My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked

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My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked Page 3

by Marita A. Hansen

  My eyes went to the FBI agent, who was glaring at me. The troia wanted Frano too. Whether it was for love or sex, I couldn’t tell. The woman was a mystery to me, but I couldn’t blame her for wanting him. The man was too fucking perfect, everything a mafia woman could wish for. We didn’t fall for pussycats who romanced us with flowers and chocolates, we wanted a strong, vicious man, who would kill for us, and who could also lie through their teeth to achieve whatever they needed to. I just wished he wasn’t lying to me. I was supposed to be the one he confided in, someone who would stand by his side, making both of our families strong once more. The FBI agent couldn’t do that for him, but what the heart wanted was what the heart went for, and for Frano, that was this woman in front of me.

  “You should take her to your room, where she will be safe,” I said.

  I didn’t want her in his room. I wanted her stripped of her clothing and thrown back into her cell, but if I said that, Frano would probably drop the illusion he was weaving for me and the Landi, and I would be thrown to the wolves to be slaughtered. And as much as I wanted the woman humiliated, I wanted to live more.

  He blinked in surprise, probably not expecting my words. Nor did he expect this: I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a kiss right in front of her. He tensed, but didn’t push me away, even though I could tell he wanted to. I could also tell he wanted to get the hell out of here, so he could take her to his room and explain why he hadn’t pushed me away.

  I pulled back from the kiss and glanced down the passage at the Landi soldier, who was watching us. Frano looked at him too, confirming my thoughts. If the Landi found out he was lying, he could jeopardize his friendship with Pedro as well as putting Alessandro’s life at risk. Such a loyal man to the people he liked, but a bastardo to the ones he didn’t.

  I started talking to him in Italian, knowing damn well the woman understood me, but pretending she didn’t. I told him I was looking forward to our honeymoon night. It wasn’t loud enough for the Landi guard to hear, but definitely loud enough for the FBI agent to fume over.

  Frano tensed even more. “I need to return to my room,” he said, “so I can call the priest to arrange our marriage. I will talk to you later.”

  “Okay, amore, I love you,” I said, smiling inwardly as the woman’s hands formed into fists.

  Frano nodded, but didn’t reply back with an ‘I love you’. Instead, he ushered the woman to his room. As soon as the Landi soldier closed the door behind them, the FBI troia started shouting, then suddenly went quiet. I could imagine Frano covering her mouth with his hand, pleading for the woman to see sense; that he was only pretending. He would be whispering it, so that the guard wouldn’t hear. Though, it would do no good, because I would drive a wedge between them, this being the start.

  I turned to Jagger’s door, now ready to take my anger out on the bastardo within. I didn’t want to hurt Frano for his deception; knew that would be stupid, but I could hurt Jagger all I wanted. Although I was grateful for what he’d done for my sister Ghita, what he was doing to my niece was a different matter, and something I couldn’t allow to continue.

  I slipped my hand into my tan-colored slacks and gripped onto the hilt of the knife I’d stolen from Frano’s office, making sure that Jagger didn’t stop me from freeing Teodora. I slipped into the room, stopping at the sight of my niece lying on the bed naked. She was cuffed to the bedrail with a ball gag in her mouth. Her eyes went to me instantly. She started yanking at the cuffs and trying to speak to me, but the gag stifled it. I glanced at the bathroom, the sound of running water suggesting Jagger was showering.

  I rushed over to Teodora. “Whisper only,” I said, keeping my voice low. I yanked the gag out of her mouth. “Where are the keys for the cuffs?”

  “In the drawer next to the bed,” she whispered back.

  I opened the drawer, tensing as the shower turned off.

  “Please hurry,” Teodora said. “He’s crazy.”

  “Did he rape you?” I asked, pulling out the keys.


  Breathing out in relief, I slotted one of the keys into the first cuff, but it was the wrong one. I pushed the other one in. The cuff clicked open at the same time as the bathroom door. Jagger stepped out naked, the man absolutely mouthwatering to look at.

  I froze as he smiled at me. “I’m taking her,” I said.

  “Okay,” he replied.

  I remained still, surprised by his words.

  He jerked his head to the door. “Go on then, set her free. I really don’t give a fuck.”

  Not needing to be told twice, I freed Teodora’s other wrist, constantly flicking my gaze to Jagger to make sure he wasn’t tricking me. He remained still, just watching us, those golden eyes of his emotionless. For some reason it made me feel even more disconcerted that he wasn’t trying to stop me. I couldn’t believe he was going to let me walk out with Teodora after the way he’d acted the day before.

  I moved to Teodora’s ankles, freeing them too. She jumped off the bed and hugged me as though I had saved her. But, she wasn’t safe until she was out of Jagger’s room and safely deposited with Alessandro, whom I now trusted. The way he had put himself in danger for my sister Andriena had gained him my respect.

  I hugged Teodora back for a moment, keeping my eyes on Jagger. Something wasn’t right with him, especially with the way his gaze was completely fixated on my face. The intensity of his stare was making me shake, and I never shook—unless I was in front of Christo, my uncle the only person I’d ever been terrified of. And right now, Jagger had that same scary calm Christo had, which never led to anything good. I always thought Jagger was a touch crazy, but I was wrong: he was a touch sane.

  “Go to Alessandro Santini’s room,” I said to Teodora. “He’s looking after Andriena and another woman. He’s honorable and I trust that he will protect you. Turn left, it’s near the end of the passage.”

  Teodora pulled back. “Aren’t you coming?”

  “I will soon, but I have some unfinished business with Jagger.”

  “You can’t be in here alone with him, he’s crazy.”

  “He won’t hurt me, sweetie, I’m Frano’s fiancé.”

  “His pretend fiancé,” Jagger interrupted. “But feel assured, schiava,” he said to Teodora, “I will treat your aunty with the respect she deserves.”

  I gritted my teeth, knowing he was being sarcastic. Regardless, he still wasn’t attacking us, so maybe he was respecting the fact that Frano had told him not to touch me.

  “Go, Teodora,” I said, giving my niece a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be perfectly safe.”

  Teodora let go of me and grabbed a sheet off Jagger’s bed.

  “Put that down!” Jagger snapped, making both my niece and I jump.

  “But, I’m naked,” Teodora said.

  “Put it back now or you’ll be naked and under me.”

  She dropped the sheet on the bed and ran for the door, slipping out of the room before I could blink. I pulled out the knife from my pocket.

  Jagger held his arms out wide, the man truly breathtaking. He was shorter and less muscular than Frano, but nonetheless, he was perfectly proportioned, his body a work of art. “I would never turn death away,” he said, his voice eerie.

  “I’m not going to kill you,” I said, “and you’re nuts if you think death is a good thing.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “I want something from you,” I said, intending on bribing him, which I hadn’t planned on doing until I saw Frano hugging the FBI troia. I needed her out of my way, or I was going to end up in a slave cell or dead.

  He touched his cock. “Well, I’m attached to this, so you’re not getting it.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not after revenge. My uncle deserved what you did to him. Instead, what I want is for you to kill the FBI agent.”

  He pulled a face. “You have got to be kidding.”

  “I will pay you ten million dollar

  “I don’t give a shit about money, and why would you think I would ever agree to something like that?”

  “Because you almost killed her seven years ago.”

  His eyes widened, confirming what my uncle had told me.

  I walked around the bed, stopping a few feet away from him, making sure that the knife was between us. “My Uncle Michael covered for you, letting everyone believe it was him who had ‘killed’ Sophia Salvi. But it was you. It may have been an accident, you may not have meant to do it, but you still did, and since you knew my uncle loved you, you went to him, asking for his help, knowing he would do anything for you.”

  Jagger screwed up his face. “You’re talking shit.”

  “You know I’m not. My uncle told me that I shouldn’t feel so sorry for you after I called him a vile pedophile. He told me that you weren’t such an innocent young boy.”

  “Your uncle is a lying monster who abused me for years!” Jagger yelled, his whole body shaking with anger, his calm now completely gone.

  “I’m sorry for what he did to you, he deserves to die for that, but you are still lying about what you did to Sophia, and if you want me to keep your little secret, you will finish the job you started seven years ago.”

  His jaw tightened. “No one will believe your lies, and they are lies, because I didn’t do anything to her.”

  The man was either trying to trick me or he was deluding himself, and right now I was guessing it was the latter with the strange way he was acting. Maybe he had blocked out the memory, but regardless, he still had gotten my uncle to dispose of what he thought was Sophia’s dead body. It was just unlucky my uncle had dumped her in the river instead of burying her alive.

  “Okay,” I said. “If it isn’t true, then you won’t mind me telling Frano all about it.”

  I went for the door. Without warning, he rushed me, knocking the knife out of my hand. Before I could scream, he rammed me into the wall and covered my mouth with his hand.

  “You are not going to tell Frano anything,” he said, “and even if you did, he wouldn’t believe your lies. Your whole famiglia are a pack of liars, and you’re deluding yourself if you think I would kill someone I once loved.” He sneered. “Instead, the only person I will be killing is your sick uncle. I will take great joy in doing that, and you … you will now pay the price for threatening me.”

  I struggled against him, trying to get out of his grip.

  “Oh, I’m going to enjoy fucking a Donatelli, instead of getting fucked by one.”

  I shook my head, yelling that I was Frano’s, his palm stifling my words.

  He licked his upper lip, the gesture both erotic and terrifying at the same time. “Sweet women leave a bad aftertaste in my mouth, because I feel guilty for dirtying them.” He tightened his grip on my wrists, making me scream into his hand. He smiled and lowered his beautiful face to mine, his expression almost evil. “But you, Camila, would taste so fucking bitter I wouldn’t feel any guilt whatsoever.”

  I continued to jerk against his naked body, but he was too strong.

  “Don’t fight me. It’s my turn to give and for a Donatelli to receive.” He let go of my wrists and picked me up with one arm, the man stronger than he appeared. I struggled against him as he carried me to his bed, but I couldn’t get free. He laid me down on the mattress and let go of my mouth. The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. I jerked my head to the side, but he moved with me, still kissing me. After a minute, he finally pulled away. I went to scream but got the ball gag jammed into my mouth. I tried to spit it out, but he grabbed the straps and tied them behind my head. I hit out at him, the man barely reacting to my swipes. He finally let go of me and grabbed me around the waist, hoisting me further up the bed. I kicked out at him, but he jammed his lower leg across mine. He attached a cuff to one of my wrists, while I scratched and clawed at his arm with my other hand. Again, he ignored me, although I was scratching hard, the lines on his arms bleeding. I stopped attacking him and pushed the ball out of my mouth and screamed. He grabbed the ball and stuffed it back in, then cuffed my free wrist, securing it to the bedrail.

  He got off me and tied my feet to the bottom of the bed, spreading my legs wide. Once he was done, he picked the knife up off the floor. My eyes popped as he lowered it to my chest. I was dead; he was going to kill me.

  I screamed into the ball gag, making him smile. He placed the knife against my blouse, and started shredding my clothes, ripping them off until I was down to my lingerie. He cut the bra up the middle and pulled it off too, muttering that I had beautiful breasts. My panties went next, leaving me naked and completely helpless.

  Even though I knew it would do no good, I struggled against the cuffs and continued to scream into the ball gag. He started stroking his cock, the bastardo hard for me. He climbed between my legs, my mind in disbelief that this was happening.

  He lowered himself onto me, his face within inches of mine. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my crotch and stomach, rubbing against my body.

  “I couldn’t fuck your niece in the end,” he said, “her eyes were too innocent looking. It made me soft, but yours are filled with evil. Maybe I’m only attracted to bad women, which was why I wanted that lying troia with Frano.” He angled his lips, looking like he was going to kiss my eye. I closed my eyes, feeling his lips brush against my eyelid. I reopened them when his lips pulled away.

  “It’s hard to believe that such beautiful blue eyes could be so evil?” he said. “But they are. All of you Donatelli are blue-eyed devils. I looked at stunning pale-blue eyes for six years as the man who they belonged to raped and abused me until I cut his cock off. If I had known it would’ve been sewn back on, I would’ve stabbed his evil heart instead.”

  “Then hurt him, not me!” I yelled into the ball.

  “I can’t understand you,” he said, continuing to rub his body against mine. “I don’t understand anything, other than I need release: from my mind, from this world.” Pain filled his eyes. “Your uncle made me like this. He made me lose my mind. I thought I still had it, then my cousin shattered the last pieces. I’m crazy now, and nothing can save me.”

  He pushed himself down my body. I cried out as his mouth clamped onto my pussy, what he was doing shocking me to my core. He was Frano’s cousin, the man who always sneered at me when he saw me, someone who’d never showed even an iota of interest in me, yet here he was licking me below: something a lover would do, not a rapist.

  He zeroed in on my clit, making me scream into the ball, the intense pleasure coming out of nowhere. He licked and nibbled at it, making me writhe on the bed. One of his hands moved up my body and grabbed a nipple. He squeezed it, the intensity too much. I screamed again, and thrust up, my body betraying my mind.

  He pushed his face more into me, his tongue and teeth working overtime, making me gasp against him. I had wanted Frano to do this for me, had wanted that man so bad, still did, but what Jagger was doing… My family had taught me many things, one of them being that you took pleasure wherever you could, and what Jagger was doing was bringing me great pleasure, the man certainly knowing how to service a woman. And if Frano was going to cheat on me with that troia, then I would cheat on him with Jagger. Yeah, fuck Frano! I could play the same game, just better. I would lie to him, pretending I didn’t know shit, then I would slip into Jagger’s room and use him instead of the other way round.

  I started thrusting my pussy at his perfect face, panting out the pleasure he was giving me. I wished my hands were free, so I could hold his head down and ride his stunning face.

  He pulled back and looked up at me with a surprised expression. His hair was wild, and his eyes wilder. Now I knew why my uncle had to have him, because with him looking like that, I would want to dominate him too. Frano never looked vulnerable or wild-eyed during sex, but Jagger… I shouldn’t be the one tied up, he should be, the man obviously not knowing he had the air of a submissive.

  “You like that, d
o you?” he asked, proving my point. He almost sounded eager to please me, which didn’t make sense considering how nasty he’d been to me. He was a complete paradox.

  I shook my head, knowing he wouldn’t believe me, but this was all a game, which meant I had to pretend to not want what he was doing. But fuck, it took all my will power to refrain from nodding my head.

  He laughed. “When I ate your niece out, she fought me, but still came against my face.”

  My eyes widened. He’d said he hadn’t fucked her.

  He grinned. “I’m joking. She isn’t my type. Good girls do nothing for me. I was made for bad women, because you are turning me on more than any other women has—other than Rita, but she’s wicked like you. Are you a cheat too? You must be, because I’m rock hard.” He laid down on me, his face a whisper away from mine. “Would you fuck me if you thought Frano wouldn’t find out?”

  I remained quiet, knowing I would. Even if I hated Jagger, I would use his body, because he was made for sex, the man too captivating for his own good. Though, I couldn’t stay with him. I wanted a strong man like Frano, not a reckless boy who was going to crash and burn. Did I truly love Frano? I loved what he was, loved his power, his looks, but was I truly in love with him? I may have said I was, but I wasn’t sure. Maybe that meant I wasn’t, plus I always did confuse desire and love with each other.

  “I asked you a question,” Jagger said, taking a hold of my nipples and squeezing them.

  I shouted into the gag, what he was doing blissfully painful.

  He let go. “So, answer me: would you fuck me if you thought you could get away with cheating? And don’t lie to me or I’ll give you pain instead of pleasure.”

  I made a noise against the ball, saying I couldn’t talk.

  “You could’ve just nodded or shook your head,” he said.

  I nodded.

  “I thought you would. Your eyes say as much, your wet pussy confirming it even more. Now, if I take the ball out of your mouth you have to promise not to scream. Nod for yes.”

  I nodded.

  He laughed, the sound manic. Right now, if he stuck the knife in my chest I wouldn’t be surprised. He removed the ball gag, giving my mouth freedom. “Do you want to know what it feels like to have your culo filled?”


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