by Niki Jilvontae

  “I can respect that.” Keyshun said slipping the condom on and lowering himself back between Lakea's legs. Lakea could feel his rock hard manhood pressing up again her wound as her kissed and licked allover her neck and breasts.

  Just then Keyshun entered her and was enveloped in her tight, wet pussy.

  “Ohhh, Damnnn, Yo pussy feel sooo good!” Keyshun moaned as he thrust in and out of Lakea.

  With each stroke Lakea's pussy got wetter and wetter, and Keyshun moaned louder and louder. Lakea had to stick her hand in his mouth at one point, then she flipped Keyshun on his back. He stared up at Lakea with a startled look on his face, amazed at her strength. He lie there with a seductive look on his face as Lakea lowered her wet pussy down on his pulsating manhood, gripping her pussy muscles and bouncing on it like she did when she twerked. Just then Keyshun began to pump harder and faster, lifting Lakea up by her ass cheeks.

  “Aw hell yea daddy!” Lakea yelled as Keyshun slapped her ass and used his other hand to pull her hair as she rode him like a stallion.

  Both of them thrust their bodies together frantically as they kissed and sweat covered both of their bodies. Lakea fucked Keyshun harder and with more lust than she knew existed. Just then Lakea felt that familiar feeling as she stared at Keyshun, still riding him. His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he let it drop to the pillow as Lakea gripped her pussy muscles and began to grind her hips like she was a belly dancer. Suddenly both of their bodies began to shake and they let out a loud “OOHHHH SHITTTT!”, at the same time as they came together and fell back on to the bed covered in sweat.

  “Damn boy you got me!” Lakea said as she lay with her head on Keyshun's chest.

  She couldn't have been more right. Keyshun did have her and he was about to take her on a short ride to hell and back. Over the next couple of weeks Keyshun consumed most of Lakea's time. It was like he didn't want her giving anyone anything but him. He was there or watching the house every waking moment of the day. Lakea didn't even notice how possessive he was becoming. Possessive and lazy, he made no efforts to do anything but control and fuck Lakea. He didn't have a job, he only sold weed , so he was always had time to watch over her. Lakea wasn't working either at that time, she was being taken care of by Jacob, so she had nothing but time. Time she should have been spending writing and having fun with the boys. Instead she stopped writing and was completely wrapped up in the crazy love hate relationship she had with Keyshun. She stopped taking the boys to the zoo, She never spent time with Mesha and her friends anymore, and they couldn't even have movie night without Keyshun interrupting. That was the shit that had started to get to Mesha, so one Saturday before she left to go dance out of town, Mesha decided to have a talk with Lakea. Mesha spent most of the day trying to figure out what she would say to her cousin when she got home from therapy.

  Mesha sat in the window staring out into the parking lot thinking of what she would say, when suddenly she saw Keyshun right in front of their building with two other guys standing at a car talking to two white girls. After talking for a few minutes, Keyshun leaned into the car and kissed on of the white girl's all over her face and neck. Mesha gasped in disgust and disbelief at what she saw. She couldn't believe that nigga was being disrespectful right in front of their house.

  “I knew it though!” Mesha yelled out loud to herself. She knew from the start Keyshun couldn't be trusted and now she knew exactly why. It was because he was in fact the hoe she always thought he was.

  When Lakea got home a couple of hours later Mesha decided to wait until Keyshun came into the house before she told her what she saw. She wanted to see the look on his face when her cousin kicked his dog ass out, but shit didn't turn out like she planned. Lakea was hurt by what Mesha told her because even though she didn't want to fall for Keyshun she had, and he had this weird kind of hold on her fueled by lust and fear. Fear from the rage Keyshun had exhibited towards her a couple of times when he thought she was cheating or things didn't go his way. Lakea cried as Keyshun pleaded his case telling her it wasn't like that. Mesha shook her head in disbelief while looking at her cousin's face because she knew she was going to take him back. What Mesha didn't know was Lakea wasn't taking him back because she loved him, she was afraid of him after a couple or truly believable threats when he was drunk. In the end Lakea forgave him and he hugged her. Mesha was disgusted all over again. She still couldn't believe how stupid her cousin was being, but she still loved her so she put her feelings in her back pocket and tried to support her cousin.

  “Look cuzzo, I don't care if you stay with this bum ass, lying ass nigga, that's on you. All I know is you need to start back spending time with them boys. They love and miss you!” Mesha said walking to her room.

  “Maine them lil niggas aight, why don't you just stay yo lonely ass out of our business and quit hating,” Keyshun yelled from the living room.

  “Shut the fuck up!” Lakea yelled at Keyshun from the hallway.

  “Nigga don't do my cousin cause she telling me right”. Lakea said turning back to Mesha who was now standing in her bedroom door. “You right cuzzo, and I will. I promise!”

  “That's all I wanted. Mesha said hugging her cousin.

  “But you, FUCK BOY!”, Mesha yelled back down the hall at Keyshun. “Don't ever say shit else to me or I will have your lil pussy as merked,”

  “I'm going out of town for two weeks tonight cousin, please take care of yourself and the babies while I”m gone. And get rid of that bitch ass nigga, or I might not come back.” Mesha said closing her door, leaving Lakea standing there with a tear in her eye.

  She had to get her courage up to make him leave. She wasn't going to let him try to take attention away from her boys, threaten her, talk down on her, and disrespect her family anymore. She had to find the right way to do it, or at least try just in case he would try to follow through with one of his threats.

  Over the next couple of days Lakea did get back to loving on her boys and giving them that quality time they needed. She took them to the zoo, and build-a-bear workshop, and they did arts-n- crafts and had movie nights just like they used too. Lakea was even able to talk to Nika and Nia more often, but Keyshun was still right there. He was still a big part of Lakea and the boy's everyday life until he started to revealed his true, evil self.

  Chapter 9

  One week after Mesha had left for out of town, Lakea got her first real glimpse at who Keyshun really was. It was all she needed to know. It was apparent that what they had was over and she needed to get away from him.

  It was a Thursday night, the last week in June, so it was extremely hot and Lakea's air felt like it was blowing steam. Lakea sat in the living room window in a white wife beater, pink and black striped boy short panties, and her furry toe socks, letting the soft breeze blowing through the trees cool her off. She was in the process of attempting to write a new song, but for some reason she couldn't. Since she had been with Keyshun she couldn't write anything, she had no inspiration. Although she was happy with their relationship at first, and at times happy having him around, Lakea was slowly realizing that she was not in love with Keyshun. She was more in love with the thought of being in love, with anyone. She knew now that Keyshun was a hoe and that he wasn't the man for her. He never gave her the affection that she deserved nor the emotional connection that she needed. All they ever really did was fight or fuck. Lakea knew that wasn't even a relationship, not one worth having anyway, but she just didn't know how to let go.

  Even though Keyshun never helped her with anything; food, chores, bills, the boys, nothing, and he never took her out, she still wanted someone to love her deep down or at least pretend to. However, inside Lakea wasn't happy and she knew she had to change that for her boys sake. That fake smile she put on each day was hiding the fact that she was still lonely and broken, maybe more so than ever before because just like in her childhood, she was being robbed of her essence. Just like when Jeff took away her innocence and Klemmings took part of h
er self-esteem, Keyshun had come along to take her soul and dim her light.

  He wanted to take away her ambition and her dream by telling her she would never be shit and she sucked as a song writer whenever he was mad. Lakea knew that she couldn't write anymore because she had no reason to. The emptiness that she felt wouldn't allow her to tap into her talent anymore.

  “What the fuck am I doing?” Lakea asked herself out loud.

  “How the fuck did I get here?” She yelled in frustration.

  Suddenly someone outside of her window said, “How did you get where? Maine ole crazy ass girl come open this fucking door!”

  Lakea looked out of the window to see Keyshun standing downstairs staring up at her as he swayed from side-to-side. He was clearly drunk and probably high on several different drugs.

  “Nigga you eavesdropping?” Lakea asked as she went out of her front door and down the stairs to open the outside door for Keyshun.

  Lakea sighed and rolled her eyes as she opened the door and Keyshun staggered in. Lakea wished she hadn't opened the door but she was afraid he would bust all of the windows out like he threatened when she did it before. Keyshun tried to kiss Lakea as he brushed up against her in the hallway, but she turned her head and pushed him up the stairs and into the apartment. She was tired of him coming home drunk and high out of his mind, and that's when he did come home at all. For the past couple of weeks he was barely there and when he was he was rude and disconnected, so Lakea wished he would just take his shit he had at her house and stay gone forever. She was just truly fed up.

  “Maine ain't nobody eavesdropping on yo crazy ass, sitting in here talking to yo damn self,” Keyshun yelled as he went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of the fridge.

  “Shhhhhh, don't wake up the boys with all that loud shit,” Lakea said closing the door that connected the hallway to the living room.

  “Fuck that shit, don't shush me. Bitch, I'm tired of you always shushing me. Them lil niggas aight wit they lil bad asses. Hell they ain't my kids anyway, shidd who the fuck is they daddies?” Keyshun said with slurred speech.

  “Keyshun, you drunk. You need to go yo ass to bed,” Lakea said trying to take the beer out of his hand, but he yanked his hand away and took a big gulp out of the bottle and sat on the couch, continuing to yell and curse at Lakea.

  “KEYSHUN!!” Lakea yelled with her hands over her ears.

  She was tired of hearing his drunk, ignorant ass voice. He went on and on about how Lakea didn't do shit, but baby her spoiled ass boys and write in her dumb ass notebook.

  “Bitch always pretending to write. Hoe probably can't even read. Bitch you don't ever do shit for me!” Keyshun continued to yell.

  Suddenly, before Lakea could respond to Keyshun's verbal abuse the phone rang. Keyshun hurriedly rolled over on the couch to answer the phone.

  “Who the fuck calling you from Hardeman County Correctional Facility bitch?” Keyshun yelled looking at the caller ID.

  “You know my big brother locked up out there, that's him calling.” Lakea yelled trying to take the phone from Keyshun, but he pushed her away and answered it.

  “Yeah, who is this?” Keyshun yelled into the phone after accepting the charges.

  “Nigga you calling MY muthafucking house, who is this?” Keyshun paused for a minute with a dumb look on his face.

  “Well nigga I was just trying to make sure cause I believe this lil bitch being slick,” He yelled throwing the phone to Lakea before Ray-Ray could respond.

  Lakea picked the phone up off the floor and rolled her eyes at Keyshun as she walked into the kitchen.

  “Stupid ass nigga!” She yelled back at Keyshun who was now laughing.

  She couldn't believe how stupid he was acting, but she still hadn't seen the worst yet.

  “Maine who was that?” Ray-Ray asked Lakea as she sniffled into the phone.

  She was so angry and fed up with Keyshun that she was crying.

  “That was Keyshun, this dude I talk to, but big bruh I'm so tired of his ass he starting to act just like Jeff,” Lakea said whispering into the phone, but Keyshun still heard her.

  “Bitch Ima show you Jeff, think he fucked you off. Siddity bitch you ain’t seen nothing yet!” Keyshun yelled from the living room.

  Lakea wished she had never told him all the details of her past because now every time he got mad he would use it against her.

  “Aw hell naw lil sis, you can't be fucking with no dumb ass nigga like that. I'm so glad I will be home in 10 months cause them niggas on the street done lost they damn minds. Kea get his ass out of there!” Ray-Ray yelled as Lakea cried into the phone.

  She felt so weak and powerless. She had let Keyshun take over so much of her life that now she didn't know how to take it back, but she knew she needed to. She wanted to just go into the living room and beat Keyshun's ass but she was too weak. Her lupus symptoms were stronger because when Keyshun was drunk he threw away all of her meds and said he would throw away any more that she brought into the house. He said she was weak for taking meds for a medical condition even though he popped pills everyday just for fun. Lakea needed her meds to live so she had to sneak and take them whenever she had money to buy them, which was not often since Keyshun started controlling the finances.

  “I want him gone big bruh but he talk so much shit and threaten me so much I'm scared what he will do. He know a lot of ruthless niggas around here and its just me and the boys,” Lakea said whispering while tears streamed down her face.

  “Fuck that you still got family out there. MJ and Anterrius will be back in town tomorrow night. I'm about to call them when we hang up and let them know wasup. That fuck nigga good as gone lil sis, you just watch yoself and the boys in the meantime,”

  “Okay?” Lakea said in between sniffles.

  “Stop crying lil sis. Did that pussy nigga hit you?” Ray-Ray asked.

  “No!” Lakea lied, but Ray-Ray could feel it.

  He always knew when his sister was lying. Lakea felt she had to lie in this situation because she didn't want him or anybody to know that Keyshun had smacked her the previous week because he came home and she was talking to the maintenance man. He swore up and down that she was fucking the old man and when she denied it he slapped the fuck out of her. Yet like when her verbally abused her and cheated on her Lakea forgave Keyshun, but that was about to change.

  As Lakea stood in the kitchen, hiding from Keyshun as she cried into the phone, she realized that she was becoming her mama. Just like Felicia she was accepting abuse just for the sake of saying she had a man, even if he wasn't a good man.

  “I love you lil sis and I know you grown so nobody can tell you what to do, but you have to get that nigga away from you. You can't let the boys grow up going through and seeing the shit that we did,” Ray-Ray said.

  “Is he fucking with the boys?” Ray-Ray asked with rage in his voice. “Ugghhhh, that muthafucka better not do shit to them!”

  “Oh hell no!” Lakea yelled. “That muthafucka know he better not ever touch my babies!”

  “Bitch shut up cause I know you not talking about me!” Keyshun yelled just as the operator came on the phone telling Ray-Ray that he had 60 seconds left on his call.

  “I love you lil sis!” Ray-Ray yelled.

  “I love you too big bruh!” Lakea sobbed as Ray-Ray's called ended and she stood there cradling the phone, crying as she wondered how she had become the type of weak woman she always despised.

  Chapter 10

  “This has to end!” Lakea said out loud as Keyshun walked into the kitchen and slipped his arms around her waist.

  “This ain't gone end until I say so,” he whispered into her ear as tears rolled down her face.

  “I love you girl but you gone do what I say. I'm the man remember that,” Keyshun said biting Lakea on her neck.

  “Let me go Keyshun!” Lakea said trying to break free but he was so much stronger than her.

  He pushed her up against the counter and began to pu
ll down her panties.

  “I'm the man and I want some pussy now!” Keyshun demanded as he unbuckled his pants letting them drop to the floor.

  “No you don't, cause I'm not fucking you!” Lakea yelled trying to push him away again, but this time he slapped her and pushed her back against the counter as he put his left arm around her neck choking her.

  Lakea started screaming. She knew what was about to happen. Keyshun was about to rape her just like Jeff, Klemmings and his crew, and the creep. He was going to take what he wanted from her just like the others had done. Just then Lakea heard Rahiem crying from the boy's room.

  “The baby crying Keyshun, please stop and let me go get him,” Lakea cried.

  “Fuck him, you ain't going no where. You don't want me to go shut him up.” Keyshun said as he roughly entered Lakea from the back.

  She cried out in pain and tried to fight Keyshun off but he began to punch her in the head as he continued to roughly thrust his dick in and out of her. Blood squirted out of Lakea's nose from the impact of the punches, and she got dizzy from the blows to her head. Lakea couldn't believe how cold and ruthless Keyshun was being to her. He acted as if he never loved her. It was all an act just to have somewhere to stay. Lakea stretched her neck to turn around and look at Keyshun's face. The look in his eyes was wild, animal like. He didn't even look like himself anymore. Lakea decided to stop fighting and just let him finish until he took his dick out of her pussy and tried to enter her anus.


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