Heart of the Devil

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Heart of the Devil Page 27

by Ali Vali

  “I fucking get it, so wait for my call.”

  “You’ve got until tomorrow, so don’t disappoint me.”

  Gino stood and leaned over the desk. “I understand you’re grieving, so I’ll let this disrespect slide. But don’t push your luck.”

  He laughed and stood as well. “Kill me or anyone in my family, and the cops get everything they need to cage you like the animal you are. You think I’m bullshitting you, try me.”

  “I said you’ll get what you want, but after that you’re going to fuck off.”

  “After that, things will change. On that you have my word.”

  Palmiro slammed out of the office, and Shawn Liam stood and buttoned his jacket. “I can see this might not be the time to talk business, Gino.”

  “You’re getting scared because of him?” he asked, laughing.

  “Our success comes from staying in the shadows and out of street wars. Until you get things under control, we’ll sit out, but we’ll be ready once you put your house in order.”

  Royce got up when Shawn motioned to him. “My house is already in fucking order, so don’t sit too long. Your old man was tight with Dalton, but with no one backing him on the street, things might not be so easy, and it sounds like things didn’t work out with Casey.”

  “Try to keep your assumptions to a minimum, and concentrate on finding and controlling your people. If Callie Richard is who you tried to set me up with, maybe all this was a mistake.”

  “Callie can go fuck herself,” Gino said, coming around the desk and opening the door.

  “I have a feeling Cain Casey is doing that right now, so hopefully little Callie didn’t have any big secrets,” Shawn said and walked out after Royce.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Cain conducted business quietly for months as a war broke out on the streets in the east. The Weller family had actually been a stronger force in St. Bernard than she’d first thought, and the bloodshed had hit both Bracato and the families in New Orleans East hard. No one knew why. After years of what seemed to be mutual and profitable interests, they’d thrown it all away to try to kill each other.

  She’d monitored the chaos from a distance to ensure her territory and clients remained untouched. The day-after-day routine of going to the office and deepening her relationship with Emma had thinned the gray-suited crowd outside her door. Evidently boring days and her romance techniques didn’t interest the FBI.

  “Are you sure you want to keep giving to charity?” Muriel said as they started their weekly meeting. “We’re up to three million a pop.”

  “Still cheaper than our normal supply line. We’ll give it another month, then pull our end. Once that happens, the game will change significantly, but not before a significant bonus,” Cain said, drumming her fingers on the table in an uneven, random pattern.

  “For us, I hope,” Muriel said.

  “If it weren’t, that’d be called a hit, not a bonus,” Billy said jokingly, shoving Muriel. “All we’re waiting for is you, Boss,” he said to Cain.

  “Don’t worry. I’m paying attention, but if that’s it, I’ve got a few errands to run.”

  “Do you need help with anything?” Billy asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “I think I can pick an anniversary gift all on my own, thank you.” The day of Emma’s first day of work was coming up, and she wanted to find something special to commemorate it.

  Emma had become such a constant in every aspect of her life that she almost hated to leave her most nights. It was a comically strange development, considering that a lot of people considered her a psychotic killer. With Emma, though, she didn’t have to be strong all the time, and it was a relief to put her responsibilities down for a while and not be judged as weak.

  “Hey,” Emma said, entering the conference room with one of their new guys, Maurice. Everyone called him Mook, and the young man was here as a favor to Vincent. Mook was a good addition since he didn’t appear out of place as he stuck with Emma on campus.

  “You all done already?” she asked, standing up and kissing Emma hello.

  “All signed up and ready for my last semester,” Emma said, having pushed back her graduation one more semester for the internship Cain had gotten her. “You want to go out and celebrate?”

  “What? You think I wouldn’t have planned something?” she said, trying her best to pout.

  “If you’re done here, you can tell me all about it over lunch. I’m starved.”

  “Just one more thing.” She kissed Emma again before taking her hand. “Billy.” She looked at him and Merrick. “I’m done waiting.”

  “I heard that,” Billy said, and Merrick nodded before they both stood and kissed Emma’s cheek as if she were responsible for their upcoming fun.

  She led Emma out, and they headed to Blanchard’s for lunch. Emma’s appearance had changed in that Kevin helped her dress more professionally for her campus gig, but she still wore jeans for her job at the pub. She wasn’t there as often but had wanted to keep her primary source of income to pay for the little things she liked buying for Cain.

  “Are you excited?” she asked Emma after they’d ordered.

  “Excited and nervous,” Emma said, playing with Cain’s fingers. “I don’t want anything to change, but I guess they have to.”

  “Change how?”

  “Not necessarily change,” Emma said, sounding nervous now.

  “You can tell me anything, lass.”

  “If I turn out to be just a teacher, I don’t want you to get bored. I’m not sure what’ll happen to me if I lose you.”

  “Lose me? My darling, that’s the last thing that’s going to happen. If I could, I’d have married you by now.”

  “Really?” Emma smiled as if she’d dropped to one knee. “What do you think our future will be?”

  “Whatever we make it to ensure we’re happy. It’s been, as you love to say, an interesting time, but all those poems you love are right. I’ve found in you someone who completes a part of me that was empty.” She lifted Emma’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “You’ll teach and I’ll do what I do, and we’ll build a life full of love and happiness.”

  “I should ask you questions like that all the time,” Emma said, wiping away her tears and smiling. “You’re quite the poet yourself, mobster.”

  “I’m no Byron, but I try,” she said, releasing Emma’s hand so the waiters could put their plates down. “I want to make sure you don’t get bored along the way yourself.”

  “You’re delusional if you think that,” Emma said, spearing a shrimp on her plate and feeding it to her.

  Their lunch morphed into shopping and then separating for the date she’d promised to celebrate Emma’s academic hard work. Cain was planning to add the day they’d met as well, and the fact that she hadn’t died of a year of celibacy.

  “Honey,” Emma said, grabbing her wrist when they sat in her booth at Emerald’s and someone took their picture as they kissed. “It’s just a picture, not an assassination attempt, and I’d love a copy.”

  “Sorry. I forgot about that guy.” She waved Lou over and took the box he’d been holding for her.

  “What’s this?” Emma asked when she handed it over.

  “I tried to think of something that would show you how proud I am of you and how I feel about you. You’re beginning your life, and it’s something I thought you’d find useful.”

  Emma pulled the ribbon and found a very old edition of Lord Byron’s love poems. She’d read some of her favorites to Cain, and she wanted Emma to know she’d been paying attention. Emma touched the first page very gently with her fingertips and shed a few tears.

  “My life started the day you came into it.”

  “We sound a bit over the top, so save that for later, and let’s celebrate,” she said, and Emma laughed. “Thank you though.”

  They danced, and she took Emma home, promising they’d meet for lunch the next day after Emma finished setting up everything she needed for the ne
w semester.

  “I love you, mobster, and thank you for being so good to me.” Emma stood in her apartment with her arms around Cain.

  “You’re easy to love, my darling girl, and you’ve made falling in love a wondrous thing.”

  “I’m glad that’s something we learned to do together.” Emma pressed her ear to her chest, seeming content to be held. “If those guys outside knew what a softie you are, it’d ruin your reputation and they’d leave us alone.”

  “You might get your wish since it looks like they’re getting bored. I only saw the one van tonight.” They laughed, and she was happy that the more colorful aspects of her life still didn’t seem to faze Emma all that much. The solidness of their relationship was something she now not only trusted but depended on.

  “Maybe they’re following you to get some romance pointers,” Emma said and laughed.

  “I’m sure that’s it.” She kissed Emma and unzipped her dress. It was their sign that the night was over. “It’s late, so get some sleep and I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

  “Do you want to stay awhile?” Emma sounded almost shy and unsure, but they’d come a long way from where they’d started.

  “Let’s me and you make a deal.” She placed her hand on Emma’s naked back and gazed down at her. “You know the waiting is only a problem in here,” she said, tapping the side of Emma’s head. “The day you’re ready, you’ll know, so you won’t have to ask. Until then, we wait. Deal?”

  “How will I know?”

  “When you can’t go another moment without having me not only in your heart but on your skin. It’s not a question of giving in to something you think I want from you, but taking the rest of what’s yours already.”

  * * *

  Emma waited the next afternoon outside the English department with Cain’s words from the night before running on a loop in her head. She’d waited at first to take their relationship to the next level because she’d thought Cain would move on, but if she was truthful, that wasn’t it. She’d waited because she was so unsure of herself and thought that would turn Cain off.

  Assuming that, though, was unfair to Cain, so now she felt foolish for not giving Cain something that had truly belonged to her from the beginning—herself. Cain’s declaration had unshackled her from her doubt, and she wanted to plan something special for her.

  “What’s a beautiful woman like you doing out here all alone?”

  She smiled and shut her eyes when Cain embraced her from behind. “I was waiting for my girlfriend, but she’s late, so you’ll do.”

  “It’s my lucky day then,” Cain said, turning her around and kissing her.

  Emma glanced around when Cain took her hand, and she could swear they were alone. “No entourage today, mobster?”

  “It’s a beautiful day, so I left the kids at home so I could take my girl to lunch. I figured no audience watching me kiss you might be a good change of pace.” Cain walked her to a motorcycle she’d never seen before and handed her a helmet.

  “This is yours?” The thought of sitting with her legs and arms around Cain made her skin tingle.

  “A hold-out from my college days.”

  They took the long route through town until they were out by the lake and the spot where they were sitting on the disastrous day Billy had been in his accident. Today he was waiting and guarding the picnic already laid out, and he kissed Emma’s cheek before driving away.

  “It bothered me that I was such an ass the day we were here,” Cain said, helping her to sit. “I thought it’d be a good place to tell you that I’ll never shut you out ever again. I love you, so you have my word on that.”

  “You’re so perfect,” she said as she caressed Cain’s cheek. “I thank God for you every single day.”

  “I’m happy you think so, my love.”

  They enjoyed the food Therese had made, which consisted of some of her favorites, and were content to share the scenery and kiss. “You know something?” she asked, tracing Cain’s lips with her finger. “I’ve read countless romances and love poems, and you’ve surpassed all of them in the courting stage. I’ll treasure this part of our time together.”

  “Are you going somewhere?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “No. When we’re old, and I’m telling our grandchildren about how a girl wants to be treated, I’ll share this with them.”

  “You’d like to have children, really?” Cain asked, placing her hand on the side of her neck.

  “I’d like to have your children.”

  “Do you think your father would put a bullet in me if I asked for your hand?”

  She laughed again, imagining Cain with her father. “More like he’d faint, but maybe one day you two will become good friends.”

  “Then right now I’ll concentrate on doing my best to get the girl to say yes.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be a tough sell, no matter what the question is.”

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Emma had talked Cain into tending bar while she worked, and she’d enjoyed their flirting throughout the night. Cain was as good behind the bar as she was keeping an eye on her, and for once she got a ride home on the back of Cain’s bike and not with Lou.

  “Don’t forget we’re having lunch with Muriel and your uncle tomorrow,” Emma said as Cain kissed the side of her neck.

  “He’s been looking forward to it since Mum has been filling him in on how wonderful she thinks you are.” Cain kissed her and sighed. “So let me get going and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “It’s late,” she said, like it was some kind of news flash.

  “Don’t worry, lass. It’s only a few blocks home.” Cain walked to the door and pointed to the lock. “Sweet dreams, and lock up.”

  She leaned against her apartment door, listening to the receding footsteps on the other side. It had been an electric year, enjoying being a part of Cain’s life. She was about as far from her father’s dairy farm as she could imagine herself but had kept a promise to herself to maintain her independence even though she knew Cain would take care of her in every sense if she’d just asked.

  When the hallway was quiet she moved to the window to watch Cain leave, but instead of mounting the bike, she stood near the bottom of the window looking up, apparently knowing she wouldn’t have to wait too long to see her again. The now-familiar Casey smile was in place when she peered down. It was the one trait Cain, Billy, and Marie all shared, but tonight Cain’s smile undid her. Tonight, she knew exactly what Cain had meant when she’d said she’d be certain when the time was right.

  “Do you have to be anywhere else right this minute?” she asked, leaning out of the window.

  “I’ll be wherever you want me to.”

  As an answer she dropped her shirt on Cain’s head and moved away from the window and unlocked the door. She laughed when she heard the footsteps out in the hall again, only this time she heard more of a run.

  Cain opened the door and stared at her standing there holding an arm over her chest, and the fact that she wasn’t so sure of what to do next must have been clear to Cain. In all their time together she had never teased Cain too much as she got more comfortable with taking their relationship to the next level. Now wasn’t the time to make a wrong move.

  “I want you to stay,” Emma said as Cain closed the door without ever taking her eyes off her.

  Cain moved closer and opened her arms to Emma. “Come here a minute, baby.” When she wrapped her arms around naked skin, she felt Emma relax. “Do you mind if we talk for a minute?”

  “No.” Emma sounded so nervous Cain’s libido cooled a bit.

  “Come sit with me.” Emma went willingly and clung to her as she sat on her lap. She put her fingers under Emma’s chin so she could see her eyes. “You need to know a few facts before we go forward.” Emma nodded, and she kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re the woman I’m going to spend my life with, period. That’s my commitment to you. If you want the same thing, no one will ever
share my bed or my life until it’s over.”

  “Thank you for saying that, honey.”

  “There’s a reason, and it isn’t what you think. Because I want to spend all my life with you, lass, I can be patient. We’ve had this conversation more than once, but when we make love, it’s going to be the right decision for both of us.”

  “Don’t you want to?”

  She smiled and placed her palm on Emma’s cheek. “More than anything, but I’m willing to wait. I love you, Emma, and because I do, it means I’ll wait as long as it takes.”

  Emma closed her eyes and leaned farther into Cain’s caress. “You do?”

  “More than anyone or anything else.”

  “Could you say it again?” Emma asked as she looked her in the eye. “I never get tired of hearing it.”

  “I love you, Emma, so very much.”

  “I love you too, and I want you to show me.” Emma leaned back a little and moved to sit across her lap, placing one of her hands on her breast.

  The move lit a flame in Cain that she knew would never truly go out. It was as if Emma had become a part of her very essence and she couldn’t cut her out without permanent damage to herself. She got out of the chair and felt Emma’s legs tighten around her waist as they moved to the bedroom. To get Emma to feel even more at ease, she set her down and unbuttoned her own linen shirt and pushed it off her shoulders. They both moaned when skin met skin for the first time.

  “Tell me if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, okay?” She watched as Emma lay back and raised her hand to her.

  “I want you,” Emma said as she lifted her hips so she could get her skirt off. “I need your hands on me.” She gave Emma what she wanted and lay next to her. “Your hands are hot,” Emma said as Cain placed her hand on her chest.


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