Haunted Knights (Montbryce~The Next Generation Historical Romance)

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Haunted Knights (Montbryce~The Next Generation Historical Romance) Page 7

by Anna Markland

  She did not want to travel with the servants, but would have complied if necessary. The possibility of being held again in Adam’s arms made her heart flutter as she watched her brothers stalk off, clearly uncomfortable.

  She took her sister’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank you.”

  Paulina frowned. “For what?”

  Rosamunda’s body heated further when she glanced up to see Adam de Montbryce striding towards them, leading a black horse. He did not look happy. She gasped and looked quickly at her sister.

  Paulina suddenly smiled. “Oh! Now I understand. If I ride with Denis, you ride with—”


  Adam was beset with conflicting emotions. Rosamunda filled his thoughts despite the frenzied business of making arrangements for the move to East Preston, and helping Vincent and Lucien oversee the storage of valuables in the weaving shed.

  Vincent’s discomfort with the request for his sisters to ride with him and Denis was palpable. Adam’s heart soared at the prospect of holding Rosamunda in his arms again. But then the memory of his body’s inadequacy stabbed him in the heart.

  He could not expect a beautiful young woman to commit to a man incapable of consummating a marriage. He was thinking too far ahead in any case. She would want to enjoy her new found freedom. He gripped the reins, gathering his resolve. “I think it best if you travel—”

  A sliver of straw clung to Rosamunda’s dishevelled hair. Her lower lip quivered and tears welled in her green eyes. She gathered the blanket more tightly at her throat.

  His resolve deserted him. He held out his hand. “If you are to ride with me, you must be introduced to Nox. He looks fearsome, but he’s a loyal friend.”

  She moved forward hesitantly. Nox was big and as black as his name. It occurred to Adam she may never have seen a horse before. He put his palm under the stallion’s nose, encouraging her to do the same.

  Rosamunda looked uncertainly at her sister, then at the horse. Adam plucked the straw from her hair, taking her by the hand. She looked up at him sharply. The brief glint in her green eyes told him she too had felt the tingle that travelled up his arm.

  She clutched his sleeve, nervously offering her free hand to the beast. She snorted a giggle when Nox licked her. It rippled through Adam’s body. His heart skipped a beat, but nothing stirred between his legs.

  He would have preferred she ride astride behind him, but her bliaut rendered it impossible, as well as unseemly. “I will help you mount. Don’t be afraid.”


  Adam must not see her fear. He may change his mind. “Not afraid,” she mouthed, shaking her head for emphasis.

  Communicating with family members was easy. The prospect of making herself understood to strangers was daunting. It eased her worry that Adam watched her mouth closely, considerate of her muteness.

  He stood close enough she could smell the faint remnants of smoke clinging to him.

  He looked at her intently. “May I touch you?”

  She swayed and licked her lips, hoping the strange tautness of her nipples was not evident.

  Paulina coughed.

  With one arm around her, the other under her thighs, Adam lifted her effortlessly. “Put your arms around my neck. Hold on tightly.”

  She complied, her heart racing. She supposed it was because she was unused to men.

  Before she could blink, she was sitting in the saddle, holding on for dear life, her feet dangling. The ground was a long way down. Fear coiled in her belly, but then the long slender fingers of Adam’s hand steadied her waist while the other grasped the pommel.

  He bent his long leg to put his booted foot in the stirrup and in one easy motion brought his body up, then swung his other leg over the horse’s broad back, and eased her onto his lap.

  His lithe grace took her breath away. She was tempted to ask him to do it again, but he would deem her an imbecile. Perhaps all men were accomplished in such things.

  His mastery over the horse was awesome. She felt like the damsel in distress in Lucien’s stories whose knight has come to her rescue.

  His thighs were solid, his arm strong around her waist. She leaned back against him as the fear lessened. With her head on his chest, she bent her knees so the bliaut covered her bare ankles.

  Nox moved back a step or two, sending shivers of fright rushing up and down her spine once more.

  Watching from the safety of the courtyard, Paulina gasped, eyes wide, hands pressed to her mouth.

  Adam tightened his hold. The heat of his arms penetrated through the layers of Rosamunda’s clothing, his heart beat in her ears.

  She laughed, pointing to herself as she bravely touched Nox’s mane. “I’m on a horse, Paulina!” she mouthed.

  Adam made a clicking sound with his teeth. The muscles in his thighs flexed against her derrière. Sweat trickled between her breasts.

  “Lentement, Nox. We don’t want to frighten Rosamunda.”

  The stallion nodded its head and walked slowly towards the rampart ditch that surrounded three sides of the house. The movement caused her to rock back and forth in Adam’s lap. She hoped she wasn’t hurting him.

  They rode past Denis as he led his horse in Paulina’s direction. Adam greeted him. The dwarf acknowledged the greeting, but the scowl did not leave his ugly face.


  Adam understood how Denis felt. Indeed it would be worse for his half-brother if Paulina sat on his lap. Denis’ shaft never had a problem rising to an occasion such as this!

  Rosamunda seemed to be getting used to the idea of being on a horse. He increased the horse’s gait slightly. She looked up at him and smiled, letting him see she was enjoying this new adventure.

  It was a relief that he did not have to hear what she said. But here he was with a stunningly beautiful and desirable woman rocking back and forth on his lap, and he felt—absolutely nothing!

  That was not strictly true. He had a strong urge to cup his hand under one of Rosamunda’s breasts—just to see how it felt! He glanced down. The bulky nightshift stretched her bliaut tight. Her breasts protested the confinement. He might not have the wherewithal to make love with his shaft, but his tongue could bring pleasure to those pouting nipples.

  Adam had prized his virginity, but that did not mean he was ignorant of how to please a female. He had learned much from Denis who was never shy to boast of his prowess in that arena. Tongues and fingers could bring great pleasure.

  Would a young woman be satisfied with that kind of lovemaking? Perhaps, but she would want children—an impossibility for him now.

  He was drawn to this muette. In different circumstances, he would have pursued her.

  But there was no future in it. Better to remain aloof. A man would come along who could fulfill all her needs.

  Perhaps he was drawn to her because she was mute and he was deaf.

  She turned to look at him again. She pointed to him, then pulled the edges of her mouth down with her fingers and frowned, rocking her head from side to side. “Are you angry?”

  He shrugged. Angry? The word seemed inadequate. Bereft? Lonely? Cheated? Useless? “Non, I’m not angry, simply concerned about you and your sister.”

  She touched his face. “Thank you.”

  His heart beat erratically. He gathered her closer to his chest. “Rest. You must be exhausted. Nox will get us to East Preston safely.”

  She relaxed in his arms as they reached the boundary of the Kingston Gorse estate. He paused to wait for Denis before beginning the journey along the coastal path. He thought she had fallen asleep, but then a raucous seagull caught her attention. She sat bolt upright and became agitated, pointing to the edge of the cliff, gripping his arm.

  Nox pricked up his ears. Adam patted the horse, soothing him. Her efforts to get off the horse were making the stallion nervous. What was wrong?

  Her eyes bright with excitement, she pointed to the water. “Stop! Stop! I want to see the sea.”


sp; Rosamunda held her breath as Adam edged Nox closer to the cliff’s edge. At last she was about to set eyes on the waters whose waves she had heard lapping beneath her prison all her life.

  It was not what she expected. Not blue, grey. Not warm, cold. Not clear, murky. She could not see Normandie. She could barely see the wavelets breaking along the mist shrouded shore.

  Yet, it elated her. She inhaled deeply and turned to look at Adam. “The Narrow Sea.”

  “It’s known as the Narrow Sea,” he said.

  Of course he would not know what she had intended. She was used to her sister and brothers understanding everything she wanted to express, but it would be different with others.

  She mouthed back his words.

  He stared at her lips, then smiled. He did not smile often and the unexpected gleam it brought to his usually guarded eyes took her breath away. She looked back at the water.

  “On a clear day, you can see my homeland.”

  She took a deep breath. Homeland. The land of her ancestors. She longed to tell him of her wish to visit Normandie, but such an explanation would involve hand gestures and sounds that might make him think her demented. Paulina would have understood, but Adam de Montbryce had no experience conversing with a muette.


  It occurred to Adam that though Rosamunda was from a Norman family, she had been born in England and because of her incarceration had probably never been to Normandie.

  She leaned against him, seemingly content to gaze at the sea. He wished he could see her face instead of the top of her head. “Normandie is a beautiful place, though there is great turmoil between the factions of King Henry and his brother, Robert Curthose.”

  She did not turn to reply. Did she understand anything of what he explained? It pained him that he was deaf, but the irony was she could make no sounds, none that he could understand anyway, without watching her lips carefully.

  To his surprise, the notion appealed to him. She had a lovely mouth—kissable, seductive, the corners always tilted slightly upwards. He quickly reined in the thought. No more kissing maidens for Adam.

  He held an innocent who had been locked away, making her more vulnerable than other young women. She would need protection. Her parents were dead, her brothers tasked with the rebuilding of Kingston Gorse. He must not pursue her, but he could protect her until the right man came along. He would safeguard her at East Preston, perhaps take her to Normandie.

  It was a foolish notion.

  “Would you like to visit Normandie?”

  She turned to look at him. Her radiant face outshone the rays of the sun. “Oui,” she breathed.

  His heart leaped into his throat as their eyes locked. He had an urge to lick away the tears of obvious joy that welled in her eyes. It was the first time since his illness he had felt stirrings of desire in his heart, though his manhood remained dormant. At least his heart could love, if his body could not.


  He shifted his weight in the saddle and looked away to where Denis was leading the wagons towards them. Adam was not sure who had the biggest scowl on their face, his brother or the tiny woman sitting on his lap.


  At first the brothers rode side by side. Denis and Paulina had apparently decided not to say a word to each other, and Rosamunda deemed conversation with Adam atop Nox too difficult.

  Gradually Denis dropped back to ride behind the carts as they made their way along the cliff top path. Though well used by horses, it was narrow.

  Some of the servants from Kingston Gorse seemed to have recovered from the shock of the fire and were chatting as the carts jostled them along the rough path. No doubt many of them were speculating on the cause of the fire, and the presence of two women they had known nothing about. Rosamunda had recognized Thomas and Agnès as the carts came level with her and Adam. Though the couple had never treated them with any affection, she was glad there would at least be two familiar faces at East Preston. Most were people she had never met.

  She felt warm now the sun had risen higher and the heat of Adam’s body had penetrated the early morning chill. There was something comforting about his scent. It reminded her of her brothers. She dozed, content to be out in the air.

  Strident shouts of distress jerked her awake. People were screaming. She looked back. One of the carts had lost a wheel. It teetered precariously on the cliff’s edge. Denis was shouting a warning for the occupants to remain still, lest they send the cart over. Terrified women clung to each other, whimpering. Servants swarmed out of the other cart and strained to shore up the damaged one. The soft earth threatened to crumble beneath their feet.

  Adam rode on.

  Alarm filled her. Had he not heard the shout for help, the cries of distress? She balled her fist and thumped his chest.

  He reined his horse. “What is it?”

  She put her hand on his chin and forced him to turn his head. His eyes widened as he took in the scene. Had he too been dozing when the alarm came?

  He quickly turned Nox and galloped back. He thrust the reins into Rosamunda’s hands as he jumped from the horse. “Stay here!”

  Denis had dismounted also, leaving Paulina atop Brevis. The sisters stared at each other. Paulina was obviously as terrified as she was. Denis’ mount was not as large as Nox, yet Paulina looked tiny in the wooden saddle.

  Both horses became nervous as the cries for help became more insistent. Rosamunda looked at the ground. Her throat tightened. Determined not to end up falling from the horse, she tried to recall what Adam had done to soothe the beast. She patted the side of its neck and pulled lightly on the reins, mouthing the horse’s name.

  Her touch seemed to calm him. Relieved, she turned to see how her sister was faring. Abject fear distorted Paulina’s features as she clung to the horse’s mane, the reins dangling uselessly.

  Rosamunda had a choice. She could do nothing, leaving her sister to the mercy of Brevis, who might throw her off.

  She could somehow get off Nox, leave the beast to his own devices, and run over to try to calm Paulina’s horse. This had the potential of alarming Denis’ mount further.

  Or she could coax Nox over to Brevis in the hopes the big horse’s presence might calm him.

  In truth, she did not consider the first two choices. Digging her slippered feet into Nox’s side, she urged the huge horse forward. To her astonishment, he complied. Denis’ horse calmed as soon as she came alongside it. She reached for the reins. “Hang on, Paulina,” she mouthed, pulling the horse away from the edge of the cliff. Her sister sobbed, clutching the mane.


  Adam recognised it was a grave error to leave Rosamunda alone on Nox. In the panic of the moment he had forgotten she had never ridden before. Straining to lift the broken cart away from danger, his shoulder braced hard against the unyielding wood, he feared if he looked in the direction of his horse, the stallion would have run off with her. Or she might be lying injured, broken on the ground. He broke out in a sweat that had nothing to do with the exertion.

  His racing heart calmed when he caught sight of la muette seemingly in control of his sometimes temperamental beast. In addition, she had apparently calmed Brevis. So much for his ambition to be the great protector!

  Denis was assisting terrified servants to climb over the side of the cart to safety. Incredibly, some refused to take his hand, preferring to look away and trust their fate to the cliff.

  Adam and a handful of able bodied men managed to shove the cart away from the edge. The wheel was beyond repair. They either had to leave some of the servants here and return for them, or load everyone into the remaining cart.

  He sank to the ground, knees bent, breathing hard, rubbing his shoulder. Denis wandered over. He bent close to Adam’s ear. “That was a close call.”

  Adam frowned. “I did not hear your shout. It was Rosamunda who alerted me.”

  Denis shrugged, raking his fingers through his dishevelled hair. “I thought as much. It is
n’t safe to load everyone into one cart. Many are already muttering about bad luck and curses.”

  Adam smiled. “Look yonder. Can you believe it?”

  It was a comical sight. A young woman, grinning broadly, dressed in a soiled bliaut stretched over a nightshift, led a docile Nox and Brevis, Nox’s reins in one hand, Brevis’ in the other. Her sister tagged behind, obviously trying to distance herself from the horses.

  Denis laughed out loud. “What a relief. My only thought when I left Paulina on Brevis was to get to these ungrateful wretches. Looks like Rosamunda has saved the day in more ways than one.”

  Adam chuckled too. Here was a woman of great courage and resilience. She had been cruelly treated by her own parents because of an affliction. Despite her muteness, Nox had understood her. Could he do the same?


  Rosamunda and her sister had listened with interest when their brothers spoke of East Preston. Derelict when granted to Adam’s father, it figured in the tale of the heroic Montbryce brothers. Nigh on thirty years before, unable to stay in the rat and pigeon infested manor house, the brothers had camped out there on the eve of their first fateful visit to Melton Manor.

  Antoine de Montbryce had decided to reclaim East Preston from its dereliction, trusting it had good fields and could be made into a productive estate. According to Vincent and Lucien, the years had proven him right.

  Rosamunda had expected a dark, unfriendly place. Instead, the well appointed house seemed warm and welcoming. The Montbryce family had never leased out the estate, preferring to install a steward who took care of the place in the family’s absence. It was their home away from home when they visited from Normandie.

  Adam gave her over to the waiting steward, dismounted then took her back into his arms. “Rosamunda Lallement, this is Steward Cormant. He will see to your needs while you are a guest in my home.”

  A thrill of contentment warmed her heart. His home. This was his home, at least when he was in England.


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