Truth or Consequences

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Truth or Consequences Page 11

by Sharon C. Cooper

  ¡Dios mío!

  Natasha maintained her death grip of the edge of the table in order to keep from slapping him. He said the words as if killing innocent women and putting the whole hospital in jeopardy was no big deal.

  This man had to be sick. There had to be something wrong with a person who would intentionally take the lives of others for any reason.

  She reined in her anger in order to get as much information from him as possible. “So let me make sure that I’m clear,” Natasha said, her voice shaking with every word. “You’re telling me that you killed innocent women and stole their babies because some lawyer told you that if you didn’t, he would ruin your foundation and tell the world that you were a fake?”

  “Do not judge me!” he growled. Natasha leaned back, putting some distance between them. Malik stood, but again she gave the slightest shake of her head to halt his approach. “You don’t know the hell that I’ve been through. You don’t know what it’s like to work day and night, sacrificing time with my family. You’re only in your early thirties and don’t have a clue what it is like for someone to rip everything away from you that you’ve worked so hard to create. So don’t you sit there and judge me,” he said through gritted teeth.

  Natasha swallowed hard and glanced at Malik again, not surprised at how intently he was watching. He looked as if he would pounce at any moment, and it gave Natasha a semblance of comfort knowing that he had her back. He lifted his hand and mouthed five minutes.

  Natasha turned back to Bob, disgust rolling around in her gut. “You’re not the only one who has been through hell all in the name of being the best doctor you can be. I, too, have a story. The difference between you and I, is that I didn’t sell my soul to the devil and take the lives of innocent people just to protect my good name.”

  He dropped back in his seat as if the fight had gone out of him. Numerous emotions swept across his face, and Natasha knew she had to get as much information as possible before he shut down.

  “Bob, I can’t help you unless you fill in some of the missing pieces. Tell me the person or the organization that is behind this. And most importantly, where are the babies?”

  There was only one reason why someone would want to meet and talk at a little hole in the wall such as the Coffee House, Malik thought. Either they had something to hide or they were hiding from someone. Malik suspected in the case of Dr. Robert Halsey, it was a little of both.

  Recognizing the doctor’s name as being the same as the attending physician for his friend Susan, he had taken a picture of Halsey with his cell phone and texted it to Wiz. He knew his friend would find everything he could on the doctor.

  Malik didn’t know what Natasha and Dr. Halsey were discussing, but he didn’t like how heated their conversation was getting. He inched to the edge of his seat, prepared to step in if necessary. He didn’t sit back and relax until the doctor sat back in his seat and Natasha appeared to have the conversation under control.

  However, something was still off; he could feel it in his gut. It was the same nagging at the nape of his neck he had felt when he was in Tybekystan. His and Quinn’s last mission together before retiring. The mission that almost cost Quinn’s life. The mission from hell.

  “Can I get you anything else, doll?” the waitress, old enough to be his mother, asked. Her raspy voice, stained teeth, and weathered skin were a sure sign that she had probably lived a rough life with cigarettes, coffee, and booze.

  “Nah, I’m good. Thanks.” He pulled his money clip from his front pocket and slipped her enough bills to cover his cup of coffee.

  Besides Natasha, there were only a few people occupying two of the six booths, and no one was sitting at the tables that made up the middle of the room. Malik remembered when the café was rebuilt after burning down five years ago. No one was as surprised as he was when the owners rebuilt in the same location, despite the gang activity in the neighborhood.

  The gnawing in his gut grew more intense, surrounding him. No one looked suspicious, but it was as if the air in the small space had shifted.

  His cell phone rang and he debated on answering. After the second ring, he pulled it from his pocket and glimpsed at the screen.

  “What’s up, Wiz?”

  “It’s going to take me at least a day to pull up information on the doc, but my initial finding is that he is an obstetrician and has been with the hospital for five years. He and his family, a wife and two sons, moved to Chicago from Texas. He and his wife lost another son a few years back.”

  “I know you’re just getting started with the research, but are there any red flags that you can see? Anything look out of order?”

  “Mm, not really. Wait, actually, there is something. Two years prior to the doctor moving to Chicago, it’s like …”

  Malik tuned in and out, his attention on Natasha and the doctor. He didn’t care what she said, something was up with this guy. His body language said it all. The disguise, the fidgeting, and trepidation bouncing off him in waves. Something doesn’t feel right here.

  “Malik? Are you still there?” Wiz asked. “You know, this could—”

  “I’m sorry, man. I’m still at the Coffee House waiting for Natasha and … something feels off.” His gaze went to the window when he thought he saw a flash of light. He wasn’t sure what it was or if it was anything. “I’m … uh…Wiz, let me call you back in a few.”

  He disconnected before Wiz had a chance to respond. A sense of foreboding grabbed hold of Malik and all he could think was that they needed to get the hell out of there.

  Time’s up, baby. We’re out of here.

  Malik stood, but before he could take a step forward, the front window shattered. Shards of glass sprinkled every flat surface like rain hitting hot pavement. He dropped to the floor. Screams bounced off the walls as another gunshot splintered through the air.

  Oh shit! “Get down!” Malik yelled at Natasha, pulling her on to the floor.

  His heart pounded in his ear as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Shielding her body with his, he pulled her toward the back of the building. She had a choke-hold around his neck, her deafening screams piercing his ear drums. Glass from framed pictures shattered around them, but he didn’t stop until they were in the kitchen.

  “Ohmygod, ohmygod!” Natasha cried, her body shaking against his.

  “Shh, shh you’re okay,” he whispered, quickly scanning her body for injury. Natasha, still shivering but surprisingly calm, lifted her head from the crook of his neck. Then, as if suddenly remembering something, her hands flew to her mouth and her eyes grew wide.

  “Bob, we have to check on Bob.” She struggled to free herself from Malik’s grasp, but he didn’t loosen his grip.

  “I don’t give a damn about Bob,” he growled. “Right now my only concern is you. Are you okay?” he asked, pulling his 9mm from his ankle holster with one hand. His other hand cupping her cheek. “Are … you … okay?” Natasha’s jerky nod was all he received, her eyes focused on his weapon. “All right, I need you to stay right here.”

  “No!” She grabbed hold of his arm, her nails digging into his skin. “Don’t leave me here.”

  He pulled out of her grasp and squeezed her hand. “I promise you, I’ll be back.”

  Chapter Ten

  Forty-five minutes later, Natasha sat in the chair Malik had dragged into the kitchen. She was giving her statement to the police, reliving the most horrific experience she had ever undergone in her life.

  “Tom? Got a minute?” someone called for the officer who was taking her statement.

  “Excuse me, Dr. Lockham. I’ll be right back.”

  Rocking back and forth, her arms securely wrapped around her midsection, flashbacks of the evening dominated every space inside her head. I could have been killed. A shiver stormed through her body and she slammed her eyes shut. Memories of Malik tackling her to the floor played over and over in her mind. Had it not been for him, she’d be the one lying on the floor across the room
with a tarp over her body.

  Dr. Halsey is dead. Malik’s words had slammed into her like a car involved in a high speed chase, ramming into her. Bob is dead.

  Natasha blinked back tears, refusing to fall apart while sitting in a kitchen surrounded by tons of emergency personnel. If she could just hang on until she got home. Hang on until she was alone. Then she could cry. She could scream until she was hoarse and had nothing left. But for now, she would remain strong.

  Holding her raw emotions in check, Natasha pulled the blanket someone had wrapped around her shoulders tighter. Closing her eyes again, she prayed the night would soon end.

  “Dr. Lockham?” Natasha’s eyes snapped open to find that the officer had returned. “I know this has to be hard for you, but any information you can give us will be very helpful in catching the person who did this.”

  “I told you everything I know.” She swallowed the despair in her heart. “He called and said he wanted to talk. When I arrived, he wasn’t himself. Paranoid. Jumpy. Something was bothering him and he was rambling.” She struggled with how much information to share. Bob had answered the important questions, but what he had shared could easily ruin the hospital. Protecting the hospital’s reputation was Natasha’s number one concern at the moment. Once she had a chance to talk to the hospital’s lawyers, she’d share more if instructed to. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to tell you.”

  The officer studied her as if he didn’t believe she was telling the truth. “I know it’s been a tough night,” he said, “but if you think of anything else, please give me a call.” He handed her his business card. “We’ll also be in contact if we have any further questions.” She nodded with a rigid jerk of her head.

  God, please let this night hurry up and be over.

  “What the hell? First Quinn, and now you?” Detective Sheldon Baker said to Malik. “You care to tell me what’s going on? And you sure as hell better not say that this has anything to do with Mexican drug cartels or terrorists.”

  Malik scrubbed his hands down his face and let them settle on his waist as he paced in front of his long-time friend. Sheldon’s reservations weren’t unwarranted considering the drama that periodically followed Malik and his boys upon returning from missions over the years.

  “I’m not sure what’s going on,” Malik said, “but I don’t think it’s anything like that.”

  “All right. Tell me what happened.”

  “Natasha got a call from Dr. Halsey.” Malik nodded toward the body that was covered with a white tarp. “The guy with a bullet in his head is one of the doctors at the hospital where she works. Anyway, they were sitting over there.” He pointed at the booth and told Sheldon everything that happened from the moment Natasha received the call, including the doctor’s weird behavior.

  Malik continued to pace. If only he had listened to his gut and insisted they not enter the café, Natasha wouldn’t have had to witness the doctor’s murder.

  “He was incognito and everything about this meeting didn’t feel right. The sudden call, the meeting place, and the way he was behaving seemed off.” Malik stopped moving and faced his friend. “Before I knew it, the front window blew out, screams erupted, and then I saw the single shot to the doctor’s head.”

  “Did you see anyone when you went outside?”

  “I didn’t see anyone, but I did see a black Ford utility van speeding away. And before you ask, there were no plates. The only distinguishable features were on the right side of the vehicle. It looked as if there was some wording on the side panel that had been painted over, or maybe taped over. It also had a roof rack, but nothing on top.”

  “All right, that’s good.” He jotted something down on his notepad. “Going back to the doctor’s conversation. Do you know what they were discussing?”

  “I have no idea. All I know is that Halsey was agitated and occasionally raised his voice while they were talking.” Malik leaned against one of the kitchen counters, rubbing his eyes. “Whoever took out that doctor was a professional.”

  “Yeah, I noticed,” Sheldon said.

  “A solid shot in the forehead. That type of precision …” Malik balled his fists, tension gripping his body. “Shell, man, that damn shot was on point, clean. Considering where Natasha was sitting, a half-an-inch to the left and she would’ve been dead.” He cleared his throat. Emotion gnawed away at the unbendable shield around his heart. Now he understood the fear that Wiz and Quinn carried around with them when it came to their women’s safety. Malik and Natasha were only friends, yet the unexplainable need to keep her safe chipped away at him. He didn’t know if he could ever let her out of his sight again.

  “Do you think the car bombing at the hospital and this shooting are related?” Malik asked.

  “Maybe, but right now I don’t have enough information to connect the two, unless there’s something you’re not telling me.” He narrowed his eyes at Malik. “Is there? Do you know something that I should know?”

  Malik had his suspicions, but there were answers he needed from Natasha before he shared them with anyone.

  “I’m not sure what this is about yet, but you better believe I plan to find out,” Malik said, the conviction in his tone matching the determination lodged in the depth of his soul.

  “Oh no you don’t!” Sheldon shoved the notepad into his inside jacket pocket, and pointed his ink pen at Malik. “You’re going to let me and my guys do our job. Do I make myself clear? I can’t have you and your people going all vigilante out there and getting in the way of this investigation.”

  Malik sighed. Folding his hands on top of his head, he stared up at the food-speckled ceiling. He’d let them do their job, but that wasn’t going to stop him from pulling his team together to find their own answers.

  “I already warned Wiz and Stan when I spotted them lurking around outside the building across the street.” Malik dropped his arms and returned his attention to Sheldon when he sensed him moving closer. His friend lowered his voice. “If you guys find anything, I expect you to share the information with me.”

  Moments passed as they stared each other down before Malik gave a slight nod, the message between them clear. “I’ll stay out of your way if you agree to keep me informed of what you find.”

  When Sheldon silently agreed, Malik glanced at Natasha, surprised at how well she was holding up. There were only a few moments that he thought she would break down, but she hadn’t, impressing him even more. His past life was comprised of scenes like the one that had just played out in the dining area, but for her, this had to be like something out of a bad dream.

  Sheldon cleared his throat. “Oh how the mighty have fallen.” He chuckled. “Wiz was already a goner with Olivia, but then Quinn and now you. Damn. I never thought I’d see the day. Although I have to admit, you guys sure know how to pick them. Tough and cute. Nice combination.

  “We’re just friends,” Malik said, still looking at Natasha. He had to agree, she was a tough woman. Watching her now, no one would ever believe that she’d just witnessed a murder, and had barely walked away with her life considering the gunman had only missed her by a fraction of an inch. That alone let Malik know whoever had taken out the doctor was skilled. Someone that precise didn’t miss Natasha by chance. She wasn’t the target, but now she might be.

  Malik realized Sheldon was still staring at him. “What, man? I told you. We’re just friends.”

  “Mm hmm, you keep telling yourself that, buddy. Looks like I’ll be holding up the bachelorhood all by myself.” Sheldon slapped him on the back, shaking his head. “But getting back to business. I might have more questions after we sort some of this out. Where’s she going to be?” Sheldon nodded his head toward Natasha.

  Malik returned his attention to her. “She’ll be with me.”

  He approached Natasha after the police officer who was questioning her walked away. Their gazes met. Now that he was close to her, exhaustion showed in her eyes. Usually she had a ready smile for him, but now
her features were withdrawn and wary. He hated seeing her like this.

  “Come here,” he said when he reached her, wanting … no, needing to hold her close.

  Natasha stood slowly, letting the blanket fall from her narrow shoulders, and walked into his embrace. He held her tight, loving the feel of her soft curves molded against his body. If anything had happened to her, he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done. Despite what he had told Sheldon, he had to admit that somehow the woman in his arms had penetrated the shield around his heart.

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry you had to experience this.” As soon as he whispered the last word, the floodgates opened and she broke down.

  “Ah, baby …” He whispered comforting words close to her ear, hoping to say something that would make her feel better. Peering over Natasha’s head, he noticed Wiz across the room trying to get his attention. Instead of approaching, Wiz gave the hand signal for Malik to give him a call. With a small nod, he agreed.

  Natasha’s sobs eventually quieted, and Malik snatched a few napkins from the counter and handed them to her. She stepped back and peeked at him, tears lacing her lashes. The inside of his chest felt as if someone had reached in and had a strong grasp on his heart. Normally she always looked as if she were in control and in charge, but now she seemed small and fragile. Everything in him wanted to just hold her and never let her go, keeping all harm away from her.

  “That could have been me,” she said quietly as she wiped her face. “I’ve seen my share of injuries, blood, and even death, but this … this was too much. He was killed right in front of me. Every time I close my eyes, I’m taken back to that moment …” Their gazes met and tears filled her eyes again.


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