Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2)

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Close Love (The Billionaires Club Book 2) Page 18

by Adams, Zoe

  Lady was young, untrained, and very reclusive. It all made for a juicy story. Media started to call daily, and Del creatively hedged personal questions.

  The subject of Lady couldn’t be put to rest. She handled fashion, choreography, and event design. Del did everything else, including publicity.

  He sat close to her every day, so it gave him a good idea of what she wanted to represent. She was romantic and a dreamer, but best of all, she was a doer. Lady did what she wanted.

  That left all the tedious business for Del. Clearing the future of problems and debris took time.

  Well, at least his foreseeable future looked good. All he could do was plan ahead and let the chips and cards fall where they may. He wanted to be the king of hearts. But the more he thought about it, he felt like the king of spades because all he did was work, work, work, then relax with Lady.

  He didn’t mind being the king of spades, because a king who worked must surely know how to put his heart into things. Reaping and gathering were much easier with a light heart. How else could a heart be filled, except with things you loved?

  And he surely loved Lady. It made all the stress and worry melt into chocolate. It was the milky melt of love. It smoothed over everything. He enjoyed her work, her body, and her brain.

  The hard part was him and how he could remain attractive for her. But just like all the other questions, his brain kept the tick tock of time and he didn’t dwell on things for too long.

  On the other hand, people were a different story. Del moved forward and caught Lady’s hand. He brought it to his lips and then studied it.

  “Your hands look different,” he said.

  She pulled her hand away and studied it.

  Del went down on one knee. He pulled a small velvet pouch from his pocket. He fondled it quickly to make sure its item was still there.

  “Here.” He handed the bag to Lady and waited.

  Del didn’t know of many marriage proposals or how they went, but this one rocked. Lady’s face broke into the biggest smile.

  “Del? What did you get me?” She weighed the bag like she already knew.

  Del swore for the hundredth time to keep her smiling forever.

  “When I went to the bank I visited my safe deposit box. I keep a lot of stuff in it, including my will, just in case you ever want to know. But what’s in that bag is my grandma’s wedding ring.”

  Lady dumped it into her palm. A single band of diamonds glimmered on gold. Lady slipped it onto her finger and held it up.

  “I love it. It’s small and subtle. And look, it’s smooth so it won’t snag on any of my fabrics.”

  “We’ll get you a better ring when we go to the city.” Del put his hands around hers.

  She pulled back. “What do you mean? I like this ring. I think it’s a perfect engagement ring. Besides, I’m not even sure if I want a big ring.”

  Del hesitated. “I thought every girl wanted a big ring.”

  “Well, maybe.” Lady looked at him slyly. “I’ll have to look at the rings.”

  “All right,” Del agreed. “We’ll go shopping for a ring.”

  “A ring? What about you? Don’t you want a ring?”

  Del decided to play the same card as her. “I don’t know if I want a ring.”

  “What? That’s crazy. You have to wear a ring. Why would I be the only one wearing a ring?” Lady stood in front of him like a stubborn teacher.

  “Well, I can’t wear a ring while I’m farming. It could catch on something and rip my finger off.” Del shrugged. “I can wear one inside the house though.”

  Lady’s eyes cleared. “Yeah, I guess that’s all right. As long as you wear your wedding ring when we’re in public together.”

  “You got yourself a deal.” Del stood up. “Do you want to shake hands on it?”

  “No,” Lady said, but stuck out her hand anyway.

  Del shook her hand victoriously. Lady was an exceptional prize. He just couldn’t believe she could do what she did. Not very many people were brave enough to put their true opinion out in public. Not even politicians did that. Del was proud of her, and took every opportunity to show her.

  Chapter 19

  Everything had been prepared for the finest foreseeable future. They arrived in the city exactly when Del wanted. Very late at night, most traffic was too tired to honk, but ballsy enough to go over the speed limit.

  The van had been loaded up and weighted down. Lady had sewed snaps onto clothes all day. Numerous bags of different projects were by her feet.

  Del rolled the van down wide outskirts of the city. The countless street lights led to brighter places. After a long day focusing on the world’s smoothest drive, he was ready to park the van and relax for a while.

  They would be here for a week. It might as well be a month for him. So many things could happen, both here or at the farm. Del could only slowly adapt to sharing his heart with two places. For him, the new environment needed to be learned, appreciated, and then properly loved.

  Right away he felt out of place. The van had different state license plates. Aside from the blaringly obvious and original wrap of the van’s exterior, he didn’t have to use a woman’s high heel shoe or a suggestive name to receive attention.

  Lady realized they were receiving extra attention as well.

  “Del, I don’t know if we should leave all the clothes in the van tonight.”

  She didn’t have to reach for his knee to have his ears, but she did anyway.

  “Yeah. I know I thought about everything else. I didn’t want all of this to look like fashion. But it doesn’t matter, we still look like the biggest out-of-towners.” He verbalized what he wanted to hear. “Don’t worry. Everything’ll be fine.”

  They would be staying at her grandfather’s house. Even though the penthouse was technically Lady’s, they still called it her grandpa’s. Maybe this trip would bring the place a little closer and they would be able to give it a new name. The high rise certainly deserved someone to call it home. They got all the privacy a couple from the country could get.

  Del pulled into the building’s parking ramp. He decided the van would be safe here. The garage had surveillance cameras for reassurance at every corner and door. The elevator whisked them to their floor.

  Lady and Del walked down a hallway from the gilded era and into a right sided alcove. Intense red roses were wrapped in a vase. A proportionate table separated matching doors with brass knockers. The seamless obstruction unlocked with a key. They entered the flat recently bequeathed to Lady.

  “Whew,” Del said as he set heavy bags down gently. “It’s sure nice to be somewhere I recognize. This city is something else.”

  Del sat down and let out a big sigh. Just as quickly, he stood up again. “I don’t think I’ll be sitting for a while. That was a long drive.”

  Lady didn’t say a word and took off her hat, coat, purse, and two bags.

  She gave him a timid smile. “I want to take a bath. Do you want the bathroom first?”

  “Yeah. I can’t wait that long.” He walked past her quickly.

  What was he supposed to do with his time? He wasn’t a big TV guy. Del usually filled his time with work and craftsmanship. He couldn’t imagine what a hobby in a big city might be.

  His eyes and brain were tired from the drive, but his body needed to move. The lethargic feeling stayed with him from one room to the next.

  Lady stood at the living room window. Her hands hung limply at her sides. She had been waiting for Del. If she ever looked delicate, now was the time. The room morphed her. She looked like she might succumb to its massive interior and completely disappear.

  Del remembered what his hobby was. Ms. Lady Steele filled a bright spot in his life. He didn’t mind her domination or his dependency on her. Even in her disheveled, sweaty, and tired state, she lit him with a jolt like electric current.

  He picked up her hands and smiled. “I like this ring on your finger.”

  “As do I.
” Lady’s voice was soft but explosive. It was the way she always talked; like she had already planned the response and waited for the subject to arrive. Every time, no matter what, she gave her opinion. Whether it banished or confirmed her.

  His familiarity with her attitude added to the jolt Del felt. He kissed both her hands and felt himself slightly stoop. He realized it was a bow. He wasn’t sure what to think of it at first. Then he realized it didn’t matter if he crawled, cried, begged, or bowed. Lady would be the recipient of his heart forever.

  Lady slid the ring off her finger and set it beside the purse. “I like this ring a lot, but I don’t want to take a bath with it on.”

  Del nodded. “That’s fair. You don’t have to wear it when you are soaking. I won’t be wearing mine when I’m working. Although the best place for this ring is on your finger.”

  Lady shrugged and walked away. “You know where I’ll be.”

  She slipped into the bathroom and left the door cracked. Del watched her undress while water slid into the bathtub. He thought of other wetness and slides. He walked toward the door a couple of times as he thought about interrupting her.

  Del still hadn’t seen her get upset or angered. Sure, she was moody, and not always doing or liking the same things, but Del chalked that up to some sort of feminine equation. All men wondered at the minds of women. He figured every home had it in common, regardless of race, denomination, or nationality.

  Tonight she seemed extra frail. Lady had been frantically working for months. And now the time of toiling was almost over. All she had left was to prove herself. Del hoped Lady had saved energy, and enough of herself, for the future days.

  Del’s heart went out to her again. He should be spoiling her with dinner, flowers, and wine. He hadn’t planned this part out very well.

  His mind instantly went to the table outside their door. Those roses were there to be enjoyed. Del couldn’t think of a better way to use them. He stood by the door and listened for anyone walking by.

  All seemed clear and he opened the door. He grabbed the vase and quickly shut the door. Walking into the kitchen he found wine and glasses. He opened the bottle and let it breathe for a moment. Looking around produced some glasses and a different flower vase.

  Del switched out the flowers and quickly returned the vase. Stealing roses was one thing, because they would die and wither away. However, a vase crossed the line.

  Del opened the door and asked softly, “Can I come in, Lady?”

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded steamy.

  “You know, I’ve been trying to think of a nickname for you.” Del sat on the seat and handed her a glass.

  Lady’s eyes looked sly. “Why would I need a name? So I can make a name for myself? Maybe I’ll take your name or you can take mine. We have plenty of options. It’ll be either Lady Ericson or Del Steele.”

  He picked up a rose and dropped petal after petal into the hot water.

  “They both sound pretty bad,” Del teased. “Lady contradicts Eric’s son, and Del Steele? I just can’t have my name attached to a word implying theft.”

  “Says the man who steals roses from the hallway!”

  “Yes, ma’am, they’re the very same. I’d rather go buy you some, but I didn’t want to leave you unattended.” Del grinned and continued his plucking.

  Lady closed her eyes. “Yeah. I don’t want you to leave either. I want us to be close. Tomorrow we can replace them or whatever.”

  Del nodded. “Tomorrow I’ll put roses wherever you want them. I’ll fill the house, hallway, lobby, or elevator with them. I don’t care. Right now I just want you to relax.”

  Del didn’t mention how tired he was, or any of his needs. He honestly wanted the best for her. He couldn’t think of any better definition of love.

  The bathtub filled with rose petals. Del could hardly see Lady in the water. The red petals glistened. Lady lifted her arm and they stuck to her like magnets.

  “Can’t you come in here with me?” Lady looked through hazy eyes.

  Del looked at the tub and considered. It might be large enough for two. He stripped down quickly while Lady looked at him hungrily. Del unbuttoned his shirt. His head pulled back as he looked at her. He sucked his cheek in and knew his nostrils were flaring. He felt like a bull. Not a wild bull, but one that did the Spanish dance.

  The red petals waved at him. Her flesh peeked at him. It flagged his attention to different places.

  “I’m a matador.” Del put his hands on his hips.

  Lady giggled. “Honey, that’s the bullfighter, not the bull.”

  Del looked at her sullenly. “Well, you don’t look like the bull.”

  “Well, I can be the picador, the one who weakens the bull.” Lady grinned widely.

  Del stepped toward the tub. “Your expensive education is so handy. Picador? Picador. That reminds me too much of Piccadilly. You’re a little lady who tames bulls.”

  They teased and splashed until the water cooled. Dinner plans were obvious. They would walk to the corner restaurant and eat. It would be an early night. As long as all of their plans remained consistent.

  The next day started early. Del never used an alarm clock. He woke up before the sun rose and made their bedroom curtains glow.

  About thirty minutes later he touched Lady. She stretched and rolled over. Del loved when her early morning eyes were unguarded. She kissed him without saying a word. Lying beside him, she snuggled closer.

  “Good morning, little Lady.” Del inched his head up so she wouldn’t get his morning breath.

  “Hi, baby.” Her morning voice was sweet.

  Del tucked her in softly with the blankets. “I’m going to make us breakfast. I want you to rest until I get back.”

  Lady laughed. “We don’t even have any food.”

  Del shook his finger at her. “Now, don’t worry about that. Just relax and save your worry for later.”

  He walked to the closet and looked for clothes. He ordered breakfast on his cell phone while browsing through the closet. He turned his phone off and set it on the table.

  Everyone in the city wore black. Lady had packed a few extra things for him. He also still shared a closet with its previous owner.

  Lady’s grandfather had quite an eclectic taste. Del flipped through the padded hangers. He put on one of the black suits. Del felt out of place with so much of one color.

  He hung them back up. He opted for bright blue jeans, white t-shirt, and shiny oxford shoes. He slid a very expensive looking belt through loopholes. Having the silver snake skin belt beside the blue jeans really made it pop. The white shirt was an even bigger statement on his body. It took away from the long legs covered in blue.

  He could always rely on his clothes to fit right. He didn’t need the mirror anymore when he left their numerous reflections. As an afterthought, he grabbed a silk lined blazer and threw it over his shoulder.

  Lady’s eyes popped when she saw him. “Mmm, baby. You look good. I love my sexy man.”

  Del kissed her with a brave knight’s bravado. “Well, thank you, lil’ lady. Please save your love for me. I’m off in search of food but will soon be back for all of your love.”

  Del left her before he could be any more distracted. He arrived at the restaurant just in time for the food. The carryout was packaged and carried safely. Del stopped to buy flowers and stood in line with numerous other men.

  He arrived back at their love nest in thirty minutes. Lady sat dressed in the kitchen. A bright light helped her apply fine makeup to her face.

  “Do you want to eat now?” Del set the things down.

  “Sure.” Lady didn’t look up. “Let me finish the other eye real quick so I don’t look like Bozo the Clown.”

  Del nodded. He would much prefer breakfast with a beautiful woman.

  “All right,” he said. “I’m going to put these flowers away. I even bought some for the hallway before anyone misses the old ones.”

  He chattered about the sidewal
ks and people on them. He finished things up and Lady still stared at the mirror.

  Del stopped working and looked at her for a full minute before saying again, “Are you ready to eat?”

  She looked up and smiled. “Yes. As long as I eat carefully.”

  They ate together. Del noticed Lady’s hand shook.

  “Are you that nervous?” Del asked.

  “No. I was nervous a month ago. Now I’m just scared.”

  Del almost choked on his waffle. Her honesty delighted him but sometimes it was downright shocking. He knew it took a lot to explain herself, let alone admit to fear. But Lady took the cake.

  “Don’t worry. It’s not like you’re going to war. What’s the worst thing that could happen? I mean, you are the youngest competitor ever. And you’re a mystery to all of them. No one but me has seen your things.” Del pointed at his chest. “I’ll keep you and your things safe.”

  Lady started grinning and it egged him on.

  “It’s going to be really hard for me to let someone see your goods. They’ve been a secret for so long. And then you trusted me.” Del quit teasing and turned serious somewhere in the last line.

  Lady was serious as well. “Yes, you’re the best. I’ve heard horrible stories of betrayal at these fashion events. Girlfriends and boyfriends stealing from each other comes with the territory. But not you. I know I can trust you with my heart, so I can trust you with everything else of mine as well.”

  Del exaggerated a sigh of relief. “Whew. Well, that’s good. I know I love you, and as a byproduct will love all your things. All your family and friends can be mine too, because I love you. I love you so much I’ll even take on your problems. I’ll conquer them like they’ve never been beaten.”

  They smiled at each other and finished the meal in comfortable conversation. They were dressed and prepared for success. There wasn’t much more they could do around the house.

  Lady grabbed her portfolio and her purse. Del quit swinging the keys and they finally left. The first thing they had to do was meet with the modeling agency. Then there were makeup artists, photographers, assistants, and the models.


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