Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 78

by Koko Brown

  “I’m putting the cottage up for sale. I already have a buyer in mind. It means I can buy something that’s a bit more decent in London.”

  Alan gazed at him for a brief moment. “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem…not yourself.”

  Xiu took another sip of his coffee. “I’m not. It’s still not making a lot of sense that someone I worked under for so long had us all fooled.”

  And someone I knew, thought I knew, not only fooled me, but left me.

  “It’s going to take some time. Listen, I know a really good therapist. She works a lot with people in high-pressured situations.”

  Xiu groaned. “I don’t need a therapist, Alan, I need a fucking holiday. And I won’t get one until we’ve finished this stupid operation.”

  “I think the Met still operates within the laws of this land, and you need a fucking holiday. And a therapist. Tell your Super. He’ll understand. You’ll be able to come back to the operation fresh. Once you’ve properly grieved for what’s happened.”

  “Maybe,” he said softly. “Sorry, Alan, hold on.” He sighed heavily as his phone rang with the insistence that warned him Shannon was on the warpath.

  “Oi,” she demanded as soon as he answered. “We’ve come up with some more stuff, but some of it is in Mandarin, so… Where are you?”

  “I’m on my way. Just…”


  “Don’t rush with it. I need to request some leave.”

  She cheered. “At bloody last! We’ve been taking bets as to when you’ll throw in the towel and get on the first flight to Lanzarote.”

  He laughed. “Maybe somewhere a little more sophisticated. Are you coming with me?”

  Shannon started. “Oh. Oh. Really? I thought you’d want to get away from anything related to this case.”

  “You don’t quite count,” he said slowly, realising how true it happened to be. “What do you say?”

  “Um,” she said with a giggle. “Why not?”

  “I’ll put in the request, and I’ll meet you at the station in about half an hour?”

  “Perfect. See you in a bit.”

  “’Bye, Shannon.”

  Alan’s cheeks were rosy and his smile cheeky. “Look at you, making plans…”

  “Shut up.” Xiu tucked his phone into his pocket. “I’m just doing what you suggested.”

  “Huh,” Alan snorted. “I should fucking charge.”


  “So, you’ll see the grounds are pretty vast and the stables are to the right of the tennis courts.”

  The headmistress, who had decided to personally show them around the school, waved an arm in the direction of each. “I know it seems a lot for girls of such a young age, but we want to give them a huge advantage before they start secondary school, which is on the other side of the plot. Again, all girls. We have onsite counsellors, who can work with Saoirse’s existing therapist. But she’s an incredible young girl. I think she’ll more than flourish here.”

  “Thank you,” Lonán said, his cheeks reddening slightly at the compliment. Atarah squeezed his arm in pride.

  “Is she happy?”

  Atarah nodded to where Saoirse skipped through the football field, today empty of any girls rushing in competitive rage to bring glory for their team. “She’s pretty happy right now.”

  “And we really do encourage parents to be as involved in every aspect of education. Depending on your schedule we can be flexible with parents’ evenings…”

  Lonán interrupted, “No, we both have flexible working hours.”

  “What is it you do?” the headmistress asked.

  “Translation,” Lonán answered.

  Atarah gave a shrug. “I’m just focused right now on making sure Saoirse is settled and happy. So, like we said, flexible.”

  The headmistress nodded. “That’s great. Really good to hear. I’ll let you talk and if you want to meet me in my office, just follow the flower path back to the main building.”

  With a small bow, she left them to talk excitedly over one another. “It’s amazing, she has to go here!”

  “I know,” Lonán said with a laugh. “It’s like a holiday camp with a side of school. She won’t want to come home!”

  Atarah rested her arms on his shoulders. “She’ll come home. They won’t make cake like I do.”

  He touched his forehead to hers. “Of course. But you’ve got serious competition. And judgment.”

  Atarah laughed. “I know what you mean. That ‘really good to hear’ when I said I’m focused on Saoirse.”

  Lonán made a face. “Well, she’s got a point. You’re getting bored at home.”

  She sneaked a kiss, then another slower one, just to make her point. “That’s not very complimentary.”

  “That’s not what I mean,” he groaned. “I love having you with me, but you’ve given up a lot for me.”

  “Not for you, don’t be so big-headed!” she chided, slapping his arm. “For me. I couldn’t carry on and work so far away from you two. I’ll figure something out. Maybe a hotel nearby, or get into sales, or just translate with you. Anything. Something that isn’t mired in the horror of what I used to do.”

  Lonán nodded, glancing in Saoirse’s direction. “I get it. We’ll figure it out.”

  She pulled him tightly to her, closing her eyes and exhaling deeply. “Yeah. We will.”



  Ah, poor Billy. The only girl between two boys who each have nearly a foot on her. Didn’t stop her from starting physical fights with them. She still thinks she can take them. So while she used to hide away in her wardrobe to read a book or four, she started to question why the heroines in those books would just lie there and take it. No, not just sex, but downright James-Bond-backhand-slapping, do-as-you’re-told-woman, inappropriate lie there and take it. She couldn’t understand it. These women were just playing that mental woman from Coming to America, Miss “Whatever You Like” who barked like a dog and hopped on one foot. Billy didn’t want to do that. Definitely not because one empty-headed fool with different anatomy told her to. So she started to create characters and worlds where the women could own their sexuality, their intelligence, their right to turn around and say “jog on, mate” without apology.

  The small problem was that other people wanted to read what she was had written. “Er...why?” didn’t cut it as an answer. After years of prodding and pleading and come on and for goodness’ sake, what’s the point otherwise, she closed her eyes and pressed “submit.” Actually, she had Prosecco, limoncello and white wine, then pressed “submit.” Who would have thought people would actually enjoy reading about the crazy characters who live in her head? But they have done, and Billy feels rather proud of that connection with her fellow man.

  Billy lives in London with the most patient family in the world and doesn’t forget for a minute how lucky she is. Well, she wouldn’t mind a BBC adaptation of one of her novels... Ooh, with Richard Armitage!

  Contact Author:


  [email protected]


  Find More Billy London Titles On Amazon

  Italian Knights Series


  On Caristo’s Watch

  A Life Sublime

  The Claim

  Best Laid Plans

  Verde Bianco Rosso

  Murano (coming soon)


  Said the Demon to Little Miss Eva

  Angel’s Baby (sequel to Said the Demon)

  Addicted To Witch

  Nights of Roshan

  Playing Dead

  Put Out the Zombie


  Shibah’s Monster

  The Song of Dairaku (coming soon)


  @Last (New Adult)

  An Art To It (New Adult)

  Sympathy for the Devil (New Adult)r />
  An Old Cake Tale

  Army of You and Me

  Coming Around Again

  Kissing the Canvas

  Sweet Child of Mine

  The Baby Gift

  Wynne’s Surprise

  Camera’s Gaze (coming soon)

  Flash Fiction

  At Midnight

  By The Light Of The Moon

  Christmas Connection

  On Set Vintage Pleasures

  Starting Over


  Fairytales of Christmas

  Season of Love, Vol One

  Season of Love, Vol Two



  Debt Collector’s Due

  He’ll collect what he’s owed at any cost…

  I’ve been beaten, stabbed, shot, and nearly buried alive as I worked my way up the ladder from underling to made man. My only regret in the twenty some year journey is leaving the woman I love behind. Athena Douglas was the boss’s daughter. Charged with her care, I knew better than to get involved but I couldn’t say no to her pouty lips, and big brown eyes. I nearly lost my life over her. For years an ocean has separated us. Now her father is calling in one final favor, save his daughter. How can I say no?



  Ifan Redd walked into the office like a zombie. His tan skin had a pasty undertone, and his blue eyes were wide and dilated. Alfie Bowring narrowed his gaze and searched for further signs of drug use or intoxication. It was just after lunch time, but his mate could hold his liquor like a champ. It’d take more than a few pints at the pub to make him behave so strangely.

  “Whas amatta, If? We got a problem with one of the boys collections?” He’d been legit for the past five years with his debt collecting company. They took care of the shite other people couldn’t or didn’t want to. It was a good life. One that allowed him to use his past reputation for more than death and destruction.

  “A phone call just came in. There’s a man on hold for you.”

  “Alright. Who is it, then?” Alfie asked.

  “That’s the thing, mate. It’s Porter Douglas.”

  Rage exploded inside him like an atomic bomb, mushrooming up and consuming every inch of him in his wake. His body shook. He balled his fists to keep from destroying everything on his desk. He ground his teeth and cracked the bones in his neck.

  “Patch him through, and give me the room,” he said quietly. There a things a man has to do alone.

  “Are you sure?” Ifan says as he hesitates in the doorway.

  My chest heaves and my breath quickens. The blood in my veins feels more like lava as heat rises up inside me. Porte Douglas has been back in my life for less than a minute, and Ifan is already treating me like I’m going to have a breakdown. “Do I need to tell you twice?”

  Ifan slips out of the room, and my phone lights up.

  I’ve thought of this moment for years. What I’d say if I ever got the chance. Now I’m struck mute and dumb as my mind goes blank. I grip the phone so hard the plastic protests with a creak. Hours in the gym have made me a formidable man. I have to keep in shape and stay one step ahead of the crooks I’m after. If you showed any weakness in this business, they’ll exploit it, and hollow you out like a pumpkin.

  I bow my head and take a few deep breaths, steadying my nerves as I regain my composure. The man in control was the one who holds power. I’ve proved myself and built my own empire. I’m worthy of the same respect Porter demands. The thought cools my blood lust. In the end, Porter conceded to me. Amused by the thought, I pick up the receiver.

  “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t hang up this phone on you old man.”

  “Athena needs you.”

  The name is a sledgehammer to the sternum. Images of large milk chocolate colored eyes fringed with dark lashes, shimmering with tears, and filled with pain flickered in my mind.

  “You don’t even deserve to speak her name to me.”

  “Perhaps not. But you’re listening to me now, aren’t you?”

  Shrewd. “Speak.”

  “My time is over. A man can only hold the top position for so long. I accepted this when I began. My number’s finally getting called in, and I choose to go down with the ship. She can’t be here when that happens. I know the drill. They’ll come in, clean house and convert the ones they think will be loyal. The sheep. I can’t take my last breathe knowing my daughter’s about to be another man’s slave. She’d be nothing more than a toy to be ridiculed and abused. We both know she deserves better than that.”

  “She always has,” I spat. I’m not moved by the old man’s sudden change of heart. This is his swan song. He means to assuage his guilt before he leaves this world. It’d take a hell of a lot more than this last ditch effort to keep her safe to do that. He treated her more like a possession than a child. It always rubbed me the wrong way. If I had a child, they’d know they were my world.

  “Yes. You’re right.”

  “Look I’m not buying what you’re trying to sell here—

  “I can see all the mistakes I’ve made now. Don’t make her suffer for what I did.”

  “Uh huh. You’re telling me this looking for what mate? Forgiveness?” I snort. “I’ve none to give you.”

  “I didn’t expect you to. This is about Athena.”

  I close my eyes and rub my right temple to ease the ache beginning to set in. “And you think she’ll leave everything she’s built behind, why? We both know she’s stubborn as a mule.”

  “I’m not giving her a choice. I’ll send the information that tells you when and where she’ll arrive and how she can retrieve her money. Make sure you’re ready for that. She can’t ever come back, Bowring. If she does, she’ll be a pawn. A symbol of the old god that fell. They’ll break her and parade her living carcass around.”

  I don’t respond. He’s right about this. “What do you want me to do? Hold her prisoner? Make a new cage for her to live in?”

  “No, create her a new life so good she won’t miss the old one.”

  “This is a mess you made. You leave it at my feet and expect me to clean it up?” I snarl.

  “Was your love for Athena so fleeting?”

  The words piss me off further. “You don’t get to feign concern now. Too little too late.”

  He continues, ignoring my barbs. The move drive home the seriousness of the situation. He always had to have the last word and prove his dick was bigger. This isn’t a ruse or paranoia. He’s certain about this takeover. I sit up straighter in my chair. Athena is in real danger. “Do you understand what it means if you agree to this. She’ll be your responsibility going forward. Yours to care for.”

  “You’re a right fecking git. Ya know I won’t deny her this.”

  He chuckles. “I did. I’ll be in touch.”

  The dial tone in my ear signals the end of our conversation. I slam the phone down and run my hand over my face.

  Ten Years Earlier

  I unlock the door and slip into the front door of the three-bedroom high-rise apartment. I quickly enter the security code and get a beep of confirmation before I re-arm it. The smell of roses that permeates the air and the homey setting flip a switch inside me. I’m home and free to be myself. I allow my guard to lower, relax my muscles, and soak in the gentile atmosphere that’s become a refuge. My life is complicated, stressful, and bloody. A man needs an outlet.

  I distance myself from the interrogation I’d completed hours ago. I place the persona most fear aside and let the one rarely seen come to the forefront. Compartmentalizing is the only way to remain sane with all the blood I have on my hands. Shrugging off my jacket, I wince slightly as my muscles protest. Heavy from the punishing blows I’d rained down, they’re screaming at me now. Along with my red, inflamed knuckles. I bend down, and slowly unlaced my boots. I step out of them and leave them beside the coat stand where I hang my jacket.

  I roll my shoulders and navigate the home in the dark.
I know every piece of furniture in my path. I pause in the doorway to admire the sight of the woman who holds my heart. Asleep her oval-shaped face is a work of art. From her full parted lips to her high cheek bones, long slender nose, and the thick coal black hair, she'd braided. She’s breath-taking. Her sienna-colored skin glows with health, and the goodness she houses inside her. A port in the storm, she keeps my head from growing overcrowded, and my heart from turning cold and black.

  I’d seen that happen to men like him who have nothing else to keep them from crossing over the edge. Our relationship sprung from nowhere. I worked for her father since she was twenty, watched her blossom, and kept her safe. Then she turned twenty-three, and the chemistry between us ignited. I tried and failed miserably to stay away from her before I gave in to the powerful pull.

  Padding over the cherry wood floor I move to the bed. Perched beside her, I run my sensitive knuckles over her soft cheek, ignoring the smarting. The pain the gesture caused is worth the reward.

  She mumbles in her sleep.


  "Better be."

  A smile curves the corners of her lip up. Her eyelids flutter as she fight against sleep. "Are you really here? Or is this another dream?"

  "I’m here, Princess." It's been weeks since we’ve been able to be together like this.

  "Mmmm. I missed you." She leans into my touch, and my heart skips a beat. I can kill a man without batting an eyelash, yet this woman makes me tremble like a child frightened of a thunderstorm. She strips me to my barest form and pulls things out I thought were long gone.

  "I missed you too," I reply honestly.

  She opens her eyes and gasped. "Alfie. Are you hurt?"

  "No." I shake my head. This is nothing I haven’t dealt with before. "Just need you." I bend down and captured her lips, ready to drown in everything she represented.

  In a world of violence, power plays, and pain, she’s my heaven. Athena Douglas is a personal nirvana I’d kill to protect. A clean, pure, soft thing to bury myself in. She sees the man beneath the monster. I cup her face and sample the sweetness of her mouth. She moves her head to the left and right, seeking a better angle as I lay my upper body on hers and she winds her slender arms around me. Chest to chest, we reacquaint ourselves in an unhurried tangle of lips, tongues, and teeth.


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