Breaking The Darkness (The Light and Dark Trilogy Book 1)

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Breaking The Darkness (The Light and Dark Trilogy Book 1) Page 7

by Jessica Miller

  He crosses his arms over his chest and gives me a strong glare. "You better not do that shit again. Ashley was biting my damn head off because you wouldn't wake up. Please don't leave me alone with her, she's scary as hell."

  That last comment puts a small smile on my face, until my eyes catch a figure standing in the corner.

  A shiver of fear settles down on my spine, as I take several steps back until my legs hit the bed.

  "Hartley, what's wrong?" He asked in a concerned voice.

  "Please, make them go away." I say sitting on the bed, closing my eyes and putting my hands over my ears, trying to drown out the outside world. My body begins shaking, and I lose control.

  "Hart, I'll be right back, just stay calm." I can hear his footsteps heading towards the door.

  "Listen to me must listen." The rusty voice of the spirit sends shivers down my spine.

  "LEAVE ME ALONE!" A tear escapes the corner of my eye, when I am suddenly engulfed in a pair of strong arms.

  "Hart, it's okay. You're safe. They can't harm you baby." My muscles relax at the sound of his comforting voice. More tears escape my eyes, as I cling to his body with every breath that I have.

  I've never been so scared in my life. The demons don't scare me but spirits do? How does that make any sense?

  On top of everything else going on in my life, I am now able to see and talk to the dead. Ghosts have always scared me, even when I was little. The thought of people being stuck here in the afterlife, causing drama wherever they go, scares the shit out of me.

  When I woke up in the hospital a few days ago, I saw my dead parents standing in front of my bed. While I was scared, I was also extremely sad. I was hoping they would have moved on. That they would be looking down on me while they rested in peace. When I saw them staring at me that day, I feared for their souls.

  Trace's grip tightens on me and brings me back to the world of the living. His presence is like a lifeline I can't live without. Every day, the need for him grows, and my heart continues to make a home for him.

  He loosens his grip around me and brings his hands to my face, while he gives me a concerned look. "It's going to be okay. We are taking you home, and I promise you won't be able to see them there."

  Before I can ask him what he means by that, he presses a kiss to my forehead, grabs my bag and walks out of the room.

  I look over to the corner and see the spirit has disappeared, and Ryan is staring at me with a weird look on his face.

  I swallow hard and look away from him. "What?"

  "You have a lot of explaining to do Hartley." Shrugging my shoulders, I get up and cringe in pain.

  Ryan walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulders, supporting me as he helps me into the wheelchair.

  He rolls me out of the room, and takes me down the hall and towards the exit. When we get to the exit, I see Trace leaning up against the car, arms folded over his chest with a glazed look over his face ignoring my best friend.

  "Trace come on, you have to know something!" Ashley raises her hands in the air in frustration, "Ugh you're so damn annoying!"

  Trace's eyes lose that glossed over look, when they land on me. His eyes leave mine as he takes in Ryan standing behind me.

  Those beautiful blue eyes harden, no longer showing the angelic glow and now showing the demon who wants to come out and play. When most people would be scared of his demon side, I grow the need for it. He's gorgeous, and I can't seem to get enough. His broad shoulders, strong muscular arms, disheveled midnight hair, and those crystal blue eyes are enough to make any girl swoon.

  He walks over to us, one intimidating step after another, until he gets within breathing room. Tingles spread through my body, as he takes his left arm and helps me out of the wheelchair and into the passenger side of the car.

  Once I am in the car, he leans over me, giving me a whiff of his wonderful smelling cologne, and buckles my seatbelt in. The two doors of the back seat close, while I hear bickering coming from my two best friends.

  "Ashley, can you please stop pissing him off?"

  "No! He won't give me any damn answers!" She shouts from behind me and I shut my eyes trying to drown them out.

  I hear the driver's side door open, and the keys sliding into the ignition. A hand slides down my cheek, and I open my eyes and turn my head towards his. His crystal blue eyes look into mine, "Relax."

  I nod already feeling the sleep take over.

  Ashley and Ryan are still bickering in the backseat when Trace says, "Will you two shut up!"

  The car turns deathly silent, and Trace turns on the music and starts driving us in the direction of his house. I clear, my head of any and all thoughts, and end up falling asleep.

  "Hartley, your mother and I need to have a word with you!" My dad's voice traveled up the stairs and into my room.

  Walking out of my room and down the stairs, I see my parents seated at the table in a heated discussion.

  "Yes daddy?" I said cautiously as I sat down at the table next to my mother.

  "Honey, we want you to know how much we love you and how special you are."

  Furrowing my brow. "Okay, I already knew that."

  My dad shakes his head, "No honey. You are very, very special. What I am about to tell you should not leave this room and this only remains between the three of us, understood?"

  He gives me a very stern look and I gulp and nod my head in return.

  "You are not a human."

  My eyes widened in confusion. "But...but how is that possible?"

  He takes his hand and rubs his face. "It's possible, because we are not your real parents."

  I shake my head, "No...that's...that's impossible."

  I get up from the table and start pacing back and forth. "Dad this doesn't make any sense."

  "My parents were very powerful when they were alive. Being the highest ranked angels, they were considered royalty. One day my mother found out she was pregnant with twins. They were overjoyed to find out they would be having two little boys. They knew that the kingdom would be left in good hands because my brother and I would become the heirs. What they didn't know is that one of the twins would be born as a human.

  My parents were shocked at this information. How could two higher ranked angels possibly have one human boy?

  The answer is simple.

  My family was cursed.

  It was foretold that a very powerful witch tried to seduce my father, and when he refused, she put a curse on the royal family.

  The King and Queen would have two little boys. One boy would be born as a human, and would live a normal life in the human world. While the other boy, was forced to stay behind and rule the angel kingdom.

  Now that doesn't sound so bad right?


  The curse that blasted witch put on my family, had left a prophecy in it's wake.

  It was told that my brother would have three children. They would have two boys and a girl. The girl, would be more powerful than any angels power combined. For she is the chosen one sent to destroy the dark side.

  She would be blessed with the blood of the highest angel, and would be cursed with the blood of the deadliest demon. She would hold the powers of a witch, and she would have the beautiful voice of a siren. She would be different, she would be unique, but most importantly she would fight for what's right.

  People would come from all over to help her cause.

  She would be bound to a Nephilim who will struggle with his past, present and future.

  She would lose family, and she would gain family.

  Most important of all, she would defeat the Dark One."

  My eyes shoot open, and my breaths become more strained.

  What the hell just happened?

  As my vision clears, I realize I'm back in the car, but instead of it moving, it's parked in front of the house.

  A hand lands on my shoulder and I jump in surprise. "Baby, it's okay. It was just a dream. You’re safe

  I turn my head and raise my gaze to his. I whisper the words, "It wasn't a dream. I just accessed another memory."

  Chapter Eighteen

  Trace comes around to the passenger side of the car and helps me get out, while Ashley and Ryan get my bags.

  Confusion settles in.

  I can't believe that particular memory has been erased and now suddenly reappears.

  The fact that my parents are not my real parents breaks my heart.

  The fact that Trace and I were foretold a long time ago, tells me that this prophecy is the real deal. My only question is, how does it end? Do we live happily ever after? Or do I burn in the fiery depths of Hell?

  A slight squeeze to my shoulder causes me to look in to those beautiful eyes.

  "Everything will be explained when get inside baby, just relax and calm your thoughts." He whispers in that very deep seductive voice of his.

  He helps me walk towards the door, and once we get inside he takes me to the small sitting room next to the dining room. His parents and Cole are already seated at one end, and Trace takes me to the other couch, still keeping me in a very secure hold.

  Ryan and Ashley follow us in very quietly, consumed in their thoughts.

  "Welcome, Ryan and Ashley to our home. We want you to know that the two of you are welcome here anytime you want. As long as everything that is said in this room doesn't leave this house. Got it?" Mr. Evans gives them the same intimidating stare that Trace constantly holds. They both nod their heads in return afraid of doing anything to piss him off.

  Tingles spread throughout my body when Trace's fingers slide up and down my arm in a comforting matter. The more he touches me, the more I need him. He's turning into my very own personal drug, and I can't get enough. I crave him, I want him, I need him.

  As if he could sense what I was thinking, he instantly drops his arm from around me and gets up off the couch. He walks over to the other side of the room and gives me a heated glare.

  Rolling my eyes, I turn my attention back to his parents.

  "How are you feeling darling?" His mother asks me in a sweet and innocent voice.

  Shrugging my shoulders in indifference, "I'm okay I guess."

  "Okay, it's time to get down to business." Mr. Evan's voice fills the air with authority, like he was made to be the leader of an army.

  "First things first." His gaze immediately switches to Ashley's and Ryan's still forms. "Hartely and my family are not humans."

  Their eyes widen in astonishment, and their gaze flickers to everyone around the room. When their gaze lands on me though, their eyes harden. I flinch under their cold glare and look to the floor as a way to escape.

  "Now, don't go accusing my future daughter in law, this is not her fault. She's been slowly trying to figure everything out just like you have."

  Ashley's face turns red in an instant, she gets up and walks over to me putting her hands on her hips.

  "Daughter in law? What the hell Hartley?"

  "Ash, I don't think..." Ryan starts, but she immediately cuts him off.

  "Shut up Ryan!" She returns her furious gaze back to mine. "How could you? Why are you keeping everything from us? Why from me? I thought I was your best friend, your sister? Why are you doing this?"

  "Enough!" The room becomes eerily still with Trace's booming anger. His posture has become rigid, and his black soulless eyes are giving Ashley a look that could easily kill. His demon is out and there is no controlling him. Ashley starts shaking in fear as he takes intimidating step after another until he is right in front of her.

  His body is shaking in anger, and his hands are clenched into tight fists trying to control himself. "If you would shut up for five minutes and let us explain then you would know why she hasn't told you." Each word comes out through gritted teeth. "You’re being selfish and it's really pissing me off! Stop being a damn bitch and listen for five fucking minutes! I swear if you insult her one more time..."

  "Trace! That's enough!" His father shouts loud enough to crack windows. Regaining his breath, he sighs and looks at Cole.

  "Cole, take your brother out of the room and get him to cool off." Cole walks up to him and puts a hand on Trace's shaking shoulder. Trace instantly shrugs it off and whirls around to face his father.

  "No dad! I will not accept her accusing Hartley when it's not even her damn fault! She just got out the fucking hospital, and now she has to deal with this shit?"

  "Watch your mouth Trace! I will handle this, go and cool off."

  Trace gives one last hardened glare to Ashley before he storms out of the room.

  Ashley silently takes a seat next to me folding her hands in her lap.

  All of the sudden, a wave of fatigue hits me like a smack to the face.

  "Darling are you alright?"

  I nod, but the walls close in on me, making the room spin. I put my head in my hands and try to control the dizzy feeling that surrounds me.

  "Honey, can you take Hartley upstairs to her room? I'm going to have a talk with Ryan and Ashley."

  Footsteps head towards my direction and I look up to see Mrs. Evans standing in front of me. She puts an arm around me to help me up, and I cling to her for support. "All of that yelling didn't help with your recovery, so let's get you to your room so you can get some rest."

  I nod, not really caring about anything other than lying in the comfy bed I can now call mine.

  "Sweetie, if you're not up for it, please let me know, but your aunt's funeral is supposed to take place tomorrow morning. Will you be okay to go?"

  I nod as a small tear leaves the corner of my eye.

  When we reach my room, she helps me sit down on the bed. "Alright, I will continuously check on you for the remainder of the evening. Try and get some rest okay?"

  I nod and she turns around for the door, "Mrs. Evans?"

  Her steps come to a halt right in front of the door. "Did you really know my parents? Is the prophecy true? Is everything my dad told me true? That they weren't my real parents? That I am the chosen one?"

  She turns around, and takes a seat on the bed next to me. "Yes darling, everything is true. We have known you for a very long time.

  Your parents, well I guess your real parents, were our best friends. When Tom and I got a new assignment about protecting the royal family, we were ecstatic. This was an honor, not just anyone was selected, only the best of the best.

  Trace was about a year old, when we accepted the assignment. Your parents had offered us a home in the castle in return for keeping them safe. Trace ended up becoming best friends with your two brothers, and then when you were born, it's like the world stopped for him.

  You became his world. You two were inseparable as kids, and in all honesty Trace kind of gave your brothers the shaft. They would make fun of him for hanging out with their younger sister all the time, but he didn't care.

  All he cared about was protecting you, and being with you. Tom and I knew even so early on in your lives, that you were destined to be together."

  "Then why is he so hot and cold all the time? One minute he wants to be around me, the next he doesn't. I don't understand." I sigh running my fingers through my hair.

  "Sweetie, Trace has been through a lot. When the castle was under siege, he lost you. My husband and I were trying to protect your parents, and your brothers, when you and Trace got separated.

  He blames himself every day for losing you. He thinks he wasn't strong enough to protect you.

  Unfortunately, we were not able to save your parents, nor your brothers."

  A small sob leaves my throat. I have no one left. My whole family has been wiped from the face of the earth.

  "Now I know what you're thinking. You are not alone sweetie. Even though my family is not your blood related family, we love you so much. You are like a daughter to us, a sister to Cole, and the love of Trace's life.

  We will do everything in our power to protect you. You're not alone, you have us, and you have your
best friends. On top of that, you are the only sole heir to the throne. You have a whole kingdom behind you.

  You need some rest. We will tell you more of the story tomorrow after the funeral if you are up to it okay?"

  I nod and lay my head down on the soft pillow next to me. She gets up and walks over to the door. Once more, she comes to a halt with her hand on the knob.

  She looks back to me and says, "Give him time sweetie. I can't tell you my son's story, he has to be the one to do it, and unfortunately it's not a pleasant one."

  Tears fall from her eyes as she turns around and heads out of the room.

  My thoughts move a million miles a minute as the silence becomes too much.

  Curling up into a little ball, I let myself succumb to the darkness.


  When I wake up the next morning, there is nothing but silence.

  There are no birds chirping, and no sunlight to block out the darkness that surrounds me.

  I get up slowly from my bed, and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

  Getting undressed, I unwrap the bandages from around my abdomen.

  A red thick scar runs down half the length of my body.

  Sighing I look in the mirror.

  Looking back at me is not the strong and independent girl I used to be. Instead this bruised and broke girl is taking her place.

  I turn on the shower and turn it to the hottest temperature possible. When I get in, the dam breaks once again.

  So weak, and so useless.

  How am I supposed to save everyone when I can't save myself?

  After what feels like an hour, I get out and wrap a towel around my body. When I open the door to my room, I come to a halt when I see Trace sitting on the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of black basketball shorts.

  His unwavering gaze makes me nervous, as I clutch the towel tighter to my body and walk to the closet.

  Ignoring him as best I can, I take out my black dress and black shoes.

  His presence comes closer, until his body brushes up against my towel.

  "You’re so beautiful Hart." He whispers very low into my ear, as he presses a light kiss to my shoulder.

  I suck in a breath when the butterflies erupt in my stomach. He turns me around to face him, and puts his hands on my face.


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