding out of his clothes, and I begin to do the same.

  “Wait,” he says. “You’re not going to let me unwrap the gift I’ve waited a lifetime for.”


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