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Steamy Page 5

by Flora Ferrari

  And then I couldn’t breath and just when I thought my euphoria was complete he went and shocked me again, showing me what he was capable of as I felt his dick jerk and the warm fluid fill me entirely, my pussy milking him for each and every last drop as another orgasm overtook me trying its best to match the intensity of the one he was unleashing in me.

  I could feel my arm visibly shaking and I tried my best not to bite down on his hand.

  Suddenly my body started to still and I felt his fingers withdrawn from my mouth and his stomach against my back just before he kissed me softly on the side of my face and then joined me face down on the bed, still inside me.

  “Twins, at a minimum,” he said in between attempts to breathe.

  “What?” I said so sharply in between rushed breaths of my own I barely enunciated the final t in the word.

  “We’re having twins at least. Maybe triplets.”

  “How do you know?” I asked seriously. Then suddenly let out a laugh.

  “If you just felt what I felt then you’d know, just as I know.”

  “Well, I know one thing. That’s for sure.”

  “And what might that be?” he says.

  “That I’m yours and your mine. Now and forever.”

  He leaned back in and we kissed in between attempts to breath, but the desire for air would come second. Nothing could ever replace the feeling of giving him my first time and we both needed to hold on to that as long as we could even if it took every last ounce of breath from both of us.



  Seven months later

  “Stella tells me you knew it was going to be twins,” the doctor says.

  “At a minimum,” I say.

  He smiles. “I gotta ask. How in the world did you know that?”

  “When you know you’re with the right one, the one you were absolutely destined to be with, your bodies have a way of speaking to each other.”

  “Well, whatever you’re doing your doing it right. And I’ve seen some of your work. It’s incredible, but if you ever decide to go into the fortune telling business it looks like your options there are limitless as well.”

  “Only with her by my side. She drives everything,” I say as I squeeze her hand tight.

  “Well, that’s all for today then,” the doctor says. “Both babies are looking perfect. We’ve just got a couple more months until they decide to say hello. See you in a couple weeks?”

  “We’ll be here.”

  “I admire your dedication, sir. Most men wouldn’t join their partners for these things. Maybe the first, but after one you never see them again. Your chart says you’ve never missed.”

  “I couldn’t even fathom not being here to monitor the progress of the three most important things in the entire history of my existence. And I thank you for watching over us all.”

  “My pleasure,” the doctor says. “And thank you for the geothermal project. I must admit I was a little bit skeptical about using this kind of power, but after seeing the benefits and reduced costs I must say I welcome it with open arms.”

  I nod. “Glad I could be a small part of that,” I say.

  The doctor shows us out and I help my woman to the car making sure one of her arms is wrapped inside mine and my other hand is on her hip to balance her. It might be a little too much compared to other people but I’d never compare our love and dedication for the other to other people. What we have is one of a kind. Once I get Stella seated comfortably I slide around to the driver’s side.

  “I’m glad you got a car. It’s way easier to get into, especially this late in the pregnancy.”

  “Anything I can do to make your life more comfortable,” I say taking her hand in mine. “What were you two laughing about when I was in the other room?”

  “Oh that,” she says before giggling. “The doctor asked if you were always this intense.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said when it comes to his family, absolutely.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Want to hear her response?”


  “She said, ‘Where an I get a guy like that?’”

  “What did you say to that?”

  “Well, then I displayed a little intensity of my own and let her not so subtly know that there’s only one guy like that and he’s mine all mine.”

  I lean over and give Stella a kiss.

  “Are you okay with her? We can switch doctors if you’re not comfortable with her.”

  “She’s great. I’m actually glad you picked a woman doctor.”

  “We picked a woman doctor.”

  “You just didn’t want some guy looking at my lady bits,” she say, bringing our hands up to my lips and kissing the back of his hand. “But yes, you told me I could choose whoever I wanted…as long as she was a she.”

  We both laugh.

  “It was just my hormones raging in there for a second. And you’re not the only one who’s possessive of our love you know.”

  “I know,” I say. “And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  “So you take the bad with the good?”

  “You mean the good with the even more good? There’s no bad in knowing what you want and doing whatever needs to be done to protect and defend it.”

  “Well said.”

  “I’m a man who knows exactly what he wants in this life and those three people are currently to the right of me by about two and a half feet.”

  I look down at her stomach. “One. Two.” Then I look up at her. “Three,” I say.

  And just as always our minds think alike and we lean into each other and kiss as we wait for the light to turn green. But I kind of like the red lights now. It gives me more time to kiss her and it always remind me, not that I need it, how warm my blood runs for her. And stop? There’s nothing that would ever stop me from doing anything for my family. Nothing.



  Three years later

  A light summer breeze blows across our beach blanket sending little Gina’s hair across her face in windswept perfection. My arm rests on her stomach and my other arm rests across Giancarlo’s chest on my other side.

  I look out to the sea seeing a tall, white volcanic rock protruding and Sergio standing at the top waiting for me to notice him. The moment I do he blows me a kiss and then quickly dives headfirst thirty meters into the waters below.

  I’d learned earlier on this holiday he was a diver all throughout his youth. He started with cliff diving and once a coach got ahold of him moved him indoors to platform diving, an event which took him to a silver medal in the Olympics many years ago.

  The more I learned about him the more I learned there was more to learn. He surprises me every day, and always in a good way.

  And what wasn’t a surprise was how beautiful our children had become. How perfect.

  Sergio was teaching them Italian in the house in addition to them learning English naturally. The children were so beautiful. I could see myself in them, but even more so I saw Sergio, especially in their eyes.

  And what better way to show the children their heritage than to take them on this Italian summer holiday to the most beautiful place I’d ever seen, next to the moments I found myself lost in his gaze which was a daily occurrence back home.

  Giancarlo had been born first. Gina followed shortly thereafter. Being first Giancarlo would always be the protector, even if he was only first by a few minutes. It was funny to watch the kids dispute about how being older was the thing to be. I laughed just hoping they’d stay young as long as possible. I wondered at what point Gina would quit wishing she was older than her brother and start being glad to be younger. Twenty-nine maybe? I couldn’t help but laugh, and to hope that day took its time in coming. They were growing so fast. Too fast. Even with all the memories we were making it never seemed like enough.

  And just like I couldn’t get enough of them I still couldn’t get enoug
h of Sergio either.

  Just like he’d diffused a tricky situation that day we waited on the client who never showed, he’d diffused an even trickier situation with my father. I was expecting the possibility of a bare knuckles knock down drag out fight when Sergio broke the news to him, but surprisingly there was neither conflict nor drama. My father said there was no man he respected more, in addition to respecting his daughter’s decision, and wished us well from day one. To have his support was priceless.

  A few minutes later Sergio had scaled the lower level of the white rock and was back on our towels.

  Gina rolled over and Sergio reached for her little tank top which said “Baciami” on the front, helping her slide into it. We both laughed as she was right back to sleeping no more than ten seconds after she was awake, if awake is the right word.

  “Shall we carry these little buggers back to the house?”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” I paused. “We might even be able to get in a…nap…of our own while they’re sleeping.”

  “Well I’m sure that would wake them,” he says followed by a mischievous wink.

  “I think they’re pretty tired out after this much time at the beach,” I say.

  “I know someone who’s not tired out at all. At least when it comes to what I have in mind for you.”

  “Oh. I can’t wait to see that energy in action.”

  Sergio’s desire for me had never faded. I don’t know if it was in those fiery Italian genes he had, or those espressos which fueled his mornings and afternoons or all that physical exercise he got designing homes and more recently focusing on geothermal projects to help communities, but whatever it was his appetite for my mind, body, and soul was insatiable.

  He quickly put our things into the bag we brought and we each scooped up one of our children.

  “Before we go,” he says, letting his sentence hang.

  He leans in and kisses me, transferring the salt from the sea which is on his lips to mine. One last moment of this summer day before we head back.

  Today was the perfect day, only to be topped by what tomorrow brings. That’s one thing I’ve learned from him. No matter where we are or what we’re doing every day is absolute perfection because I have him and my two babies by my side.

  Now and forever.



  Three more years later

  “And that is how geothermal energy works,” I say looking out at the sea of confused five-year-old faces.

  The small volcano in front of me that I’d made for the kid’s science day then erupted right on cue sending foam from the top and recapturing the children’s attention. I couldn’t help but laugh. What was I thinking trying to explain the physics of the earth to a bunch of little people whose main concerns were popsicles, peanut butter sandwiches, playtime and how to avoid naptime?

  “That was very…enlightening,” Stella says, wrapping her arms around me.

  “Come on, baby girl,” I say wrapping my arms around her. “You know how this stuff works.”

  “Because you taught me and you brought me into the business and gave me purpose in my twenty hours week that I help out with work.”

  “And it’s the best twenty hours a week the company gets.”

  “Our company,” she says. And she’s right. Her father had made me an equal partner in the business. We had equal say on all things business, not that we didn’t always agree one hundred percent anyways. But it was a nice gesture on his part. One I will never forget.

  And there was one thing else I’d never forget.

  “Don’t look now, but that little blonde haired boy is chatting up Gina. It’s so cute!” Stella says.

  “Where? Who are his parents? What do they do for work? I need to run a background check on them first.”

  “Sergio,” Stella says laughing as she buries her head into my shoulder. “I know his family. They’re good people. You can relax.”

  “Watching out for my family means no breaks. No relaxing. I need to know where my kids are at all times and who they’re with.”

  “You’re like a human Cane Corso.”

  “I’m glad you picked that dog to compare me to.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You know what the Cane Corso means in Italian?”

  She pulls her head back from my chest. “I don’t actually. How did I not learn that word yet?”

  “It means protector. And that’s exactly what I am.”

  “The possessive protector.”


  Just then Giancarlo comes into my vision stepping in between Gina and the blonde haired boy. “Atta boy!” I say.

  Stella turns around and watches.

  “Like father like son,” I say.

  “Is he not allowing him to talk to her.”

  “No, no, no,” Sergio says. “He’s just laying down the ground rules. I taught him to be protective, but not overly protective. I don’t want him to smother her. She’s a flower that needs to grow. And flowers grow towards light, positivity, and warmth.”

  “Do you know how romantic you sound right now?”

  “Because my words sound like an Italian poet?”

  Stella laughs. “They do, but that’s not what I was thinking.”


  “I was thinking,” she says, putting the tip of her index finger on my nose. “How sexy it is when you’re supportive of our young daughter. How you want her to be able to achieve anything she can in this world, just like you do our son. How you treat them as complete equals, but still make sure Giancarlo is there to watch out for her at all times.”

  “Is there any other way?”

  “No baby. Thanks to you. I picked the perfect man to be the father of my children and my husband.”

  My mind flashes back to our wedding day in Milan. The only day better was when our children were born.

  “What a great wedding day.”

  “Only topped by the birth of our children,” she says.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  “And it’s about to get topped again.”


  My eyes dart from Giancarlo to Stella. “You mean?”

  “I snuck a trip to the doctor this morning. It’s confirmed.”

  “Our woman doctor. Doctor Dennison, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’m going to be a dad. Again.”

  I squeeze my beautiful wife tight. “Thank you. Thank you for these children, this life, this everything.” she says.

  “All the thanks goes to you baby girl. It all goes to you.”

  The volcano foams again unexpectedly causing us to both raise our eyebrows and take a step back.

  “Looks like that volcano’s got some pressure he needed to release,” Stella says.

  “And with this incredible news you just gave me that little volcano friend of ours isn’t the only one.”

  “Science day is now officially over, right?”

  I look at my watch. “According to this it is,” I say showing her my wrist.

  “I think we should have our own special day now.”

  “Biology day?” I say.

  “You read my mind.”

  “Class starts in thirty minutes back at the house.”

  “Race you to the car!” she says, taking off.

  “Let’s all thank Mister…” I hear the teacher saying, but we’re already gone.

  “Be careful. You’ve got my baby in there!” I call out to my woman.

  “It’s twins again!” she says over her shoulder.

  Twins? Of course. The odds must be something like one in seventy thousand, but the odds of meeting my soul mate were even way, way less than that.

  But I did it. I sure did it. And I’m going to protect her and watch over her and our family letting them know just how incredibly lucky I know I am to have them in my life.

  Non ci piove!

  (Literal translation: I
t doesn’t rain on it. / English equivalent: No doubt about it!) :)

  Thanks for reading!



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