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Steamy Page 3

by Flora Ferrari

  I was so angry when I had my arm on his shoulder I felt like clamping my fingers down on his upper trapezius muscle and putting him down to the ground just for thinking he could try and talk to her. I can’t even believe I had such thoughts, but when it comes to her my possessive and protective alpha gene just goes into overdrive.

  I take a deep breath in and imagine all the things we can do in her room tonight. Thinking about her underneath me yelling my name, telling me to keep going, to never stop. To make her feel like she’s never felt before. The way we’ll look in each other’s eyes as we climax simultaneously connecting both in body and with our souls knowing it’s going to be like this for the rest of time.

  I was already hard when I stepped out of that truck and began walking up the stairs to her room. This hotel is nice, but it barely gets any business. And I remember Stella saying once how much she likes fresh air no matter what. Even in the dead of winter or with the air-conditioning on she always prefers to leave a door or window cracked just a bit. And that means the door to the room up top and in the corner that’s cracked slightly must be hers.

  I’m gonna have to talk to her about that. It’s too risky for a girl like her to leave her door cracked out here in the middle of nowhere. Those chains can snap and I don’t even want to think what might happen to her. She’s mine and it’s my responsibility to keep her safe and away from any harm ever.

  And she’s not the only one I’ll need to keep safe after I fill her full of my come and she begins carrying my first born. I don’t even care if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as it’s ours. The child we make together. Then I’ll become even more possessive than I am today. Even more possessive than I knew I was even capable of. It’s just that I was never this way before because there was never anything I wanted so badly until her. And I want her constantly. She’s always on my mind and I’d give my last dying breath to her. My last ounce of muscle to claw one inch closer to her side. Everything.

  I bound up the steps trying to get to her even faster.

  When I arrive at her door I see a pair of eyes looking at me through the crack in the door.

  “I knew it was you,” she says. “When I heard the truck pull up I knew you’d come for me. I left my door cracked so you could find my room. I just knew you’d come tonight.”

  As crazy as I thought I was maybe she’s just as crazy. Or maybe we’re just on the same wavelength. Are we crazy if we have a consensus? A consensus being each other and that’s all that matters to either one of us. One for the other. Each touch. Each whisper in the middle of the night. Each moan of ecstasy would now only be because of, and belong to, the other.

  We’ll be the only ones who know each other so intimately. Ever.

  I see her hand come up to the door and hear the chain slide back.

  She starts to open the door, but before it’s open much more than a crack I’m already through.



  I’d just taken a sip of my Corona when I heard the tires on the gravel outside. I set my beer down immediately. I knew it was him.

  I lost sight of him when he approached the stairs, but I could hear him bounding up the staircase, taking them two at a time and feeling my heart skip a beat as it pounded inside my chest well over twice as fast as normal.

  When I saw him there it was like a dream come true. He was in blue jeans again and a white top. But this time it wasn’t a white button down, it was a white T-shirt. The fit was tight showing off his muscles. It’s the kind of plain white T that gives off that rugged American West rebellious kind of vibe, and he looked sexy as hell in it.

  And that’s exactly what he brought with him. Heaven and hell. I knew he could be both after what I saw today. The way his anger raged when another man tried to make a claim on me. The way he’s nearly lost it, but managed to get himself under control enough to diffuse the situation. But I knew he was teetering on the edge of completely losing it. That’s how much he wanted me and how much he didn't wanted any other man to come between us.

  And that’s where the heaven came in. The way he made me feel knowing I was wanted more than anything in the world, by a man more desirable than any other. A man I’d desired for seven long years and who was here now looking rough and ready.

  I barely had the chain unhooked as he shot through the door, shutting it quickly behind him. I could feel my chest heaving in my loose fitting Henley top which was unbuttoned maybe a button or two too many. I was showing the wolf too much flesh and it was only making it more feral and hungrier.

  “You’re here,” I say.

  He steps closer to me, his hands reaching out for my face but stopping just short as he admired me like a treasure. Like I was worth more than any trillion dollar geological find he might dig up anywhere in the world. Like I was beyond priceless. Like my skin was more clear and sparkling than the most perfect diamond.

  “To stay,” he says still admiring me.

  “To stay?”

  “I’m here to stay. Forever. To let you know what I’ve felt all these years. To let you know how much pain and anguish I felt when you were gone for those four long years. But those days are gone now. They don’t matter anymore. All that matters is you and that you’re here with me now. And that’s how we’re going to stay. Together.”

  I open my mouth but the words just won’t come out instead something mixed between a moan and a whimper comes out.

  “But you have to want it too. And I know you do. But you have to tell me first. Your eyes have already told me all day by the way I saw you looking at me. Wanting me the way I want you. How you looked straight through that wet shirt of mine in your office, imagining me naked in front of you. And then when I took a shower just steps behind you I saw your eyes darting around the room in front of you looking for something, anything, that might reflect the sight of me back to you. I know because I was looking at you the entire time. Do you know how hard it was not to drag you in that shower with me? The whole reason I came to your trailer this morning was to tell you what I’m telling you now. How I’ve wanted you more than anything else in this world since your graduation party. How I watched you grow right in front of my eyes all these years. How when I arrived at your house the first time from across the ocean I knew you were a beautiful young girl, but just a kid then. Cute with perfect manners and so much potential. But once you turned eighteen and became a woman you became so much more to me. You became my obsession. You were on my mind constantly. Whether I was exploring the depths of the earth seeing what secrets she held underneath or building beautiful structures and homes that defied the laws of physics I did so because I imagined your beauty and your body. I imagined how I could twist and turn you in ways that would please you and I both to the point where our pleasure became an art form in and of itself. And now that you’re here in front of me I don’t want to imagine anymore. I want to feel, to breathe, to do all those things I’ve fantasized about with you. To take all that creative emotion and fulfillment you’ve given me and fill you with something of my own. My come so instead of building something for clients like I have all my life we build something together. Something that really matters. A family. Our family.”

  I. Have. No. Words.

  “Tell me it’s what you want to. Tell me.”

  I nod.

  “Say it. I want to hear you say it. I know this is all happening so fast, but I also see it in your eyes. You’re just like me. You know what you want and you don’t want to wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait,” I say softly.

  “And I’ve already waited too long and I won’t wait any longer.”

  I felt like I’d stopped breathing about two minutes earlier but somehow I was still alive. And not just living but more alive than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. My head was spinning and my heart rate was well above any safe zone. But there was no safe zone with him. Not when it came to what I’d always wanted and now hearing him say he’d always wanted the same thing. All safe
ty nets were removed. I wanted to fall completely knowing he was there to catch me. To jump in head first not knowing how deep the water was below, only knowing I could experience the beauty of its depths after the rush of excitement with the fall if I allowed myself to give up everything to him. To let him take control.

  “I knew it before and seeing that man try and talk to you today just reinforced it even more, not that I needed it. But it made the urgency that much deeper and that much stronger and I’m here today to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.”

  I nod agreeing with him and thinking back how he saved me from that awkward situation and saved me now in the process. How he’s saving me and giving me the life I always wanted, but didn’t know if he wanted it to. But now I do and my dream is coming true right before my very eyes.

  “You’re my best friend’s daughter and I’ve tried to tell myself that, but I can’t trick myself into not wanting something that I don’t just want, but that I need.” He exhales hard. I see rage and passion and lust as his mind seems to recount in real time what he tried to do to himself to give me up, and how it was no use. “I’ve never so much as touched a single woman since I first saw you. My body and mind told me subconsciously at the time that one day you’d grow up and become the beautiful woman you’ve become. And when you turned eighteen I knew right away. Knew you were mine and there would be no other women. Not a touch, a smile, a wink, or even a hug. I’m saving them all for you. All my attention for you and only you. And by all I mean all. I’ve been saving every part of myself for you all these years and I have to give it to you. Give it to you now and always.”

  His hands had dropped down and gently taken hold of my sides. He was being as gentle as he could but I could feel the strength in his fingers as they trembled, letting me know he was using every bit of his strength to hold himself back. How he wanted to grab me hard and take me right now.

  “Tell me you want that too and that you’ll be mine forever.”

  Even though I knew he was coming tonight I was still in shock that this was really happening? How did we both have these thoughts for seven years each and still had never said or acted on any of them? And now everything was coming to a head tonight. Right here and right now. A combined fourteen years of the deepest of human emotions in this little room about to explode.

  I went to speak but my throat was dry. I swallowed hard, but still nothing.

  “Say it. Say it now. Tell me,” he said, his voice dropping even deeper than its usual tone.

  I could feel my nostrils flaring as I tried to get enough oxygen to my brain. My mouth opening ready to say those words, but still in shock that they just weren’t ready to come out.

  “Say it,” he says, pulling my body into his. I could feel my wetness increase and knew my nipples were poking through my top and pressing right through the thin white fabric that covered his. I knew that he could feel my arousal against his body including my heart beating relentlessly.

  “I’m yours,” I say. “Yours and only yours.”

  He leaned in closer to my ear. “Forever?”

  “And always,” I say.

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear. And that’s exactly how it’s always going to be from here on out.”



  Her back is against the wall, my need pushing me forward and her back until there was nowhere else to go.

  “Tell me you want this right here and now.”

  I kept staring down in those beautiful blue eyes of hers which were as big as saucers even with her dilated pupils. The contrast was striking somehow adding beauty to the most beautiful woman ever to set foot on this earth.

  “I’ve been saving myself for this exact moment and I want it now.”

  I feel my grip on her waist loosen taking in the seriousness of her words. I feel like a balloon and all the air has been let out of me.

  “What? What’s wrong? This is exactly what I want and you want it to.”

  “Not like this,” I say. “I…I wasn’t thinking.”

  “What do you mean? You were just going on about how much you wanted me and now you changed your mind?”

  My grip tightens again and my intensity returns. “I didn’t change my mind. I’ll never change my mind. It’s just that your first time…it doesn’t deserve to be like this. As much as I want it and you want it right now you deserve better and it’s up to me to give it to you.”

  “You don’t understand. I’ve been waiting for this moment. Dying for this moment. A fancy bed or a simple bed. Nice furnishings or not. None of that matters. All that matters is how I feel. You think I’m going to notice if the floor is Spanish tiles or wood or something you can get at Home Depot on sale when my head is spinning with pleasure and I don’t even know where I am at the moment. When I lose all concept of reality and float on a cloud forgetting I’m even on an actual bed. Just being in the moment with you.”

  “Still,” I begin, but she doesn’t let me finish.

  “How do I know when I’m still a virgin you ask? Because that’s already how amazing it’s been when I’ve just fantasized about you. When I’ve touched myself to you in my room late at night and the next morning my dad asks me if I was having a dream because I was so loud. A dream I remember, but don’t remember making any noise or anything else because I was so lost in my thoughts and feelings. You know those people who can read a book or watch a TV show and you can call them from across the room in a voice as loud as you want and they still won’t hear you? That’s me. I live in my own world. My world of fantasies and make believe and now that world is at my fingertips about to become real and you want to pull it from my grasp. No you don’t. You won’t take it from me and the interior of this room won’t take any of the excitement of it from me either. It’s all in my mind and in your touch and that’s not changing one bit. I want this here. I want this now. I want you inside me.”

  “You know how fucking sexy you sound right now?” I say. I can see the intensity and rage in her words, in her face, and in her body language. I didn’t need her to say she wanted me. She was already in. In in her own way. She’d internalized it long ago. She didn’t need to say she felt it. That’s why she’d often been more quiet than talkative. There was an entire other world playing out inside her head. One that no one could touch and one that she was inviting me in to for the first time to participate in. One that no man had ever be privy to and no other man would ever be after me.

  She’s right. It’s not about the room or the country or any of those other external things. It’s about the internal things. The mind. The feelings. The want.

  “As sexy as you sounded a minute ago and as sexy as you look right now with those feral looks that have suddenly come right back?”

  “Sexier,” I say. “I could come on command right now I’m so hard for you.”

  “I don’t want you to be hard for me. I want you to be hard in me.”

  “You’re not making this any easier,” I say, still thinking she deserves better and that she might regret it down the road.

  “If I wanted easy I wouldn’t have waited all those years for you. But I don’t go for easy. I go for what I want no matter how long I have to wait. No matter how challenging and how much work I have to put in. No matter how hard.”

  She slides her hands down along the front of my jeans and takes as much of my junk as she can get in one handful.

  “And I’d say hard is something that applies to both of us right about now.”



  The way his cock feels in my hand makes me want to rip off those pants of his and caress it with both hands and take it in my mouth. As hard as he is he could have replaced that shovel this morning with his own rod. He could pound through rock with the thickness and girth of the steel rod I’m feeling right now.

  And it gives me tremendous pleasure and a feeling of power to know it’s because of me. This desirable man is so thick and so thirsty
for my pussy. Mine and only mine.

  I no longer know who’s more feral. Him or me. The more animalistic we both get together the crazier this night can become. And I want crazy. I want it all.

  His hands reach down and grab me by my ass lifting me off the ground and letting me know he’s given up on fancy hotels and all the accouterments. This is about us and the time is now.

  I lean into him even harder and wrap my hands around his neck as he slides one hand around farther cupping my entire ass, supporting me with one hand which allows his other hand to come up and brush my hair out of my face just before his lips come crashing down onto mine.


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