My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked

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My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked Page 6

by Marita A. Hansen

  “Get to your point.”

  “You need to keep him as an ally and I need you to keep me alive. So, I’m willing to pretend you love me and not that troia behind you, but on one condition: We will still get married, but instead of having your baby, I will have Jagger’s.”

  He spluttered. “What?”

  “I went in to get Teodora away from Jagger. He let her go, but rushed me.” I cocked my head to see his reaction. “He turned me on considerably so I ended up willingly fucking him.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “You what?”

  “Honey caught us in bed and ran. That is why she fell down the staircase. She was upset. So, here’s the deal: We get married by the end of the week as instructed by Pedro, but I get to sleep in Jagger’s bed, while you can have your wrench in yours. In exchange for your hand in marriage, you will get my famiglia’s money. Though, I will still get a say in how the businesses are run. And lastly, Bianca will leave this house. I don’t care where the murdering troia goes, just as long as I don’t have to look at her or I promise you: I will kill her.”

  “I care for her more than you.”

  My jaw clenched, my pride and heart hurting, because although I was brokering this deal, I still wanted him, and to hear he didn’t give a merda about me stung. “You care more about money,” I finally said, “and the Donatelli banks hold approximately seventy million dollars, while my famiglia’s businesses are worth up to a hundred million. In turn, you moving Bianca to a different household will cost no more than a taxi ride.”

  “We’re trapped in here.”

  “Get her out somehow. I don’t care how, but get her out. Send her to the Santini; they seem to be suckers for damsels in distress.”

  “The Santini are fighting a war.”

  “They own a fortress. Send her there and I’ll sign whatever you want,” I said, knowing I would only to a certain degree. Though, I would find a way to twist his balls away from that FBI troia and right back into my mouth, because he was mine. And so was Jagger now. I wanted one to marry and fuck, and the other to fuck whenever I wanted to. Just the thought of Jagger inside of me made my pussy tighten. Sì, I wanted them both, and I was going to achieve that.

  “Okay,” he said.

  I looked over at Rita, who, if looks could kill, I would be hung, drawn, and quartered. The woman truly wanted Frano, and I couldn’t blame her, because I did too, although now I had another man that interested me.

  “Buono, now go sort out Bianca. Please,” I added the last word, so he didn’t get his pride in a twist. Frano always had to be in control; otherwise he blew his fuse, another reason why we often butted heads. Whereas Jagger… He was very interesting, going between being a control freak to a submissive pussy cat. It got me wet just thinking about his submissive side. I could make him do so much if I controlled him right.

  “I will have to speak to Alessandro first to see if his famiglia will take Bianca,” Frano said.

  “Frano!” Rita snapped. “This is Bianca’s home, not Camila’s.”

  “She may be famiglia, but I hold no love for her,” he said. “And if anything, it’s best that she is away from Jagger if he’s going to be fucking Camila. Honey is already hurt because of jealousies, but knowing Bianca, it will result in death. She’s already killed for Jagger. It’s safer if she’s out of here.”

  “But, we’re under lockdown.”

  “I have a means to get her out.”

  “By the passageway?”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “Jagger told me.”

  Looking angry, he headed for the exit, directing her out, the woman objecting.

  I smiled, knowing she was going to be a handful for Frano, because she was too strong-willed. And when the FBI troia slipped and fell from his good graces, I would be there, ready to welcome him back into my arms. My smile widened. I would get both D’Angelo men.

  I headed out of the room and into my own one. I picked up the phone and dialed my Uncle Christo’s number. He answered after a few rings, wiping the smile off my face. I gritted my teeth, wanting to scream and yell at him, but I kept my temper down, not wanting to get on his bad side—which was considerable.

  “Pedro Landi killed Ghita because of you,” I said into the phone.

  The line went silent.

  “Andriena and I are at the D’Angelo house. It’s under lockdown, and we’re only alive because of Frano and Alessandro. So, you will not hurt them or Jagger. And tell Uncle Michael that Jagger is mine now. I have tasted him and want to keep him for myself. Though, I also want Frano, but for my husband. I will use him to make our famiglia strong once more, while you will work out how to take Pedro Landi down. You will also kill Sophia Salvi for me.”

  “She’s dead,” Christo replied.

  “No, she’s in this house.”

  “Someone is playing with you, Camila. My brother disposed of her body.”

  “He didn’t do a good job, because the troia is back from the dead and she wants Frano. By the way, did Uncle Michael ever tell you why he killed the girl?”

  “He wanted Jagger to himself.”

  “No, he told me Jagger accidentally killed her.”

  “Is that so?”


  “Well, you can’t take what he says seriously; he lies constantly. Though, the unfortunate thing is he often believes his lies.”

  “I spoke to Jagger about it and by his silence it looks like Uncle Michael was telling the truth. So, can you kill Sophia for me?”

  “If it is her, I’ll be happy to. But, how do you propose I get to her if you’re under lockdown?”

  “Flush her out.”


  “Get her brother out of the mental institute?”

  Christo laughed. “Very good thinking. But if I have the bait, how can the fish swim to it if it’s trapped?”

  “There’s a passageway out of the D’Angelo house.”

  “How about I use it to enter the house and take her for myself along with Jagger for my brother.”

  “The house is full of Landi. Do that at your own risk.”

  “Okay, then send her out along with Jagger.”

  “I already told you I want to keep him.”

  “Therefore, you want to get rid of my little schiava so you can keep the D’Angelos all to yourself?”

  “Precisely, and once she’s gone, I’ll go to work on her boys. I will have them under my thumb in no time. Though, this time you need to make sure she dies.”

  “After I have a bit of fun first.”

  “Have all the fun you like, Uncle.”

  “I will, like I did the last time.”

  “And one last thing: the killer of my father and brother.”

  “Bianca D’Angelo.”

  “She’s going to be sent to the Santini household. I will alert you when she leaves. Make her death painful.”




  I had ignored Jagger for a week, but it was his birthday tomorrow and I had to call. I knew I shouldn’t, but it wasn’t like Christo would find out.

  I picked up the phone and dialed Jagger’s cell phone. He answered after a few rings.

  “It’s me,” I said.

  He went silent.

  “I’m sorry I ignored you, I was made to.”


  “I’m not allowed to say.”

  “Then why are you calling?” he snapped, sounding angry.

  “I have a birthday present for you.”

  “I don’t want it.”

  “Jagger, don’t be like that.”

  “Like what?! You ignore me and make me feel like merda, then tell me you have a present that you probably can’t even give me. What’s the point?” He hung up.

  I clutched the phone to my ear, stunned he’d hung up. I stared at his present on the bed, the wrapping and bow perfect. I dialed his number again.

  Jagger answered. “What?”

sp; “I want to see you. Can I come to your house tomorrow? You can sneak me in.”


  “Sì, I missed you.”

  “You did?”

  “Sì, so can I come over?”

  “Yeah,” he said, sounding happy.

  “What time?”

  “Come after everyone’s gone to bed. Say eleven.”

  “That’s too late. I don’t want to walk in the dark.”

  “Then come between four and five. My uncle will be out then, but my cousins might still be around, so we have to be quiet.”

  “Okay. I’ll come through the vineyard so no one sees me.”

  “And I’ll sneak you up to my room.”

  “That sounds good.”

  He said bye and hung up, leaving me clutching the phone again, my heart pounding a mile a minute. I started to shake, knowing no matter what: I couldn’t get caught.


  I ran through the D’Angelo’s vineyard. No one had seen me sneaking out of my home, or getting here. I had gone through the fields. It had taken me forty minutes, ten minutes longer than the normal way, but it was worth it; I just hoped that I didn’t stink from all the jogging I had done.

  I stopped at the beginning of the vineyard and poked my head out to see if anyone was around. I spotted Jagger playing with a soccer ball, juggling it between his feet. I picked up a stone and threw it his way, making him drop the ball. He looked over, a smile gracing his lovely face. He indicated for me to come out. I ran over to him.

  “Except for the guards out front, only Frano is home,” he said, “but he’s in his room, so we should be fine.”

  I nodded and followed him through the kitchen and into the lounge, taking to the stairs as quickly and as quietly as possible, Jagger doing the same. We ran down the passage and into Jagger’s room. Jagger closed the door behind us with a shy smile.

  I sat down on his bed and pulled off my backpack, opening it so I could get his present out. “Happy birthday,” I said, holding it out for him to take.

  He took it and ripped it open. “Grazie,” he said, smiling at the CD of Five Finger Death Punch. I really didn’t like his taste in music; heavy metal not my thing, but as long as he was happy, I was too.

  He sat down next to me and leaned in for a kiss. “Grazie,” he said again, mumbling against my lips.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Very much so.” He placed a hand at the back of my head and slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I had just planned on giving him his gift and talking, but I didn’t want to push him away, and he was a good kisser, his lips so soft.

  He stopped kissing me and placed his forehead against mine, breathing heavily. “I was hoping for something else as my present,” he said.

  “What?” I replied, becoming nervous as his hand ran down my breasts.

  “Sex. I was hoping to be your first?”

  I pushed to my feet. “I can’t, um, I can’t.”

  He stood up. “It’s alright, I’ve got condoms.” He grabbed my arms and started kissing me again; making my heart beat kick up a thousand notches. His hands went to my jeans, unzipping them.

  I pulled my head to the side. “No, Jagger.”

  “It’s alright, I’ll be gentle,” he said. He moved in closer and started kissing my neck, then before I knew what he was doing, he ripped open my blouse, the buttons dropping to the floor.

  “No, Jagger,” I said, shoving him away.

  He took a step back, then went for me again. He grabbed a hold of me, telling me he wouldn’t hurt me, but his hands were everywhere, tearing at my clothes.

  Panicking, I pushed him harder. He fell onto the bed, looking shocked, then his expression crumbled. He brought his hands to his face and started crying. I stared at him, not expecting his reaction. He was the one who’d attacked me, not the other way round.

  He started talking, his voice full of pain. “I knew you’d turn me down. I’m not good enough for you; I’m tainted and dirty.” I wanted to say he wasn’t, but he continued to speak, not allowing me to get a word in edgewise. “No one will want me now because of what the Padre did. I’m disgusting, I’m vile. He forces me to do horrible things. He, he ha-has sex with me. I don’t want to, but he holds me down and-and says no one will believe me if I tell them. I-I try to fight him, but he hurts me even more.” He dropped his hands and looked up at me. His eyes were rimmed with red, the torment within them deep. He breathed out, the sound shuddering. “I’ve never told anyone, but I can’t take it anymore. It hurts and it makes me want to die.”

  I remained quiet, dumbstruck by his words.

  “Please believe me.” He pushed up off the bed and held his arms out, no doubt wanting comfort. But I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t hug him. Only moments ago he’d tried to force himself onto me and now he was telling me that the Padre had raped and abused him. It couldn’t be true, it couldn’t be. The Padre was a priest, and for him to do that to Jagger... Oh God, it couldn’t be true, it couldn’t.

  But I knew it was; the pain in Jagger’s eyes all the evidence I needed.

  He touched my arms, about to pull me into his embrace. I stepped away from him, the look on his face hitting me hard. It was clear he thought I didn’t believe him, but I couldn’t hug him, it was just … I couldn’t handle it, it was too much. How could he have had that done to him? It…

  I ran, desperate to get out of there: to get away from what he’d said as well as what he’d done to me. I headed down the passage, stopping as I heard noises coming from a room, which Jagger had said was Frano’s. I knocked on the door, needing Frano to tell me that Jagger was lying. And he must be, because otherwise Frano and the others would know and have done something about it.

  The door opened. Frano appeared in front of me in loose pants and no shirt. I wanted to tell him what Jagger had said, but I couldn’t say a word. Instead, I burst into tears. He pulled me into his room and closed the door, taking me to his bed.

  He sat me down. “What happened, Sophia?” he asked, placing an arm around my shoulders, looking concerned.

  Still unable to speak, I laid my head on his shoulder and continued to cry, second guessing myself as well as Jagger. He started to stroke my hair, saying soothing words. I looked up at him, at a face I’d imagined so many times looking at me with love. Instead, he stared at me with concern.

  He parted his lips, looking like he wanted to say something, then before I realized what was happening, I reached up and kissed him—or he kissed me. My mind was too muddled to think straight, to know what was up or what was down. Though, I could hear screaming at the back of my mind, a voice yelling at me to stop, that this was wrong, that I shouldn’t be touching him after what Jagger had told me.

  But I couldn’t stop.

  I moved my mouth down his chin, the stubble making my lips prickle, but I loved it, loved everything about him. He groaned as I kissed his neck. This was like a dream, no, it was my dream. I’d willed my dreams so I could imagine doing this to him—and more. And I couldn’t stop myself, the noises he was making spurring me on. My hand fell on his lap. Oh God! He was hard for me. I grasped onto his cock through his pants, making him groan louder.

  His hands moved behind my back and started undoing my bra. Only moments ago my boyfriend had wanted to do this, yet I’d denied him. But Frano…

  He removed my blouse and bra and pushed me onto his bed, then latched onto one of my breasts with his mouth. I thrust my chest up and let out a cry of pleasure as he started suckling on me. My fingers speared into his hair, gripping onto him for dear life, making sure he didn’t pull away, because this was pure ecstasy.

  He let go of my breast and detached my hands from his hair. Before I could complain, he removed my shoes then yanked down my jeans and panties, pulling them completely off.

  He pushed up and started undoing his pants, the hunger on his face making my pussy ache. With a look of pure unadulterated lust, he shunted his pants down, his cock springing free. No, it wa
s more than lust, it was love. He loved me and I loved him. I hadn’t known what it was when I first met him, thought it was just desire and want, but deep down I knew it was love. I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but now, looking at him standing naked before me, his powerful body, that stunning face of his: I couldn’t remember not loving him.

  He grabbed me around the waist and moved me up the bed, then settled in between my thighs, his lips going to mine. “I want you, bella,” he mumbled against them. “I’ve wanted you ever since I saw you.” He moved his mouth to my ear, kissing and teasing it, making me groan.

  “I love you so much,” I said.

  He stopped and moved his face in front of mine. “What did you say?”

  I looked up at him with pure idolization. “I love you.”

  He closed his eyes. “Dio mio, what have I done?”

  Panic began to flood me. Was he changing his mind? No! I wouldn’t let him. He was mine. My hand moved down to his cock, making his eyes shoot open. He curved his neck and let out a loud groan as I began to move my hand up and down the hard, thick shaft. I wanted it inside of me, needed him inside of me, claiming me, owning me. Once we were joined, he couldn’t change his mind.

  I angled his cock to my opening, gasping as I pushed the head partway in. The tightness, the pain; it was too much. I let go, not sure if I could handle it now. I’d never had sex before, and he was so big. Before I could say anything, to tell him I was a virgin, he pushed in more, making me cry out, the pain intense.

  “Dio!” he yelled to God, obviously feeling pain too, but instead of stopping he pushed more in, crying out again.

  I bit my lip to stop from screaming. It felt like he was ripping me in two. I placed my hands on his ass, wanting to stop him, but he pushed in more, penetrating me completely. My mind screamed, but my voice remained silent. His cock was causing me so much pain, yet it was coupled with intense pleasure from being with him.

  He looked down at me. “Amazing,” he said.

  He started moving in and out of me, the rub and pull beyond anything I could describe. I stared up at him, using his perfect face as an anchor to cope with the pain each thrust was causing. After I don’t know how long, the pain finally started subsiding, then pleasure sparked through me, growing more intense by the second.


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