Soul Drifter (Divinely Touched Book 1)

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Soul Drifter (Divinely Touched Book 1) Page 7

by Dyan Brown

  “Um, thank you. Sorry! Guess I was a little shocked.”

  I’m rambling, and I seriously need to stop staring, but he must be the hottest guy I have ever seen, and he’s a foot taller than I am. I shouldn’t let on that I’ve been stalking him on social media.

  “Wait. How do you know my name? What are you doing here?”

  He smirks at me, and a dimple appears in the space between his cheek and mouth. It’s the same smirk I saw in my dream, and it’s just as cute as I thought it would be. Yay! My inner diva starts to swoon.

  “I’m Grayson, my sister told me you were coming today, and you’re welcome.” He lists off his answers, but the fact he didn’t answer my last question has not escaped me. “What were you doing?” he asks, gesturing down to the mangled plastic chair. “You could’ve been killed.”

  “I was putting a hook in the ceiling to hang my bike up.” I start fidgeting with my locket, so I put my hands behind my back and lean against the railing that I nearly busted my head open on to keep my twitchy hands still. “I couldn’t find a ladder.”

  “Obviously, we’ll have to fix that.” He pauses and puts his hand through his hair, looking around the small patio. “Would you mind if I put it up for you?”

  “Please, that would be nice,” I stammer.

  He nods, starts to reach up, and then freezes. “You know what? Only on one condition.” He narrows his eyes, and my heart finds its way into my throat.

  I raise my eyebrows in question.

  “You keep your feet on the ground from now on or call me first. Deal?”

  I can’t decide if he’s teasing or warning. His half-smile says it’s more of the former, so I smile back, embarrassed.

  Whatever you want, Superman, my diva purrs. Goose bumps rise on my skin despite the warmth of the night.

  Afraid my diva will spill out if I open my mouth, I nod. It seems I can’t think straight while looking at him. My eyes finally un-glue from the wonder that is his mouth, and I look at the ground instead. Luckily, Grayson doesn’t seem to notice, or he’s just used to girls drooling over him. He twists the hook the remaining way into the ceiling and hangs the bike up by the front tire. He doesn’t even need to stand on anything. It takes him only a few minutes.

  He jokingly wipes his hands off on each other, as if he just chopped a stack of firewood rather than turning a screw. “There, see? No concussion required.” He smiles at me as I meet his eyes again, and I return the grin.

  Dear Mother and Father in heaven, is he flirting with me?

  “Thank you, again.” I unclench my hands from behind me and lace my fingers together in front, trying to appear more relaxed than I am. “So, Grayson, what year are you?”

  He leans back against the wall behind him, which is sad, because it puts a few more inches between us. “I’m a sophomore. You’re a freshman, right? April said you got some perks because you have a family member who works at OU?”

  “My uncle, yes, but I’m nineteen. I took a year off after high school,” I say dismissively, as though it were a completely normal thing for me to have done. “April’s a sophomore, too. Are y’all twins?” Pressing him for information I already know, I frown, feigning confusion. “She didn’t mention that.”

  “Umm. No, we’re half siblings,” he says shortly with an expression I can’t read, and then he turns his face away from me. “So, you’re a cyclist?” Eyeing the bike he just hung, he tries for a subject change, but he’s not fooling anyone. Understandable, I guess. He doesn’t know me at all.

  “Hmm?” I frown in actual confusion before I understand why he may think that. “Oh. No, it’s just for transportation.” I glance at the bike, snatch up my soda, and head back inside the apartment, flicking on a light. “So, are you looking for April? She hasn’t been back since she went to the pool. I think that was around eleven this morning.” I can change subjects, too.

  I set the can on a side table, go over to the sofa, sit on one end with my feet tucked under me, and hug a pillow on my lap. Grayson follows me and sits on the chair adjacent to where I am sitting. He looks concerned.

  “She said she was with some friends. I’m sure she’ll be okay,” I say, trying to assuage his concern, even though I have no idea why I’m doing it. “Are you doing summer term, too?”

  He sighs and rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, April likes to party a little too much for my taste. No, I’m going for my master’s in business, and I have an internship with a company here for the summer. Also, Dad wants me to look after April and make sure she stays out of trouble. Guess that means I’ll be looking after you as well.”

  The very thought makes my cheeks flush.

  He leans to the far side of the chair, angling his body toward me, and rests his head on his fist. A stance of intense curiosity. “So, you don’t have a car?”

  This is exactly what I came here to get away from—being known as the freak. I certainly don’t want him of all people to think of me that way. “Nah, the bike is more economical, and it’s good exercise. Being green and all that.”

  Sounds reasonable. He’ll think I’m trying to hide being poor. It’s better for him to think that than to know I have an irrational fear of driving. Why is he so interested in that, anyway? I think in slight irritation.

  “Do you live in these apartments, too?”

  “I’m in a fraternity, so I stay at the house. It’s not too far away, though. Less than five minutes. So, if you need me, I can be here quickly. I should give you my number—I’m not sure how I feel about you riding that bike. You’ll call me if you need a lift, all right?”

  My first inclination is to say something like ‘Who are you to tell me what to do?’ or ‘The speed limit on campus is only twenty miles per hour; I doubt I’ll get run over.’ However, I’m so stunned by his concern for me that, again, like a lovesick puppy, I just nod. I’ve never had someone—a guy—this attractive take even the slightest interest in me. Mostly it’s the unwashed MMORPG-playing types that make passes at me.

  After a few moments of silence and thinking about what he said, I can’t help but push a little. “Biking is an excellent form of exercise. Lord knows I need all the exercise I can get.”

  Yes, I’m baiting him, and I immediately regret it. I stop talking and hug the pillow a little tighter, not believing I just brought attention to my weight in front of a hot guy. I am so stupid. Let’s just go ahead and call out ‘Hey, did you notice that I’m overweight?’ I try to think of another, safer subject change before I dig my grave past the two-foot marker.

  He immediately laughs. “You girls are all crazy. You all think you’re never pretty enough, never perfect enough, never thin enough.” His ocean blues linger over my body, which is mostly hidden by the fluffy pillow, thank God. “Most of you need to learn that you’re usually perfect the way you are, and you need to stop trying to change the things that guys actually like. Just like you, for example.”

  “Excuse me?” I whisper. Suddenly, I’m very self-conscious about the fact I’m in my PJs, with no makeup on, and I’m not even wearing a bra. I try to hide more behind the pillow. He watches me as I do this, and I don’t think I’ve inhaled since he started perusing my body with his eyes.

  Am I trying to put a square peg in a round hole, or did he just basically say my body was perfect? Oh. My. God! A knight in shining armor and a tremendous flirt, too! Excuse me while I melt.

  “Please don’t hide from me.” His voice makes shivers run over my skin, bumps springing to life over my arms. “Breathe, Samantha,” he whispers, and then smirks.

  He knows exactly what he’s doing to me. Damn it! This is so unfair… and fun. A slow smile creeps onto my face. Why does it feel like we’re old friends sharing a secret? Grayson leans forward slightly, as if he’s contemplating getting up. His gaze slowly drops from my eyes, to my nose, and then to my lips.

  Automatically, my mouth parts slightly as I bite the left side of my lower lip. He’s going to kiss me. Oh, please kiss me, I beg word

  He’s gripping the arm of the chair as if bracing himself to stand, and then he licks his lips—

  “Well, well… Seems I’m interrupting. I guess I’ll just grab a change of clothes and leave you guys to it,” April says once she’s halfway through the front door. With a devious smile, she prances off to her room, winking as she passes.

  Okay… this is awkward.

  My mouth is now in full goldfish mode, flapping open and closed. I look over at Grayson, who looks upset, although I wonder if it’s because we were interrupted or because April just said she was changing to go back out at ten at night. Either way, he sighs heavily, gets up from the chair, and heads after his sister, excusing himself on the way there.

  I stay seated for a moment and listen to the muffled argument. From what I can grasp, Grayson is not happy about April going out and partying tonight. When Grayson tells her to “grow up and act properly,” I decide I shouldn’t be eavesdropping and get up to go to my room, walking in between the end table and the chair where he was just sitting.

  As I reach my door, Grayson comes out of his sister’s room and closes the door behind him. There’s a deep frown line between his eyebrows. I wish I knew if it was out of concern or anger… maybe both? I watch him as he stands by the door for a moment, listening, pressing his lips in a thin line. Then, once he’s satisfied with what he hears, he glances toward me and relaxes.

  “I’m so sorry for the family drama. April can be kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. Our dad owns a company back in Nebraska, and the things she’s done in the last few years have reflected so poorly on it that his stockholders almost pulled out.” He keeps his voice low as he steps toward me. He stops much too far away for my taste and leans against the back of his chair.

  Yes, in my mind, I’ve already designated it as his chair. I lean against the doorframe to keep from inappropriately flinging myself at him. This is crazy! I just met him… So, call me maybe? I giggle as the song lyrics scroll through my mind.

  He frowns. “What is funny about that?”

  Crap! “Nothing, I’m sorry! I was kind of thinking about something… earlier.” Dig, dig, dig, woman! “It’ll be all right with April. I’ll help you keep an eye on her. I’m more of a wallflower than a partier, anyway. Maybe I can get her to stay at home more often. No promises, though.”

  He nods, stands, and takes a few more steps toward me, looking me over once more. There is a quiver in my belly—a fantastic one, not like drifting—a sexual tension Grayson creates in me just by existing. I have never been affected so strongly or so quickly by a guy before. I bite my lip to keep from telling him all of this.

  “Where is your phone?”

  Okay… that is not what my quivering belly thought he was going to say, but all right. I’ll play along.

  Pausing, I frown and then turn on my heel into my room. I grab my iPhone off the nightstand and turn back to go to the living room, but Grayson has followed me. He’s taken my spot, leaning against the doorframe to my bedroom. Stopping for a second in surprise, I try to play it off by looking at my phone and shifting to one foot. I haven’t ever had a guy in my room before. Well, the one back home, at least.

  “What is your number?” I say, not looking at him, not letting myself cross the remaining five feet between us.

  There is no answer for a few seconds, which makes me lift my eyes up to look at him, my face still pointed at the phone. He has that ever-delicious smirk back on his face. I arch an eyebrow at him, trying to look cooler than the giddy schoolgirl who’s taken over my brain.


  He shakes his head and comes toward me. “You are too funny.”

  “Is that a good or bad thing?” I say, doubting I’m hiding the worry on my face.

  He takes the phone from my hand and starts messing with it, smiling. I can hear my heart pounding while I wait for his answer. He makes me nervous in a fantastic way.

  “With you, it’s a great thing.” He hands me back my phone, now containing very precious information.

  Fall hard much, woman?

  “Text me if you need anything—anything at all. Doesn’t matter what it is or what time it is.”

  Grayson reaches up and moves the end of one of my braids back over my shoulder, slightly brushing the nape of my neck with the side of his hand. It is so warm against my bare skin that it makes me tingle all over with excitement. I try to keep still, but I really want to lean into his touch.

  “I will. Thank you.” I feel slightly like a ping-pong ball, going back and forth between whether or not he feels the same sparks I’m feeling. One moment, he’s warm and flirty, the next, he is all business, and then back again. This is enough confusion for one day. “You think April will stay in tonight?”

  “Yeah, she wasn’t planning on going out anyway. She was joking. She thought we were…” He shifts uncomfortably. “Well, anyway, she’s not going anywhere.”

  I find it funny that this is the first time tonight he’s looked uncomfortable. He’s been in total control of both the conversation and me all evening, never lacking confidence. I have a feeling he was brought up to know what he wants and how to take it.

  I smile shyly at his nerves. “Oh.”

  Although, it makes me wonder if that’s what he was planning. I frown. I doubt this man has much trouble with women at all, let alone any of them saying ‘no’ to his advances. As much as I’d like to think I could resist, I’m not sure I want to.

  “Well, I’ll text you later, so you’ll have my number, too.”

  “Already done. Come lock the door behind me.” His eyes wander over my body once more in such a way that I feel naked by the time he turns to leave the room.

  Nope, I wouldn’t resist at all…

  I nod and follow him to the front door. Why does it feel like we are on a date? “Thanks again for catching me. I don’t want to even think about what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been there,” I say as he reaches for the door.

  He stops and turns, the door opening behind him. “Remember your promise, Samantha.”

  I smile. “Yes, feet on the ground. Got it.” I’ve never had any man—not related to me, that is—be this concerned for my safety. I kind of like it.

  “Sleep well. I’ll see you soon.” He smiles and nods as he closes the door.

  I give a slight nod back before he slips out of sight. Looking down, I see my nipples are standing at full attention. Fuck me. No wonder he kept checking me over.

  Way to go, Dorkus!

  “Well, seems like you and my brother hit it off quite nicely.”

  April is standing by the door to her bedroom, leaning her shoulder against the wall with hands on hips and one foot crossed over the other. She’s dressed in what look like designer pajamas.

  “Is that bad?” I ask as I throw the deadbolt on the door. My chest constricts a little in anticipation of her answer.

  “Well, besides the fact that he’s been appointed my keeper, no. It’s not bad. Honestly, I think it’s great. He’s been alone a long time, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him take to someone so quickly.” A soft smile spreads across her face.

  “Do you think so?” I start playing with my locket again, feeling heat rise in my cheeks. I guess that’s confirmation he’s not just a playboy trying to jump his sister’s new roommate, which makes me feel slightly less idiotic.

  “Girl, please. I could smell the pheromones when I walked into the room. I seriously thought I’d just interrupted. You always jump the first guy you meet?” she asks with mirth, heading to the kitchen.

  I can tell she’s joking with me, but she’s still just as blunt as she was in her messages. I follow her and stand on the other side of the counter. “No,” I say with a laugh, “quite the opposite, actually. I’ve only had a few dates, and they didn’t go very well. I stopped trying after that. Third strike you’re out kinda thing, you know?”

  April pulls a water bottle from the fridge and holds it up to me. I grab it o
ver the bar, and she gets another for herself.

  “Good.” She sighs and then takes a sip.

  I frown, confused by her reaction. “Excuse me?”

  “Well, I just mean that after everything, Grayson needs a good girl. Don’t get me wrong—I may dislike the fact he’s been appointed my keeper, but he’s still my brother. He is just following Daddy’s orders. He takes those kinds of things pretty seriously. I think he feels like he still has something to prove, and I understand that. He’s been through more than people think. Our dad expects a lot out of people—sometimes too much.”

  She leans her back against the counter, her eyes wandering about, deep with memories. After a moment, she shakes them off. “Well, anyway, did you get groceries today?”

  I shake my head.

  “Okay, we’ll go in the morning. Night.” She saunters off to her room with her water and closes the door. It’s like watching a Siamese cat walk away.

  I am seriously starting to wonder if she knows any other way to walk.


  There are times in life when the excitement about something never lives up to the reality. The built-up expectations just fall… short. Meeting Grayson, after having so many wonderful dreams about him—and yes, there were definitely more than one—was nothing like that. I didn’t expect to feel so strongly about him. It’s scary, to tell the truth. I also really didn’t expect him to like me. Or he seemed to, at least. The night keeps playing through my mind as I dream.

  When he caught me, I should’ve stayed against him longer. He didn’t act as if I weighed too much. In fact, I forgot all about my physical inhibitions with him… at least until he started talking about my body. I especially keep running through when I thought he was going to get up and kiss me. Although, in my dream, April doesn’t walk in. Instead, he does come over, and we share the most passionate kiss I’ve ever known.


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