Finding Will Hennie

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Finding Will Hennie Page 20

by Joy Redmond

  “Jeka,” Will repeated. “Is that an Indian name?”

  “I have no idea. I never asked.”

  “I think it’s a beautiful name.”

  “When I was growing up, I was called Jeka, but after Miss Sophie took me in, I’ve gone by Rose, in remembrance of Grandma. I lived with her until I was ten. Cora and Buck came after me one afternoon, and told Grandma she had no legal claim to me and they were taking me with them.”

  “But why did they take you away from your grandma?”

  “Cora wanted a maid. My four brothers wanted a slave. Buck wanted a concubine.”

  Will felt sick to his stomach. “At ten years-old?”

  “Ten was the perfect age for a house maid, a servant to four boys, but Buck waited until I was twelve and I started sprouting buds before he had his way with me. Christian of him, wasn’t it?”


  “Breasts, Will. They start out like buds. Anyway, when I was twelve and I sprouted buds, Buck would get liquored up and have his way with me. Now mind you, he stood in the pulpit and preached against the evils of drinking, but he always had a bottle. And he always preached against adultery. I guess he didn’t think the Ten Commandments applied to him. He always preached that if you broke them, you were hell bound.”

  “That hypocritical bastard!”

  Rose held up her hand. “Let me get this out and over with. Before I’d turned twelve, I made up my mind that I would not spend the rest of my life being a maid to Cora. Being a house slave to four worthless brothers, and I damn sure wasn’t going to keep bedding Buck. That’s when I made my plans and started stealing money. And you know the rest of the story.”

  “That’s the saddest and most sickening story I’ve ever heard. I feel like I’m going to vomit.”

  “I’ve got a taste of bile in my mouth, too,” Rose said. “I trust this will stay between us.”

  “A stick of dynamite won’t get it out of me.”

  Rose rubbed her arms. “The sun’s going down. I’m getting a bit chilled. That’s the part I don’t like about fall. The sun goes down too early.”

  “Thank you for sharing your story. As you said, we do have a lot in common. I just wasn’t used by anyone the way you were.” Will shook his head.

  Rose stood and Will stood beside her. She looped her arm through his. “I guess we need to get inside, eat a snack, take a bath and get to bed. I have to get up early in the morning and go to town. Do you want to drive?”

  “You bet I do! Chauffer was added to my job list, right?”

  “Yes, it was.”

  When they reached the backdoor, Will turned his body and yelled, “Red. Wiggles. Come on home. It’s time to get in the shed. I’ve got you a nice bed made up with leaves. That’s got to be better than underbrush.”

  Rose laughed. “Will, they’ll come to the shed when they’re ready. It’s not like they’re children and have a bedtime.”

  Will laughed. “I suppose your right.”

  They entered the kitchen and found it empty. “The girls are already upstairs, I guess,” Rose said. “We’ll see what we can find in the fridge.”

  “I’m not really hungry. I think I’ll just go take my bath.” He kissed Rose’s cheek. “See you in the morning.”

  “That you will, Will.” Rose laughed.

  Will took a bath, put on the clothes he had taken off, then took his coat and cap off the hook by the backdoor. He went out to the shed. “Hey, Red. Wiggles. Do you mind if I bunk in with you?”

  Will snuggled between Red and Wiggles. “You two better not hog the covers,” he said, laughing.

  Suddenly, Will heard Rose, sweetly calling his name. He turned over and put his arm around Red. Will I forever dream about her?

  “Will. Will, are you asleep?”

  Will sat up and shook his head as if he was trying to jar himself awake. Then he saw her standing in the doorway of the shed. She was barefoot and wearing a white sheer nightgown. Wake up! She’s not there, he screamed inside his head.

  Rose reached for his hand. “Would you like to come in the house? It’s going to get chilly out here.”

  “Oh, I thought I was dreaming. You really are standing in front of me.”

  “Having a nightmare, huh?” Rose laughed.

  Will didn’t answer. He merely took her hand.

  Rose led him through the dark house and into her bedroom. “I never realized how big and lonesome my bed was before you and Wiggles shared it with me. Wiggles outgrew the bed, but you’re the right size. I’ve gotten spoiled. This is your bed, Will. Not the shed.”

  Will swallowed, hard. “You mean—”

  “I mean,” Rose said, climbing into bed and patting the other side. “I do believe this side is where you belong.”

  Will could barely make his feet move. He finally made it around the bed, stripped to his underwear, slipped into bed and pulled the covers over him. His heart was beating so hard, he wondered if it was going to jump out of his chest.

  Rose snuggled up to him. “Have you ever been with a woman?”

  “Er, you mean, have I ever, er—”

  “Yes. That’s what I mean.”

  “I kissed a girl once—and I touched her breasts. That’s as far as I got—”

  Rose’s sweet lips covered Will’s.

  He felt electrical sparks shoot through his whole body. Just let me die with her luscious lips on mine.

  Rose stopped kissing him and got out of bed.

  “Did I do the kissing wrong? I haven’t had much practice. I’m sorry.”

  Rose didn’t say a word, she just headed to her bathroom.

  “Well, shit fire! Get me in this condition, then just leave me. You’re just plain mean!” Will gritted his teeth and clinched his fists, wanting to punch a hole in the wall. He swung his body off the bed. “Red and Wiggles, just scoot over again,” he mumbled through clenched teeth.

  Just as he bend his head and reached for his jeans, he saw Rose’s bright red toe nails. He slowly raised his head and gazed into her beautiful brown eyes.

  She smiled and gently pushed him in the chest. He fell backward and hit the bed.

  Her white night gown hit the floor.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Will awoke and gazed down at Rose, her head on his shoulder, her arm on his chest. He loved the smell of her hair. He inhaled deeply and the previous night ran through his mind. He had no idea how wonderful sex could be. Now, he knew he’d never get his fill. But Rose was the only woman he would ever share a bed with. She had laid claim to his heart.

  He smiled, thinking of how he was such a greenhorn when it came to a woman’s body. But Rose instructed him, her voice like honey as she told him where, what, and how to do things. No wonder people kill in a jealous rage. I’d kill anybody who touched Rose. He badly needed to pee but he couldn’t bring himself to pull his arm from under Rose’s head. He wanted to freeze the moment in time. He gently stroked her beautiful long hair. She didn’t stir.

  He eased his arm from under her head, then gently took her arm off his chest. He slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. Don’t forget to put the seat down after you’re done, he reminded himself.

  He braced himself against the bathroom wall, feeling like the king of a mountain. I’ll never be the same. I’m still not sure if I should kiss her or slug her.

  He walked back to the bedroom and found Rose sitting up in bed, her bare breasts exposed. “Morning, my sweet lover,” she cooed.

  Will slightly whimpered before he knew the sound was coming. He quickly regained his composure. “Good morning, my sweet Rose.” He sat down beside her. “Do I owe you for last night? Whatever the charge, I’ll be more than happy to pay.”

  Rose took his hand. “Honey, when a woman goes to bed with a man and it’s business, there’s a charge. When a woman goes to bed with a man and it’s pleasure, then it’s free. There’s a big difference. Since I’m not a working girl, it was my pleasure. And what a pleasure it was!”
/>   Will blushed from head to toe. “It was pleasure without measure for me. I was nervous and I had no idea what to do. It being my first time, I thought you might laugh at my fumbling.”

  “Rose threw her head back and laughed. “Honey, I’ve bedded men who had been doing it for thirty years or more. They were pathetic. They couldn’t hold a candle to you. You’re a quick study, and practice makes perfect.”

  “Do you mean that, or are you just trying to boost my ego? I know how working girls are supposed to make a man feel like he’s the greatest lover in the world. I’ve learned a thing or two by listening at doors.”

  “Again, Will. There’s a difference between business and pleasure. And you never mix them. There’s also a difference in having sex and making love. We made love. Now, I need to get ready to go to town. I’ll make the coffee, and you make the bed. I don’t think the girls are up yet.”

  Will stood and watched Rose get out of bed. He walked around to her side, wrapped his arms around her naked body and kissed her neck. “I love you, Rose.”

  Rose pulled away. “Another thing you need to understand and remember. There’s a big difference between lust and love. A man always feels like he’s in love with the first woman he goes to bed with. You’re in lust, which wanes in time. Love is forever.”

  “There you go again, telling me what’s in my mind and heart. I may lust for you, but I also love you. Confounded woman! You make me crazy!”

  Rose laughed and headed for the bathroom.

  Will dressed and went out to check on Red and Wiggles. Red was in the shed by himself. “I guess Wiggles went to the woods without you, huh? Don’t mope. He’ll be back. Now, I’m going to get you a bucket of fresh water, but you’re gonna have to wait until Rose and I get back from town with groceries. We’ve eaten every scrap in the house. We’ll be lucky if we manage to find breakfast for us.” He hugged Red. “I’ll see you later. Wiggles will be back before I am.”

  He came through the back door and smelled coffee brewing. He fixed two pieces of toast with butter and jelly. When the coffee was ready he poured a cup. He was going back for a second cup when Rose came into the kitchen. She was dressed to perfection, as usual. “I’ll have a cup of coffee, but I’m not hungry. We’ll grab lunch in town. And yes, you can treat me.”

  Soon they were on their way. Will loved to drive. It made him feel like a man as he chauffeured his lady. Last night I truly became a man.

  Rose said sweetly, “Will, I’m merely making a suggestion, so don’t get your drawers in a wad. The best way to make money is to let your money make it for you. You invest it. The best way is to buy U.S. Savings Bonds. They make interest for you. By the time you need to cash them in, you’ll get back twice, maybe more, depending on how long you keep them, than what you paid for them. When you save up twenty-five dollars, I’ll take you to the bank and you can purchase one.”

  “My money can make money for me?”

  “Yes, it can. I’ve got a stack of bonds. And I’ve invested in other things. I spend a lot of time with my banker. He advises me on things. Most of the time I take his advice, but there’s times when I don’t. I’m not a gambler. If it doesn’t sound like a sure thing, I take a pass and buy more bonds.”

  “I’ve saved twenty-five dollars, but I didn’t bring it. I just brought a few dollars to buy personal items and our lunch. I think I’d like to buy some bonds. I like the idea of money making money. That’s something Miss Marylee didn’t tell me about.”

  “I’m sure she would have if she—”

  “If she had lived long enough and if I had been making my own money. It’s okay to talk about her. She’s the best memory I have. I enjoy talking about her. She was one special lady!”

  “I’m sure she was. She raised you to be a perfect gentleman.”

  When they reached the middle of town, Will asked, “Where do you want to park?”

  “The next spot you find will do. We can walk to wherever we need to go. Just meet me back at the car by noon.”

  Will angled into the next parking spot he saw. “Okay. Noon. I’ve got my watch on. I’m always punctual. And I’ve already learned that women are always late.”

  “I’m always on time. I take care of business and I don’t have to worry about anybody wanting to have a conversation. I’m spoken to by very few.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Will, come on. I run a late evening business. The holy Jolenes won’t look my way. It’s like they think if they speak to me, my evil will rub off. And the holy Joes don’t dare acknowledge they know me. It might give away their dirty secret.”

  “Damn, hypocrites!” Will spat on the sidewalk. “They leave a bad taste in my mouth.”

  “The world is full of hypocrites. You’re learning. Do you remember that Sunday when you were standing on the street? Who passed you by? Who dropped money into your hat?”

  “The hypocrites passed me by, then went into the church. The man who looked like a bum gave me money. He didn’t go into the church.” Will scratched his head.

  “Exactly! A Christian is as a Christians does. He gave. The church goers acted like you were invisible.”

  “He was the true Christian. And he probably gave me all he had. I’ll never forget that.”

  “Let’s get on our way. You’ve got so much to learn about the ways of the real world. And it isn’t pretty,” Rose said.

  Will got out of the car, walked around it and opened the door for Rose. “I’m going to the barber shop first. I’m surprised you haven’t already been on me about getting a trim.”

  Rose smiled, patted Will’s face and headed down the street.

  By noon, Will was back to the car and was surprised to see Rose, and she had loaded the back seat with groceries. “You beat me back to the car today. I would have been more than happy to carry the groceries for you.”

  “I like the exercise. I made several trips before I got them loaded, but I enjoy it. I want you to enjoy your trips to town. I wish you had friends your own age. You need a good buddy to hang out with. Red and Wiggles are good companions, but—”

  Will held up his hand. “I’ve tried it. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now. Some smartass boy would make a wisecrack about you and I’d end up busting him. I’m happy with my life.”

  When they were out of the city limits, Rose said, “I bet you don’t have a birth certificate, do you? That’s something you’ll have to have for many things as you go through life.”

  “I’m sure my birth was never recorded. Bee didn’t want the world to know that I existed. So I guess I’ll have to do the best I can without one.”

  “That’s not an option. You need to have one. It’s just a piece of paper, but without it, you don’t exist to the rest of the world. It doesn’t matter that people can see you, and know you were born. You have to have the certificate to prove it.”

  “Well, I can’t prove it. So what am I supposed to do? I don’t even know where I came from. The only thing I can figure out is I must have come from Arkansas. Jed, the man who gave me a hitch, said he was crossing the Arkansas line and he was headed into the boot heel of Missouri. I don’t even know my exact age. The best that Dr. Ford and Miss Marylee could figure, I was about eight when I showed up at the boarding house. I might be eighteen. I might only be seventeen.”

  “Well, I say you’re eighteen. Which means you were born in 1927.”

  “Miss Marylee said July sixteen was my birthday. She set that date because it was the day I came into her life. Is that enough information for me to get a birth certificate?”

  “No. Not even close. But there’s a way. If you’ll agree to it.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I can adopt you.”

  “Adopt me? How would you do that?”

  “I’ll go talk to my lawyer. He’ll fill out the papers. The state will approve it. Once you’re adopted you’ll have a birth certificate. Everything in life is paperwork. Papers you have to carry from the cradle to
the grave. You can use the name Will Hennie or you can rename yourself John Henry if you to.”

  “I want my name to be Will Hennie. That’s what Gram wrote in my book. I don’t know if it’s my middle name or last name. Can I use Will Hennie Long? In memory of Miss Marylee.”

  “You can use Will Hennie but you have to take my last name. There’s no way around that because I’ll be the one adopting you.”

  “So my name will be Will Hennie McGraw?”

  “It could be Will Hennie Long McGraw. How does that sound?”

  “I can have that many names?”

  “You sure can!”

  “Then, that’s what my name will be. When I’m a hotshot lawyer, I’ll be called Mr. McGraw, attorney at law. Hey, that rhymes.” Will chuckled.

  “Speaking of being a hotshot lawyer—”

  “I’m not going to talk about it. I’ll let you know when I’m ready. I don’t exist yet! After I get my birth certificate, can I get a social security card?”

  “You sure can. You have to have one.”

  Will drove up the long driveway to the house. He pulled the car around to the back. And since it was fall, he had to cover it with a tarp after it was unloaded.

  Once the car was unloaded and the girls had the groceries put away, Will said, “I need to feed Red. And Wiggles, if he’s come home.”

  Sudie pointed to a large bag of dog food. “Rose said Red would be eating this from now on, and that Wiggles is big enough to find his own food. But, me and the girls will sneak them our food when she’s not looking.” She giggled.

  “Rose buys the food. Rose says who gets it,” Will said, and gave Sudie a stern look.

  Sudie laughed. “Oh, trust me, Rose takes food money out of our pay. So, we’ll be feeding Red and Wiggles what we pay for.”

  “Okay,” Will said with a sigh. I still don’t know how everything works around here. I guess she deducts food money from my pay, too. That’s fair.

  Just as Will headed to the backdoor, Sudie said, “Will, you know I’ve been takin’ courses by mail, tryin’ to get my high school diploma. I could really use some help with some of this stuff. Is there any way you can help me out?”


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