Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 4

by Koko Brown

  “I had some business in the area and heard about your case, figured I’d stop in and see you in action.”

  They talked for a few minutes, reminiscing about old times and friends they hadn’t seen in a while. After promising to meet for lunch one day soon, they went their separate ways. Since it was almost five o’clock, there were only a few people milling around the courthouse.

  Journey shook out of her suit jacket and draped it through the handles of her briefcase as she strolled through the hallway past another courtroom feeling as if she’d won a million bucks. She’d won her share of cases, but this one was special. Even now her heart ached for the homeless teenager who had died of a drug overdose. Whether the kid was a regular user or not, he was still a victim. If she had her way, every drug dealer alive would be behind bars or six feet under, and she was glad she wasn’t the only one who felt that way. The detectives on the case were relentless. They had followed the trail to two small-time drug dealers and had arrested them months after the kid’s death. It had been a long shot, but her office had been able to successfully prosecute the two men for murder.

  Reflecting on the case, she couldn’t help but think about Laz, who was one of the arresting detectives. His strong testimony weeks ago, as well as his partner’s, had definitely helped the trial. Laz had tracked the two criminals like a man possessed, claiming there was no way they could let them walk after a young man had lost his life so senselessly. Journey knew his passion for justice in this case had more to do with his past loss.

  “So, you won another case. I guess you’re feeling proud of yourself.”

  And there went her good mood.

  Journey kept walking hoping her nemesis would disappear into a big black hole, but Gabe fell in step with her. She stopped and moved off to the side of the hallway.

  “What do you want? Because I’m sure you’re not here to congratulate me on my win.” She adjusted the shoulder strap and moved her bulky bag in front of her. Gabe was a little too close, but she refused to back away. With his height and build he might’ve been able to intimidate some of the people in the office and witnesses on the stand, but he didn’t scare her.

  They had crossed paths in the office, but hadn’t had words since their encounter at the police station over a week ago, and she’d planned to keep it that way.

  “Yeah, congratulations,” he said flatly.

  “You know what, Gabe, I don’t have time for your pettiness right now. I have some celebrating to do.” She actually planned to head back to her office and get some work done before leaving for the day. With Monday off, she looked forward to the three-day weekend. Vegging out in front of the television and binge watching some legal thrillers, with wine and junk food being a part of her celebration.

  Journey turned toward the stairs that would take her to their offices, but Gabe grabbed her arm, his hand firm with his keys digging into her skin.

  “Ow,” she flinched, stunned by his aggressiveness. “You’re hurting me. Let go.” When he tightened his hold, panic raced down her spine.

  “I didn’t like you when you first started in the DA’s office, and I like you even less now.”

  “I suggest you release me or—”

  “Or what? You’ll call your boyfriend?” The menacing tone in his voice and the wicked leer in his eyes, sent chills through her body. “I don’t give a damn that you’re sleeping with the cop, and I don’t care that you’ve got the boss thinking that you’re Ms. Perfect. You just need to know that I will destroy you if you get in my way of getting what I want.”

  Her initial shock now turned into anger. “Let. Me. Go,” she ground out, wincing in pain as she twisted again in his grasp. “I said, let me go!” She lifted her knee toward his groin and just before making contact, Gabe blocked her movement with his free hand. His grip slacked enough for her to get out of his hold, but he didn’t back away.

  “You better be careful. You’re starting to act more and more like your man. If you keep hanging around with scum, you’re going to lose everything you’ve worked for.”

  Breathing hard, she rubbed her arm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I bet you’d like it if I failed wouldn’t you? Since you can’t become lead prosecutor on your own merit, you’d be next in line if I fall from grace.”

  “Now you listen here. I—”

  “No you listen,” she hissed, so mad she felt like slapping him. Instead she jabbed his chest with her finger, ignoring the attention they had attracted.

  “Don’t you ever step to me the way you just did. And if you put your hands on me again, you’ll be the one needing a lawyer. Keep harassing me and the restraining order that I’m thinking about getting against you will be the least of your problems. Now stay the hell away from me.”

  Journey walked away on shaky legs, but with her head held high. No way would she allow him to see how much the encounter had shaken her. She had threatened him with a restraining order, but now that he’d gotten physical, she might have to see the threat through.

  A short while later, Journey stormed past Casey, her assistant, and headed for her office still in shock at Gabe’s behavior. She’d had just about enough of him and was thinking more and more about filing harassment charges. But she didn’t want to come across as a cry baby, screaming harassment so soon after being appointed Assistant District Attorney.

  No, there had to be something else she could do.

  “Can I talk to you?” Casey asked as she followed closely behind Journey.

  “Not now, Casey,” Journey responded harsher than intended, but didn’t stop to apologize. She marched into her office and slammed the door behind her. Dropping her bag into one of the guest chairs, she paced the length of the room, her heels silent against the cheap carpet, her pulse pounding loudly in her ear. She should be celebrating a win, instead she was trying to calm her frayed nerves and figure out what to do about Gabe.

  She glanced down at her arm where he had grabbed her. Even with her dark skin, the area was red and a key imprint stood out like florescent pink against a brown backdrop.

  “He’s going to regret putting his hands on me,” she ground out and went back to pacing. Her heart was still pounding a staccato rhythm when someone knocked on her door before it flew open.

  “Journey, I’m sorry, he just barged passed me saying he needed to see you about a search warrant,” Casey said after Laz walked in as if he had a right to do so. Casey’s eyes shot daggers at his back, but Laz didn’t seem to care. His piercing eyes bore into Journey like scorching rays from the sun, pinning her in place as warmth spread through her body.

  Occasionally, his penetrating gaze made her antsy, but not today. Today butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach at the sight of him. She hadn’t seen Laz in well over a week, and she’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was happy to see him now.

  Wait. He shouldn’t be here.

  Casey cleared her throat and Journey’s gaze shot to her assistant whose raised brow was loaded with questions.

  “It’s all right, Casey. I can take it from here.”

  She hesitated, but eventually closed the door. Without diverting his attention from her, Laz back up to the door and turned the lock.

  “Laz, what are you doing here?” she asked quietly. Her office wasn’t sound proof, but it still offered somewhat of a buffer to those nearby. More than that, the DA’s office is the last place he should be.

  “What’s with the attitude? Bad day?” He watched her. The intensity in his stare dug deep into her soul as if he was trying to read her.

  Journey turned to the tall bookshelf that held volumes of her law books, framed certificates and awards. She had worked hard to get where she was today, but the items on display did nothing to soothe her frustration. “The day started out great. I won th—”

  “The McNealy case,” Laz finished. She glanced over her shoulder and the corner of his lips lifted slightly before he said, “Congratulations. I had no doubt you could win.”

  “You were there?”

  “I was at the courthouse for another trial.”

  “Oh.” She turned back to the bookshelf and rubbed her neck. The argument with Gabe returning to the forefront of her mind. She knew going into law that she would have to overcome challenges. Dealing with a few arrogant male attorneys over the years, who tried to make her feel inferior, happened more often than not. Yet, the situation with Gabe had her stumped. What was his problem? Journey could speculate, but…

  Laz touched her hand and she startled, jerking away from his touch. He had moved from across the room without her realizing it.

  He narrowed his eyes at her before reaching for her hand again. His touch was gentle, but something was off about him today. Journey couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but he seemed edgier than usual. His face revealed nothing though.

  “Tell me what’s going on with you and that asshole, Hall.”


  Journey’s eyebrows lifted in shock. “You saw what happened?” she asked just above a whisper.

  “Yeah,” Laz said absently, examining her arm. He had almost lost his shit when he saw Gabe grab her. The pained expression on her face had been like a knife piercing his heart. The only thing that stopped him from going to her aid was that she had gotten the situation under control with a move that had surprised him. Besides that, he knew if he had approached them, he’d be in jail for assault.

  Still looking at her arm, Laz froze. “That bastard grabbed you hard enough to leave a bruise?” He tried bridling the rage in his voice, but even he recognized the hardness in his tone. His anger spiked when he touched the darkened area and she flinched.

  Gabriel Hall had just earned himself an ass whoopin’.

  “It’s fine, Laz.” Journey eased her arm out of his grasp. “I bruise easily, and I can handle Gabe.”

  “You shouldn’t have to handle him, Journey. He shouldn’t have had his fucking hands on you!”

  “Laz, I’m not helpless. I handled the situation and it’s done. So drop it! And why are you so upset?”

  “Dammit, Journey! That fuc—” He stopped himself, trying to rein in the rage hurling through his body. “I don’t want any man’s hands on you!”

  Her mouth dropped open at his fierce revelation. The admission surprised even him, but he meant it.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me not to snatch him up and strangle his ass? It’s bad enough to know that men are putting their hands on women to inflict harm, but when that woman is you…” he choked out, emotion clogging his throat. Closing his eyes, he scrubbed his hands down his face. He didn’t bother finishing. He had already said too much.

  Laz didn’t want to admit that over the years she had somehow earned a spot in his heart. He didn’t know when it happened, but he could no longer deny his feelings, at least not to himself. That didn’t mean he had any intention of acting on those feelings. Then again, he was powerless to stay away from her.

  A part of Journey wanted Laz to finish what he was saying, but the other part of her was glad he hadn’t. They couldn’t pursue a relationship. Yet, when he spoke like that, with so much potency, that’s exactly what she wanted. But the two of them together wouldn’t be a good idea. She knew it and he knew it. They didn’t fit. He was a rule breaker, toeing the line of justice while her moral compass kept her on a straight and narrow path. But knowing those things didn’t negate the fact that she wanted him more than she had ever wanted another man in her life.

  Her heart rate amped up at the thought. Could she take a chance, ignore all common sense and lure this sexy, virile man into her bed? She had always enjoyed sex, especially when it was good. And she had a feeling that she and Laz would be better than just good together.

  “Don’t look at me like that, Journey.”

  “Like wh-what?” She wiped her sweaty palms down the sides of her dark skirt as Laz approached her, his steps measured. She stood perfectly still while he zoned in on her mouth as if he wanted to kiss her. Or maybe that was wishful thinking on her part since she would love to kiss him again. Instead, she’d had to rely on memories of their last one, as well as the steamy dreams she’d been having about him lately. The ones that had her waking up every morning sexually frustrated.

  Laz stopped in front of her. Staring in that way he did so often with those seductive eyes of his. Instead of kissing her like she wanted, he cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb lightly over her skin, sending goosebumps up her arm, and lust rushing through her body. He could be so sweet and gentle at times.

  “I don’t like it when anyone hurts you.”

  Again, the possessiveness in his tone, like moments ago, spoke volumes. But what was she supposed to say to that?

  Seconds ticked by with them staring into each other’s eyes, but then his mouth covered hers, his kiss hungry and demanding. His strong arm went around her waist, drawing her closer to his muscular body and an electrical charge shot to the soles of her feet. Their tongues tangled and heat spread through her veins like a ferocious fire.

  Journey had never felt so out of control, not even with Tony, but that’s how it was with Laz lately. The delicious assault of his mouth against hers made her feel so desired. Like he craved her as much as she longed for him. And this kiss… This was more than a kiss. He was claiming her, but that couldn’t be right. He knew they couldn’t be together. Didn’t he?

  How was she supposed to keep a level head when he kissed like he invented the act? And being wrapped in his arms had her body melting against him. It was a good thing he held her close because his kiss was syphoning all of her strength and she could barely stand.

  Laz backed her to the wall, pulling the tail of her blouse out of her skirt. Without missing a beat, he quickly unbuttoned the garment and his warm hand slid up her torso. Journey whimpered when he ran his thumb over the lace of her bra. Her nipples pebbling from his scorching touch, and her breasts begged to be free.

  “La-Laz,” she breathed, her eyes closed and the back of her head brushed back and forth against the wall when he buried his face against the crook of her neck. Kissing. Nipping. Licking her heated skin. His hands moved slowly down her body, and she tingled everywhere his lips and fingers touched.

  He unfastened the front clasped of her bra with a flick of his wrist, and her breasts spilled out into his palms.

  “Journey,” he murmured against her lips, his voice husky and filled with pent up need as he caressed her. He pulled back slightly and glanced down at her. “Damn, you’re even more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Waves of pleasure rocked through Journey while he admired her body. Her panties were already wet and she was more than ready as he salivated at her breasts as if they were chocolate covered strawberries. When his mouth returned to hers, she moaned at the way he palmed her mounds, squeezing and teasing her sensitive peaks.

  Journey’s hands went to his hair, her fingers fisting the silky strands as she held on while she succumbed to the forceful domination of his lips. He moaned and ripped his mouth from hers, mumbling something in a language she didn’t recognize. Was that Greek? She wasn’t sure but before she could form her next thought, he took one of her nipples into his mouth.

  Her skin prickled with the heat from his lips and her knees went weak. Laz slid an arm to her waist as he continued the sweet torture, cupping one of her breasts in his large hand. His tongue, teasing, licking, and swirling around her nipple. A moan of ecstasy slipped from her lips.

  She couldn’t breathe.

  She couldn’t think straight.

  And she wanted him like a thirsty woman wanted a cold glass of water.

  Laz went lower, trailing feathery kisses down the center of her breasts, and continued south, lingering around her navel.

  This man… Lord, this man. She wanted this. She wanted him. But one of them had to be smart. One of them had to keep their relationship professional. When he cupped and squeezed her breasts again, she groaned and knew she couldn’t
be the smart one.

  As soon as the thought crossed her mind, his phone vibrated.

  No! No! No!

  Laz didn’t stop, but disappointment slammed into Journey when the device vibrated again. The humming filled the quietness of the office, effectively bringing them back to reality.

  “Shit!” The word flew from his mouth in a hoarse whisper and then he growled. Now on his knees in front of her, he dropped his forehead against her belly.

  Journey wasn’t sure if he was cursing because of the interruption or because they had gone further than they should. Had his phone not vibrated, there was no telling what they would’ve done in her office. And knowing she had no intention of stopping him, Journey questioned her sanity.

  She stared at the ceiling, her head against the wall while her breathing slowly returned to normal. Laz still had his head on her belly and her fingers sifted slowly through his thick hair, a calm settling over her. He didn’t bother checking his phone and they stayed that way for the longest until he stood to his full height.

  Eyes shuddered and his hands on her waist, his gaze took in her nudity. He didn’t speak as seconds ticked by, but his touch against her bare torso sent tingles racing across her skin. Maybe she should’ve been embarrassed still standing before him with her clothes hanging off. She couldn’t explain it, but she felt totally comfortable in front of him.

  Even so, she fastened her bra and started to pull her blouse closed before Laz stopped her with his hand on her wrist. He then surprised the heck out of her when he started rebuttoning her blouse. There was a certain intimacy that went along with the gesture that made her heart melt a little bit.

  “I owe you an apology.” He cupped her face between his large hands and kissed her sweetly. Considering how gruff he usually was, his tenderness with her was palpable. “I—I lost control.”

  “Maybe, but I’m glad you did.”


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