Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 5

by Abby Blake

  “What are you going to call it?”

  Ty spared a glance at the cage and replied, “I’ll need to do a complete genetic workup to be able to classify and name it correctly, but for the moment I’m calling it ‘mouse.’”

  Mikayla rolled her eyes. Men. He could’ve called it anything he wanted—they were the only ones on the planet for heaven’s sake—but no, Ty had to call it a mouse. Plain, old, boring, little gray mouse! It may have looked a little like an Earth mouse, but it was far prettier. It had a cute elongated snout that twitched when food was near and luminous, expressive eyes that reminded her more of the marsupials in Australia back on Earth than common field mice. She watched it turn in a circle several times like a dog, and then it settled down for a nap.

  “Why isn’t it frightened of us?” They’d been told the largest creature on this planet was an insect, a teeny, tiny insect, not a mouse-like creature the size of a man’s fist.

  “I suspect that on this planet he’s the ‘king of the jungle,’ so he’s never needed to be frightened.”

  “Oh,” Mikayla said, feeling a little stupid. She probably should’ve guessed that herself. The preliminary reports on this planet had discounted mammals—obviously incorrectly, judging by this cute little fur ball—reptiles, birds and pretty much all other life forms. Insects were scarce, though with so much plant life that would need insects for pollination it suggested they were not as scarce as they seemed.

  “So what does this mean to the survey work and the contract in general?”

  “Not sure yet,” Ty said as he came to stand beside her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest as they both watched the furry little creature sleep. “We’ll need to do a more intensive study of the local wildlife to determine how mining will affect them. Clearly the original survey was incomplete, and we can’t really rely on any of the information provided, so we’ll need to repeat that first.” Ty pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her closer. “Then when we get the geological survey results, we can determine whether the impact on the local environment can be minimized, whether the mineral ores are in sufficient quantities, or whether the proposed mining will need to be abandoned.”

  He pulled her closer and inhaled deeply. “You smell delicious.” She giggled as he ran his tongue around the shell of her ear, but he groaned as he pulled away slightly. “If we didn’t have so much work to do, Mrs. Davidson, I’d consider taking the afternoon off.” She had no doubt on what an afternoon off with Ty would involve. She smiled as lots of sensual ideas ran through her mind.

  Despite working side by side for most of the workday, Mikayla hadn’t spent much down time with Ryan and Ty since they arrived home. They hadn’t even gotten sweaty in the lab since that last time on the ice planet. Memories of the incredible orgasms they’d given her as they acted out their fantasy flooded through her brain, spreading heat to every inch of her body.

  Ty sucked on her earlobe, and then nibbled his way to her lips. He kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the ideas running through her head. He finally lifted away to draw a breath. “Hmmm, you taste delicious, too.”

  Ryan came into the lab looking rather harried. He smiled when he saw them pressed together but quickly broke up their fun.

  “Sorry, Mikayla, but you two have about a million specimens to tag and identify, so unless you’re planning a quickie against the wall, you’re both out of luck.”

  Mikayla felt Ty’s cock twitch against her hip and gasped when he rubbed himself against her. “What do you say?” he said with a suggestive leer. She laughed and went to move back to the counter where she’d been working. Ryan and Ty were always about the long, drawn-out—or as they called it—proper loving, so she was a little surprised at Ty’s reluctance to let her go.

  “You sure I can’t talk you into being bad?” She laughed and swatted his hands away.

  “Later,” she promised, trying hard to ignore the arousal coursing through her veins.

  * * * *

  Ryan took a moment to study Ty’s stiff movements. It was obvious that his brother was ready, willing, and able to not only please their wife but to do a very thorough job. At the beginning of a new contract, Ty was usually completely obsessive when they first landed on the planet. The man literally spent months barely sleeping and forgetting to eat while they explored their newest assignment. But this was the first time he’d had a wife to distract him.

  Ryan watched his wife as she went back to entering reports into the lab’s database and tried not to laugh at his brother’s groan as he attempted to sit down with a hard-on. He’d been encouraging Ty for years to find some sort of balance between work and play, and Mikayla had managed to get him to do it just by being there. Ryan smiled at them both as images of what he and Ty would do with their beautiful wife when they had the chance invaded his mind. The woman was incredibly responsive to their every touch and gave the most incredible blow jobs. God, he felt the rush of blood to his groin as images of Mikayla on her knees taking his cock deep in her throat, his hands holding her still as he fucked her mouth over and over and over invaded his mind.

  Shit. Ryan was half out of the chair before he realized what he was doing. It seemed Ty wasn’t the only one being distracted by their beautiful wife today. Ryan discreetly adjusted his cock and tried to sit back down without groaning in pain.

  A moment later he was out of the chair again. Damn. Sensual ideas invaded his every thought, and if he didn’t find something to distract him, he was going to have Mikayla up against the wall in a matter of moments.

  He left the lab to track down Peter. Technically, even though they didn’t have an actual schedule, it was Peter’s night with Mikayla. Considering the condition that both he and Ty seemed to be suffering, he felt it worth a quick chat with his older brother. Hell, the way he was feeling he’d be willing to beg and offer the man anything to swap nights with him and Ty.

  He scrubbed a hand down his face feeling out of sorts. Hell, he hoped a full night of loving their wife together would help.

  * * * *

  Peter watched his brother’s agitated movements and waited impatiently for him to speak. He still hadn’t been able to rid himself of the guilt he felt for bringing Jessie Evans into their lives, and a part of him worried that Ryan was finally going to get around to saying something. Hell, Peter had called himself every fool name under the Earth’s sun, surely it was his brother’s turn.

  Concern started to infiltrate his mind as Ryan didn’t immediately start to speak. Ryan was usually clowning around, so it was quite a rarity to see the man lost for words. But Peter couldn’t force any words past his tightening throat either.

  “We need her,” Ryan finally blurted out.

  Peter nodded carefully. He knew Ryan and Ty needed help in the lab at this stage of their contract. They always did, but they already had Mikayla helping them, so he wasn’t sure what Ryan meant by “needing her.” Confused for a moment, Ryan’s meaning finally became clear when the man adjusted the rigid length of his cock to a more comfortable position in his jeans. Judging by the pained expression on Ryan’s face, it wasn’t comfortable enough.

  “You’re talking about tonight?” Peter asked. Ryan nodded quickly. “Sure, I’ve got a heap of work to do anyway, but whatever you two are planning, don’t play too rough. Mikayla spent last night in Brock’s bed, and judging by some of the sounds, I think Brock has some new toys.” He shook his head as he laughed at his observation. “Those two have been going at it like bunnies for the last few months. I guess Mikayla likes his new toys. Lucky he didn’t come on holidays with us, or we mightn’t have gotten any time with her.” Peter knew he was babbling, but the silly relief of not having to listen to his brother’s criticism, no matter how well-deserved, was making him a bit giddy.

  Ryan nodded stiffly and left the room, leaving Peter to wonder if he was the reason for his brother’s out of character behavior or not.

  * * * *
  For the rest of the afternoon, Ty struggled to concentrate on his work. Discovering and identifying new animal and insect species had always been his favorite part of a new planet, but this time it just didn’t seem to hold his interest. Over and over his gaze strayed to the woman working on the computer beside him. Mikayla glanced up and caught him staring once more.

  Geez, it was almost like he was a randy teenager again. Sex seemed to be about the only thing in his mind.

  “Ty? Everything okay?” Her soft, sweet voice full of concern did absolutely nothing to deflate the painful hard-on threatening to burst open his pants.

  “Uh, sure,” he managed to mumble and then turned back to the specimen he’d been trying to classify. He could feel his face burning with embarrassment. What the hell was wrong with him?

  He could sense her studying him, trying to understand his unusual behavior, but he didn’t really have an explanation for his condition. Regressing back to his teenage years was not something he wanted to admit out loud. He was so busy trying to convince himself that it was just imagination that he didn’t hear Mikayla move until she touched his elbow.

  And then he was lost.

  “I need you,” he whispered as he hauled her onto his lap, lifted her dress over her head, and swept her underwear to her ankles. She smiled and helped to undo his way-too-tight jeans and then moved to straddle him. He thrust into her quickly, ramming his cock to the hilt without pause. She gasped and moaned at the abrupt intrusion but didn’t pull away. Mindless with need, he lifted her and dragged her back onto his cock, his hips tilting to take her deeper with every thrust. Already he could feel his climax nearing, and he swallowed, trying to slow himself down, trying to remember Mikayla’s pleasure as well as his own.

  Unable to reach her clit in this position, he pushed a dry finger straight into her ass, wiggling the digit as her pussy began to cream around his cock. Her orgasm hit her just as his began, his dick pulsing, throbbing, shooting his seed deep into her body.

  She fell forward, completely spent, as he held her close and worried at his own loss of control. Never before had he taken a woman without seeing to her pleasure first. Only his wife’s amazing responsiveness saved him from being the kind of asshole lover he despised.

  “Damn it, Ty!” Ryan’s voice sounded angry, hurt, and amazingly breathless. Before Ty or Mikayla could react, Ryan had lifted Mikayla off Ty’s lap, pressed her up against the wall, and driven his cock deep into her slick flesh. Just like Ty, Ryan set a ridiculous, frantic pace. Realizing that his brother was beyond reason, Ty moved to hold Mikayla in his arms, cushioning her as his brother fucked her. She moaned in delight at the new angle, and Ryan was able to press against her clit. She screamed as she exploded in orgasm, Ryan right behind her. Both of them grunted with the final thrust and then stilled.

  All three of them breathed heavily for several moments before Ryan pulled away, slowly extricating himself and helping Mikayla to her feet. She wobbled with exhaustion, and Ty wrapped his arms around her so that she wouldn’t fall.

  “Come on, darlin’,” he said in what he hoped was a soothing voice. “Let’s get cleaned up.” She nodded tiredly and let him lift her into his arms. She was completely exhausted, and by the time he got her to the shower, he understood why. Faded pink stripes covered her ass and thighs, and if Ty were to guess, he’d say they’d been done by a leather belt of sorts. The lines were very straight and uniform, so it was obvious that Brock knew what he was doing.

  Ty traced the faded pink line and asked curiously, “Did this hurt?”

  Mikayla turned and smiled reassuringly. “Yes,” she said with a wink, “but in a very good way.”

  “Maybe one day I could watch.” He wasn’t even sure why he’d said that. He’d never been interested in bondage or pain for pleasure, but his wife’s beatific smile had him salivating for it. His cock grew again and he groaned as need pulsed through him once more. “Maybe you should get some rest,” he said to Mikayla as he backed away from the shower. He had intended to climb in with her, but considering his state of mind, it could be a very, very long shower.

  Mikayla looked at him with a raised eyebrow, obviously picking up his strange mood swings. “I’m fine,” she said slowly. “But maybe you have a different reason for me to stay out of the lab?” She held his gaze, daring him to be dishonest. When he didn’t immediately answer, she crossed her arms and waited.

  Embarrassed that he would even consider lying to his wife over something so trivial, Ty nodded and smiled. “It would seem that Ryan and I are both very distracted by our lovely wife today. We have plans for you, Mrs. Davidson, so maybe you should get some rest while you can.”

  She looked a little concerned, and he wanted nothing more than to step into the shower and pull her into his embrace. But, considering his cock was pressed hard up against his jeans again, he knew exactly where that would lead. So he took a step back and tried to smile reassuringly.

  She smiled back but couldn’t hide the concern in her eyes. Feeling his control slipping once more, he nodded and left the room before he could do anything stupid.

  * * * *

  Mikayla washed herself down as worry wiggled through her brain. Ryan and Ty had stopped treating her like something fragile long before any of the others, but their behavior today was definitely out of character for both of them.

  Did they regret fucking her in the lab? The sex had been raw and aggressive and a stamping of ownership, rather than the playful lovemaking they’d resorted to recently. She’d loved every moment of what happened in the lab, but it was the aftermath that had her troubled.

  By the time she got out of the shower, she was feeling more tired than she’d thought she should be, but considering what happened last night, maybe it wasn’t so surprising. Her session with Brock had left her completely sated, and she’d slept well, but if Ryan and Ty were serious, she was in for a long night. When those two started playing with her, the lovemaking could go on for hours. Maybe she should get some sleep while she had the chance.

  She crawled naked into Ryan’s bed, pulled the sheet up to her shoulders and curled up for a quick nap.

  She woke to a warm arm around her middle and a thick cock pressed against her ass. Mikayla opened her eyes to find Ryan lying in front of her. Ty pulled her closer, kissing the back of her neck and rubbing his hard cock against her butt cheeks. Ryan leaned in to kiss her softly, but the heat quickly caught them both, and he began kissing her deeply, frantically. She moved against him, writhing between the brothers as her arousal grew.

  Thick fingers found her clit, pressing and massaging the needy button until she was crying out for their possession. Cold lube made her gasp, but Ty quickly worked it into her back passage, setting every nerve ending alight.

  Ryan lifted her leg, pressed his cock against her pussy, and entered her in one smooth thrust. Mikayla saw the strained look on his face as he controlled his entry and reined in his need, so she smiled reassuringly. Ty spread her ass cheeks, placed his cock against her anus, and hurriedly pushed his way into her tight back passage.

  Together they held still, letting her adjust, kissing and caressing her soothingly. As heat built, they started moving slowly, carefully, one sliding in as the other slid out, over and over until she was moaning with pleasure. She could feel them both trying to hold back, trying to control their lust, but then, like a dam breaking, they suddenly got more forceful, needier, thrusting deeper, harder. Their breathing harsh, their grunts animalistic. Fingers, she didn’t know whose, found her clit and squeezed hard. She screamed as orgasm crashed over her, and her men started pounding into her ass and pussy at the same time.

  The intensity overwhelmed her. They came in unison, filling her body with their seed, grunting their release, whispering their love.

  Finally, exhausted and replete, all three lay collapsed on the mattress, still joined, still wrapped in each other’s arms, but Mikayla was so exhausted that sleep claimed her quickly.

* * * *

  “What the hell was that?” Ty whispered irritably. It seemed easier to yell at his brother than to accept his part in the whole mess. Ryan shook his head, obviously feeling as annoyed as Ty. Never had they lost control like that. Double penetration took practice and finesse. They were always aware that Mikayla could be injured if they didn’t show some restraint, but today neither of them seemed in control of their libido.

  Thank god Mikayla had fallen asleep with a smile on her face. If she’d been hurt or upset, he would never have forgiven himself.

  “I think…” Ryan took a deep breath and tried again. “I think maybe we should get off the base for a few days. Let Mikayla have some time with the others.”

  Ty nodded. Whatever the hell was going on with his hormones seemed to be affecting his brother as well. At least if they were off base, they couldn’t accidentally injure the woman they loved. And the time away might also give them a chance to understand this desperate need to claim the woman who already belonged to them.

  Chapter Six

  What the fuck?

  Peter stood in the empty lab and looked around irritably. It seemed that both of his youngest brothers had decided to goof off again. Despite the fact that Ryan and Ty were qualified veterinarians and research scientists with a very important function within their family business, somehow they still managed to act like a couple of teenagers at times. Granted, it wasn’t usually this early in their contract, but then they hadn’t had a wife to play with before.

  Peter was about to go find them and tear a strip or two from their hides when the cage with the small little mouse-like creature caught his attention. The tiny animal had some sort of liquid coming from its eyes that looked a lot like tears. It was currently rubbing the fluid all over its fur. Curious. Was the creature ill, or was it some sort of grooming habit? Now if he just had a veterinarian to ask.


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