Broken & Burned

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Broken & Burned Page 7

by A. J. Downey

  “Need to go anywhere?” I asked her.

  “No.” she said frowning.

  “Then gimme a beer.” I answered. She nodded in understanding and went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles. She opened them both and returned to the table. My eyebrows went up. Didn’t know a lot of girls that would drink beer, let alone a dark one. She crooked a smile.

  “I’m Irish.” She said and tipped the bottle to her lips. I laughed a little. She had her hair swept up into a high pony tail leaving the line of her neck and the curve of her shoulder bare. I had a sudden and strong urge to put my lips to that sweet spot where the two came together. She held herself with perfect posture, back straight, shoulders thrust back and I wondered if the girl ever got the chance to relax. We finished our meal in comfortable silence and when she reached out to take my plate my fingers closed gently around her wrist.

  “You cooked.” I said and looked up into her pretty blue eyes. She had really long eyelashes and I wondered how come I hadn’t noticed before, I mean shit, I’d been spending a fair amount of time staring awestruck into those baby blues.

  “So?” she asked and swallowed hard. Her eyes dilated and I fought down a smirk. So she found me attractive and my hand on her skin did something to her. Interesting. I let her go and it was reluctantly. Her skin was smooth, soft beneath my work rough hands. She set my plate back down.

  “So you cook, I clean. Fair?” I asked. She nodded and I got up and cleared the dishes.

  “You should let me have a look at that hand.” She said.

  “What hand?” I asked.

  “The one you punched Jerry in the face with.” She said without a trace of judgment or reproach.

  I looked at it. The one knuckle was pretty swollen and the split from his tooth pretty angry looking. Who knew where his mouth had been? I flashed on the skeez from the day before and then flashed on Everett’s fresh face stained with her tears. I wanted to hit him all over again and keep hitting him until he couldn’t get up.

  “Sure.” I said and she got up. I rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. My dad’s gift to my mom one year had been a full kitchen remodel to bring all the modern conveniences into the small prohibition era home. Everett had disappeared into the bathroom but now she was back and motioning for me to retake my seat. I sat down amused and she took my hand gently between her own. I sucked in a silent breath and held it. Her hands were warm and silky and even though I wouldn’t be going there I let my thoughts drift to what they would feel like wrapped around my cock. She picked up a brown bottle of liquid and soaked a cotton ball with it and I wondered where the hell we had cotton balls in the house.

  “This might sting a little at first.” She dabbed the cut with the solution and it started foaming and bubbling. It didn’t really hurt at all but the bubbling sensation was foreign and unexpected and my hand jerked. She started blowing on the cut and looked at me and those blue eyes made my mouth go a little dry. They were clear and just so bright and I think made all the more dramatic by the fact that on the outer edge of the iris they were ringed by cool steel. She averted her gaze, back to cleaning the cut and I resolutely told my dick to settle down.

  She dabbed at the cut with the solution until it stopped foaming and smeared it with some antibacterial ointment before sticking a cloth band aid over it. She pressed a tiny kiss over the band aid, her lips grazing the skin around the bandage and murmured so softly I barely heard it,

  “There. All better.” She smiled at me but it wilted at the edges when she caught the look on my face which I felt had gone to stone.

  “Why did you do that?” I asked. She swallowed.

  “Do what?” she feigned innocence but I wouldn’t have it ignored.

  “Kiss it.” I flicked my tongue over suddenly dry lips. “Why’d you kiss my hand?”

  “My da’ used to do it to me whenever I had a scrape or an owie. Habit, I guess?” she rose and gathered the band aid wrappers and soiled cotton balls in one hand. Owie? Could she be any more innocent or adorable? I captured her wrist and jerked her down into her seat. She sat heavily.

  “I’m only going to say this once and then we’re never going to speak of it again.” I said, needing to get one thing clear. She took a fortifying drink of her beer.

  “You’re cute, pretty even, but I’m nobody’s rebound.” I kept her stare pinned with my own and she didn’t as much as flinch. She nodded slowly.

  “I wasn’t trying anything.” She said evenly, and after a brief moment of searching her face I believed her.

  “Okay then.” I said and let her go. She got up from the table, clearly rattled and I couldn’t say I was sorry for it. She threw away the trash and put the rest of it back wherever it had come from. I got up and pushed in the chairs, heading off into my room to grab something comfortable to lounge in. She had everything neatly folded on the floor against one wall, as much as she could and I went into one of my drawers. I extracted a pair of black straight legged sweats and went back out.

  “Need to pee or anything you better do it now. I’m going in for a shower.” She nodded and slipped into the bathroom, did her business and came back out. I shut the door and turned on the faucets with a gusty sigh. Hot water poured from the tap and I twisted the center knob to get the shower going. Steam rose around me in a soft plume and I stripped down. I washed the garage and the rest of my day off quickly, but stood under the punishing hot soak to ease some of the tension out of my shoulders before I got out. I felt clean and more relaxed and pulled on some sweats, tying them where they were comfortable, low on my hips. I ran a comb through my hair and sopped the water off my shoulders and chest from the escaped water droplets the act of combing my hair had rained down on my skin. I gave the bathroom a once over look to make sure I had everything before hitting the light and coming out. She sat at the dining room table in front of her laptop, wearing these hot for teacher black framed glasses. One leg tucked gracefully under her, the other swinging idly back and forth.

  The whole image was a pretty intimate view of Everett Moran and not going to lie, one I probably wouldn’t get tired of looking at. I went out into the mud room and dumped the laundry into the hamper. When I stepped back into the kitchen her eyes were boring into mine through those hot nerd glasses of hers over her laptop screen. I stopped midstride.

  “Do you know anything about math?” she asked. I smiled and sauntered over.

  “Maybe.” I said leaning down over her shoulder to take a look at her screen. It looked like she was doing some kind of algebra with symbols I’d never even seen let alone heard of. I frowned.

  “What is this shit?” I asked.

  “Alien translated into Greek.” She complained and rubbed her forehead. She was online so she’d figured out the Wi-Fi password, which was impressive.

  “At least you figured out the Wi-Fi.” I muttered.

  “It was the network key on the bottom of the router, the first thing I looked at.” She said like it was child’s play. I nodded.

  “I’m putting on a movie. Come join me if you’d like.” I said and straightened. She sighed and went back to her figures. I sat in the living room and turned on the television, lounging back on the couch I put my feet up and went through the cable listings. I landed on something from a premium channel through on demand. A gusty sigh came from the dining area and I glanced up. She closed the lid to her laptop and joined me, curling up on the love seat, hugging herself. The movie went through its opening sequence and I got up.

  “Beer?” I asked.

  “No thanks.” She said. I pulled the throw blanket off the back of the couch and put it over her. She murmured her thanks and smiled up at me. I smiled back and went and got another beer. I sat back down, wishing she weren’t so far away then wondering ‘What the fuck?’ at myself as the movie started.

  “Batman, huh?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” I answered.

  “I’m a Marvel girl,” She confessed, “But if I have to watch DC, Batma
n is who I would pick.” I quirked a one sided grin.

  The movie was the third in the Dark Knight trilogy and went longer than I remembered it being. By the time it ended Everett was fast asleep and I was fairly sauced, more than a few empties sitting forlorn on the coffee table. The credits were rolling and I let myself have a minute or two to just look at her. She had her hands tucked under her cheek and was sleeping so peacefully I didn’t have the heart to wake her. Instead I went into my bedroom and pulled back a triangle of blankets and sheets, noting that she’d made the bed the way I like it. I went back out and gently unwound her from the throw and put it back where it belonged.

  I bent at the knees and power lifted her frame into my arms. I couldn’t do it forever, I mean she and I were nearly equal in height with only a couple of inches of difference. While she wasn’t fat, she had some solid muscle to her, especially her long legs. I turned sideways through the door and she jolted awake as I stooped to set her on the bed. Her arms locking around my neck and shoulders in reflex.

  “Shhh, just me. Just Dray.” I said and the confusion cleared from her eyes and the tension in her body eased marginally. Her reaction secretly pleased me. I set her down and slipped my arms out from under her reaching up to untangle myself from her arms. She let me go and I situated the blankets up around her.

  “Get some sleep.” I whispered into the dark and her eyes fluttered shut. I wondered briefly if she had even woken up at all.

  “Don’t close it.” she said when I had my hand on the door knob and I had my answer.

  “Why not?” I asked.

  “I’m afraid...” She muttered but her voice fell off, and I couldn’t understand what else she uttered. I let go of the door and reentered the room, crouching down by the bed.

  “What are you afraid of Everett? Why can’t I close the door?” I asked softly.

  “If you close the door I won’t hear or see them coming.” She sounded stricken, sad…

  “Who are they?” I asked.

  “I don’t know.” She sighed and sounded impatient and frustrated. I wanted her to rest so I let it go for now.

  “Okay, okay, sleep. We’ll talk about it later.” I adjusted the blankets around her even though I didn’t need to and let her sleep.

  What she’d said bothered me. Her voice had sounded small, almost childlike but whatever had happened it had left an impression. I lay on my dad’s bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time before drifting off myself.

  I woke up and I couldn’t tell you what time it was. Clouds hung low in the sky threatening rain outside the window and I groaned. I wanted to get a ride in today. I sat up and thought I heard water running. I went out into the hall and found the bathroom door shut tight which wasn’t helpful when I had to go this bad. I stood outside it and waited impatiently.

  “Em!” I called out.

  “Yeah!” she called back from the shower.

  “Stay behind the curtain I’m coming in!” I called.

  “Wait! What!?” but I was through the door and the lid and seat were up before she could finish her exclamation. She poked her head out, caught sight of me bringing myself out of my pants said, “Oh god!” and ducked back behind the curtain.

  The curtain was clear but in that frosted sort of way and I tried very hard not to look at her nude silhouette as she rinsed her long hair. I failed, her body was one long sleek line as she tipped her head back under the spray. I couldn’t pick out any details, the curtain keeping everything vague and indistinct and I was grateful for that. I finished my business quickly and closed the seat and lid.

  “Sorry Em, wasn’t about to go outside like some kind of mutt.” I said and left the bathroom quickly. I didn’t flush, old plumbing would scorch the hell out of her. She finished her shower quickly and emerged from the bathroom dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt that had the neckline cut, the straps of her bra peeking out at the shoulders. She was drying her hair briskly, rubbing it back and forth between her towel-covered hands.

  “Sorry I didn’t check first, I didn’t know what time you would be getting up and I didn’t want to wake you.” She rubbed her hair more vigorously with the towel and the smell of lilacs drifted over to me.

  “Is there coffee?” I asked her and she nodded and went into the kitchen. She ditched the towel in the hamper and poured me a cup.

  “Thanks.” I said.

  “It’s an Ethiopian dark roast. Might be a bit much black.” She warned. I sipped and a rich, bold smoky flavor trickled across my tongue.

  “It’s good.” I declared.

  “Thanks.” She murmured and sat at the table to pull on her socks and sneaks.

  “Got somewhere you gotta be?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes actually. It’s Saturday, I’m going here.” She handed me a note she’d left on the table.

  “I’ll be done in about three or four hours if not longer. I called a cab to come get me to take me but if I could get a ride after, that would be really awesome.” She bit her lip and looked so hopeful I laughed.

  “I’ll pick you up.” I said and she gave an excited little squeal and I winced.

  “Correction, I’ll pick you up as long as you swear you’ll never make that sound again.” I said and sipped the dark coffee. A horn blared outside and she picked up the mystery gym bag.

  “Thank you Dray.” She said solemnly and came forward, she kissed my cheek and dashed out the door before I could say anything about it.


  I pulled my own gym bag together, took the chance, and rode out to the ‘Y’ to hit the gym. I changed once I was there and it was as I was warming up I realized what she’d said. Three or four hours if not longer… Who exercises for that long!?

  I did an hour of weights and an hour of running. Reaver and Trigger came through the door just as I was finishing up. I nodded to them and they came over to my treadmill.

  “Dragon says you picked up a stray of your own.” Trigger, the big blonde bastard, was grinning from ear to ear. I slowed it down to a walk, caught my breath and nodded.

  “Something like that man.” I said.

  “That why you were MIA last night?” Reaver asked and he was all smiles. Creepy fucker. I nodded.

  “Yeah.” I told them what was up and their smiles turned to a more sobered expression.

  “She’ll do all right if she’s got you watching out for her.” Trigger commented and it meant a lot that he’d say it. He and I weren’t always on the best of terms. His woman Ashton had changed a lot of things for the better since he’d picked her up from the side of the road last spring.

  “Just tryin’ to do the right thing.” I said. Reaver and I exchanged looks and he smiled a little one sided and nodded.

  “We’re here for you if you need anything brother.” The slimmer man said. Reaver was muscled without being bulky. He was more about speed and endurance than power. Any man that preferred knives rather than a gun was half cracked in the head and off his rocker. That was Reaver, still, all and all he was a good guy.

  “Wanna lift with us?” Trigger invited and I shook my head, stepping off the treadmill.

  “Naw man, I did that before. Time for me to hit the shower. I only have around an hour to kill before I have to go pick up Em.”

  “Em, is that her name?” Reaver asked.

  “Naw, its Everett. Everett Mary Moran. Her initials stuck out at me and I’ve been callin’ her Em.” I explained.

  “Sounds serious.” Trigger teased.


  “I nicknamed Ashton ‘Sunshine’ in my head the first time I saw those eyes of hers. I think that was when my caveman brain branded her mine.” He winked at me and I snorted.

  “I’m nobody’s rebound and she wouldn’t want to have anything to do with a broken fuck like me.” I said. Looking at Reaver the things we’d done were standing out fresh in my mind. He and I traded knowing looks.

  “Never say never brother.” Trigger said and he was grinning, I knew
he wasn’t oblivious, he’d just found his be all of end all’s in Ashton and was deluded into thinking because he could find it then the rest of us would too. I almost wished that line of thinking were true but life wasn’t a fucking fairy tale for all of us. Some of us didn’t deserve what he and Ashton had together.

  “See you tonight?” Reaver asked pulling me out of my dark thoughts.

  “Yeah. We’ll see.” I said.

  We parted ways and I showered, dressed and rode home. I got Matilda, my bike, into the garage just as the first fat drops of rain started to fall. I smiled and thanked the weather gods for their kindness and finished closing up the small free-standing garage, locking it up. I dropped some laundry in the washer in back and got it going before I headed out and fired up Sadie.

  It had been over three hours, pushing four and I wanted to know what was up with little miss Everett and the mystery gym bag. I drove into town and found the address she’d written for me. I pulled into the lot next to the old brick building and wondered what the hell it was. There was no sign outside declaring it this or that… I got out of Sadie and locked her up and strode up the cracked sidewalk to the glass door and let myself in. It smelled strongly of dust and floor wax and cleaner. Random clacking and banging could be heard. I went into a doorway and found a huge room, the walls lined with mirrors and bars. A row of little girls in dance gear and some kind of tap shoes stood in a bundle around Everett.

  “Please Ms. Moran!? Pleeeeease!?” one girl was begging. Everett laughed.

  “Okay! Okay! Tabitha, music.” One of the little girls tapped-ran to a stereo in the corner. I shrank back, Everett passed the doorway and took up a place in the center of the large expanse of beat up floor. She stood, legs straight, hands on hips and nodded once. Music, Irish folksy crap, slow at first flowed out of hidden speakers and I watched as Everett’s one foot tapped, faster than lightning, faster than the eye could see. Rat-ta-tat! A long pause, then again, Rat-ta-tat!

  She was making music with her feet as much as anything and when the music from the stereo hit a certain portion of song, she danced. Her hands stayed glued to her hips but her feet and legs they moved and she bounced and floated across the room, spinning and kicking and the whole damn thing was magical and mesmerizing. She danced the whole song through and I ducked back out of the door way and plastered my back against the wall.


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