Finding Will Hennie

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Finding Will Hennie Page 17

by Joy Redmond

“You’re going to allow me and a deer to sleep in your bed? But what if he has to pee? I’ll take him outside first and let him go, but I’m not sure if he’ll make it through the night.”

  Rose rested her chin in one palm. “Hmm. You might be right. I think I have an idea that’ll work. I’ll be right back.”

  After Will had taken Wiggles outside and let him pee, he picked up his new friend, rubbed the tiny head and said, “Well, little buddy, we’re going to sleep in luxury tonight. I can’t believe it. And I have no idea how I’ll sleep a wink being in bed with Rose. I’m glad you’ll be between us. I might take leave of my senses, forget I’m a gentleman, and do something stupid.”

  When Will went back to Rose’s bedroom he saw she had turned back the covers. He’d never seen sheets with flowers on them. They were sissy, but pretty.

  Rose said, “I borrowed a rubber sheet from Ceil. I think that’ll take care of the problem if he needs to pee. Put him in the middle of the bed. I’m going to wrap a small blanket around him. I’ll turn on the ceiling fan so we’ll be cool. I’m going to my bathroom and dress for bed. You get Wiggles in place, then turn out the bedside table lamp.”

  Will wasn’t sure if he should undress and sleep in his underwear, but since Rose had seen many naked men in her time, he supposed it would be alright. He put Wiggles on the rubber sheet, undressed and turned out the lamp.

  Rose came out of the bathroom. The moonlight was shining through the curtains and Will could see through her sheer night gown. Her long dark hair hung to her waist and she was the most beautiful sight that he’d ever seen. Her waistline was so small he figured he could reach all the way around it with both hands. Her breasts were small and perky. Nellie’s breasts reminded him of two watermelons on a downhill drag.

  Rose slid into bed. “Are you two comfy?”

  “Yes. We’re peachy-keen,” he whispered. Will lay with his arm around Wiggles, but he was nervous and his guts seemed to tie in knots. He knew he wouldn’t sleep a wink. He could smell Rose’s sweet hair, and though Wiggles was between them, she was still close enough for him to reach over and touch.

  “Rose,” he whispered. “Why does Ceil have a rubber sheet? Does she pee the bed?”

  Rose laughed so hard the bed shook. “No. She doesn’t pee the bed. All the girls have one. They use it—never mind. You’ve got a lot to learn. You’ll catch on soon.”

  Will had no idea what Rose thought was so funny about his question. And what could a rubber sheet be used for if the girls didn’t pee in the bed? I guess I really am a greenhorn.

  “Thank you for letting us sleep with you. Goodnight, Rose,” he whispered.

  Rose whispered, “You’re welcome. Goodnight, Wiggles. Goodnight, Will.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, Will awoke when the sun peered through the curtains. He sat up and Wiggles jumped into his lap. He put his hands on Wiggle’s lips as if to shush him. Rose was in a sound sleep. He eased out of bed and quickly dressed.

  Wiggles stood in the middle of the bed and watched Will as if he were trying to figure out what was going on. Will didn’t bother to slip on his socks and shoes. He picked up Wiggles and quietly headed across the floor, expecting the floor boards to squeak. They were silent. He turned the doorknob. Damn, it’s locked.

  He walked over to the bedside table on Rose’s side of the bed and picked up the small key. He tiptoed back across the floor, tucked Wiggles under his left arm and inserted the key. It made a click sound, but Rose didn’t stir. He stepped out into the hall. Should I lock it? What if she wakes up before I get back? She’ll kill me for locking her in the room. If I don’t lock it and she wakes up, she’ll kill me for leaving it unlocked. Shit! I’ve got to get Wiggles outside before he pees. And I’ve got to pee, too.

  Will tiptoed thought the house and out the backdoor. He dropped Wiggles to the ground. Again, Wiggles ran for the woods. “You better come back. I can’t chase you right now.” Will walked over to the shed and relieved himself. Just as he headed for the woods, Wiggles ran back. “Come on, we’ll see what we can find to eat. But we’ve got to be quiet. We can’t wake up the girls.”

  They went inside and Wiggles ran to the Frigidaire.

  Will opened the bottom bin, took out a few carrots and an apple. He whispered, “Come on outside and we’ll eat.”

  Wiggles trotted behind Will like an obedient dog. Once outside, Will placed the carrots on the ground. As Wiggles ate them, Will ate the apple. “Not much of a breakfast, but we’ll get more, later.” Will rubbed his forehead. I sure could use some coffee, but I don’t know how to use a percolator.

  After Wiggles ate, he started running around the yard like a playful pup. Will chased him and they wallowed on the ground. Just like Red and I used to do. Who would have thought a deer would be so playful?

  Wiggles, I want to walk back into town and I can’t take you.” He opened the shed door and put Wiggles inside. “I’ve got to shut the door so you won’t run off, but I’ll be back soon. You’ll be okay.”

  Will wanted to go back and search through the ashes of the boarding house, one more time. And he wanted to sit inside the old shed, where he could feel close to Red and Jim Bob. It was as if their body odors had permitted the wood. It was comforting.

  He didn’t realize how far it was back to the city limit. It seemed only a short distance when he rode in the car with Rose.

  He was a little tired by the time he reached Lewis Street, but his heart quickened when he spied what was left of the old shed. He walked over to it and sat down on a charred plank. It felt like Red and Jim Bob were still there, so he began to talk to them. “I know neither one of you can hear me, but it feels good to talk to you anyway. And who knows, maybe you can hear me. I think maybe you might be dead too, Red.” He wiped his eyes.

  After he had his talk, he looked at the rubble and ashes of what had once been his home. He decided not to bother walking through it. He started walking back to his new home, though it wouldn’t be for much longer. He hoped. He really wanted to go to California. Then he wondered if he’d ever be able to make himself say good-bye to Rose.

  Once he was back to his temporary home, he let Wiggles out of the shed. He heard a vehicle coming up the driveway. He ran around to the front of the house just in time to see a newspaper fly through the air, landing at the bottom of the steps. He picked up the paper and climbed the steps to the front porch. Wiggles climbed the steps and stood beside Will when he took a seat in the rocker. “Good boy,” he said, as he petted Wiggle’s head. He unfolded the paper and read the headline: McArthur Announces Liberation of Philippines.

  “Wiggles, I’m beginning if wonder if FDR is ever going get us out of this war. I would think the Japanese would be ready to give up by now. We did bomb the shit out of them. I guess I just don’t understand any more about wars than I do about anything else that goes on in this world. I’ve lived a sheltered life, but I think I’m about to get educated, fast. Maybe too fast.”

  Will was still reading the paper when Sudie stuck her head out the front door. “Will, come on in. I’ve got coffee made and I’ll scramble you some eggs.”

  “Thank you, Sudie. I think I could drink a whole pot of coffee. Do you think it’ll be okay to let Wiggles come inside?”

  “Bring him in. You’ll soon find out. Rose is having coffee.” Sudie giggled.

  “Oh, shit. She’s going to chew my ass for leaving her bedroom door unlocked. Sudie, does she seem mad?”

  “Nah. She’s got a grin on her face from ear to ear. Unusual for her, but none of my business.” She pinched Will’s butt as he walked by. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You’ve got the cutest butt I’ve ever seen—and I’ve seen plenty!”

  Will smiled and pinched her cheek. “You little devil. You’re just cute as a button, you know that?”

  They walked into the kitchen and Rose placed her coffee cup into the saucer. “Good morning, my two boys. How did you sleep? ”

  Will blushed from h
ead to toe. Do the girls know I slept in Rose’s bed? “Wiggles and I slept like two babies. We woke up early and I had to get him outside. I’m sorry I left your—”

  Rose held up her hand. “No problem. Where’s the key?”

  Will reached into his pocket, took out the key and dropped it into her hand as his face turned scarlet. He could feel it burning.

  The girls giggled.

  “Knock it off, you silly gooses. You giggle like a bunch of school girls. Now act your age. Prissy, pour me some more coffee. Sudie, fix Will’s breakfast. Belle, feed Wiggles. Will, bring me the morning paper.”

  “Wiggles has already been fed.” Will said. “I’ll get your paper. I’ve already read it. I hope that was okay.”

  “As long as you folded it back the way you found it, I don’t mind. Just don’t ever leave the pages out of order.”

  Will came back with the newspaper and handed it to Rose. “Take a seat. Have a cup of coffee with me,” Rose said.

  Will took a seat, but he could feel his dander rising. Rose was too bossy for him. He wasn’t a child and he didn’t appreciate being treated like one. You think I’m still wet behind the ears, but I’m a man. And I’m tired of being bossed and smothered by women. Mr. Tom and Jim Bob kept me sane.

  Rose folded the paper. “War and more war. I don’t want to read about it. I just want it to end.” She reached over and patted Will’s hand. “Thank God you weren’t drafted.”

  As always, the minute Rose touched Will, his snit was gone. Dammit, if I turn into a bowl of Jello every time she touches me, I’ll never be a real man. Shit fire!

  “Will, would you like to ride to town with me? I’ve got some business to take care of, some shopping to do, and we can get you a haircut and some nice clothes. I’ll give you two weeks advance in salary. Tonight we’re gonna be doing business and I want you dressed properly.”

  “I really do need a haircut. It’s starting to drive me crazy. If you pay me in advance, then I’ll get what I need and I’ll be presentable and ready for business. I’m looking forward to my first night.”

  “Then I’ll get myself fixed up to go to town. I’m a wreck the first thing in the morning.”

  You’re beautiful the first thing in the morning. Your natural beauty is enough to knock my socks off—if I had any on. He stood up, then turned toward Sudie. “Would you mind to watch after Wiggles while we’re gone? Please?”

  “I’ll be happy to.” She stooped down beside Will and picked up Wiggles. She brushed her breasts against his leg as she stood. “You have fun and come back all spiffy for your first night working in a house of ill-repute.”

  Rose shot Sudie a hard look. “You know better than that! This is a brothel. There’s nothing ill about it. Except for the holy Joes who frequent us on Saturday night, then sing in the choir come Sunday morning. Holy Joes and Holy Jolenes make me ill!” Rose left the kitchen.

  “Oops. I think you pushed her buttons,” Prissy said. Then she threw her head back and laughed. “It takes a lot to do that. But don’t push your luck, Sudie girl. She’ll put you on restriction.”

  Will didn’t stay around for the rest of the conversation. He ran to Rose’s bedroom, grabbed his shoes and socks and ran to the front porch. Damn women are crazy! That’s all there is to it!

  Soon, they were on their way to town. Will enjoyed riding in the car and he wasn’t about to tell Rose he had already been to town that morning. “What kind of car is this? It’s beautiful and it rides like a dream.”

  “It’s a 1941 Chevrolet De Luxe Convertible. I bought it the day it came out and I have it washed and waxed every week. It looks brand new, doesn’t it?”

  “I thought it was. No one would guess it’s four years old.”

  “Do you know how to drive?”

  “I’ve never tried. But I think I could keep one on the road. I might need a little practice with using the clutch and shifting the gears though.”

  “Then next Sunday, I’ll give you a driving lesson. When you learn, you can run errands and take care of things. It’s all I can do to keep up. You can also drive when I need to make the trips to take care of my banking business. We can add chauffeur to your job list.”

  “I’d like that. Do you have to wait a week before we start the lessons?”

  “I suppose I could let you drive back home today after we get out of the busy part of town. But it’ll take a few times before you’ll be ready to drive on your own. You know that Sundays are my only days off. So, yes, it’ll be a week before we’ll have time for the second lesson.”

  “I might surprise you at how quickly I learn. Today may be the only lesson I’ll need.”

  Rose flashed Will a sweet smile. “We’ll see.”

  While Rose was taking care of business at the bank, Will went to the barber shop. He only had to wait a few minutes before the barber asked him what he wanted. He took a seat in the barber chair. “I’ll have a haircut and a shave. And use some that Bay Rum aftershave.”

  When the barber was finished, Will looked in the mirror, rubbed his smooth face and said. “The best sixty cents I’ve ever spent. And here’s an extra nickel. Thank you, sir.”

  Will walked down the street feeling like the gentleman that Miss Marylee had created. He went into Sears Roebuck and picked out four pair of dress pants, four white button-down shirts, and a pair of black wingtip shoes. He bought four pair of Levi’s and four pullover shirts. As he passed the jewelry counter, he couldn’t resist buying a wristwatch. He was tired of never knowing what time it was. I’ve got to save as much money as I can. I did splurge a bit, but damn it felt so good. And I’m spending my own money. From now on, Will Hennie will pay his own way.

  Will went to the general store and bought a tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush. If his breath smelled as badly as it tasted, it was as bad as the south end of a polecat. Damn! That’s what Bee said my daddy’s breath smelt like. Most of Will’s early childhood had faded from his mind, but now and then something would trigger a memory. He was sorry he remembered that statement. He even doubted if the man really was his daddy.

  It was noon when Will met Rose back at the car.

  Will opened the car door and slid into the seat. Rose held her heart. “My, don’t you look handsome! I’m sure glad you didn’t get a buzz cut. I like men with hair that parts and they comb it back and push a wave on the side. Is that Bay Rum I smell?”

  “Yes, it is. I splurged. I’ll never wear a buzz cut. I’ll have plenty of time when I’m old to have a bald head. I’m glad you like the way I look and smell. I feel like a million dollars.”

  Rose patted his knee. “You look like a million dollars. I’m proud to have you as my escort. How about we have lunch at Woolworths before we head home?”

  “Okay, but only if you allow me to treat.”

  “I’ll take you up on that offer, Mr. Hennie.”

  “Don’t call me Mr. Hennie! Call me Will!” Rose looked shocked until Will burst out laughing. “How do you like me now? I sounded just like you, huh?”

  “You did indeed. Come on, you silly goose. It’s a short walk. Doing business with a banker drives me crazy and makes me hungry. Since you’re paying, I think I’ll top off my lunch with a banana split.” She winked.

  “Take advantage of me while you can. After today, I’m saving every dime you pay me.”

  “Do you have a social security card?”

  “I don’t guess so, since I don’t know what it is,” Will answered.

  “Well, we’ll have to apply for one. Of course you won’t need it while you’re working for me because I pay under the table. But someday, you’ll be making wages from a business that’ll deduct social security money from your paychecks. FDR set it up.”

  They got out of the car and Will extended his arm. Rose placed her hand on it and they walked to Woolworths. Will opened the door and stood aside and Rose entered. Oh, how I hope Becky Moore is in here. She’ll fall off the stool when she sees me with beautiful Rose.

Becky wasn’t in Woolworths, but Will saw some of the girls she used to hang out with and he knew the gossip of him and Rose would be all over town before sunset.

  They ate and Will proudly paid the tab. When they got back to the car, Rose said. “Watch closely how I use the clutch and shift gears.”

  Will scooted over in the seat as close to Rose as he could. Her nearness was distracting, but he watched every move. “I think I can do that.”

  As soon as they were out of the city limit, Rose pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned off the engine. “Okay. It’s your turn. Come around and get under the wheel.”

  Will started the car, pushed in the clutch and pulled into first gear. He pushed the gas pedal, let out the clutch too fast, and the car jumped, jerked, and the motor died.

  “That happens the first few tries. Do it again. You’ll get the hang of it,” Rose said.

  By the time they reached the long driveway up to the house, Will was shifting gears and driving as if he had been doing it for years. He parked in front of the house. “So, how did I do?”

  “You’re already driving like a pro. Now, pull the car around to the back of the house and park it beside the shed. I never park in the driveway when we’re open for business.”

  Will drove around the house and parked. “We need to get all of our bags inside and get things put up. I’m anxious to see what you bought,” Rose said. “Take the groceries in first and the girls will put them up. Then take our packages to my bedroom. I’ll grab as many as I can.”

  Will unloaded the groceries and placed them on the kitchen table. He returned to the car, grabbed his bag of clothes, headed back inside and hurried into Rose’s bedroom, where he proudly pulled out each item.

  “Fantastic! I’d like for you to wear black dress pants and a white shirt when you’re working. And button the shirt all the way to the top. Did you buy a tie?”

  “No, I didn’t, and I don’t plan on wearing one! And I won’t button my shirt all the way to the top and choke all night, you can forget it!”


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