Devilishly Wicked Dreams

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Devilishly Wicked Dreams Page 1

by Barb Shuler


  Other Books by Barb Shuler


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Devilishly Wicked Dreams Playlist

  About the Author


  (A Modern Day Fairy Tale)

  © Copyright 2018 Barbara Shuler

  Published by Barbara Shuler

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction which is only recommended for those 18 and older due to violence, strong language and adult content. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), places or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  **Short story previously published as “What Big Teeth” in the Dirty Fairy Tales Anthology**

  Cover Art: JW Photography

  Cover Models: Kyle English & Kristina Canaday

  Cover Art Design by: Opium House Creatives

  Edited by: Mindy Seal & Emily Maynard

  Formatted by: Tattered Quill Designs

  Other Books by Barb Shuler

  Shattered Lives Series

  My Own Nightmare

  Somewhere I Belong

  Shatter Me Whole

  Sparks Of Deception

  Living In Your Hell

  Edge of Danger

  The Cowboy Way Series

  Wrangled By Love

  A Rescue Series Novella

  A Marshal’s Courage

  Her Savior


  Primal Darkness

  Harmony Duets

  Finding Harmony

  Through The Eyes Of Madness

  (Co-written with KA Graham)

  Shifting Shadows

  The Oblivion Series




  Coloring Books

  Shaded With Love: A coloring Book for a Cause Volume 5

  Cooking With Love: Shaded With Love Volume 6

  To everyone who has hoped for their very own Fairy Tale life..


  To my girls (Emily, Jennifer, Kelly, Mindy, Annie), ask and ye shall receive. This couldn’t have been done without any of you. Y’all helped me make my first foray into something new an easy transition. Love you bunches!

  To James Daryl (JDJ), thank you for the inspirational words and for allowing me to share them with others.

  With each new page turned in life, look, listen and see what’s hidden in the pages. You could find what you have been missing all this time...

  Sacred and Sweet the tinder night,

  The beast and his muse,

  And the moon shining bright,

  The words that he spoke,

  Words written in his heart,

  Enchanted the Beauty,

  And thus, stole her heart.



  “I can do this,” I told myself as I nodded. Yeah, I had to do this. “I can do this.”

  I was nervous as all get out. I had agreed to meet my blind date from the other night in the park today. I seemed to be more nervous today than I had been at the first meeting. Who meets a man they’ve only known for the equivalent of a week in the park on a quiet day? Shouldn’t I have made sure it was a busy day - one where the park was overflowing with tourists and townsfolk? Should I have made sure to have witnesses around?

  I should be able to make better sense of all this, all my feelings. I was nineteen now as it was. I was an adult, for all intents and purposes. Right? Right. I could do this.

  Ugh! I felt like I was going to hurl.

  I needed to rethink my interactions with men. Nothing ever worked out with them before, though, this felt different than it had during my school years. There was more to this. This wasn’t a couple of kids “dating”.

  The night at the bar had gone great so, when he’d asked, it was a knee jerk reaction to say yes to his invitation. I just couldn't say no to him. His smile, his warm touch… it was all so familiar - even comforting somehow.

  “Jesus, I need to lay off the romance novels or maybe I need to read more...”

  A small smile tugged at my lips before the butterflies started again. Maybe it was all in my head, but I felt as if there was some kind of a connection between us, something drawing me to this man.

  I hate when my stomach knots up like this. Why? Well, I wasn’t sure. Something about his presence excited me, yet made me nervous. It was almost as if being around him unsettled me, but that doesn’t quite describe the feelings I get being around him either. I was feeling so dang confused right now.

  I took in a deep breath, letting my nerves try to calm a bit. I looked at my watch and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. I had to go inside or I’d be late. I hated being late.

  I pulled myself up by my boot straps, so-to-speak, and moved through the wrought iron gates of Cressley Park. The small arrows and crosses along the top of the gate caught my eye. It felt as if they afforded me some sort of protection. I walked down the path he’d mentioned that would lead to where he’d be awaiting my arrival. My footfalls were soft as I recited the names of the trees and plants around me. It was a way to relax myself that I found always worked. I’ve always loved being close to nature. I made my way along the curve of the path. My heart skipped a beat when he came into sight. He sat on a long wooden bench. He was a tall drink of a man. The thumping in my chest started moving at double time.

  His head came up as a small breeze blew across me. His dark eyes met mine. My heart thundered out an extra beat at the sight of him. When he stood, his broad shoulders were blocking the sun. Dang, he sure looked a lot bigger now than he had looked the other night when we met for the first time at The Watering Hole.

  I took in a deeper breath, my feet padding along the earth towards him.

  “I thought you had changed your mind,” he said.

  “No, I was just nervously taking my time as I walked.”

  His smile at my words had me instantly mesmerized. I shifted on my feet as he came closer to take my hands in his. His voice did strange things to me and his touch shook me to my core. It was like his voice was caressing me as he spoke, the same way his fingers were doing to mine now. I let out a shaky breath before scanning the area around us.

  “Nothing to be nervous about. I don’t bite - much,” he said with a slight smirk on his face.

  I blinked at his words. I wasn’t sure why those words burned a blush out of me but they did. My face was flaming with heat.

  He chuckled before giving my hands a light squeeze.

  I took in my surroundings, again. I needed to give myself a moment to recover. We were surrounded by lots of t
rees, small bushes and the sound of trickling water. The sounds of nature itself filled my ears, relaxing me. I smiled as I moved my gaze back around to meet his.

  He still held my hands in his and tugged slightly. I chuckled, a nervous little titter, before I followed him to the large bench where he had previously been sitting. I once again scan the area. What I was looking for exactly, I wasn’t sure, but I had a feeling I was about to be slapped in the face with something - something I wasn’t been ready for.

  My gut was doing that rolling thing it does whenever I’m on big ride, like a roller coaster. A feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  His hand gripping mine tighter sent a wash of calm through me. A calm that I rarely experienced, not like this anyway, in a park with a virtual stranger. I once again met his gaze.

  “The other night, after dinner, there was so much I wanted to tell you. I had to stop myself from dumping it all in your lap too soon.”

  He smiled as his hand came up and brushed a stray lock of hair from my face.

  “You can tell me anything about yourself. I want to tell you about me, too. That’s how you get to know people, after all.”

  “Well, I have a story of sorts I want to read you.”

  I made a face at him. Did he say read?

  “I know- I know, a dude that reads, but seriously, it’s a good story and I think it will give you a little insight into me and who I am. Not to sound weird but, I am more than I appear to be.”

  “Okay… is it about you or something-”

  “Just let me read you the story. Then, after I’ve finished the whole tale, I promise I will answer any questions you have.”

  I simply nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. What else could I say? His eyes told me this was important to him.

  “Get comfortable. This is a bit of a long story,” he said, reaching for a book that I hadn’t noticed sitting next to him. A smile pulled at his lips.

  I gave him another confused look as he opened the book. It didn’t appear to be a overly large book. I sighed softly, not really understanding what was going on here but, hey, I can go with it. I turned to look out at the pond in front of us, crossing my legs indian style on the bench and, surprisingly, I relaxed as his voice filled the small clearing around us.


  “I just want you to listen as I read to you, pretty lady. After I am done, you will have my full attention,” I said, my fingers moving to run through her soft, shoulder-length red tresses.

  She nodded softly turning to face the pond, bringing her feet onto the bench to sit Indian style and crossing her hands over her lap.

  A grin pulled at my lips before I moved the book where she could see it just in case she wanted to look at it. After a calming breath I started to read from the pages of the old, leather bound book I held clutched in my hand.

  The day started as most did here, with the birds singing a cheerful melody. One that filled my heart with joy. The flowers stood tall, their blooms filling the small garden with their delicate perfumes. I spun in a circle, my waist length wavy red hair flowing out around me like a ships’ sail in the wind. My bare feet were pressing gently into the warm, soft grass as the sun beat down on my bare skin. The strapless red dress that had been sent over for me to wear billowed out around me, causing a draft of the warm summer air to brush against my skin. A shiver ran up my spine as I came to a stop and adjusted the low top.

  If I wasn’t careful I’d fall out of the dress. I really didn’t want to expose myself to the nature around me. No need to blind them with my pale, white skin. Even if it was covered lightly in freckles.

  My gaze ran across the wide open yard only to stop on the far tree line. A familiar tingle ran across my skin. I let out a small breath and shook off the feeling. I was waiting for Mother to get a basket of muffins and bread ready for me to take to my grandmother. She was in her cabin, where she stayed all the time. I didn’t get to see my grandmother often and I really didn’t know much about her, other than she was my grandmother. She suffered from an unknown illness, but allowed me the privilege of visiting her. Apparently, I was special and could not catch whatever it was.

  I'd been asked by Mother to deliver the basket and check on my grandmothers’ health. That in and of itself was nothing strange. I loved going to the cabin and spending time with her. She would tell me stories about the hunter and the big bad wolf. They were tales that she’d been told as a child, and now it was my turn to hear all about them. And I had been hearing them since I was old enough to traipse through the woods - alone - to her cabin for the first time.

  Something in the story about the big bad wolf always sent my heart into overdrive. The idea of a man-beast, was indeed thrilling, yet a little frightening.

  The things that scare you most, sometimes become the things you crave more than anything else.

  My attention was drawn back to my own home when my mother came out and smiled my way.

  “My sweet, Angel, you look so beautiful. Are you all set to go to Grandmother's house?” I nodded softly.

  I loved the smile my mother would get when she said my name. She had chosen the name Angel for me because I was her miracle. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but if it put that smile on her face, then the reason why didn’t really matter. I moved to the area by the big flower baskets, slid my flat red shoes on and made my way over to my mother.

  “Yes, Mother. Grandmother will be waiting on my arrival. I hope to hear another of her stories today, while we eat some of the breads you have made. Oh, and have some of the delicious jams Grandmother makes. Grandmother always has the best stories... and jams,” I hushed as the corner of Mother’s eyes crinkled up in amazement at my rambling words.

  I grinned, my cheeks flushing with warmth. I reached out and took the offered basket. It was a little heavier than usual, but that was okay with me. It wouldn’t be a burden for me to carry the distance to the cabin. Grandmother would enjoy the treats inside.

  “Be safe, my sweet Angel. Take your time, so as not to trip on the path, but do not dawdle. You get to your grandmother’s cabin so you will be able to make it back before dark,” she said, softly. Her smile was tight, as it always was each time I had to go through the woods to Grandmothers’.

  I stretched myself up onto my tippy toes and kissed her pale, rose colored cheek. I was not a short girl. Quite the opposite, in fact, but mother was still a whole head taller than I. She said her height was something she got from her father. I smiled at that thought.

  “Yes, Mother. I will see you before dark.”

  I skipped across the lush green yard towards the edge of the forest, to the small path I had formed over the years. I was an ‘adult’ now that my eighteenth birthday had come and gone, but I still liked to skip. It was just what I did when I was happy and I was always happy on the way to grandmother’s house. With each step I made I hummed a soft tune. It was one my grandmother had taught me when I was no bigger than a little pigtailed five year old. I loved the melody. It was soft, yet happiness poured from it.

  As I walked through the woods a shiver ran through me. It felt as if someone was watching me. This had happened before, but this time it was different. The tiny hairs on my arms stood as a shiver ran through me. It wasn’t a shiver of fear though. It was as if a hand ran along my skin. I took in a deep breath before shifting the basket to my free hand. A calm washed over me and I smiled as I started to skip along the path once again. I quickly came to a stop when my breasts started to come up out of my dress. I should have known that was going to happen. I sat the basket on the ground, laughing softly at myself as I wiggled myself back into place.

  Once I was assured I was again properly clothed I picked up the basket and headed for grandmother’s house at a steady pace, no more skipping. I felt eyes on me, again. Another shiver running up my spine had my breathe picking up. This felt different than it had when I first started my trek into the woods.

  When I left the woods and stepped into Grandmother’s yard the
tension that had been burning through me eased a bit. It slid away and calm replaced it. I smiled and made my way up to the cabin.

  “Grandmother,” I called out to her as I raised a hand to tap lightly on the back door.

  There was no answer, but I heard movement inside. I took a deep breath and prayed that Grandmother was alright before I made myself go inside. I sat the basket on the countertop by the door, kicked my shoes off, as my grandmother liked, and set off in search of her.

  I followed the noises and banging I heard. I took each stair of her staircase to the second floor, slowly. An unknown tension started to fill me. Apprehension of what I would find, I guess. I came to a stop outside of the largest bedrooms’ door. This was normally the bedroom Grandmother used.

  The door was cracked open enough to see inside. What I saw made my jaw hit the floor.


  I stood in the hall, my eyes transfixed on the sight before me. A beautiful blonde woman was in the middle of my grandmothers’ huge bed on her hands and knees, a man was behind her, slamming himself into her. With each moan she gave, he countered with one of his own. I was drawn to the sight of them together, deep in the throws of passion. He took her hair in one hand and tugged her head back. I shifted on my feet as I watched.


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