Knight of Her Life

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Knight of Her Life Page 18

by Marisa Chenery

  Nicholas bowed submissively. “Aye, you did, my lord, but what I have to say will affect you greatly.” He lifted his head and found the earl intently staring at him. “I have information in regard to your daughter and her husband.”

  The earl straightened, then motioned for Nicholas to follow. After leaving the hall, he pulled Nicholas into a dark corner outside in the bailey. A full moon high above provided limited illumination.

  “Speak, minstrel, and if you are wasting my time, you will pay for disturbing me.”

  He adamantly shook his head. “Nay, my lord. I would never trifle with you.”

  “Then get on with it, man. My patience grows thin.”

  “Your daughter’s husband, the Earl of Somerset, has died.” Even with the small amount of light, Nicholas was able to see the earl flinch.

  “When did this happen?”

  “A month ago, my lord.” Nicholas relaxed. It was quite obvious, judging by the earl’s reaction, he had not known that.

  The earl narrowed his eyes and questioned him. “How much do you know of my relationship with Forwin? I have the feeling you were closely acquainted with the man.”

  Nicholas let a knowing smile play upon his lips. “I know all, my lord, and other things you were never privy to.”

  When he did not continue, the earl snorted. “You will be rewarded.” As he backed Nicholas farther into the corner, Nicholas couldn’t hide the flash of fear he knew must have crossed his face. The earl calmly said, “Tell me all. Do not leave out anything. If you decide to ever come back once I am done with you to seek more coin for what you know, it will only end with you being one of my guests. In my dungeon.”

  The earl was shrewd, indeed. That thought had passed Nicholas’ mind more than once before meeting him. Being in his presence, Nicholas knew he would be risking his very life if he tried such a thing. “I will tell you all, my lord. I was wronged just as you were. To see you exact retribution on those who cheated you will please me to no end.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Even though they felt time was of the essence, Terric was ever mindful of his small son in their midst. Whenever Jordan cried, needing to be fed or have his bottom changed, he would find an appropriate place to stop.

  At night both pavilions were set up, allowing Jacqueline and Terric a modicum of privacy. A place away from Beth and Edwin. The only other person who shared their pavilion was Jordan.

  Their first night on the road, Beth took Jordan to stay with her and Edwin, giving Jacqueline and Terric the much needed time to get reacquainted, for which Jacqueline was very thankful.

  That night Jacqueline felt as if everything would be all right in the world again. Being in Terric’s arms did that for her. After such a long separation, and almost losing each other, consummating their marriage was all the sweeter for it. The bonds they had made in the past were reaffirmed.

  Falling into each other’s arms once alone, their lips met with burning need. That first time would be quick and desperate. Later, after they staunched their driving hunger, there would be time for a long, gentle loving.

  Terric molded Jacqueline’s soft curves to his body and rocked his erection against her. He pulled at Jacqueline’s clothes and quickly peeled them off her body. Once she was naked before him, he stepped back and shucked his own.

  Jacqueline skimmed Terric’s body with her gaze. Finding his cock fully engorged and standing erect, she trailed her fingers down the length of him. His shaft jumped beneath her fingertips, causing her body to ache and weep with desire.

  Terric took her hand off him, and said with a growl, “Enough. You do much more of that and this will end before we have even started.”

  He wrapped Jacqueline in his arms once more, kissing passionately. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and entwined it with his. He lowered her to the ground. Following her down, he ran his hands along her back until he cupped her bottom. He rubbed his cock against her. The wetness that pooled at her opening coated the very tip of him. He moaned.

  Terric nudged Jacqueline’s legs farther apart with his hips, then surged into her wet core. She groaned and clutched his back. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he thrust into her. He was not gentle, but she did not want gentleness right now. She wanted him hot and hard inside her. Matching his pounding thrusts, her body clutched his hard cock as her climax washed through her. She moaned as he soon followed, filling her with his seed.

  Lying in his arms, curled against his naked body, Jacqueline felt that if she were to die at that very moment, she would die a happy woman. Not that she intended to do any such thing.

  She propped herself up on one elbow and looked at her husband. Terric’s eyes were closed, but she knew he was not asleep. Without opening them, he smiled, then asked, “Are you going to stare at me like that all night?”

  “I would not find it a hardship. Just the opposite to be exact.”

  Terric opened his eyes and reached up to gently tuck her hair behind her ear. During the months of being apart, it had grown back. It was not as long as it once was, but it hung passed her shoulders. “Have I told you how much I love you, Jacqueline?”

  She leaned down and kissed him on the chin, the stubble from the new growth of beard rubbed her lips. “Oh, just a few hundred times.”

  “Good. I do not want a day to go by that I do not tell you.” As a smile faded from her lips, Terric pulled her back down to his chest, holding her close. “What is bothering you?”

  “I hope I have not brought you into something you will regret later. Or get you hurt.”

  Terric held her tighter and shook his head. “Do not say that. Do not even think it. You have made me a very happy man being my wife. These past few months have been a living hell, not having you by my side. I never want to go through that again.”

  “Nor would I.”

  She had to try to get some sleep before Jordan woke up wanting to be nursed. Jacqueline let her eyes drift closed. On the morrow, they would continue their journey to Nunney. Once they reached the castle, she could lay her fears to rest.

  * * * *

  The days it took to travel to Nunney passed pleasantly. The weather held, and there was no rain to dampen their spirits. Having to contend with wet and mud would have made the trip extremely trying.

  For their small group, the days on the road were euphoric. There were no pressing matters to deal with. No intrigues affecting their lives. Those were forgotten, at least for the time being. An old bond was re-established while a new one formed.

  Each evening Terric and Jacqueline retired to one pavilion with their son, leaving Beth and Edwin to share the other. The first night had been uncomfortable for them. Beth trusted Edwin to act appropriately, but she still was a trifle uneasy sharing the pavilion alone with him. She was just not ready to face the emotions she felt while in his presence. Even though William’s passing was over a year gone, she could not let go of him. She had a feeling she might never be ready. So the emotions Edwin engendered made her feel as if she betrayed William.

  She tried to distance herself from Edwin. He immediately noticed the change. Therefore, knowing she would want more privacy, he had took to hanging a dividing sheet from one of the spokes on the pavilion roof supports, essentially creating a separate room for Beth to sleep in. The gesture was not lost on her.

  With that one small kindness, Beth relaxed around Edwin. The second night she started the ritual of having a goblet of wine with him before retiring to her part of the pavilion. While they drank, they talked about a lot of things.

  Edwin spoke of his childhood on the streets of London. How his mother had been a whore, and he had no idea who his father was. What affected Beth the most was hearing how his mother had abandoned him to the streets at the tender age of five. It made her heart break for the small, lost boy Edwin had been. Beth talked of her growing up with her three older brothers. How she had each one of them wrapped around her finger.

  After this night, their final
night on the road, their lives would return to normal. So they relaxed and enjoyed the last evening. The wine flowed a little more than previous nights. Barriers were weakened. When it came time to bid each other a good night, Edwin leaned toward her and kissed her. She allowed him that kiss, all too briefly, then jerked away.

  “I am sorry, Beth,” he quickly apologized. “I should not have done that.”

  Beth placed her palm along his cheek and gently caressed it. “If our situations were different…”

  He stiffened. “Is it because of my lowly birth?”

  “Nay, nay! Nay, that is not what I meant. It is all to do with me. I am starting to have feelings for you, but I feel as though I am doing something wrong. As if I am making less of William’s memory.”

  “I understand. I will not push, but I want you to know one thing. If ever you need me, I am here for you.”

  His words caused her much relief. Alienating Edwin was the last thing she wanted. She valued his friendship. “Thank you, Edwin. I am here for you as well.” After brushing a kiss across his cheek, she stepped into her sectioned-off sleeping area, alone.

  * * * *

  Jacqueline took a deep breath and filled her lungs with the spring air. She loved that time of year. Seeing all the trees sprouting new green growth after the winter months of dullness lifted her spirits. The air was laced with the smell of fresh vegetation.

  Jordan squirmed against her, and she rubbed his small back to settle him. She smiled at her son. He was strapped to her chest with a blanket that she had made into a sling, then securely tied around herself. Since it was such a nice day, and they were not too far from Nunney, she had decided to ride on horseback for the last leg of their journey. It was a more comfortable way to travel than being bounced around in the baggage cart.

  Terric had not been too pleased with her decision, but in the end, he relented. He had to know she was nearly at her wit’s end tolerating the jostling in the cart. He had not been able to ignore the pleading look in her eyes.

  Beth rode next to Jacqueline while Edwin and Terric rode in front. Two men-at-arms drove the cart at the rear.

  As they approached the outskirts of Nunney village, a large party of men on horseback charged from the wooded area that ran parallel with the road they traveled. The men reached the slower-moving cart first. Realizing how much danger they were in when the armed men cut down the men-at-arms, Terric moved into action. He yanked violently on his mount’s reins. The horse reared as he turned him quickly around. With sword drawn, he rushed to reach Jacqueline and Beth.

  Before he rode past Edwin, he looked at the squire, and bellowed, “Take them! Do not leave their side, no matter what happens. Get them inside the castle.”

  Edwin shouted, “With my life.”

  Jacqueline made no move to follow Edwin and Beth in taking flight. Terric yelled, “Go!”

  To make sure she complied with his order, he used the flat of his sword to slap her horse’s rump. Her mount whinnied before taking off at a gallop. He let loose a battle cry and raced to meet their attackers.

  They were getting closer. The sound of pounding hooves seemed to draw nearer no matter how hard Jacqueline urged her horse to go faster. She looked over her shoulder and found she was not too far off the mark. The two men, who had broken away from the main group to give chase, were definitely gaining on them. She set her heels into her mount’s sides, pushing it for greater speed.

  Edwin and Beth flanked her. They kept glancing behind them. As the gates of Nunney Castle came into view, Edwin let out a whoop. They would make it. There were figures on the walls, running to man the drawbridge. Thundering across the causeway that spanned the moat, they cleared the drawbridge before it was once again raised behind them.

  Once in the bailey, Jacqueline swiftly dismounted and unwound Jordan from the blanket keeping him secured to her. He seemed not at all perturbed with their mad flight.

  Sir Guy ran to meet them. “Is anyone hurt?”

  Jacqueline shook her head. “Nay, but Terric is still out there. You have to send out some men to help him.”

  “We cannot, lass,” he said gravely.

  With each second that passed, the feeling of desperation grew inside her. When Sir Guy refused to send out reinforcements to save Terric, Jacqueline panicked. “What do you mean? We cannot just leave him out there!”

  Sir Guy gave her a sad look. “If we lower that drawbridge again, there will be no stopping them from entering Nunney. I told you before. The castle’s defenses are totally inadequate.”

  She would not, nay, could not, accept that there was nothing they could do to help Terric. She would not abandon him. Not now. After quickly shoving Jordan into Beth’s arms, Jacqueline ran toward the gatehouse where the mechanism for raising and lowering the drawbridge was housed. Before she reached it, a pair of strong arms snagged her around the waist from behind, lifting her off her feet.

  Sir Guy pulled Jacqueline back against his chest and tightly held on to her as she fought to free herself. Once she yelled at him in frustration, he spoke to her sharply. “I will not allow you to put the castle at risk for just one man. Even if that man happens to be your husband.”

  His words penetrated through her frenzied attempts to gain her freedom. Jacqueline ceased her struggles. Sir Guy placed her back onto her feet, but she was not done yet. Her elbow shot back, catching him squarely in his stomach. Groaning, he tried to grab her as she took off at a run once more. He was only able to grab a fistful of her cloak, which he held on to firmly.

  He recovered his breath and turned her around to face him. He held her firmly by each of her arms. “Lass, if you do not desist this behavior, I will have you locked in your chamber.”

  Realizing she was unable to win, she broke down. She could not accept the thought of losing Terric after all they had endured. It seemed that was exactly what she was going to have to do. Tears poured down her cheeks unchecked.

  Sir Guy gently pulled her to his chest, trying to console her. “If it were only the few men who gave you chase, then maybe I would have considered it, but there are a lot more than that. Too many. We are outnumbered. If they were to breach the walls, it would be over before you knew what was happening.”

  Jacqueline jerked her head up. Her cheeks were still wet from the tears she had shed. “What? How can there be so many? The men who first attacked us only numbered in the handful.”

  Sir Guy frowned. “They must have thought capturing you they would gain entry into Nunney more easily. Since that failed, they have resorted to a stronger tactic. There are a very large number of men outside the walls, preparing to lay siege.”

  Jacqueline roughly wiped the tears from her face and said gruffly, “Show me.”

  Sir Guy took her up the stairs to the castle walls, then pointed to the wide-open area situated in front of the causeway. The amount of men milling about made her realize how serious the situation really had become. It was a small army setting up camp.

  Hoping to spot Terric in their midst, Jacqueline searched the activity below. She cursed under her breath. Sir Guy echoed her sentiment.

  “Aye, lass. It is your father who is responsible for this. Those men wear his colors. I knew I should have done away with that murderous minstrel.”

  “It matters naught now. The earl is here, and we must figure out what to do next. I only hope he has kept Terric alive. If he has not, nothing will stop me from putting an end to my father’s life.”

  With that said, she turned her back on the troops preparing to lay siege to her castle and returned to the bailey below.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Terric tried to find a more comfortable position as he strained against the bonds that kept him restrained. With his hands tied behind him, there really was no comfort to be found either physically or mentally. Being taken as a prisoner was not the outcome he had thought would happen at the end of the day.

  He had fought them to the bitter end, but being so greatly outnumbered had s
tacked the odds against him. He had only been able to bring down a few of the attackers before he was dragged from his horse. Terric just hoped he had kept them occupied dealing with him, allowing Jacqueline to make it to safety.

  He was tied to the center post of the Earl of Salisbury’s pavilion. Terric had not been too surprised upon learning whose men attacked them. He only wished Jacqueline’s father had not come to Nunney so quickly.

  Terric silently cursed the man who had tied his bonds. They were tight, causing him to lose the feeling in his fingers. He clenched and unclenched his hands, trying to force more blood into them, but it was futile. The strips of leather were too constricting.

  Someone opened the pavilion’s flapped entrance, and he ceased his struggles. The earl stepped inside. He came to stand directly in front of Terric and looked down. He put his hands behind his back and shook his head.

  “Well, Sir Terric, tell me what I should do with you. I find myself in the midst of a quandary. On one hand, I should have you terminated, but on the other, I feel you are my best leverage to open Nunney for me.”

  Terric curled his lip in a snarl. “I will not allow you to use me to gain entrance to the castle.”

  The earl laughed. “My dear boy, in your present position, you really do not have much choice in the matter.” He bent down and grabbed a handful of Terric’s hair, then painfully forced him to look at him. “I am very sure my darling daughter would do just about anything to get you back.” He released him as he slammed Terric’s head hard against the post.

  Terric tried to surge to his feet, forgetting he was bound. He growled in frustration. His hands itched to be around the earl’s throat. “You can do whatever you wish to me, but leave Jacqueline alone.”

  The earl straightened to his full height and smiled. “Such display of emotion. How touching. So, you would be willing to endure anything in the name of love? If it would mean your life? What then?”


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