Tropical Heat

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Tropical Heat Page 9

by Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

  He placed his cup beside hers on the bedside table. Reaching for the now mostly empty plate of croissants, he crammed it onto the small table beside them. Then he kicked off his sandals and crawled under the sheet with her.

  “You have to get rid of these clothes.” Her hands bunched in the hem of his t-shirt and she drew it up to her shoulders.

  Tangled in the covers, her movements were awkward, but with some tugging and pulling and a lot of laugher, she managed to get it over his head. In a very un-Sydney-like move, she tossed it onto the floor. Her small hands began working on the button of his cargo shorts. A few more tortuous moments later, she had the button free. He felt the material give as she slowly undid his zipper. He wanted to grasp her hand with his and hurry things up, but he also found her forcing him to wait only served to intensify his desire.

  Finally, when he feared he wouldn’t last any longer, he squirmed out of his shorts and kicked them down to the bottom of the bed. Sydney’s hands caught the waistband of his boxers and tugged them down. He squashed them down to the bottom of the bed on top of his shorts.

  Her body was still warm from sleep as he gathered her to him. What he wanted more than anything was to bury himself deep inside her. But he had her pleasure to consider as well. His hand strayed to her center and she moaned when his fingers met their target.

  She arched against his hand, demanding more, and he happily obeyed. When she called his name in that tortured voice, he knew she was ready. He reached for a condom and hurriedly put it on.

  He moved to cover her body with his and she tipped her hips to meet him. Slowly, they came together.

  Though it drove him nearly crazy with desire, he started off slowly, letting her body adjust to him. But soon she was moving against him, quickening their pace. He waited until her body tightened around him and he heard her cries of pleasure before gaining his own release.

  They lay entwined while their breathing settled. Reluctantly, they pulled apart and he cradled her to his side. The morning was well underway, he thought. They should probably get up. He opened his mouth to rouse her, but before he could speak, he heard her contented, even breathing.

  And that was the last time he thought about anything else for a long time.


  Bright afternoon sunlight dyed the room in golden hues. Sydney stretched, surprised to find the barrier of Jesse’s sleeping form beside her. After a morning spent lovemaking, they’d taken a nap to renew their strength. A slow smile curved her lips as she gazed down at him. His hair was tousled from sleep, and his tanned face contrasted with the white pillowcase. The sheet had fallen to his waist. She longed to run her hands over the hard planes of his chest, but she didn’t want to wake him. For the moment, she was content to watch him sleep.

  She hadn’t known what to expect from this week away. After Marcia had canceled, she’d felt brave tackling the challenge of being a single female traveler. She’d hoped to meet some new people. She’d even been hoping for a bit of fling, something to lift her sagging confidence. But she hadn’t planned on meeting Jesse. She hadn’t planned on feeling something more. And her affection for him was definitely growing into something more.

  Beside her, Jesse stirred and she found herself caught in his gaze.

  He sat up and reached for her, drawing her back down under the covers for a long lingering kiss. She was torn. The beach awaited with its turquoise water and white sand. And they still had some time to enjoy each other’s company.

  “How about some time on the beach?” she asked, surfacing. “We’ll catch some rays and then continue this later.”

  “Continue it now,” he said drowsily.

  “And then what will we do tonight?”

  “More of the same.”

  “But the beach—”

  In the end, they split the difference.


  By the time they reached the beach, the last of the sun’s rays had turned to crimson. The sand was cooling beneath their feet as they found beach chairs and spread out their towels.

  Sydney surveyed the water. Most of the swimmers had left for the day, heading back to their rooms for a shower before dinner. “I don’t think we’re going to get much swimming in.”

  Jesse pulled her up and led her toward the water. “This is the best time for swimming. The sun’s still out. The water’s calm. The ocean’s warm after soaking up the sun’s heat all day.”

  “Wait!” She drew her cover-up over her head and tossed it back on the chair. For a moment she felt exposed in her bikini and then she remembered Jesse had already seen all of her … several times.

  His gaze swept over her from her head to her toes and she shivered in the slight breeze. He held out his hand again. “Come on.”

  He led her down to the water’s edge. Cautiously, she dipped a toe into the ocean.

  Jesse was right. The water was warm from soaking up the sun all day. Hand-in-hand, they walked into the waves until the water reached their waists. It lapped against her in a sensuous swell and release, setting every nerve alive. She became acutely aware of the cooling water all around her and Jesse’s warm body beside her. He pulled her into his arms and bent his head to caress her lips the way he’d caressed her body earlier with reverence and great care. She moaned against his lips. Her eyes flew open and she cast a sideways glance at the beach, finding a few people still sitting on their beach chairs. Most were preparing to leave, but still. They couldn’t do it here … could they?

  He pulled her up against him. The movement lifted her feet from the bottom of the ocean and she had to link her legs around his waist to keep from floating away. His laughter reverberated through his chest. Carrying her, he walked toward deeper water to give them privacy.

  The water was up to their necks now, and everything they were doing beneath it was hidden by the darkening waves. She linked both her arms and her legs around him, afraid if she let go her feet wouldn’t touch the bottom.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered as she moved against him. “I’ve got you. And I’m a very good swimmer.”

  Not that swimming was even on her mind as his hand slid between their bodies, finding the top of her bikini bottoms and sliding inside. She bit her lip as his questing fingers found the center of her desire.

  Turning her head away from the beach, she reveled in delightful friction his fingers made against her wet flesh. Every muscle in her body loosened as he brought her attention to her most sensitive spot.

  And he knew exactly how to touch her there to make her body obey his every command. Each stroke of his fingers tightened a coil deep inside her.

  Cool water lapped around them in a sensuous dance, setting every nerve alive. It created a storm of contrasting sensations, cool and warm, hard and soft.

  She should loosen one hand from his shoulders and show him the same kindness. But when she moved, he nudged her arm back in place. “Shh.” His breath was hot against her ear. “Just relax. Enjoy.”

  And enjoying she was as her body tensed. She bit her lip harder, afraid to make so much as a sound and alert the last sunbathers on the beach to what they were doing. But the tiniest of sounds escaped her. She felt his lips quirk against her cheek.

  The pace of his strokes quickened at her smothered sound, tipping her over the edge. She moaned her release into his shoulder as waves of pleasure rolled over her almost in time to the waves hitting the shore.

  Sydney unwound her legs from Jesse’s waist and he walked them closer to the shore so her feet could touch the bottom. For a moment, they stood holding each other, their heads together. Her hand strayed to the top of his board shorts and she raised her questioning gaze to his.

  “Not here,” he whispered. “I didn’t bring anything.”

  “Let’s go back to the room then.” She was shocked to realize her body was already ready for more. For the nighttime action he’d promised her.

  “Good idea,” he said. “But I need a moment.”

  Their combined laughter
echoed in her ears and for the first time since she could remember, she felt totally free, totally alive.

  They waded through the waist-deep water while the rest of the sunbathers left the beach, leaving them alone. The sun hung like a squashed red ball against the horizon. Its fading light striped the sky in crimson, magenta, and indigo. A lone star shone above it all, the first to appear that night. Cooling air brushed their shoulders. She wanted to stay in this moment forever. She also wanted to head back to the room and continue what they’d started. Never had she felt so many conflicting desires.

  Jesse didn’t seem to be conflicted as he took her hand to help her out of the water and back to their beach chair to pick up her cover-up and their shoes. He barely paused before wrapping an arm around her and heading up the path that led to the resort and their room. The beach was mostly deserted now as the air cooled. A few stragglers had stopped at the beach bar for a last-minute drink before heading back to their rooms to change. Strangely, Sydney noted as they walked by, Ethan wasn’t there. Neither were Josh or Lucas. And she couldn’t see Brittany anywhere. Maybe they’d all gone back to their rooms to change before dinner. Or it could be Ethan had taken Jesse’s advice after all and decided to make himself presentable before Gracie’s arrival.

  If Jesse was thinking about Gracie arriving, he showed no signs of it as he escorted her along the pathway, past the tables that spilled out of the restaurant onto the patio. Groups had begun to gather there to have a drink before dinner and enjoy the nightly entertainment.

  That was when she saw Ethan and his posse sitting at one of the tables. They looked like they’d been there all afternoon. Empty bottles littered the table. She caught sight of Josh and Lucas appearing only slightly more sober than Ethan. They’d been to the beach at some time during the day because they sat wrapped in towels, their torsos bare despite the chill the night air had brought. Brittany sat beside Ethan, wearing a skimpy cover-up over her bikini. Her dark hair was still wet from the water. Though she’d shown her stamina when it came to partying, by her bleary eyes and the way she was swaying in her chair, it seemed Brittany might be needing an escort back to her room very soon.

  Lucas waved and hooted as Jesse and Sydney hurried by. “What’s the rush? Come join us for a bit.” He was too drunk to notice the hostile expression Ethan had cast in his direction at the invitation.

  Sydney opened her mouth to decline on their behalf, but Jesse kept walking, taking her with them. He gave Josh an almost genuine smile and said, “Thanks, man, but we have plans.” Which sent another round of hooting and hollering after them.

  Jesse hurried his step as they zigzagged down the winding paths that led through the resort. Finally, they reached their room. Sydney pulled the key from her beach bag and slid it into the lock. The door opened, spilling them inside.

  Jesse closed the door and stood staring down at her. His gaze swept from her tousled hair down over her cover-up to her toes. “You look wonderful.”

  “What? In a wet bathing suit with wind-blown hair?”

  He smiled. He raised a finger to run it gently down her nose. “You got a bit more sun this afternoon. You have a bit of a sun-kissed thing going on. And you appear to have had a great day at the beach.”

  She chuckled. “There was one memorable moment.” Her body was still humming from Jesse’s earlier attentions.

  He pulled her close. “There was one moment I’m anxious to continue.” His breath ruffled the top of her hair.

  She drew slightly away and gazed up at him, offering him a sly smile. “I’m a little cold in this wet bathing suit. I could use a hot shower.”

  His lips covered hers, giving her a quick reminder of everything that had happened in the water. When he pulled away he said, “Great idea, I could use one too.” He held up a finger. “Hold that thought.”

  He darted away from her long enough to rummage in his suitcase and come up with the box of condoms. At the bathroom door, he held out his hand for her to join him.

  Her gaze centered on the box. “Do you think we’ll need so many?” She couldn’t keep the laughter from her tone. “Not that I’m complaining…”

  “Always good to be prepared.”

  He stepped into the bathroom, pulling her after him. Reaching into the shower, he turned on the water warm enough to leave a humid spray. Then he turned her away from him and undid the tie at the neck of her bikini.

  The top fell away, held only by its bottom strings. Pulling her back against his chest, he ran his hands over her breasts, only stopping to slide his fingers between them to undo the troublesome bottom tie. Her bikini top fell to the bathroom floor. She wondered distantly what the chamber maid thought of the piles of clothing they’d been making all over the room. Then Jesse’s fingers trailed down over her abdomen and beneath her bikini bottoms, and she stopped thinking about the room at all.

  He swiped a finger over her most sensitive spot, giving her a vivid reminder of their time at the beach. Then his hand gripped the elastic of her bathing suit bottom and eased it down over her hips. She stepped out of it, moving to turn around to face him and return the favor. But he held her in place with his strong arms around her. “Wait a second.”

  She heard his swim shorts hit the floor, followed by the sound of a foil packet tearing. Then his hands gripped her buttocks and he led her beneath the shower’s spray.

  The warm water warmed her chilled flesh. It spilled over her breasts, running in a silver rivulet down to her core. Behind her, Jesse’s hard body pressed against her and she felt every inch of all his hard muscle. They stood for a moment, letting the spray wash away the salt water.

  Sydney shut her eyes and leaned back against him as his fingers teased her core, bringing her body back to a state of readiness. But she wanted more. She wanted to feel him deep inside her again. When she uttered a moan of protest, he turned her to face him.

  Jesse moved them slightly out of the spray until her back was against the shower wall. His strong arms gripped her hips, lifting her to just the right spot. His gaze caught hers and held it for a moment before he slid inside her.

  “Yes,” she breathed. This was what she’d wanted since the beach. And he told her with every movement how much he’d wanted it, too. His skin was warm from the shower, the tile behind her cold and in the place where their bodies met, they were creating their own heat.

  The long walk from the beach had only increased her desire for him. Her body raced toward fulfillment. She moved against Jesse, quickening their pace, and she heard him laugh at her eagerness. But he moved to join her. Her body tightened, lingering on the precipice, and with one more deep push, he sent her over. Seconds after, he joined her.

  They stayed in the shower’s warm spray for a few moments. Then Jesse withdrew and set her down gently. She swayed on unsteady legs, and with a laugh, he caught her.

  Using the hotel’s plush towels, they helped each other dry off and moved back into the bedroom. Sydney moved to the closet to survey the assortment of loose trousers and tank tops she’d brought with her. Jesse moved up behind her and circled her in his arms.

  “How about some dinner? I think I’ve worked up an appetite.”

  She glanced at her wardrobe and sighed. “I have nothing to wear.”

  He reached past her and grabbed a pair of trousers and a top at random. It wasn’t a combination she would have selected, but it went surprisingly well together.

  “Doesn’t matter what we wear.” He moved to his suitcase and pulled out another white t-shirt. “We’ll probably be out of those clothes soon.”

  She laughed. “I like your philosophy. The fashion industry, however, probably wouldn’t agree.”

  He’d donned the t-shirt and put on a pair of khaki trousers. “No, they probably wouldn’t, but I’m too busy appreciating the woman wearing them to notice the clothes.”

  He’d chosen a pair of wide black trousers and a white tank top dotted with a few sequins. She put them on and pulled her damp hair into a h
igh ponytail. Looking in the mirror, she realized he was right, she did have a sun-kissed glow. She settled for adding only a little lip-gloss.

  She gave a little twirl for Jesse, earning her one of his heart-melting smiles.

  He held out his hand. “Dinner?”

  “Dinner,” she agreed.

  They left the room and headed back down the resort’s winding path toward the tables on the restaurant’s patio. The lights had come on in the resort. Tiny white lights gleamed within the hedges that marked the paths and white globes led the way to the restaurant, rising like multiple moons out of the darkness. Above, the indigo sky was dotted with stars. Sydney delighted in what looked like ribbons of light everywhere.

  The air had cooled slightly, but the humidity still held the day’s warmth. The perfume of tropical flowers hung heavily in the night air. She linked her arm through Jesse’s as they walked toward the restaurant.

  This afternoon had been perfect, she couldn’t help thinking. They’d made love. They’d enjoyed the sunshine and the ocean. They’d made love…

  The sound of raised angry voices cut into her musing. Jesse slowed his pace as they came around the corner of a hedge that was blocking their view of the restaurant’s patio tables.

  An obviously angry woman was standing by one of the tables, clearly giving its occupant a piece of her mind.

  Jesse took one look and closed his eyes. “I know that voice. That’s Gracie.”

  It seemed the bride had finally arrived.

  Chapter Eight

  Sydney peered around Jesse’s body to get a glimpse of the spectacle. Ethan still sat where he’d been sitting for most of the afternoon, flanked by Josh, Lucas, and Brittany. Bottles of champagne cluttered the table, far too many for anyone to be considered sober. A tiny brunette, still wearing a business suit despite the heat, seemed to tower over him. And she didn’t sound very happy to find him in his present state.

  Several other voices joined the conversation, murmured protests from Josh and Lucas, something more high-pitched and scathing from Brittany. Ethan had yet to say anything.


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